220 resultados para Rio Turiaçu (Bacia do Atlântico Norte Nordeste)
A economia agrícola da região Norte Fluminense é, historicamente, dependente da atividade sucroalcooleira. Na tentativa de reduzir tal dependência, vêm sendo adotados incentivos ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na região, particularmente através do “Programa Frutificar”. O presente trabalho visa a avaliar os impactos desse programa, sob a óticade sua contribuição para elevar a produção de frutas e diversificar a agricultura regional. A análise foi efetuada mediante o emprego do modelo , shift-sharede taxas geométricas de crescimento, e do Índice de Diversificação. De mão dessas análises, pode-se concluir que foi constatada a redução da área agrícola da região, particularmente associada à queda nas áreas cultivadas com cana-deaçúcar, arroz, milho e feijão. Por outro lado, no período sob estímulo do “Programa Frutificar”, verificouse aumento do cultivo das fruteiras: abacaxi, banana e coco-da-baía. Esta constatação é um indicativo da contribuição da fruticultura como fator de diversificação da economia agrícola regional. Cabe ressaltar que a economia da região Norte Fluminense é ainda fortemente dependente do setor sucroalcooleiro.
The great utilization of synthetic and persistent xenobiotic cumulative compounds is the main causes of the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems. The one of objective of this work was the determination of the organochlorine levels in the Piracicaba river basin, situated at the center of São Paulo state. Four PCBs congeners, PCP and HCB were determined by GC-ECD in two different matrices: water and sediments. The pattern of the compound distribution indicated a dominance of PCP, HCB and PCB-200. The results indicated contamination in the sampling points located in Campinas, Piracicaba, Santa Bárbara d'Oeste and Sumaré cities.
The identification and characterization of the hydrochemistry of the groundwaters has been done for seven wells. The sampling occurred during three bimonthly campaigns. The results classified the waters as of the calcium bicarbonated type for the majority of the samples, except for one well, whose composition is of the sodium bicarbonated type. The major ions found and how they determine the quality parameters are consistent with the reactions of mineral dissolution of the majority of volcanic rocks and the reactions with intrusion of alkaline rock in only one well. Anomalous values of nitrate in some wells alert to the impact of especially polluting sources at the time the reservoirs of the hydroeletric plant were formed.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the physical and chemical quality of the water of the Descoberto River during the dry and rainy seasons by measuring pH, temperature, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, color, alkalinity and NO3-, SO4(2-), PO4(3-), NH4+, Cl- and HCO3-, and the elements Sr, Mo, Cd, Y, Ti, Ca, V, Mg, Fe, Si, Ni, Zr, Cu, Al, Cr, Mn, Ba, Co, Zn, P, Na and K. The results showed high concentrations in both seasons, with dilution along the course of the river, minimizing for a while problems that compromise the quality of the water of this source. However, a progressive deterioration can occur due to an increase in the discharge of pollutants, resulting from population growth, agricultural activities and other factors.
Gaseous mercury sampling conditions were optimized and a dynamic flux chamber was used to measure the air/surface exchange of mercury in some areas of the Negro river basin with different vegetal coverings. At the two forest sites (flooding and non-flooding), low mercury fluxes were observed: maximum of 3 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and minimum of -1 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. At the deforested site, the mercury fluxes were higher and always positive: maximum of 26 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and 17 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. Our results showed that deforestation could be responsible for significantly increasing soil Hg emissions, mainly because of the high soil temperatures reached at deforested sites.
The state of São Paulo is the main Brazilian consumer of pesticides. Sugar cane, which uses a great amount of these products, is extensivelly cultivated in this state, such as in the Corumbataí river basin, an important source of water for the region. In order to implement an efficient and low-cost monitoring program, the temporal characterization of the use of pesticides on sugar cane in this basin was performed. After knowing the seasonal trends of consumption, a better choice of sampling time, became possible. The combination of data from this survey with partitioning indices, average doses and toxicological classifications showed to be important for defining the pesticides to be included in the monitoring program.
Soils play an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury as a sink for and source of this metallic species to atmospheric and hydrological compartments. In the study reported here, various types of soil were evaluated to ascertain the influence of parameters such as pH, organic matter content, Fe, Al, sand, silt, clay, C/H, C/N, C/O atomic ratios, and cation exchange capacity on the distribution of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin. The data obtained were interpreted by multivariate exploratory analyses (hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis), which indicated that organic matter plays an important role in mercury uptake in the various soils studied. The soils in floodable areas were found to contain 1.5 to 2.8-fold higher Hg concentrations than those in non-floodable areas. Since these soils are flooded almost year-round, they are less available to participate in redox processes at the soil/atmosphere interface. Hence, floodable areas, which comprise humic-rich soils, accumulate more mercury than non-floodable soils, thus playing an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin.
