525 resultados para química de solo


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The radiocarbon dating of the soil organic matter (SOM) is a polemic subject, due mainly to the complexity of the formation of the soils and to the variable contamination from several sources. Soil samples from 4 different Brazilian localities were submitted to physical and chemical pre-treatment for the extraction of humin fraction, which is the most stable organic compound and theoretically the oldest and representative of the age of the SOM. The radiocarbon dating obtained from the total SOM and their humin fractions are compared to the 14C ages from buried charcoals at similar depths. The radiocarbon ages obtained from such charcoals are, in most of the cases, concordant within the experimental errors of those obtained on humin fractions, or are in average 10% higher, with one exception. Thus, the ages on humin fractions could be assumed as the minimum ages for the associated soils, while the results obtained on total SOM, even at depths until 200 cm, exhibit pronounced contamination effect by modern carbon, rejuvenating their ages.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate a flow injection system for determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil amended with lime material. It was used a closed system were the CO2 released from soil sample acidified with 0.5 mol L-1 HCl was capted in a 0.2 mol L-1 NaOH solution. After 16h the capted CO2 was determined by conductivimetry using a flow injection system. The results obtained by the proposed method were significantly correlated with those reported in soil samples used by the International Soil Analytical Exchange Programe. The regression equation was: y = 0.987x -- 0.075 r = 0.996, P > 0.01. For acid soils amended with CaCO3 the method showed a deviation error of 2.7%, detection limit was 0.077 mmol kg-1 of CO3(2-), and a recovery of 99.7% of the total CO3(2-) added in soil sample. The method was easily adapted for routine determination of residual CO3(2-) in soil samples with an analytical frequency of 40 samples per hour.


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The objective of this study was to develop a method for the direct determination of residual CO3(2-) in acid soil using a flow system coupled with pervaporation. The gas released from the acidified sample was separated though a hydrophobic membrane and detected by conductivimetry. The detection limit was 0.054 mmol c kg-1 for CO2/CO3(2-) with relative error of 3.1%. The analytical frequency was 20 samples per hour. The method is recommended for studying the reactions and kinetics of lime applied in acid soils.


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The adsorption of triadimenol (1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol) on soil samples with varying contents of organic matter was studied. The adsorption was described by means of the Freundlich's isoterm. An increase in the capacity of adsorption was observed as the content of organic carbon in the matrix increased. That effect was observed when removing the organic matter from the soil, when adding a urban waste compost to the soil sample as well as to the soil sample without organic matter, and also after leaving proportions of urban waste compost incubated in these matrices for a period of 120 days. The results show that the adsorption of the triadimenol in the soil is dependent of its content of organic carbon.


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Rainwater samples were analyzed during a one-year period (June 1999 - June 2000) and presented concentration of pH = 4.9 (volume weight mean). The ions concentrations results showed a high sulfate concentration (35 µmol L-1), followed by the cations concentration of sodium, calcium and ammonium (35, 16 and 30 µmol L-1, respectively). Due to the great contribution of these cations in the sulfate neutralization action, the rainwater of this region had only a light acid characteristic. The soil characteristic was acid and the bioavailable concentration of the alkaline cations (Ca, Mg and K) presented high calcium concentrations (1001 ± 357 mg kg-1) compared with the other cations. The determination of soil sensitivity to acid rain was calculated by the ratio BC/Al3+ (BC = Ca2+ + Mg2+ + K+) and presented the average value of 5.1 ± 3.3. This preliminary evaluation of soil susceptibility by the ratio BC/Al3+ showed that the local soil and vegetation type (tropical Savannah) were sensitive to acid deposition. The long term of this impacting condition (acid rain, high sulfate deposition) could be harmful to the soil and vegetation quality.


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Normally, the determination of equilibrium constants (k d) in batch experiments uses a high solution to soil ratio, which does not represent field conditions. In this study we present an alternative method to evaluate adsorption constants, using micro-columns of soil at higher soil to solution ratios. The centrifugation force and equilibration time were investigated. The triadimenol distribution along the column profile is controlled by diffusion and equilibration times greater than 24 h are needed to achieve reproducibility. The centrifugation force must be superior to 670 g in order to guarantee enough extraction of the liquid solution from the soil columns.


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The effect of synthetic zeolites on stabilizing Zn-contaminated soil using 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2 leaching solution in batch experiments was investigated. The zeolites were synthesized from coal ash by hydrothermal treatment with alkaline solution. The additive enhanced the sorption capacity of the soil and reduced leaching. Zinc leaching was reduced by more than 80% using a minimum of 10% additive. The higher cation exchange capacity of the zeolite/soil mixtures and higher pH were responsible for stabilizing Zn in soil. The poly(2-aminobenzenesulfonic acid)-coated mercury thin-film electrode was used for the determination of zinc.


