171 resultados para 147-895C


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O inventário florístico de um fragmento de floresta semidecídua foi conduzido durante o período de maio de 1996 a abril de 1998 em um hectare de floresta localizado na região central da Reserva de Santa Genebra (22º49'45" S e 47º06'33" W) a 580-610 m de altitude. Foram identificadas 201 espécies, distribuídas em 57 famílias e 147 gêneros. Fabaceae e Rubiaceae (18 espécies), Myrtaceae (14 spp.), Rutaceae (11 spp.), Solanaceae e Sapindaceae (nove spp.), Bignoniaceae, Meliaceae e Euphorbiaceae (oito spp.), Malvaceae (sete spp.) foram as famílias mais ricas. Cerca de 70% das espécies foram classificadas como secundárias tardias e secundárias tardias de sub-bosque. A comparação de espécies arbóreas com 25 fragmentos do Estado de São Paulo e Norte do Paraná mostraram que a flora da reserva é mais similar às florestas da região de Campinas. Embora a floresta apresente áreas perturbadas, existem manchas de vegetação relativamente maduras sendo esta área essencial para a conservação da biodiversidade.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar marcadores RAPD para conhecer a variabilidade genética de populações de Tibouchina papyrus (Pohl) Toledo, provenientes da região de Serra Dourada e Serra dos Pirineus, no Estado de Goiás. Os seis iniciadores RAPD produziram um total de 147 locos, variando entre 23 e 26 por iniciador. A avaliação hierárquica da estruturação da variabilidade genética, realizada pela a AMOVA, considerando a existência de duas regiões (Serra dos Pirineus e Serra Dourada) apresentou uma estimativa de F ST = 0,3439. O valor do componente entre regiões (F CT) foi igual a 18,96% e a variação entre populações dentro de regiões igual a 15,43%. As estimativas de fluxo gênico sugerem a existência de uma baixa proporção de migrantes entre populações. As análises multivariadas (UPGMA e NMDS) indicam que existe uma relação entre distância genética e espaço geográfico, hipótese esta que foi confirmada por uma análise de padrão espacial utilizando o teste de Mantel (r = 0,71; P = 0,015 com 1000 permutações aleatórias). Os resultados indicam assim que esta estrutura tenha se originado seguindo um modelo de diferenciação estocástica (neutro), ou seja, por um balanço entre fluxo gênico a curtas distâncias e deriva genética nas populações. Os valores de diversidade genética obtidos apóiam a hipótese de que a espécie T. papyrus é uma espécie xenógama facultativa e o fato de não serem encontrados altos níveis de homozigose, indica que devem existir mecanismos relacionados à biologia reprodutiva da espécie, que previnem, de alguma maneira, a ocorrência de elevadas taxas de endogamia, que poderia ter um efeito deletério em médio e longo prazo.


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The genus Mesophyllum Me. Lemoine includes around 147 species, of which only three have been referred to the Brazilian coast. Mesophyllum erubescens was originally described from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil (type locality). Here we present the first detailed description of M. erubescens based on Brazilian material. Samplings were made through scuba diving at the Biological Marine Reserve of Arvoredo Island, Santa Catarina. The relations of M. erubescens with other similar species, especially from the American Atlantic studied by W.R. Taylor are discussed.


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Foi realizado o levantamento florístico de espécies vasculares em remanescente urbano de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no Parque Florestal de Ibiporã (23°15'71" S e 51°01'83" W, entrada do Parque), entre maio de 2006 e maio de 2008. As espécies foram classificadas quanto às formas de vida e, as espécies arbóreas, em categorias sucessionais. Foram amostradas 176 espécies nativas, distribuídas em 147 gêneros e 57 famílias. Das espécies, 98% eram Angiospermas e 2% Pteridófitas. As famílias com maior riqueza em espécies foram Fabaceae (19), Bignoniaceae, Malvaceae (nove), Meliaceae e Rubiaceae (oito). Quanto às formas de vida, 53% eram espécies arbóreas, 16% herbáceas, 14% lianas, 13% arbustivas e 4% epífitas. A classificação das espécies arbóreas em grupos ecológicos indicou ligeira predominância de espécies dos estádios finais (52%) sobre as espécies dos estádios iniciais da sucessão (45%), indicando que a vegetação do PFI encontra-se em estádio intermediário a avançado da sucessão ecológica.