Water quality was monitored at the upper course of the Rio das Velhas, a major tributary of the São Francisco basin located in the state of Minas Gerais, over an extension of 108 km from its source up to the limits with the Sabara district. Monitoring was done at 37 different sites over a period of 2 years (2003-2004) for 39 parameters. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to interpret the large water-quality data set and to establish an optimal long-term monitoring network. Cluster analysis separated the sampling sites into groups of similarity, and also indicated the stations investigated for correlation and recommended to be removed from the monitoring network. Principal component analysis identified four components, which are responsible for the data structure explaining 80% of the total variance of the data. The principal parameters are characterized as due to mining activities and domestic sewage. Significant data reduction was achieved.
In order to ascertain the impact of agricultural activities on water quality of the Ribeira de Iguape River Basin in the state of São Paulo, surface water areas for catchment and drinking water have been characterized. The sampling period covered March/2002 - February/2003 and January/2004 at 10 different catchment points. SPE-LC-UV/Vis was used to monitor various pesticide classes such as carbamates, triazines and nitroanilines. The results revealed that water quality is associated with seasonal variation. Of 152 samples analyzed, only 24% showed the presence of pesticides, particulary during the wet season. High variability in pH, turbidity and color were observed.
Phosphorus geochemistry as a proxy of environmental estuarine processes at the Jaguaribe River, Northeastern Brazil. Sedimentation of different phosphorus geochemical fractions can characterize the natural or anthropogenic processes dominant in the watershed. Selective chemical extraction of different phosphorus geochemical forms in estuarine sediments showed the predominance of inorganic over organic forms suggesting an increase in inorganic phosphorus input from anthropogenic sources. Local hydrochemistry favors the dominance of inorganic ferric and carbonatic phosphorus. Ongoing changes in the estuarine throphy, from mesothrophic to euthrophic, may decrease the immobilization of these forms, increasing dissolved phosphorus and favoring euthrophy. Detritic phosphorus suggests a fluvial origin of this fraction and acts as a tracer of river influence upon the estuary.
Deficiency of micronutrients is a public health problem. Cow milk is a source of retinol. The objective of this study is to evaluate the retinol concentration in milk commercialized in Natal/RN. Ten samples were taken of each brand of UHT milk. Vitamin content was determined by HPLC using the Shimadzu LC-10 AD Chromatograph, coupled to the Shimadzu SPD 10 A UV-VIS Detector and the Shimadzu C-R6A Chromatopac Integrator with Shim-pack CLC-ODS (M) column, measuring 4.6 mm x 25 cm. The mobile phase was 100% methanol, with a flow of 1 mL/min. The mean retinol concentration varied between 22.7 ± 4.9 µg/100 mL and 44.1 ± 4.1 µg/100 mL, with the differences statistically significant (p<0.001). Only one of the 7 brands had retinol concentration below the normal requirements for human consumption.
This work evaluated the chemical quality of organic matter (OM) of a Brazilian Oxisol cultivated with coffee plants, under organic and conventional managements. Total organic C (TOC), light fraction C (LF-C) and C in humic (HA-C) and fulvic (FA-C) acids fractions was measured. Amongst the evaluated indexes, TOC and LF-C discriminated better OM attributes as a function of management. The stratification ratio (TOC5-10cm/TOC10-20cm) did not show differences between the systems studied. The organic system can contribute to the sustainability of coffee plantations in Brazil, because it maintains the chemical attributes of OM closer to the indexes verified under forest conditions.
This work aimed to carry out an environmental monitoring in sabino narrow river (affluent of Tibiri Basin, in São Luís - MA, Brazil), in order to verify the main environmental impacts caused by effluent residues from Ribeira landfill. Chemical analysis and bibliographic and cartographic researches on this ecosystem were also carried out. In addition, heavy metals, such as Hg, Pb and Zn, were investigated in water samples by ICP-MS technique. It was observed that the contents of such heavy metals were above the tolerance limits established by the Brazilian legislation, showing a strong impact level on the evaluated ecosystem.
Trophic transfer of trace elements along marine food chains has been recognized as an important process influencing metal and metalloid bioaccumulation. The trophic transfer of mercury was observed between trophic levels from prey (considering fish with different feeding habits and squid) to top predator (dolphin) in a Northern coastal food chain of Rio de Janeiro. Selenium showed some evidence of trophic transfer between lower trophic levels. Dolphin presented the highest mercury concentrations whereas the benthic carnivorous fish showed the highest selenium concentrations. Mercury is biomagnified through the food chain while selenium does not present the same behavior.
This study evaluated the environmental impact resulting from surface water and sediment contamination by metals in a watershed affected by a tailing basin that controls effluents coming from a zinc-ore beneficiation plant. The studies combined assessments of sediment chemistry (exceedances of sediment quality guidelines), benthic assemblage structure and acute and chronic ecotoxicity. The results showed that the levels of metal contamination in sediments are not yet enough to cause deleterious effects to the biota. However, the ecotoxicity tests indicated the occurrence of chronic effects, demonstrating that other factors, as the use of fertilizers, could also be a source of contamination.