329 resultados para Tropical cut flower


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Para avaliar o impacto das variações climáticas, de curta duração, sobre os ecossistemas de manguezais amazônicos, foi estudada a costa nordeste do Pará entre as coordenadas: 00º 32' 30" S / 00º 52' 30" S e 47º 28' 45" W / 47º 45' 00" W. Foram amostrados os sedimentos, águas superficiais e intersticiais com medidas de salinidade, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), potencial de oxi-redução (Eh) e determinações mineralógicas por difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Na água foram determinados o conteúdo de sulfetos dissolvidos, sulfato e cloreto, além da alcalinidade, sílica, ortofosfato, sódio, potássio, cálcio e magnésio, em meses chuvosos e de estiagem, sob marés de sizígia e quadratura. As variações sazonais do cloreto nas águas intersticiais mostram concentrações mais elevadas na estiagem que no período chuvoso, enquanto em superfície são mais elevadas nas marés de quadratura (período chuvoso) e de sizígia (período de estiagem). Os sulfetos dissolvidos foram encontrados em quantidades detectáveis somente a partir da profundidade de 10 cm o que indica exposição dos sedimentos aos fluxos advectivos de oxigênio atmosférico. Os teores de ferro dissolvido aumentam entre 0-10 cm e o potencial hidrogeniônico (pH) tende à neutralidade. A saturação das águas intersticiais na estiagem é indicada pelos minerais evaporíticos: gipso e halita. As variações pluviométricas são responsáveis por graduais mudanças nos teores de nutrientes e nas propriedades físico-químicas (pH, Eh e salinidade) das águas superficiais e intersticiais, no controle do equilíbrio salino das águas costeiras, na salinização e dessalinização dos sedimentos e na distribuição da vegetação de mangue no estuário. A exposição prolongada dos sedimentos na estiagem e as características morfológicas contribuem decisivamente para a oxidação total ou parcial dos sedimentos em superfície, o que modifica a mineralogia e as características químicas e físico-químicas das águas intersticiais.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a composição, diversidade e similaridade florística de uma área de floresta estacional semidecidual localizada no município de Marcelândia-MT, em área de tensão ecológica, na região de contato floresta ombrófila/floresta estacional. Foram amostrados 4008 indivíduos, pertencentes a 33 famílias e 92 espécies, em 74 parcelas de 10 m x 250 m. As famílias que apresentaram maior valor percentual de árvores foram: Lauraceae (15,99%), Melastomataceae (12,97%), Sapotaceae (12,50%), Fabaceae - Mimosoideae (9,91%), Burseraceae (9,13%) e Moraceae (7,29%). Os valores obtidos para os índices de diversidade Shannon-Weaver, de concentração de Simpson e de equitabilidade de Pielou indicaram que a área apresenta diversidade relativamente alta e baixa concentração de espécies com alta uniformidade nas proporções indivíduos/espécies dentro da comunidade vegetal. Os padrões de similaridade florística evidenciaram baixa similaridade entre as áreas avaliadas evidenciando existência de padrões fitogeográficos baseados na distribuição das espécies.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a composição e estrutura de um estrato arbóreo da floresta tropical úmida em Alta Floresta - MT, determinando os padrões de semelhança com outras regiões da Amazônia brasileira. O estudo foi realizado em uma área de 2 hectares, dividida em 20 parcelas de 10x 100m, onde foram mensurados a altura e o DAP ≥ 10 cm de todos os indivíduos. Para avaliação do grau de similaridade entre a composição florística e estrutura arbórea de Alta Floresta com as nove regiões pertencentes à Amazônia Legal brasileira, utilizou-se o método de agrupamento hierárquico aglomerativo com ligações pela média dos grupos (UPGMA), por meio do índice de Sorensen (qualitativo). Para a ordenação, foi utilizado o mesmo programa, utilizando a Escalonamento Multidimensional não-métrica (NMS) por meio do índice de Jaccard aplicado à presença e ausência de famílias e gêneros. Para análise de similaridade entre as 10 regiões, comparando a matriz de distâncias físicas entre elas com as matrizes de composição de famílias e gêneros, utilizou-se o programa PATN por meio do Teste de Mantel com o índice de Jaccard. A região apresentou 1101 indivíduos, pertencentes a 32 famílias, 54 gêneros e 68 espécies. A família com maior riqueza de espécie foi Leguminosae. A espécie Helicostilys podogyne e o gênero Cecropia sp. foram as mais importantes no levantamento. A floresta tropical úmida de Alta Floresta não se assemelhou com nenhuma das nove regiões comparadas neste estudo.


