188 resultados para SUTURE GRANULOMA
A hybrid study combining technological production and methodological research aiming to establish associations between the data and information that are part of a Computerized Nursing Process according to the ICNP® Version 1.0, indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Based on the guidelines of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for the expansion of warning systems, five warning systems were developed: potential for iatrogenic pneumothorax, potential for care-related infections, potential for suture dehiscence in patients after abdominal or pelvic surgery, potential for loss of vascular access, and potential for endotracheal extubation. The warning systems are a continuous computerized resource of essential situations that promote patient safety and enable the construction of a way to stimulate clinical reasoning and support clinical decision making of nurses in intensive care.
The elytro-tergal stridulatory organ that occurs in Bondarius Rosado-Neto, 2006 a genus of the tribe Sternechini (Curculionidae, Molytinae) is described and illustrated. The stridulatory apparatus is present both in male and female and is composed by the file, a narrow elevated carina which is transversely multistriate located at the apical third of the internal side near the suture of left elytron, and by the plectrum, a narrow striate area located transversely at the dorso-apical margin of the abdominal tergite 7.
Brachylophora, a new brachypterous genus of Rhopalophorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Brachylophora auricollis (Bruch, 1918) comb. nov. = Pasiphyle auricollis Bruch, 1918, originally described from Argentina (Salta), is redescribed and illustrated. Although with reduced elytra, the genus is transferred from Rhinotragini to Rhopalophorini based on the following characters: eyes well separated in both sexes, frons between eyes depressed and lacking frontal suture; pro-, meso-, and metasternum planar; mesothorax parallel-sided, not at all declivous before mesosternal process; metasternum large, together with mesosternum twice length of prosternum, metepisternum very wide, entire suture separating it from metasternum clearly visible when viewed from below; female ovipositor shortened with short cylindrical styles; and, more generally, structural features of hind legs, and surface ornamentation. Habitus similar to Coremia group. Bolivian specimens were netted as they visited flowers of Croton sp. (Euphorbiaceae).
Neste artigo, Henry Giroux coloca o estudo da branquidade em um contexto histórico, reconhecendo os vários modos pelos quais a identidade racial tem sido usada por ideólogos conservadores e acadêmicos críticos que procuram expandir a discussão de raça e poder. O autor também focaliza as limitações do conhecimento atual sobre branquidade. Embora esse conhecimento tenha ampliado, com sucesso, o estudo da raça, no sentido de incluir o estudo da branquidade como uma construção histórica, cultural e política, não revelou o potencial liberador da desconstrução da branquidade na esfera pública. Por meio de uma análise de Dangerous Minds e Suture, dois filmes com narrativas contrastantes sobre raça, o autor fornece um exemplo das possibilidades de discutir criticamente, em sala de aula, a representação de raça e etnicidade na mídia. Por meio dessa discussão, os estudantes de raças e etnias diferentes podem refletir sobre a representação de si próprios e de outros e a posição da branquidade como o referente dominante. É necessário que a branquidade seja teorizada e discutida de maneira que se reconheça o seu potencial crítico, bem como a possibilidade de que estudantes brancos distingam seu próprio modo de agir e lugar legítimo no interior da luta pela mudança social e por uma sociedade anti-racista.
This study aimed to determine the number of measurements necessary to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of peach fruits, study the relationships between them and their direct and indirect effects on the content of ascorbic acid and total carotenoids. The characteristics skin and pulp color, fruit weight, suture, equatorial and polar diameters, firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, ascorbic acid and total carotenoids were evaluated in 39 cultivars of peach and 3 cultivars of nectarine from the orchard of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The repeatability coefficient was estimated by ANOVA and CPCOR. Phenotypic correlation coefficients (rf) were estimated and, after the multicollinearity diagnostics, they were unfolded to direct and indirect effects of the explanatory variables on the response variable using path analysis. There was agreement on the magnitude of repeatability coefficients obtained by the two methods; however, they varied among the 14 characteristics. The highest correlations were found between FW, SD, ED and PD. Seven fruits are sufficient to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of peach with a correlation coefficient of 90%. The characteristics considered in the path diagrams (b* skin, hº skin, b* pulp, hº pulp, ED, PD, FIR, SS, SS/AT and TC) are not the main determinants of the ascorbic acid. The yellow hue of the pulp (hº pulp) has the potential to be used in indirect selection for total carotenoids.
Vários trabalhos têm descrito as características de gossipibomas por meio de radiografias convencionais e tomografia computadorizada, porém, seus achados na ressonância magnética são menos conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever as características de imagem de gossipibomas, ilustrando um caso de uma paciente com quadro clínico de febre e confusão mental com antecedente de cirurgia encefálica.
