230 resultados para neoprene phenolic adhesives
Buffalo is an important livestock resource, with a great participation in agricultural systems, providing milk, meat, and work power. Umbilical cord is responsible for maternal-fetal nutrients exchange during pregnancy, and its alterations can compromise the fetal development. We investigated ten pregnant uteruses collected from cross-bread buffaloes in different stages of gestation. Pregnancy and fetal age was determined by measuring the apex sacral length and development period was calculated by previously published formula. Umbilical cords were measured for length determination. Umbilical cord vascular net and anastomosis were observed by injection of Neoprene latex. Histological sections of the umbilical cord were studied after stain with HE, picrossirius, toluidine blue, orceine, and PAS reaction. Buffaloes' umbilical cord was formed by two central arteries, an allantois duct and two peripheral veins. The artery wall was composed by large quantity of collagen, elastic fibers, fibroblasts and large number of vasa vasorum. The allantois duct was located between the arteries and presented a great number of small nourishing vessels. Small nourishing vessels should be carefully considered to avoid to be mistaken to the arterials and veins vasa vasorum. Medium length of umbilical cord from buffalos was 11.8cm (minimum of 6.8cm and maximum of 17.4cm).
As origens e distribuições das artérias que vascularizaram os lobos torácicos do timo foram estudadas em fetos de 30 suínos da linhagem C40, sendo 12 machos e 18 fêmeas. Os exemplares tiveram o sistema arterial preenchido com solução aquosa a 50% de Neoprene Látex corado e, em seguida, foram submetidos à fixação em solução aquosa a 10% de formaldeído. Os lobos torácicos do timo foram vascularizados por ramos diretos das artérias torácica interna direita (63,33%) e esquerda (53,33%), subclávia esquerda (3,33%), vertebral esquerda (3,33%), cervical superficial direita (3,33%) e esquerda (3,33%), carótida comum esquerda (3,33%), coronária direita (3,33%) e pelos troncos braquiocefálico (33,33%) e costocervical (3,33%). Observaram-se ainda os ramos indiretos das artérias torácica interna direita (70%) e esquerda (76,67%), subclávia esquerda (23,33%), cervical superficial esquerda (3,33%) e do arco aórtico (6,67%).
No estudo sobre a origem e ramificações das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMCa) do mocó, foram utilizados 20 animais (18 machos e 2 fêmeas) de diferentes idades, que, após morte natural, foram dissecados rebatendo-se as paredes torácica e abdominal, pelo antímero esquerdo, expondo-se a aorta que foi então canulada em seu trajeto pré-diafragmático, procedendo-se a injeção de neoprene látex corado, no sentido caudal. A seguir, foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, durante 48 horas, e posteriormente dissecados. Os resultados mostraram que em 18 animais (90%), a AMCr originou-se da aorta abdominal isoladamente, logo após a artéria celíaca, emitindo as artérias cólica média (CoM), pancreaticoduodenal caudal (PDC), duodenojejunal (DJ), jejunal (J) e ileocecocólica (ICeCo). Em um mocó (5%), as AMCr e AC se originaram da aorta abdominal em um tronco comum. Neste caso, a AMCr originou às artérias CoM, PDC, ICeCo e J. Em uma observação (5%), as artérias AMCr e AMCa surgiram em tronco comum. Neste animal, as artérias PDC, DJ, ICeCo, CoM e J foram originadas da AMCr, enquanto as aterias cólica esquerda (CoE) e retal cranial (ARCr) derivaram da AMCa. Dois animais (10%) apresentaram como colaterais da AMCr as artérias CoM, PDC, DJ, J e o tronco ICeCo, que originou às artérias CoD e ileocecal (ICe). No que diz respeito a AMCa, nos 20 casos (100%) originou as artérias CoE e RCr.