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The aims of this study were to investigate the mating system of a fragmented population of the dioecious tropical tree Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão, using five microsatellite loci and the mixed mating and correlated mating models. The study was conducted in the Estação Ecológica de Paulo de Farias (436 ha), where the population occupies about 142 ha. The mating system was estimated using 514 open-pollinated offspring, collected from 30 seed-trees. Estimates of the multilocus outcrossing rate confirm that the species is dioecious (t m = 1.0). Low levels of mating among relatives were detected in the population (1 - t s = 0.020). The estimate of paternity correlation (r p(m)) indicated that offsprings were composed of mixtures of half-sibs and full-sibs, with the latter occurring at a low frequency (average of 0.148). The estimated coancestry coefficient within families (Θ = 0.147) was larger and the effective population size (Ne(v)) was lower (Ne(v) = 2.98) than expected in progenies from panmictic populations (Θ = 0.125, Ne(v) = 4, respectively). In terms of conservation, the results indicate that to retain an effective population size of 150, is necessary to collect seeds from at least 50 seed-trees.


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The association between HLA specificities and leprosy was investigated in a Southern Brazilian population. One hundred and twenty-one patients and 147 controls were typed for HLA-A, B, Cw, DR and DQ. Patients were subdivided into the following subgroups, according to clinical, histological and immunological criteria: lepromatous (N = 55), tuberculoid (N = 32), dimorphous (N = 20), and indeterminate (N = 14). The frequencies of HLA specificities were compared between the total group of patients and controls, and between the same controls and each subgroup of patients. After correction of the probabilities, deviations were not significant, except for the DR2 specificity, which presented a frequency of 44.2% in the total group of patients and 56.3% in the subgroup of individuals with the tuberculoid form of the disease, compared to 23.3% in the controls. Stratified analysis showed that the increased DR2 frequency in the total group of patients was due to the subgroups with the tuberculoid and dimorphous forms. The relative risk of tuberculoid leprosy for DR2-positive individuals was 4.2, and the etiologic fraction of DR2 was 0.429. In conclusion, a positive association of the DR2 specificity with the tuberculoid form of leprosy, but not with the lepromatous, dimorphous, or indeterminate forms, was demonstrated in this Southern Brazilian population


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Urinary calcium excretion has been reported to be diminished in preeclampsia. The objective of the present study was to determine urinary calcium excretion in pregnant patients with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH) and preeclampsia (PE), and in normotensive patients (N). Forty-four pregnant patients (gestional age, 20-42 weeks; 18 CAH, 17 PE, 9 N) were evaluated for calciuria, proteinuria, plasma uric acid and blood pressure. Patients with PE (82 ± 15.1 mg/24 h) showed significantly lower calciuria (P<0.05) than the group with CAH (147 ± 24.9 mg/24 h) and the N group (317 ± 86.0 mg/24 h) (P<0.05, Student t-test). Plasma uric acid was significantly higher in the PE group (6.1 ± 0.38 mg/dl) than the CAH group (5.0 ± 0.33 mg/dl; P<0.05), which also presented higher proteinuria levels, although the difference was not statistically significant. Diastolic and systolic blood pressure did not differ between the PE (164 ± 105 mmHg) and CAH (164 ± 107 mmHg) groups. Calciuria was significantly lower in the group with preeclampsia than in the group with chronic arterial hypertension. We conclude that calciuria can be a further factor for identifying preeclampsia


