194 resultados para experimental induction


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Oogram studies have been carried out on mice, hamsters, and Cebus morikeys experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni and treated with trichlorphone (0,0-dimethyl 1-hydroxy-2, 2, 2-trichloroethylphosphonate). In mice, despite a slight hepatic shift of schistosomes, all animais presented oogram changes when dosed, per os, at the schedules of 200, and 100 mg/kg/day × 7. In hamsters, antischistosomal activity could be detected only at toxic leveis. In monkeys, trichlorphone showed insignificant action even after oral administration of 30 mg/kg/day for 10 consecutive days. In 5 volunteers, a sharp drop in cholinesterase plasma level was observed 24 hours after a single oral dose of 7.5 mg/kg. However, cholinesterase levels returned to the initial values within a period of 11 to 27 days. Trichlorphone was then administered to 12 schistosome patients (7.5 mg/kg/day, every fort- night, × 5). One month after therapy, interruption of egg laying was observed in 6 patients. Late parasitological control showed that all treated patients continued to pass viable S. mansoni eggs with their stools.


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Splenectomy seems to increase susceptibility of mice to a jurther infection with a virulent strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasitemia increases with splenectomy and the sooner the infection follows the operation, the greater the parasitemia. The mortality rate seems to have not been influenced by splenectomy.


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The literature on the thermosensitive properties of strains or species of Leishmania and of other miercorganisms is revised. Cutaneous or mucocutaneous strains that infect animais in the coldest areas of the skin or mucosa in general can not grow in tissue culture at 37°C or higher temperatures and their respiratory metabolism decreases at these temperatures. These facts suggest a thermosensitive event in some important metabolism phase of the organisme. The strains or species that are able to produce visceral leishmaniasis were probably originated from cutaneous strains after genetioally determined physiological adaptation, to warmer temperatures. These strains can not only visceralize in animais and man but will also grow in tissue culture at 36-37°C and the respiratory metabolism will be higher at such temperatures. There are reasons to believe that intermediate strains, i. e., with properties of both groupsí do exist. A thermosensitive physiological event is a more general phenomenon and examples of it can also be found in the fields of virology, bacteriology and mycology. It has practical applications since some of the diseases produced by these agents can be cured by treatments with heat or artificial fever. Experiments along these line were performed on hamsters with a Costa Rican strain of L. braziliensis as an experimental model. Even after intraperitoneal inoculation lesions appear in the nose, ears, paws and tail with a subcutaneous temperature bellow 33°C at 22-24°C. Healing of the lesión is accomplished by increasing room temperature. A good lesión is produced in the rump of the animal if the area is depilated (comercial cream depilatory) previously and the naked skin cooled artificially. Elevated temperature, or the growing back of the hair will tend to diminish or cure the lesion.


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Os Autores estudam as alterações do pericárdio, especialmente do pericárdio visceral na cardiopatia chagásica, confrontando-se com as alterações, observadas em outras cardiopatias (reumáticas e hipertensivas). Analisam as alterações pericárdicas no camundongo experimentalmente infectado e discutem especialmente a natureza e a gênese das lesões, a evolução e a correlação dos vários aspectos morfológicos entre si.


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São descritas as alterações histopatológicas observadas em camundongos infectados experimentalmente com os arbovirus Mucambo, EEE e Cocal. O virus Mucambo determinou lesões renais; o EEE demonstrou especial mesenquimotropismo; o virus Cocal lesões de topografia seletiva subependimária.


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A study on nine strains of T. cruzi isolated from man, from animais and from triatomine bugs in Brazil are described. The parasites were slightly viscerotropic in white mice in six of the strains, highly viscerotropic and cardiotropic in two strains, and asymptomatic on one strain. Mechanical and cyclical passage from infected to healthy mice, and treatment of the infected mice with immunosuppressant drug, did not increase the blood parasitaemia or strain virulence. The results of biometric studies on the blood trypanosomes from each strain are also described. The various aspects on the importance of T. cruzi strain Identification are emphasized and discussed.


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Plasmas de indivíduos normais e de pacientes com a forma crônica da doença de Chagas foram, intencionalmente, contaminados com cepa muito virulenta do Trypanosoma cruzi e, a seguir, congelados a -20°C, durante seis e 24 horas, como também no decurso de três ,sete, 14 e 21 dias. Depois de descongelamento em temperatura ambiente, ocorreram exame microscópico a fresco em contraste de fase, cultivo em meio de Warren e inoculação em camundongos, com subseqüente análise histopatológica do coração. Através dessas pesquisas, a sobrevivência do flagelado ficou avaliada, tendo sido verificado que o congelamento por três e 24 horas não impediu a persistência do parasita infetante. Salientaram os Autores que a investigação que levaram a efeito procurou contribuir no sentido de prestar orientação quanto às transfusões de plasmas, em Serviços de Hemoterapia, convindo frisar que no Brasil elas são efetuadas com razoável freqüênêcia, mediante utilização de doadores acometidos pela doença de Chagas e com a convicção de que baixas temperaturas promovem segura esterilização.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo da eficácia comparativa de diferentes vias de infecção na equistossomose experimental do camundongo albino. Foram utilizados trinta camundongos albinos de ambos os sexos, com idade de dois meses, infectados com cerca de cem cercárias cada um e sacrificados três meses após a infecção. As vias de penetração empregadas foram: oral, transcutânea (por submersão parcial, imersão apenas da cauda e/ou colocação de cercárias em área depilada do abdômen) e intraperitoneal. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a via mais eficaz foi transcutânea (sub-parcial), e que a maior mortalidade ocorreu no grupo infectado por via intraperitoneal.