A possível existência de interdependência na nutrição de territórios atriais e ventriculares tem sido objeto de preocupação por partes dos cardiologistas, especialmente no que tange a vascularização do nó sinoatrial e sua dependência apenas de uma artéria coronária ou de ambas e de sua relação com o predomínio destes vasos na vascularização ventricular. Assim, este estudo objetiva avaliar a relação da irrigação do nó sinoatrial e a origem e a predominância das artérias coronárias na vascularização dos ventrículos, para tanto utilizou-se 30 corações de gatos sem raça definida adultos, machos e fêmeas, sem sinais de afecção cardíaca. Os corações foram injetados pela aorta torácica com Neoprene Latex 450, corados com pigmento vermelho e dissecados posteriormente. Verificou-se que quando ocorria predomínio da vascularização ventricular do tipo esquerda (63,34%) a irrigação do nó sinoatrial ficou predominantemente na dependência do ramo proximal atrial direito (78,9%) ou com menor freqüência pelo ramo proximal atrial esquerdo (21,1%). Na vascularização ventricular do tipo equilibrada (33,34%), a irrigação do sinoatrial ficou na dependência mais freqüentemente do ramo proximal atrial direito (80%), ou com menor freqüência a nutrição do nó se deu pelo ramo proximal atrial esquerdo (20%). Em um caso isolado, ocorreu a vascularização ventricular do tipo direita (3,34%), a nutrição do sinoatrial, ficou na dependência exclusiva do ramo intermédio atrial direito. Estes resultados indicam que nesta espécie não existe relação entre a irrigação do nó sinoatrial e o tipo de vascularização ventricular, independentemente do sexo.
Utilizamos nesta pesquisa 40 corações de cães adultos, machos e fêmeas, de idades variadas, que não portavam nenhuma afecção cardíaca. Os corações tiveram as artérias coronárias injetadas, separadamente, com Neoprene Látex 450, corado com pigmento vermelho, e posteriormente dissecados. Em todas estas preparações verificamos que na vascularização dos ventrículos predominava a artéria coronária esquerda que fornecia os ramos interventriculares paraconal e subsinuoso. Já, a região ocupada pelo nó sinoatrial ficava mais frequentemente (17 vezes, 42,5%) na dependência do ramo proximal atrial esquerdo ou de colateral deste vaso, oriundo do ramo circunflexo esquerdo, ou deste vaso associado ao ramo distal atrial direito (8 vezes, 20%), procedente do ramo circunflexo direito. Com menor frequência (14 vezes, 30%), a área tomada pelo nó sinoatrial, encontramos apenas colaterais do ramo circunflexo direito, mais exatamente somente o ramo distal atrial direito (10 vezes, 25%), apenas o ramo proximal atrial direito (3 vezes, 7,5%) ou ainda exclusivamente o ramo intermédio atrial direito (1 vez, 2,5%). Em um único caso (1 vez, 2,5%) no território do nó sinoatrial observamos apenas colateral do ramo circunflexo esquerdo, isto é o ramo distal atrial esquerdo. A análise destes resultados permite concluir, que nesta espécie não existe qualquer tipo de relação entre o tipo de vascularização dos ventrículos e a irrigação do nó sinoatrial. Sendo assim, considerar os ramos ventriculares isoladamente não é suficiente para um entendimento clínico-cirúrgico aplicado, uma vez que os ramos atriais apresentam uma importante contribuição para a vascularização do nó sinoatrial.
Nasua nasua é um animal onívoro, encontrado em todo Brasil. A reprodução da espécie ocorre somente uma vez ao ano, na primavera. As fêmeas são matriarcas e amamentam suas crias até os 5 meses de idade, vivem com seus filhotes em bandos de até 30 indivíduos. Para descrição morfológica da glândula mamaria do Nasua nasua foram utilizados seis animais provenientes do Criatório Cientifico (Cecrimpas), Unifeob. Autorizado pelo Ibama (Proc.02027.002322/98-99). Para análise macroscópica um animal foi injetado com látex neoprene, sendo a artéria femoral injetada com látex de cor vermelha e a veia jugular de cor azul. Os demais animais foram fixados em solução aquosa a 10% de formaldeído. Para análise microscópica, fragmentos glandulares foram coletados e submetidos ao processo rotineiro, embebido em parafina e corados com Hematoxilina e Eosina, Picrossírius e Azul de Toluidina. Macroscopicamente foram evidenciados três pares de glândulas mamárias, sendo dois pares posicionados na região abdominal e um par na região inguinal. Microscopicamente, notou-se epitélio de revestimento externo das papilas mamárias, epitélio pavimentoso estratificado queratinizado, o qual seguia por toda glândula de forma irregular. Na entrada do óstio, o epitélio da epiderme era modificado ocorrendo uma transição de epitélio pavimentoso estratificado para um epitélio cúbico no ducto papilar. O parênquima glandular era caracteristicamente túbulo alveolar com células secretoras, evidenciado principalmente no animal lactente. Os resultados macroscópicos e microscópicos assemelham-se aos já descritos nas cadelas (Canis familiaris) e os do Procyon cancrivorus pertencente à mesma família do quati, Família Procyonidae.