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The bioavailability of propranolol depends on the degree of liver metabolism. Orally but not intravenously administered propranolol is heavily metabolized. In the present study we assessed the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sublingual propranolol. Fourteen severely hypertensive patients (diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ³115 mmHg), aged 40 to 66 years, were randomly chosen to receive a single dose of 40 mg propranolol hydrochloride by sublingual or peroral administration. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures, heart rate (HR) for pharmacodynamics and blood samples for noncompartmental pharmacokinetics were obtained at baseline and at 10, 20, 30, 60 and 120 min after the single dose. Significant reductions in BP and HR were obtained, but differences in these parameters were not observed when sublingual and peroral administrations were compared as follows: SBP (17 vs 18%, P = NS), DBP (14 vs 8%, P = NS) and HR (22 vs 28%, P = NS), respectively. The pharmacokinetic parameters obtained after sublingual or peroral drug administration were: peak plasma concentration (CMAX): 147 ± 72 vs 41 ± 12 ng/ml, P<0.05; time to reach CMAX (TMAX): 34 ± 18 vs 52 ± 11 min, P<0.05; biological half-life (t1/2b): 0.91 ± 0.54 vs 2.41 ± 1.16 h, P<0.05; area under the curve (AUCT): 245 ± 134 vs 79 ± 54 ng h-1 ml-1, P<0.05; total body clearance (CLT/F): 44 ± 23 vs 26 ± 12 ml min-1 kg-1, P = NS. Systemic availability measured by the AUCT ratio indicates that extension of bioavailability was increased 3 times by the sublingual route. Mouth paresthesia was the main adverse effect observed after sublingual administration. Sublingual propranolol administration showed a better pharmacokinetic profile and this route of administration may be an alternative for intravenous or oral administration.


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Some upper brainstem cholinergic neurons (pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei) are involved in the generation of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and project rostrally to the thalamus and caudally to the medulla oblongata. A previous report showed that 96 h of REM sleep deprivation in rats induced an increase in the activity of brainstem acetylcholinesterase (Achase), the enzyme which inactivates acetylcholine (Ach) in the synaptic cleft. There was no change in the enzyme's activity in the whole brain and cerebrum. The components of the cholinergic synaptic endings (for example, Achase) are not uniformly distributed throughout the discrete regions of the brain. In order to detect possible regional changes we measured Achase activity in several discrete rat brain regions (medulla oblongata, pons, thalamus, striatum, hippocampus and cerebral cortex) after 96 h of REM sleep deprivation. Naive adult male Wistar rats were deprived of REM sleep using the flower-pot technique, while control rats were left in their home cages. Total, membrane-bound and soluble Achase activities (nmol of thiocholine formed min-1 mg protein-1) were assayed photometrically. The results (mean ± SD) obtained showed a statistically significant (Student t-test) increase in total Achase activity in the pons (control: 147.8 ± 12.8, REM sleep-deprived: 169.3 ± 17.4, N = 6 for both groups, P<0.025) and thalamus (control: 167.4 ± 29.0, REM sleep-deprived: 191.9 ± 15.4, N = 6 for both groups, P<0.05). Increases in membrane-bound Achase activity in the pons (control: 171.0 ± 14.7, REM sleep-deprived: 189.5 ± 19.5, N = 6 for both groups, P<0.05) and soluble enzyme activity in the medulla oblongata (control: 147.6 ± 16.3, REM sleep-deprived: 163.8 ± 8.3, N = 6 for both groups, P<0.05) were also observed. There were no statistically significant differences in the enzyme's activity in the other brain regions assayed. The present findings show that the increase in Achase activity induced by REM sleep deprivation was specific to the pons, a brain region where cholinergic neurons involved in REM generation are located, and also to brain regions which receive cholinergic input from the pons (the thalamus and medulla oblongata). During REM sleep extracellular levels of Ach are higher in the pons, medulla oblongata and thalamus. The increase in Achase activity in these brain areas after REM sleep deprivation suggests a higher rate of Ach turnover.