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Foi avaliado o crescimento diamétrico de uma população de Sterculia pruriens (Aublet) Schumann (axixá) após exploração florestal seletiva, na Estação Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Moju, Pará, localizada entre as coordenadas geográficas 02º 07' 30" e 2º 12' 06" de Latitude Sul e 48º 46' 57" e 48º 48' 30" de Longitude Oeste. Em cada uma das nove clareiras selecionadas foram instaladas faixas de 10m x 50m, começando na bordadura da clareira para o interior da floresta, nas direções Norte, Sul, Este e Oeste. Cada faixa foi dividida em parcelas quadradas de 10m de lado, que foram numeradas de 1 a 5 da borda para o interior da floresta e constituem o nível II de abordagem. Foi analisado a distribuição diamétrica da espécie com amplitude de DAP e" 5cm em intervalos de 5cm de diâmetro, até o valor máximo de 66,8cm encontrado no início do monitoramento. Na área de estudo foi encontrado densidade elevada da espécie, logo após a exploração florestal e após três anos desta. Ao final do estudo, foi observado um acréscimo de 9,8% na densidade dos indivíduos acima de 5cm de diâmetro. O crescimento diamétrico da espécie em três anos de observação foi de 0,37cm. Embora baixo ele é crescente, justificado pela abertura do dossel. A análise da distribuição diamétrica mostra que a abertura do dossel foi benéfica para o incremento diamétrico da espécie, aumentando o número de indivíduos em cinco das oito classes de diâmetro analisadas, mantendo-se ainda como uma distribuição decrescente.


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Fine litter dynamics within the canopy differ from litter dynamics on the forest floor for reasons such as differences in microclimate, substrate, disturbance level, stratum influence and decomposition rates. This study is the first attempt to quantify the fine litter accumulated in the canopy of Central Amazonian forests. We compared the canopy litter accumulation to fine litter-layer on forest floor and to other forests and also investigated which were the mostly accumulated litter omponents. We found that Central Amazonian Rainforest intercepts greater fine litter in the canopy (294 g.m-2) compared to other forest formations with higher winds speed as in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest (170 g.m-2). The mean canopy fine litter accumulated at the end of the dry season was less than a half of that on soil surface (833 g.m-2) and the fine wood component dominates the canopy samplings (174 g.m-2) while leafy component predominate on soil surface litter (353 g.m-2).


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A multilocus mixed-mating model was used to evaluate the mating system of a population of Couratari multiflora, an emergent tree species found in low densities (1 individual/10 ha) in lowland forests of central Amazonia. We surveyed and observed phenologically 41 trees in an area of 400 ha. From these, only four mother trees were analyzed here because few of them set fruits, which also suffered high predation. No difference was observed between the population multilocus outcrossing rate (t mp = 0.953 ± 0.040) and the average single locus rate (t sp = 0.968 ± 0.132). The four mother trees were highly outcrossed (t m ~ 1). Two out of five loci showed departures from the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) expectations, and the same results occurred with the mixed-mating model. Besides the low number of trees analyzed, the proportion of loci in HWE suggests random mating in the population. However, the pollen pool was heterogeneous among families, probably due to both the small sample number and the flowering of trees at different times of the flowering season. Reproductive phenology of the population and the results presented here suggest, at least for part of the population, a long-distance pollen movement, around 1,000 m.