Resumo: O preá é um roedor típico da caatinga pertencente à família Caviidae. Considerando a inexistência de dados sobre o arco aórtico do preá, foi realizado este estudo tendo como objetivo descrever os ramos colaterais do arco aórtico neste cavídeo, e dessa forma, contribuir com dados para biologia da espécie. Foram utilizados vinte preás machos provenientes de estudos anteriores e encontravam-se armazenados em freezer no Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres (CEMAS/UFERSA). Os animais foram descongelados, a cavidade torácica foi aberta, a aorta canulada e o sistema vascular lavado com solução salina e em seguida, injetado látex Neoprene corado com pigmento vermelho, amarelo ou branco. Posteriormente, os animais foram fixados em formol e depois de 72 horas, dissecados e analisados, sendo obtidos desenhos esquemáticos e os exemplares mais representativos fotografados. O arco aórtico do preá emitiu como ramos colaterais, o tronco braquiocefálico e a artéria subclávia esquerda. O tronco braquiocefálico originou na maioria das peças estudadas, a artéria carótida comum esquerda e o tronco braquiocarotídeo, do qual surgem as artérias subclávia direita e carótida comum direita. As artérias subclávias direita e esquerda em todos os animais estudados emitiram a artéria vertebral, a artéria torácica interna, a artéria cervical superficial, o tronco costocervical e a artéria axilar. O padrão da formação do arco aórtico do preá assemelhou-se ao observado em outros roedores, tais como no mocó, no porquinho-da-índia e na chinchila.
Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing allelopathic crop residues to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in broad bean (Vicia faba) fields. Sunflower residue at 600 and 1,400 g m-2 and Treflan (trifluralin) at 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose were incorporated into the soil alone or in combination with each other. Untreated plots were maintained as a control. Herbicide application in plots amended with sunflower residue had the least total weed count and biomass, which was even better than herbicide used alone. Integration of recommended dose of Treflan with sunflower residue at 1,400 g m-² produced maximum (987.5 g m-2) aboveground biomass of broad bean, which was 74 and 36% higher than control and recommended herbicide dose applied alone, respectively. Combination of herbicide and sunflower residue appeared to better enhance pod number and yield per unit area than herbicide alone. Application of 50% dose of Treflan in plots amended with sunflower residue resulted in similar yield advantage as was noticed with 100% herbicide dose. Chromatographic analysis of residue-infested field soil indicated the presence of several phytotoxic compounds of phenolic nature. Periodic data revealed that maximum suppression in weed density and dry weight synchronized with peak values of phytotoxins observed 4 weeks after incorporation of sunflower residues. Integration of sunflower residues with lower herbicide rates can produce effective weed suppression without compromising yield as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in broad bean fields.
Asteraceae weeds are rich in chemicals that have biological and pharmaceutical activities. The aims of this work were to describe the phytochemistry and quantify the polyphenols in ethanol extracts from leaves of 12 species of Asteraceae weeds collected in Diamantina, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The screening of Asteraceae extracts revealed the presence of tannins, steroids, triterpenes, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. The total phenolic content was high in extracts of Lychnophora ericoides (147.97 ± 2.66), Lepidaploa lilacina (141.11 ± 1.99), and Eremanthus elaeagnus (134.61 ± 7.81) and low in extracts of Lychnophora ramosissima (32.65 ± 0.70), and Lychnophora sp. (54.03 ± 0.73). Extracts of Asteraceae weeds from Diamantina could have potential for biological studies that are searching for new pesticides and drugs.
Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the phytotoxic effect of black mustard extracts and root exudates on two crops: Trifolium alexandrinum and Triticum aestivum, and two weeds: Phalaris paradoxa and Sisymbrium irio. The seeds were treated with aqueous and ethanolic extracts and chloroform for eight days, or subjected to root exudates of just harvested mustard in a greenhouse for five weeks. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify phytotoxins from plant tissues. Seed germination of P. paradoxa was reduced with the lowest concentration of the different extracts. However, the aqueous extract at 4% completely curtailed the germination of all the target species. In general, plant extracts had a concentration-dependent reduction of seedling growth of the target species. However, the ethanolic extract, at the lowest concentration, has stimulated the shoot length of both T. alexandrinum and T. aestivum, and the root length of the former. Mustard root exudates inhibited emergence and growth of the target species throughout the experiment. Ferulic and syringic acids were the dominant allelochemicals found when HPLC was used.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the allelopathic influence of Rhynchosia capitata on germination and seedling growth of mungbean (Vigna radiate) along with identification of the phytotoxic substances responsible for this activity. Water extracts of root, shoot, leaf, fruit and whole plant were prepared by soaking them in water in a ratio of 1:20 (w/v) for 24 h. All the extracts affected germination and seedling growth of mungbean, but higher inhibition was seen with R. capitata leaf water extracts. A linear decrease in the germination characteristics of mungbean was observed with the decrease in the concentration of leaf extract from 5% to 1%. The soil-incorporated residues (1-4% w/w) of R. capitata stimulated the growth of root and hypocotyl at low concentrations, while it inhibited their growth at higher concentrations. Rhynchosia capitata soil-incorporated residues (4% w/w) significantly reduced the seedling vigour index of mungbean in addition to their significant effect on total germination. A significant amount of water-soluble phenolic acids were found in R. capitata plant extracts. The content of total phenolic acids was higher in the leaf extract compared to that of the stem, fruit or root extracts. Two phenolic acids including vanillic acid and 4‑(hydroxymethyl) benzoic acid were found in R. capitata leaf extracts.
Biosynthesis and subsequent release of allelochemicals by a plant into the environment is supposed to be influenced by its growing conditions. To ascertain what will be the allelopathic action of plant parts and rhizospheric soils of parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) growing at various farm locations with varied growing conditions, germination and seedling growth of maize hybrid (DK 6142) were assayed by sowing its seeds in petri plates lined with filter paper and pots filled with soil. Minimum germination percentage (30.0%), germination index (2.01), germination energy (36.3), seedling length (3.3 cm), seedling biomass (10 mg) and seedling vigor index (99.0) of maize were observed in leaf extract followed by fruit and whole plant extracts of parthenium growing near the field border. Rhizospheric soil collected underneath parthenium growing near a water channel caused maximum reductions in germination index (30.8%), germination energy (40.6%), seedling length (32.6%), seedling biomass (35.1%) and seedling vigor index (34.3%) of maize compared with that soil without any vegetation. Phytotoxic inhibitory effects of both parthenium plant and rhizospheric soil were more pronounced on maize root than its shoot growth. The higher suppressive action against germination and seedling growth of maize was probably due to higher total phenolic concentrations (6678.2 and 2549.0 mg L-1) and presence of phenolic compounds viz., gallic, caffeic, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic, p-coumaric and m-coumaric acids; and ferulic, vanillic, syringic and m-coumaric acids in aqueous leaf extract of parthenium uprooted near the field border and its rhizospheric soil collected near a water channel, respectively.