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The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of goiter in schoolchildren in a formerly iodine-deficient region in southern Brazil by assessing the relationship between body surface area (m²) and thyroid volume (ml) measured by ultrasonography. A population-based sample of 1,094 randomly selected schoolchildren (6 to 14 years; 556 boys and 538 girls) underwent clinical evaluation. A total of 119 (10.9%) children were diagnosed with goiter upon clinical examination according to WHO criteria (grade Ia: 65, grade Ib: 24, grade II: 29, grade III: 1). Of these, 85 underwent ultrasonography. In order to ascertain the absence of goiter in the 975 schoolchildren with a negative result upon clinical examination, one of ten children was randomly selected for ultrasonography. Sixty-two children agreed to be submitted to the exam. Thus, 147 schoolchildren were evaluated by ultrasonography (7.5-MHz transducer). Goiter was considered to be present when the thyroid volume:body surface area index was >6.2 ml/m². The estimated prevalence of goiter if all schoolchildren had been submitted to thyroid volume measurement by ultrasound was 7.2%; it was higher in the lower socioeconomic class (8.2%) than in the upper (7.8%) and middle classes (6.5%). In conclusion, the prevalence of goiter in schoolchildren of this region was higher than in other iodine-sufficient areas, especially in lower socioeconomic classes. Goiter in this region may be associated with naturally occurring goitrogens that operate more intensively among less privileged individuals.


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Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is common in asthma patients and can contribute to sleep disruption. The aim of the present study was to determine the time-related distribution of GER events together with their impact on sleep in asthmatic subjects with GER disease symptoms. The inclusion criteria were: 18-65 years, controlled moderate to severe asthma and GER-compatible clinical evidence. The exclusion criteria were: chronic obstructive lung disease, smoking, infections of the upper airways, use of oral corticosteroids, other co-morbidities, pregnancy, sleep-related disorders, night-time shift work, and the use of substances with impact on sleep. Asthmatic patients with nocturnal symptoms were excluded. All-night polysomnography and esophageal pH monitoring were recorded simultaneously. Of the 147 subjects selected, 31 patients and 31 controls were included. Seventeen patients were classified as DeMeester positive and 14 as DeMeester negative. Both groups displayed similar outcomes when general variables were considered. Sleep stage modification one minute prior to GER was observed in the DeMeester-positive group. Awakening was the most frequent occurrence at GER onset and during the 1-min period preceding 38% of the nocturnal GER. Sleep stage 2 was also prevalent and preceded 36% of GER events. In the DeMeester-negative group, awakening was the most frequent response before and during GER. Modifications in sleep stages, arousals or awakenings were associated with 75% of the total GER events analyzed during the period of one minute before and after the fall of esophageal pH below 4 in the DeMeester-positive group. These data provide evidence that sleep modifications precede the GER events in asthmatic patients.


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Acne vulgaris is a multifactorial disease affecting a majority of the adolescent population. The objective of this study was to test for a correlation between fasting serum lipid profiles and levels of testosterone, insulin, leptin, and interleukin 1-β (IL-1β) and the incidence of severe acne vulgaris in obese adolescent females. Four groups of adolescent females were studied: obese with acne, obese without acne, non-obese with acne, and non-obese without acne. Obese females with acne, compared to obese females without acne and non-obese subjects, had significantly higher serum triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and apolipoprotein-B (apo-B) (mean ± SD: 197 ± 13.7 vs 171 ± 11.5, 128 ± 8.3 vs 116 ± 7.7, 96 ± 13.7 vs 85 ± 10.3 mg/dL, respectively) but significantly lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and apo-A1 levels (40 ± 3.3 vs 33 ± 3.5 and 126 ± 12 vs 147 ± 13 mg/dL). Serum testosterone, insulin and leptin levels were significantly higher in obese subjects with or without acne compared to non-obese females with or without acne (3 ± 0.5 vs 2.1 ± 0.47, 15.5 ± 3.3 vs 11.6 ± 3, 0.9 ± 0.2 vs 0.6 ± 0.15 nmol/mL, respectively). Serum IL-1b was significantly elevated in obese and non-obese subjects with acne compared to subjects without acne; in those without acne, these levels were higher in obese than non-obese subjects (2.4 ± 0.2, 1.4 ± 0.1 vs 1.8 ± 0.12 and 1.3 ± 0.11 pg/mL, respectively). Our results indicate that there is a relationship between obesity (BMI >27) and acne. By early recognition, the etiology and treatment protocol of acne may prevent unwanted conditions.