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The development of integrated measures which involve sterile mate release to supplement the conventional insecticidal techniques used in controlagainst insects of medical importance, raised the question, whether the vectors of Chagas'disease possess the natural mechanisms by manipulation of which they may be controlled. Results of earlier expenments, that had been published previously, were restricted to fragmentary information that raised various questions, the answer to which became available in the study herein described. Interspecific hybrids were produced from reciprocal crosses between T. pseudomaculata and T. sórdida and from unilateral crosses between female T. pseudomaculata and male. T. infestans. These females mated with males, laid less than the normal complement of eggs, but offspring was relatively abundant. When T. pseudomaculata females were paired with T. brasiliensis males, hybridization was more difficult because few of the females mated and those that did had a strongly reduced fertility. Adults emerged from ali crosses but exhibited sex disproportion, females predominating in all populations but one. The two Rhodnius species tested were also found to cross, but only when female R. prolixus were paired with male R. neglectus. These females laid a relatively high complement o f eggs, had a strongly reduced fertility, but 50% of the fertile eggs developed into vigorous adults, males predominating females. Neither type of hybrid male elicited fertilized eggs from either parental type of female, through their vesicula seminal is were found to be packed with spermatozoa, some normal looking and moving, others underdeveloped and motionless. Although, no artificial insemination was performed, the sperm in itself did not appear to be the prime inducer of sterility. Females paired with these hybrids did mate, sperm was transfered, as evidenced by the discharged spermatophores smeared with sperm, but did notcontain spermatozoa in their spermatecae. The failure of the sperm to migrate to the spermatecae indicate prezygotic pos-copulation incompatibility, thus the hybrid male can't be used to suppress populations. The female hybrids mated with parent males of either species had reduced fertility and ther sons were sterile as were those of their fertile daughters. However, continous backcrossing of the hybrid females and their female progeny to parental males partially restored fertility of the males and increased fertility of females, as scored by egg hatchability. Fertility of hybrid females, measured by the yield of adults capable to reproduce, indicated that the reproductive perfomance decreased when hybrid females and their daughters were backcrossed additional generations to parental males. It is tentatively suggested that hybrid females could be used for suppression if they compete efficiently with wild females.


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Sete macacos (Cebus apella sp) foram inoculados por via subcutânea peto Trypanosoma cruzi com um número de formas tripomastigotas que variou de 25 x 103 a 5 x 1O6. Um outro primata, também da mesma espécie, foi inoculado por via palpebral com fezes de Triatoma infestans contendo formas de T. cruzi provenientes da mesma cepa "Y". A presença do T. cruzi foi assinalada na maioria dos animais, pela primeira vez, no 8º dia após a infecção. Os picos máximos da parasitemia foram observados entre o 9º e o 12º dia da infecção. O número de tripanosomas caiu acentuadamente do 19º ao 25º dia. Todos os animais infectados sobreviveram. Estudos estão sendo conduzidos com o intuito de se observar o comportamento destes animais na fase crônica da doença.


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A dialyzable transfer factor (TFd) was obtained from spleen cells, of mice vaccinated with the avirulent PF strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. This factor reduced significahtly the parasitemia of animals treated before or after the infection with a virulent strain of the same parasite, but does not reduced the mortality rate to a level lower than that of the control mice. It is expected that in a next future, new techniques in the use ofsuch factor will bring better resutts.


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Neste trabalho foram estudados exemplares do roedor, Calomys callosus, nascidos em laboratório, a infecções experimentais com quatro parasitos: Plasmodium berghei, Leishmania mexicana amazonensis, Schistosoma mansoni e Hymenolepsis nana. A positividade das infecções foi de 80% para os três primeiros parasitos e 0 para H. nana. C. callosus é um roedor de excelente adaptação em laboratório e de fácil manuseio. Acredita-se que, de acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, este animal poderia ser um bom modelo experimental de laboratório para certos agentes patogênicos.


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No presente estudo camondongos "Swiss" foram submetidos a tratamento com a droga Ro 7-1051 (N-Benzil-2-Nitro-imidazolacetamida) antes de sua inoculação com a cepa Colombiana do T. cruzi e comparados com animais inocuiados com a mesma cepa e tratados em fase inicial de infecção. Com avaliação feita por parasitemia periférica, xenodiagnõstico, sub-inoculação em camondongos recém-nascidos e exame histopatológico foram obtidos melhores resultados com os animais submetidos a tratamento prévio, tendo-se verificado que 55,5% dos animais permaneceram negativados durante o curso da experiência, enquanto os tratados precocemente tiveram um índice de cura de 28,5%.


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A capacidade de produção de megassíndrome de três cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi de diferentes origens foram examinadas usando-se técnicas previamente descritas. Uma correlação significante foi encontrada entre volume e peso do estômago através de autópsia e a área correspondente a silhueta de bário do órgão. Todas as três cepas causam dilatação significante da área do estômago, após prolongada infecção em camundongos quando comparados com o grupo controle não infectado. Todavia, o modelo de comportamento da cepa (MEGA), previamente estudada, pode ter sido alterada pela reciclagem em camundongos nos laboratórios.


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Estudou-se o curso da infecção esquistossomótica experimental no rato albino, um hospedeiro singular para o Schistosoma mansoni, e quatro semanas após a infecção houve uma rápida diminuição na carga parasitária, fato esse denominado por alguns pesquisadores como ' fenômeno de autocura Contudo, após a administração de um imunossupressor - a Azatioprina - observou-se uma maior susceptibilidade dos ratos à infecção, com os animais apresentando um significativo retardamento no chamado "fenômeno de autocura A grande maioria dos vermes é recuperada nos vasos intra-hepáticos do sistema porta, sem que haja migração para as veias mesentéricas. Quando os ratos foram tratados com Azatioprina observou-se uma significativa localização mesentérica dos vermes adultos neste hospedeiro.