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This paper evaluates the presence of organochlorinated pesticides in the water supply system of the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Soil samples were collected in agricultural areas and water samples at several points of the water source (river) and the distribution net. The results of the analyses of the water from the source were compared with the Brazilian classification system for inland waters (CONAMA/86) and the results of analyses of treated water were compared with Brazilian standards for finished drinking water.


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The soils of the world contain more carbon than the combined total amounts occurring in vegetation and the atmosphere. Hence soils are a major reservoir of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and an important sink. Recently, emphasis has been placed on the need to sequester carbon from atmospheric carbon dioxide into soil organic matter because of international concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change. The best strategies to built-up carbon stocks in the soil are basically those that increase the input of organic matter to the soil, and/or decrease the rate of soil organic matter decomposition. Grain crop systems based on soil ploughing and harrowing lead to CO2 emissions combined with tremendous soil losses. In Brazil, no-tillage system was introduced to combat soil erosion by water and this soil management led to the build-up of soil carbon stocks with simultaneous high crop yields. However, the present procedure used to quantify carbon stocks in soils is laborious and of high cost. The use of infrared spectroscopy is very promising as an alternative low-cost method of soil carbon determination.


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Gaseous mercury sampling conditions were optimized and a dynamic flux chamber was used to measure the air/surface exchange of mercury in some areas of the Negro river basin with different vegetal coverings. At the two forest sites (flooding and non-flooding), low mercury fluxes were observed: maximum of 3 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and minimum of -1 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. At the deforested site, the mercury fluxes were higher and always positive: maximum of 26 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and 17 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. Our results showed that deforestation could be responsible for significantly increasing soil Hg emissions, mainly because of the high soil temperatures reached at deforested sites.


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Leaking of diesel oil from gas stations is frequent in Brazil. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are highly toxic is an indication of contamination by heavy hydrocarbons from diesel oil. Here were present the determination of the distribution coefficient (Kd) of benzo(a)pyrene (the most carcinogenic of the PAHs) in tropical soils using the sorption isotherm model. The sorption curves acquired for benzo(a)pyrene were of the S-type, probably due to the water/methanol experimental conditions. The sorption curves allowed calculation of the distribution coefficient (Kd). The experimental Kd values were lower than those calculated from literature Koc values (partition coefficient normalized by organic carbon), due mainly to the cosolvency effect and the percentage of organic matter and clay in soil.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of Zn and Mn in a soil column. Two soil columns were sampled, and four opened alkaline batteries were placed at the top of one soil column. An acid-rainwater solution (HNO3 and H2SO4; pH 4) was percolated through the battery contaminated column during one year. The results showed that the leaching of alkaline batteries caused enrichment of 70 and 11 times in the Zn and Mn concentration of the topsoil, respectively. Additionally, leaching of electrolyte (KOH) from the batteries increased the soil pH in the contaminated column.


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In the present paper we studied the recoveries of glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (GLY) and its major metabolite, (aminomethyl)phosphonic acid (AMPA) in soil using national (Brazilian) ion-exchange resins, derivatization by a mixture of trifluoroacetic anhydride and trifluoroethanol and analyses by GC-MS. The quantification limits were 12 ng.g-1 for both compounds and the methodology showed a range of recuperation from 85 to 94% with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 4.07 to 6.91% for GLY. For AMPA, the mean recoveries ranged from 87 to 102% with CVs ranging from 5.81 to 6.99%. Additional studies showed that, due to the instability of the derivatized compounds, they must be analysed keeping constant time between derivatization and analysis, preferably less than 24 h.


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In terms of soil fertility, zinc is a micronutrient that is very important in the culture of soy, maize, rice and coffee, because it is a structural and functional component of a great number of enzymes. Therefore, diverse methods have been used to determine zinc in soil. In this work we use colorimetry as a methods of zinc determination in soil using two methodologies of sample digesting, H2SO4/H2O2 and HNO3/H2O2. In order to compare the results, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used. Results show that colorimetric methods can be used due to good sensitivity and reproducibility, since the zinc calibration curve showed good linearity. Comparing colorimetric methods with AAS we observed that the results were equivalent, as proven by the statistical values of the F and t of Student tests. Furthermore, both methods of soil digesting can be used, leading to a flexible methodology of low-cost for routine zinc analyses in soil.


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The aim of this work is to study metal and As concentrations in soil due to ash deposition from a coal plant at Figueira (PR), evaluating the macroelement (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti, V) and microelement (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the soil around the coal plant. The plant operation caused a slight increase in the majority of the metal concentrations in the top soil close to the plant (up to 1 km) in the wind direction (NW). The elements As, Cd, Mo, Pb and Zn are considered likely soil pollutants, and As is considered the only critical element.