142 resultados para Rede neuronal preditiva


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Nerve injury leads to a neuropathic pain state that results from central sensitization. This phenomenom is mediated by NMDA receptors and may involve the production of nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the expression of the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (nNOS) in the spinal cord of 3-month-old male, Wistar rats after sciatic nerve transection (SNT). Our attention was focused on the dorsal part of L3-L5 segments receiving sensory inputs from the sciatic nerve. SNT resulted in the development of neuropathic pain symptoms confirmed by evaluating mechanical hyperalgesia (Randall and Selitto test) and allodynia (von Frey hair test). Control animals did not present any alteration (sham-animals). The selective inhibitor of nNOS, 7-nitroindazole (0.2 and 2 µg in 50 µL), blocked hyperalgesia and allodynia induced by SNT. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that nNOS was increased (48% by day 30) in the lumbar spinal cord after SNT. This increase was observed near the central canal (Rexed’s lamina X) and also in lamina I-IV of the dorsal horn. Real-time PCR results indicated an increase of nNOS mRNA detected from 1 to 30 days after SNT, with the highest increase observed 1 day after injury (1469%). Immunoblotting confirmed the increase of nNOS in the spinal cord between 1 and 15 days post-lesion (20%), reaching the greatest increase (60%) 30 days after surgery. The present findings demonstrate an increase of nNOS after peripheral nerve injury that may contribute to the increase of NO production observed after peripheral neuropathy.


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7-Nitroindazole (7-NI) inhibits neuronal nitric oxide synthase in vivo and reduces l-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in a rat model of parkinsonism. The aim of the present study was to determine if the anti-dyskinetic effect of 7-NI was subject to tolerance after repeated treatment and if this drug could interfere with the priming effect of l-DOPA. Adult male Wistar rats (200-250 g) with unilateral depletion of dopamine in the substantia nigra compacta were treated with l-DOPA (30 mg/kg) for 34 days. On the 1st day, 6 rats received ip saline and 6 received ip 7-NI (30 mg/kg) before l-DOPA. From the 2nd to the 26th day, all rats received l-DOPA daily and, from the 27th to the 34th day, they also received 7-NI before l-DOPA. Animals were evaluated before the drug and 1 h after l-DOPA using an abnormal involuntary movement scale and a stepping test. All rats had a similar initial motor deficit. 7-NI decreased abnormal involuntary movement induced by l-DOPA and the effect was maintained during the experiment before 7-NI, median (interquartile interval), day 26: 16.75 (15.88-17.00); day 28: 0.00 (0.00-9.63); day 29: 13.75 (2.25-15.50); day 30: 0.5 (0.00-6.25); day 31: 4.00 (0.00-7.13), and day 34: 0.5 (0.00-14.63), Friedman followed by Wilcoxon test,vs day 26, P < 0.05;. The response to l-DOPA alone was not modified by the use of 7-NI before the first administration of the drug (l-DOPA vs time interaction, F1,10 = 1.5, NS). The data suggest that tolerance to the anti-dyskinetic effects of a neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor does not develop over a short-term period of repeated administration. These observations open a possible new therapeutic approach to motor complications of chronic l-DOPA therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease.


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N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) and its hydrolysis product N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA) are among the most important brain metabolites. NAA is a marker of neuron integrity and viability, while NAAG modulates glutamate release and may have a role in neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity. Investigating on a quantitative basis the role of these metabolites in brain metabolism in vivo by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a major challenge since the main signals of NAA and NAAG largely overlap. This is a preliminary study in which we evaluated NAA and NAAG changes during a visual stimulation experiment using functional MRS. The paradigm used consisted of a rest period (5 min and 20 s), followed by a stimulation period (10 min and 40 s) and another rest period (10 min and 40 s). MRS from 17 healthy subjects were acquired at 3T with TR/TE = 2000/288 ms. Spectra were averaged over subjects and quantified with LCModel. The main outcomes were that NAA concentration decreased by about 20% with the stimulus, while the concentration of NAAG concomitantly increased by about 200%. Such variations fall into models for the energy metabolism underlying neuronal activation that point to NAAG as being responsible for the hyperemic vascular response that causes the BOLD signal. They also agree with the fact that NAAG and NAA are present in the brain at a ratio of about 1:10, and with the fact that the only known metabolic pathway for NAAG synthesis is from NAA and glutamate.