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Foram avaliadas as respostas hematológicas de 20 búfalas, criadas ao sol (grupo - SS) e à sombra (grupo - CS), em Belém, Pará. Os animais do grupo CS (n = 10) estavam em sistema silvipastoril, com Racosperma mangium e os do SS (n = 10), em piquetes sem sombra, em pastagem de Brachiaria humidicola, água para beber e sal mineral. Foram mensuradas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR) e temperatura de globo negro, em cada tratamento. A coleta de sangue para eritrograma e número total de leucócitos foi realizada a cada 14 dias, às 13 h, durante o ano de 2009. Através da análise de variância constatou-se que em todos os períodos do ano, a TA e índice de temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) foram diferentes (P < 0,05), com níveis mais elevados no grupo SS. No período mais chuvoso, o grupo CS apresentou valores elevados de leucócitos, enquanto nos períodos de transição e menos chuvoso, foram maiores no grupo SS. No período menos chuvoso do ano, o grupo SS apresentou maiores valores de hemácias. O teor de hemoglobina teve maiores níveis (P < 0,05) nos períodos de transição e menos chuvoso. Somente a hemoglobina teve correlação significativa e negativa (P < 0,05) com a UR. Conclui-se que as novilhas búfalas Murrah estão sujeitas a um ambiente hostil e o período menos chuvoso é o mais propício a causar estresse térmico.


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Global scale analyses of soil and foliage δ15N have found positive relationships between δ15N and ecosystem N loss (suggesting an open N cycle) and a negative relationship between δ15N and water availability. We show here that soils and leaves from tropical heath forests are depleted in 15N relative to 'typical' forests suggesting that they have a tight N cycle and are therefore limited by N rather than by, often suggested, water availability.


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During the 19th century, the most prominent buildings of the city of Belém were faced entirely with tiles manufactured in Portugal and Germany, which now exhibit distinct degrees of degradation. The Pinho mansion is one of the most important of these buildings and was selected for the investigation of the action of the tropical Amazonian climate on the degradation of the tiles. To achieve this objective, the tiles were mapped for organic and inorganic degradation, and samples were collected for analysis. The minerals were determined by XRD, the chemical composition by classical wet methods and SEM/EDS, and the microorganisms under the microscope. The results show that the German and Portuguese tiles are quite different in their composition. While both ceramic bodies are composed of SiO2 and Al2O3, CaO was found only in the Portuguese tile. The low Na2O and K2O contents indicate the addition of materials to reduce the fusion temperature. SiO2 and PbO are the main constituents of the glaze, with CoO and FeO being added as pigment. The ceramic body of the German tiles is constituted of quartz, mullite, and cristobalite, in contrast with the Portuguese tiles, which are made of quartz, gehlenite, diopside, calcite, and feldspars. The glazes are XRD-amorphous. The chemical and mineralogical differences between the German and Portuguese tiles indicate that they were produced from different raw materials under distinct thermal processes. The most prominent weathering-related modifications are the thin layers (German tiles), oxidation stains, dark stains, the detachment of the tile (Portuguese tiles), loss of the glaze and powdering of the ceramic body (Portuguese tiles) through the establishment of Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta.. The distinct degradation patterns of the tiles exposed to the tropical Amazon climate are a consequence of their distinct mineralogy and chemistry.


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Natural disturbances in tropical forests modify the availability and quality of resources and alter the patterns of bird distribution. These environmental changes increase the metabolic rate and disrupt the redox balance promoting oxidative stress. This study aimed to compare the abundance of Willisornis poecilinotus between gaps and the understory of a forest with undisturbed canopy at Caxiuanã National Forest. The abundance was correlated with vegetation heights. The oxidative stress and the stress promoting factors were determined in both sites of sampling. We captured 81 specimens of W. poecilinotus. The number of captures was high in gaps. The specimens sampled at gaps showed high levels of oxidative stress. The biomarkers of oxidative stress were significantly correlated in gaps. The variability of oxidative stress and oxidative damage were explained only by site of sampling. These results suggest that gaps are stressors sites to W. poecilinotus, which probably can be due to an increase of metabolic rate to deal with new flight strategies of foraging and avoid predation