Tuberculous involvement of the liver is usually a diffuse process, associated with miliary tuberculosis. However localized tuberculosis of the liver producing a macronodular tuberculoma or an abscess is rare. The authors present a case of pseudotumoral hepatic tuberculosis in a 34-year old woman. This patient presented a 2 month history of fever weight loss of 4Kg and right upper quadrant abdominal pain. She denied jaundice, choluria, or acholia. Laboratory investigation, including renal and liver function tests. revealed normal levels. Chest X-ray was normal. Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic nodule in the right hepatic lobe. CT scan showed hypodense areas in the same place and no retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Due to the inespecificity of the signs, symptoms and image findings, a diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, it was however inconclusive. Then, the patient was submitted to a laparotomy with ressection of the lesion. Histological examination revealed a tuberculoid granulomatous lesion with caseous necrosis. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on antituberculous chemotherapy with rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide. Eight months later the patient is asymptomatic.
The diagnosis of pancreatic masses represents a great challenger for imaging studies. However the occurrence of pancreatic masses have been reported more frequently in the last years due to advances in imaging diagnostic methods. During the last decade, the surgical approach of pancreatic masses was limited to an attempt of establishing histological diagnosis, staging and evaluation of resection of these masses. Recently, the approach and staging of pancreatic masses was facilitated by sophisticated methods of diagnosis, especially, ultrasound, dynamic computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (/RM), angiography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (CPRE), endoscopic ultrasound, laparoscopy and biochemical tumors markers. The present paper reports a case of a pancreatic mass due to foreign body in which the imaging study helped to determine out this rare etiological agent that has not been previouly described in literature.
This report describes a leiomyoma of the inferior third section of the esophagus removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient is a woman 55-years-age, carrying esophageal myoma of 40 mm in diameter wide, situated in the posterior wall of the lower esophagus. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the growth of the mass (6 mm when discovered 7 years previously, increased to 40 mm). Recently the patient returned suffering from pain, which could be attributed to his litiasic cholecystopaty. A small degree of low disphagia could also be observed. Radiologic imaging, direct endoscopic examination and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the mioma protruded on to the oesophagic lumen, discreetly diminishing there. A laparoscopic esophageal myomectomy was indicated at the same session of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once the pneunoperitoneum was installed, five ports were placed as if for a hiatus hernia surgery. The cholecystectomy was uneventful. Next, an esophagoscopy was performed so as to determine the precise area covering the base of the tumour; at the right-lateral site. Longitudinal and circular fibres of the esophagus was severed over the lesion and the enucleation of the tumour was performed alternating the monopolar dissection, bipolar and hidrodisection. Control-endoscopy was carried out to verify mucosa integrity. Four suture points with poliglactine 3-0 string so as to close the musculature followed this. One suture was placed in for diminution of the size of the esophagean hiatus. Total time of intervention: two hours (30m for the cholecystectomy and one hour and thirty minutes for the myomectomy). Postoperative period: uneventful. Disappearance of the disphagia was observed. Radiologic transit control with water-soluble contrast at 4th post-operative day: good passage. Diagnosis from laboratory of pathology: conjunctive tumour formed by muscle non-striated cells: leiomyoma. The patient was re-examined on the two-month postoperative follow-up. General conditions were good and there were no complain of dysphagia. Neither there were any symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.
The authors report two cases of cholecistogastric fistula, both in female patients. These patients presented abdominal pain and dispeptic hipostenic syndrome, being diagnosed as calculous cholecistopathy. ln one patient, gastroduodenoscopy showed a fistula orifice in the stomach. ln the other case, the diagnosis was only made during the operation. The surgical procedure was cholecistectomy and gastric suture, with satisfatory postoperative evolution.
This report describes three cases of esophageal leiomyomas successfully resected by thoracoscopy. Surgical enucleation through minimally invasive surgery is the treatment of choice for esophageal leiomyoma. The conventional approach through a formal thoracotomy has the potential of causing excessive pain and patient discomfort. Moreover, the hospital stay and the recovery period are prolonged. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the size of the mass (<4 cm) and the presence of dysphagia. In one case there was a clear suspicion of malignancy. The tumour was located in the lower thoracic esophagus (case 1), in the middle thoracic esophagus (case 2) and in the upper esophagus (case 3). The CT was useful in identifying the relationship between the lesion and the organs of the mediastinum. The barium swallow study was able to locate the lesion along the esophagus. The endosonography determined the boundaries of the lesions. A right thoracoscopic approach was undertaken. Dissection of the esophagus around its entire perimeter was never necessary because all tumours were anterior or right sided. The tumours were better grasped with a traction suture than with forceps. The hidrodissection was very helpful. The water-soluble contrast swallow, performed on the fourth postoperative day, was normal. Clinical results were satisfactory in all patients. Biopsies should never be performed when the mucosa overlying is normal.