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Estragole is a volatile terpenoid, which occurs naturally as a constituent of the essential oils of many plants. It has several pharmacological and biological activities. The objective of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of action of estragole on neuronal excitability. Intact and dissociated dorsal root ganglion neurons of rats were used to record action potential and Na+ currents with intracellular and patch-clamp techniques, respectively. Estragole blocked the generation of action potentials in cells with or without inflexions on their descendant (repolarization) phase (Ninf and N0 neurons, respectively) in a concentration-dependent manner. The resting potentials and input resistances of Ninf and N0 cells were not altered by estragole (2, 4, and 6 mM). Estragole also inhibited total Na+ current and tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+ current in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 of 3.2 and 3.6 mM, respectively). Kinetic analysis of Na+ current in the presence of 4 mM estragole showed a statistically significant reduction of fast and slow inactivation time constants, indicating an acceleration of the inactivation process. These data demonstrate that estragole blocks neuronal excitability by direct inhibition of Na+ channel conductance activation. This action of estragole is likely to be relevant to the understanding of the mechanisms of several pharmacological effects of this substance.


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The timing and mechanisms of protection by hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD) have only been partially elucidated. We monitored the effect of HBO on the mitochondrial function of neuronal cells in the cerebral cortex of neonatal rats after HIBD. Neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats (total of 360 of both genders) were randomly divided into normal control, HIBD, and HIBD+HBO groups. The HBO treatment began immediately after hypoxia-ischemia (HI) and continued once a day for 7 consecutive days. Animals were euthanized 0, 2, 4, 6, and 12 h post-HI to monitor the changes in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) occurring soon after a single dose of HBO treatment, as well as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days post-HI to study ΔΨm changes after a series of HBO treatments. Fluctuations in ΔΨm were observed in the ipsilateral cortex in both HIBD and HIBD+HBO groups. Within 2 to 12 h after HI insult, the ΔΨm of the HIBD and HIBD+HBO groups recovered to some extent. A secondary drop in ΔΨm was observed in both groups during the 1-4 days post-HI period, but was more severe in the HIBD+HBO group. There was a secondary recovery of ΔΨm observed in the HIBD+HBO group, but not in the HIBD group, during the 5-7 days period after HI insult. HBO therapy may not lead to improvement of neural cell mitochondrial function in the cerebral cortex in the early stage post-HI, but may improve it in the sub-acute stage post-HI.


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Redes Neurais Artificiais são técnicas computacionais que se utilizam de um modelo matemático capaz de adquirir conhecimentos pela experiência; esse comportamento inteligente da rede provém das interações entre unidades de processamento, denominadas de neurônios artificiais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma rede neural capaz de prever a estabilidade de óleos vegetais, a partir de dados de suas composições químicas, visando um modelo para a previsão da shelf-life de óleos vegetais, tendo como parâmetros apenas dados de suas composições químicas. Os primeiros passos do processo de desenvolvimento da rede consistiram na coleta de dados relativos ao problema e sua separação em um conjunto de treinamento e outro de testes. Estes conjuntos apresentaram como variáveis dados de composição química, que incluíram os valores totais em ácidos graxos, fenóis, tocoferóis e a composição individual em ácidos graxos. O passo seguinte foi a execução do treinamento, onde o padrão de entrada apresentado à rede como parâmetro de estabilidade foi o índice de peróxido, determinado experimentalmente por um período de 16 dias de armazenagem na ausência de luz, a 65ºC. Após o treinamento foi testada a capacidade de previsão adquirida pela rede, em função do parâmetro de estabilidade adotado, mas com um novo grupo de óleos. Seguindo o teste, foi determinada a correlação linear entre os valores de estabilidade previstos pela rede e aqueles determinados experimentalmente. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se confirmar a viabilidade de previsão da estabilidade de óleos vegetais pela rede neural, a partir de dados de sua composição química, utilizando como parâmetro de estabilidade o índice de peróxido.


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This paper explores the problems of an unstable regulatory regime in network industries and addresses the tension between the necessary flexibility in the long-term regulatory commitment and the need for institutional stability. A draft statute that substantively changes the initial terms under which fixed telecommunications services have been transferred to private companies - currently under discussion in the Brazilian Congress - is presented as an example of that tension. Some alternative proposals to tackle with universal service challenges - the underlying problem behind the mentioned draft statute - are presented in the end.