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1) The first part deals with the different processes which may complicate Mendelian segregation and which may be classified into three groups, according to BRIEGER (1937b) : a) Instability of genes, b) Abnormal segregation due to distur- bances during the meiotic divisions, c) obscured segregation, after a perfectly normal meiosis, caused by elimination or during the gonophase (gametophyte in higher plants), or during zygophase (sporophyte). Without entering into detail, it is emphasized that all the above mentioned complications in the segregation of some genes may be caused by the action of other genes. Thus in maize, the instability of the Al factor is observed only when the gene dt is presente in the homozygous conditions (RHOADES 1938). In another case, still under observation in Piracicaba, an instability is observed in Mirabilis with regard to two pairs of alleles both controlling flower color. Several cases are known, especially in corn, where recessive genes, when homozigous, affect the course of meiosis, causing asynapsis (asyndesis) (BEADLE AND MC CLINTOCK 1928, BEADLE 1930), sticky chromosomes (BEADLE 1932), supermunmerary divisions (BEADLE 1931). The most extreme case of an obscured segregatiou is represented by the action of the S factors in self stetrile plants. An additional proof of EAST AND MANGELSDORF (1925) genetic formula of self sterility has been contributed by the studies on Jinked factors in Nicotina (BRIEGER AND MANGELSDORF (1926) and Antirrhinum (BRIEGER 1930, 1935), In cases of a incomplete competition and selection between pollen tubes, studies of linked indicator-genes are indispensable in the genetic analysis, since it is impossible to analyse the factors for gametophyte competition by direct aproach. 2) The flower structure of corn is explained, and stated that the particularites of floral biology make maize an excellent object for the study of gametophyte factors. Since only one pollen tube per ovule may accomplish fertilization, the competition is always extremely strong, as compared with other species possessing multi-ovulate ovaries. The lenght of the silk permitts the study of pollen tube competitions over a varying distance. Finally the genetic analysis of grains characters (endosperm and aleoron) simpliflen the experimental work considerably, by allowing the accumulation of large numbers for statistical treatment. 3) The four methods for analyzing the naturing of pollen tube competition are discussed, following BRIEGER (1930). Of these the first three are: a) polinization with a small number of pollen grains, b) polinization at different times and c) cut- ting the style after the faster tubes have passe dand before the slower tubes have reached the point where the stigma will be cut. d) The fourth method, alteration of the distatice over which competition takes place, has been applied largely in corn. The basic conceptions underlying this process, are illustrated in Fig. 3. While BRINK (1925) and MANGELSDORF (1929) applied pollen at different levels on the silks, the remaining authors (JONES, 1922, MANGELSDORF 1929, BRIEGER, at al. 1938) have used a different process. The pollen was applied as usual, after removing the main part of the silks, but the ears were divided transversally into halves or quarters before counting. The experiments showed generally an increase in the intensity of competition when there was increase of the distance over which they had to travel. Only MANGELSDORF found an interesting exception. When the distance became extreme, the initially slower tubes seemed to become finally the faster ones. 4) Methods of genetic and statistical analysis are discussed, following chiefly BRIEGER (1937a and 1937b). A formula is given to determine the intensity of ellimination in three point experiments. 5) The few facts are cited which give some indication about the physiological mechanism of gametophyte competition. They are four in number a) the growth rate depends-only on the action of gametophyte factors; b) there is an interaction between the conductive tissue of the stigma or style and the pollen tubes, mainly in self-sterile plants; c) after self-pollination necrosis starts in the tissue of the stigma, in some orchids after F. MÜLLER (1867); d) in pollon mixtures there is an inhibitory interaction between two types of pollen and the female tissue; Gossypium according to BALLS (1911), KEARNEY 1923, 1928, KEARNEY AND HARRISON (1924). A more complete discussion is found in BRIEGER 1930). 6) A list of the gametophyte factors so far localized in corn is given. CHROMOSOME IV Ga 1 : MANGELSDORF AND JONES (1925), EMERSON 1934). Ga 4 : BRIEGER (1945b). Sp 1 : MANGELSDORF (1931), SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF (1940), BRIEGER (1945a). CHROMOSOME V Ga 2 : BRIEGER (1937a). CHROMOSOME VI BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938) found indications of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of yellow endosperm y1. CHROMOSOME IX Ga 3 : BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG (1938). While the competition in these six cases is essentially determined by one pair of factors, the degree of elimination may be variable, as shown for Ga2 (BRIEGER, 1937), for Ga4 (BRIEGER 1945a) and for Spl (SINGLETON AND MANGELSDORF 1940, BRIEGER 1945b). The action of a gametophyte factor altering the segregation of waxy (perhaps Ga3) is increased by the presence of the sul factor which thus acts as a modifier (BRINCK AND BURNHAM 1927). A polyfactorial case of gametophyte competition has been found by JONES (1922) and analysed by DEMEREC (1929) in rice pop corn which rejects the pollen tubes of other types of corn. Preference for selfing or for brothers-sister mating and partial elimination of other pollen tubes has been described by BRIEGER (1936). 7) HARLAND'S (1943) very ingenious idea is discussed to use pollen tube factors in applied genetics in order to build up an obstacle to natural crossing as a consequence of the rapid pollen tube growth after selfing. Unfortunately, HARLAND could not obtain the experimental proof of the praticability of his idea, during his experiments on selection for minor modifiers for pollen tube grouth in cotton. In maize it should be possible to employ gametophyte factors to build up lines with preference for crossing, though the method should hardly be of any practical advantage.