To investigate the allelopathic effect of Marsilea minuta against the germination and seedling growths of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum), germination bioassays were conducted in both Petri dish and soil cultures in laboratory conditions. Rice and wheat seeds were allowed to germinate in a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% (w/v) aqueous extract of whole plant and 2, 4, 6, and 8% (w/w) plant residue-incorporated soils of M. minuta. In Petri dish experiments, 5% (w/v) an aqueous extract of M. mimuta showed significantly lower germination percentages (18.8% and 56.3%), root lengths (0.9 and 4.5 cm), shoot lengths (3.3 and 12.4 cm), seedling lengths (4.1 and 25.0 cm), root dry weights (1.4 and 5.6 g), shoot dry weights (1.1 and 9.0 g), seedling biomasses (2.5 and 14.6 g), and seedling vigor indices (77.4 and 957.3) in rice and wheat, respectively. In pot experiments, the M. minuta residue infested soil, with 8% concentration, produced significantly lower germination percentages (25.3 and 37.5%), root lengths (2.7 and 6.1 cm), shoot lengths (6.2 and 16.5 cm), seedling lengths (8.9 and 22.6 cm), root dry weights (2.4 and 5.5 g), shoot dry weights (4.0 and 2.8 g), seedling biomasses (6.4 and 8.3 g), and seedling vigor indices (224.1 and 855.3) in rice and wheat, respectively. The highest phytotoxic action of 5% aqueous whole plant extract of M. minuta against test crops seem to be due to the presence of two potent phenolic compounds, namely p-coumaric acid (2.91 mg L-1) and m-coumaric acid (1.59 mg L-1) as determined by HPLC analysis.
ABSTRACT Crop allelopathy is a potential tool for weed management but allelopathic potential often varies among cultivars and developmental stages of crop. Bioassays were conducted to appraise the allelopathic potential of herbage (incorporated at 8 g kg-1 soil) of different hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars (Millat-2011, AARI-2011, Lasani-2008 and Faisalabad-2008) collected at different crop growth stages [tillering (Z-30), anthesis (Z-60) and maturity (Z-90)] against lambsquarter (Chenopodium album). Mean emergence time taken by lambsquarter was prolonged over control by anthesis and maturity stage herbage of all wheat cultivars. Final emergence percentage was dropped by 3-17% in response to different growth stages of herbage collection. Maximum suppression in shoot (45 and 78%) and root (60 and 90%) length, and seedling dry biomass (65 and 96%) of lambsquarter over control was recorded under the amendment of anthesis and maturity stages herbage of wheat cultivars. Total chlorophyll contents declined in response to herbage collected at anthesis and maturity stage of all wheat cultivars over control. Phenolic contents on the other hand were increased. Activities of enzymatic antioxidants also varied among all wheat cultivars, and declined by the incorporation of tillering, anthesis and maturity stage herbage. Wheat herbage induced lipid peroxidation in lambsquarter seedling and higher malondialdehyde content (0.56 and 0.77 nmol g-1 FW) was observed by the incorporation of wheat cultivars herbage collected at anthesis and maturity stage, respectively. Anthesis and maturity stage herbage of wheat cultivars Millat-2011, AARI-2011 and Lasani-2008 was more phytotoxic than Faisalabad-2008. Moreover, tillering stage herbage of all wheat cultivars had less inhibitory potential against emergence, seedling growth and biochemical attributes of lambsquarter. Wheat herbage amendment increased the soil pH, phenolic, organic carbon and nitrogen contents as compared to control.
Phytotoxic effects of invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus were studied by using whole plant, leaf and root aqueous extracts at 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10% (w/v) concentrations against germination and early seedling growth of wheat and canola. Studies were carried out both in Petri plates with filter paper as substratum placed in controlled conditions and soil-filled plastic pots placed in open environments. Pronounced variation was noted for phytotoxic activity of different plant parts of parthenium, aqueous extract concentrations, test species, and bioassay techniques. Aqueous parthenium extracts either inhibited or delayed the germination and suppressed seedling growth of test species over control. For both test species, all the germination attributes were suppressed to a greater extent in Petri plates than in plastic pots. Leaf extracts were more suppressive to germination of test species than whole plant and root extracts. Increasing extract concentration beyond 2.5% caused significant reduction in seedling dry biomass of both test species. Aqueous parthenium extract diminished chlorophyll contents of wheat and canola by 32-63% and 29 69%, respectively. Nevertheless, an increase of 9-172% and 22-60% in phenolic contents of wheat and canola was recorded. Canola appeared to be more susceptible than wheat at all extract concentrations. Present study concluded that bioassays conducted under controlled condition using filter paper as substratum may be misleading due to over estimation of allelopathic response and variation in potential of receiver and donor species. Furthermore, it implies that threshold concentrations of allelochemicals for test species in Petri plates are rarely reached under field conditions.