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is defined as a laceration of the diaphragm with an abdominal viscera herniation into the thorax. It is usually asymptomatic, with the exception of the cases with obstruction, strangulation, necrosis or perforation of the herniaded viscera. It is classified as acute, latent or chronic, in accordance with the evolutive period. At the latent phase, symptoms are indefinite and the radiological signals, which are suggestive of thoracic affections, are frequent and can induce a diagnosis error, leading to inadequate treatment.This article presents a case of chronic traumatic diaphragmatic hernia which was complicated by a gastricpleuralcutaneous fistula, due to an inadequate thoracic drainage. Considering that this is a chronic affection with an unquestionable surgical indication, due to the complications risk, it is essential to have a detailed diagnostic investigation, which aims at both avoiding an intempestive or inadequate therapeutics behaviour and reducing the affection morbimortality. Recently, the videolaparoscopic approach has proved to be more precise when compared to the other diagnostic methods, by direct visualization of the diaphragmatic laceration, allowing its correction by an immediate suture.
We describe a case of leiomyosarcoma of the jejunum in which abdominal computed tomography showed an intestinal tumor with a "sui generis" metalic artefact inside, which made us think of a benign disease (foreign body granuloma), because the patient lived in the rural area and he had a manioc flour mill, which is one the basic foods of the majority of the population of the north in Brazil. Because of the aspect of the tumor, we decided on a large scale resection, considering the possibility of a malignant tumor since we don't have frozen sections. This assured us of an adequate treatment for the tumor. This type of pathology should be remembered even though it only accounts for 0,2-2% of the intestinal tract tumors.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do sulfato de bário na cavidade pleural de ratos. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados, experimentalmente, os efeitos do sulfato de bário a 100% na cavidade pleural de 43 ratos. Sob anestesia inalatória com éter, foi realizada injeção de contraste radiológico (1ml) na cavidade pleural direita após punção com agulha romba pela via subxifóide. Os ratos, divididos em três grupos, foram mortos em câmara fechada com éter, após 24h (13 ratos), 48h (16 ratos) e 21 dias (14 ratos), respectivamente. Através de esternotomia longitudinal e laparotomia alta, foram retiradas a pleura parietal e visceral, juntas com o gradil costal e o pulmão direito. No grupo-controle, de 22 ratos, foi injetado 1ml de soro fisiológico a 0,9% na cavidade pleural direita. RESULTADOS: Não houve mortes entre os 43 ratos em que foi injetado sulfato de bário e no grupo-controle. As alterações encontradas na cavidade pleural dos grupos injetados com sulfato de bário e mortos com 24h e 48h foram semelhantes: leve e difusa hiperemia na pleura parietal, sulfato de bário livre, derrame pleural inflamatório com predomínio de polimorfonucleares; macrófagos na pleura fagocitando sulfato de bário e pleura com infiltrado predominantemente polimorfonuclear. Com 21 dias, o sulfato de bário estava localizado e bloqueado na região retroesternal e havia formação de sínfises pleurais intensas. No exame histopatológico das pleuras havia grande quantidade de macrófagos repletos de sulfato de bário, raros pigmentos de sulfato de bário no meio extracelular, importante proliferação fibroblástica em 13/14 (92%) casos e não ocorreu formação de granulomas. No grupo-controle (22 ratos), o exame histopatológico foi normal em todas as fases do experimento. CONCLUSÕES: a) o sulfato de bário causou derrame pleural inflamatório em todos os casos; b) com 21 dias ocorreu formação de sínfises pleurais em 100% dos casos; c) não houve formação de granuloma; d) em todas as fases do experimento não ocorreram óbitos.
OBJETIVO: Comparar as técnicas operatórias de ligadura simples (A) e de sepultamento sem ligadura do coto apendicular (B). MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 36 coelhos da linhagem Nova Zelândia, machos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de 18, divididos respectivamente em subgrupos de seis animais cada um e praticada a eutanásia decorrido o tempo pós-operatório de sete, 14 e 21 dias. Foram avaliados macroscopicamente conforme a ferida operatória estivesse limpa, tivessem abscesso ou deiscência e a cavidade abdominal pela presença de aderências peritoneais. Foi feita avaliação histológica pela presença ou ausência dos seguintes parâmetros: infiltrado inflamatório agudo e crônico, fibrose, granuloma de corpo estranho, necrose e integridade da camada mucosa. RESULTADOS: Nos achados macroscópicos não foram observadas diferenças significantes no sétimo, 14º e 21º P.O. quanto à presença de abscesso e deiscência da ferida operatória entre os grupos A e B; o mesmo ocorreu quanto à presença de aderências peritoneais entre alças intestinais. Nos achados microscópicos houve diferença significante no 21º P.O. quanto ao infiltrado inflamatório agudo maior no grupo B, e à integridade da camada mucosa, maior no A. Na contagem de fibras colágenas houve diferença significante no 21º P.O., maior no grupo B. CONCLUSÃO: Do ponto de vista histológico a técnica de ligadura simples é superior à de sepultamento sem ligadura do coto apendicular.