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The influence of density of planting on flower production of carnation plants grown in vinil houses, was studied. Planting densities of 233,333; 175,000 and 116,667 plants per hectare were obtained by using planting spacings of 0.20 m between rows and 0.15 m, 0,20 m and 0.30 m between plants. Data were taken on total number of flowers per plant and per hectare. As far as planting densities are concerned, there was an increase of total flower production per hectare and a decrease of slower production per plant.


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As a rule, soils of the subtropical and tropical regions, in which rainfall is not limiting, are acidic, and low in phosphorus, and, to a less extent, in other macro and micronutrients as well, such a sulfur, boron and zinc. The establishment of a permanent agricultural prac. tice therefore, demands relatively high usage of liming and phosphatic fertilization, to begin with. Several approaches, not mutually exclusive, could be used in order to increase the efficiency of utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus so that, goal of diminishing costs of production is reached. The use of liming materials bringing up pH to 6.0-6.5 causes the conversion of iron and aluminum phosphates to more available calcium phosphates; on the other hand, by raising calcium saturation in the exchange complex, it improves the development and operation if the root system which allows c or a higher utilization of all soil nutrients, including phosphorus, and helps of stand water deficits which may occur. The role of mycorrhizal fungi should be considered as a way of increasing soil and fertilizer P utilization, as well as the limitations thereof. Screening of and breeding for varieties with higher efficiency of uptake and utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus leads to a reduction in cost of inputs and to higher benefit/cost ratios. Corrective fertilization using ground rock phosphate helps to saturate the fixation power of the soil thereby reducing, as a consequence, the need for phosphorus in the maintenance fertilization. Maintenance fertilization, in which soluble phos-phatic sources are used, could be improved by several means whose performance has been proved: limimg, granula tion, placement, use of magnesium salts. Last, cost of phosphate fertilization could be further reduced, without impairing yields, through impairing yields, through changes in technology designed to obtain products better adapted to local conditions and to the availability or raw materials and energy sources.


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The life cycle and seasonal distribution of a tropical population of Eneoptera surinamensis (De Geer, 1773) were analyzed aiming to verify whether this species life cycle is associated to the wet and dry seasons. The population studied was found at the Seasonal Alluvial Semi-deciduous Forest, Foz de Iguaçu, PR, Brazil (25º27'54.9'' S; 54º34'27.9'' W), which presents mild mesothermal and super humid climate. Field observations were made at 20- to 24-day intervals, with the first observation occurring on April 30th, 2002 and the last on April 25th, 2003. It was verified that the studied species is univoltine and cyclic with regards to the dry and wet seasons, therefore being heterodynamic and surviving the dry season as adult.


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This study characterizes the calling song and ultramorphology of the stridulatory file of two geographically isolated populations of the tropical bush cricket Eneoptera surinamensis (De Geer, 1773) from city of Foz do Iguaçu, state of Paraná, and town of Rio Claro, state of São Paulo, Brazil, distant 1,000 Km from each other. The teeth are shell-shaped, the larger ones are distributed in the medium region of the file, decreasing gradually in size towards the edges. Specimens from Foz do Iguaçu have a file with 82 ± 9.8 teeth, length=1.89 mm ± 0.15 with 43.76 ± 5.94 teeth per mm (n=15). Specimens from Rio Claro present a file with 87 ± 9.81, length=1.96 ± 0.19 mm with 44.52 ± 4.61 teeth per mm (n=15). Statistical differences found between the two populations are not significant. The calling song is an uninterrupted trill that alternates two sets of notes distinct for its temporal features.