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Lactobacilli isolated from the vaginal tract of women with and without bacterial vaginosis (BV) were identified and characterized for the production of antagonists. Bacterial samples were isolated from healthy women (N = 16), from patients with clinical complaints but without BV (N = 30), and from patients with BV (N = 32). Identification was performed using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis. Production of antagonistic compounds was evaluated by the double-layer diffusion technique using Gram-positive (N = 9) and Gram-negative bacteria (N = 6) as well as yeast (N = 5) as indicator strains. Of a total of 147 isolates, 133 were identified as pertaining to the genus Lactobacillus. Lactobacillus crispatus was the species most frequently recovered, followed by L. johnsonii and L. jensenii. Statistical analysis showed that L. crispatus was more frequent in individuals without BV (P < 0.05). A higher production of antagonists was noted in L. crispatus isolates from healthy women (P < 0.05). More acidic local pH and higher H2O2 production by isolated lactobacilli from healthy women suggest these mechanisms as the possible cause of this antagonism. In conclusion, a significant correlation was detected between the presence and antagonistic properties of certain species of Lactobacillus and the clinical status of the patients.


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Hypoxemia is a frequent complication after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), usually attributed to atelectasis. Using computed tomography (CT), we investigated postoperative pulmonary alterations and their impact on blood oxygenation. Eighteen non-hypoxemic patients (15 men and 3 women) with normal cardiac function scheduled for CABG under CPB were studied. Hemodynamic measurements and blood samples were obtained before surgery, after intubation, after CPB, at admission to the intensive care unit, and 12, 24, and 48 h after surgery. Pre- and postoperative volumetric thoracic CT scans were acquired under apnea conditions after a spontaneous expiration. Data were analyzed by the paired Student t-test and one-way repeated measures analysis of variance. Mean age was 63 ± 9 years. The PaO2/FiO2 ratio was significantly reduced after anesthesia induction, reaching its nadir after CPB and partially improving 12 h after surgery. Compared to preoperative CT, there was a 31% postoperative reduction in pulmonary gas volume (P < 0.001) while tissue volume increased by 19% (P < 0.001). Non-aerated lung increased by 253 ± 97 g (P < 0.001), from 3 to 27%, after surgery and poorly aerated lung by 72 ± 68 g (P < 0.001), from 24 to 27%, while normally aerated lung was reduced by 147 ± 119 g (P < 0.001), from 72 to 46%. No correlations (Pearson) were observed between PaO2/FiO2 ratio or shunt fraction at 24 h postoperatively and postoperative lung alterations. The data show that lung structure is profoundly modified after CABG with CPB. Taken together, multiple changes occurring in the lungs contribute to postoperative hypoxemia rather than atelectasis alone.


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We investigated the contribution of the duration of overdistention (DOD) to rat bladder function and morphology and explored its possible molecular mechanisms. Bladder overdistention was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) by an infusion of saline. Forty rats were divided into 5 groups submitted to different DOD, i.e., 1, 2, 4, and 8 h, and control. Bladder function was evaluated by cystometry. Morphological changes were observed by light and transmission electron microscopy. Compared to control (44.567 ± 3.472 cmH2O), the maximum detrusor pressure of groups with 2-, 4- and 8-h DOD decreased significantly (means ± SEM): 32.774 ± 3.726, 31.321 ± 2.847, and 29.238 ± 3.724 cmH2O. With the increase of DOD, inflammatory infiltration and impairment of ultrastructure were more obvious in bladder tissue. Compared to control (1.90 ± 0.77), the apoptotic indexes of groups with 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-h DOD increased significantly (6.47 ± 2.10, 10.66 ± 1.97, 13.91 ± 2.69, and 18.33 ± 3.28%). Compared to control (0.147 ± 0.031/0.234 ± 0.038 caspase 3/β-actin and Bax/Bcl-2 ratios), both caspase 3/β-actin and Bax/Bcl-2 ratios of 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-h DOD increased significantly (0.292 ± 0.037/0.508 ± 0.174, 0.723 ± 0.173/1.745 ± 0.471, 1.104 ± 0.245/4.000 ± 1.048, and 1.345 ± 0.409/8.398 ± 3.332). DOD plays an important role in impairment of vesical function and structure. With DOD, pro-apoptotic factors increase and anti-apoptotic factors decrease, possibly contributing to the functional deterioration and morphological changes of the bladder.