273 resultados para Pseudomixoma peritoneal
Mice treated with hyperchlorinated water (50 ppm of chlorine) and control mice, drinking tap water (1-3 ppm of chlorine) were inoculated with 2.5 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] sarcoma 180 cells, by intraperitoneal route. Tumor evolution was measured by enumeration of tumor cells in peritoneal cavity and by evaluation of weight gain at different time intervals after tumor implantation. In mice treated with excessive amounts of chlorine there was enhancement of tumor growth demonstrated by: (a) shorter incubation period and increased weight gain (ascites formation) after tumor implantation; (b) increased number of tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity 2, 3 and 4 days after tumor challenge. The number of peritoneal cells exsudated after tumor implantation was lower in mice treated with hyperchlorinated water than in controls. The tumor enhancement observed after excessive chlorine ingestion would be due to: (a) reduction of the number of peritoneal macrophages that migrate to the peritoneal cavity and (b) reduction of the tumoricidal capacity of peritonela macrophages induced by the direct effect of chlorine or by the reduction of the amount of endogenous endotoxins due to the bactericidal effect of chlorine.
Mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi were challenged with 2x10[raised to the power of 6] cells of sarcoma 180 (ascite tumor) by i.p. route, on day seven post infection. Tumor development was followed by evaluation of weight gain, by measurement of ascitic fluid produced and enumeration of tumor cells in ascitic fluid. Infected mice were more resitant to tumor development as demonstrated by reduction in ascites formation and by reduction in the number of tumor cells in ascitic fluid, at different time intervals after tumor challenge. The number of peritoneal cells exsudated after tumor inoculation was greater in infected mice than in controls. This increased resitance of mice infected with T. cruzi to tumor development could be due to the action of macrophages activated by the infection and by the action of endotoxins absorbed from the gut or produced by the own parasite.
During the schistosomiasis infection there is a [quot ]dance of the cells[quot ], varying from site to site and related to the time of infection. 1 - Eosinophil levels exhibit a bimodal pattern, with the first peak related to the egg deposition and maturation and increased Kupfferian hyperplasia; the second peak precedes the death of some adult worms; 2 - The peritoneal eosinophilic levels are inversely proportional to the blood eosinophilic levels; 3 - Eosinopoiesis in the bone marrow begins at day 40, reaching the highest levels at day 50 and coincides with hepatic eosinophilic and neutrophilic metaplasia; 4 - Peritoneal mast cell levels present a bimodal pattern similar to the blood eosinophils, and inverse to the peritoneal eosinophils. They also show a cyclic behaviour within the hepatic and intestinal granulomas. Integral analysis of the events related to the eosinophils in the blood, bone marrow, peritoneal cavity and hepatic and intestinal granulomas allows the detection of two important eosinophilic phases: the first is due to mobilization and redistribution of the marginal pool and the second originates from eosinophilic production in the bone marrow and liver. The productive phase is characterized by an increase in the number of eosinophils and monocyte/macrophages, and a decrease in neutrophils and stabilization of megakariocytes and erithroid lineages.
A rapid and simple technique for the purification of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites was developed. Highly purified parasites were obtained from the peritoneal exudates of infected mice by means of two consecutive discontinous sucrose gradients run at low speed (10,000xg, 30 min). Parasites obtained by this method conserved its biological activity. Hybridizations tudies with DNA from healthy mice and from purified tachyzoites preparations demonstrated that Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites DNA could be obtained with better than 90 per cents purity. Preliminary studies with DNA endonucleases showed the presence in the tachyzoites genome of highly repetitives sequences.
Phenothiazines were observed to have a direct effect on Trypanosoma cruzi and on its in vitro interaction with host cells. They caused lysis of trypomastigotes (50 uM/24 h) and,to a lesser extent, epimastigote proliferation. Treatment of infected peritoneal macrophages with 12.5 uM chlorpromazine or triflupromazine inhibited the infection; this effect was found to be partially reversible if the drugs were removed after 24 h of treatment. At 60 uM, the drugs caused damage to amastigotes interiorized in heart muscle cells. However, the narrow margin of toxity between anti-trypanossomal activity and damage to host cells mitigates against in vivo investigation at the present time. Possible hypothesis for the mechanism of action of phenothiazines are discussed.
Peritoneal macrophage activation as measured by H2O2 release and histopathology was compared between Swiss mice and Calomys callosus, a wild rodent, reservoir of Trypanosoma cruzi, during the course of infection with four strains of this parasite. In mice F and Y strain infections result in high parasitemia and mortality while with silvatic strains Costalimai and M226 parasitemia is sub-patent, with very low mortality. H2O2 release peaked at 33,6 and 59 nM/2 x 10(elevado a sexta potência) cells for strains Y and F, respectively, 48 and 50 nM/2 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) for strains Costalimai and M226, at different days after infection. Histopathological findings of myositis, myocarditis, necrotizing artheritis and abscence of macrophage parasitism were foud for strains F and Costalimai. Y strain infection presented moderate myocarditis and myositis, with parasites multiplying within macrophages. In C. callosus all four strains resulted in patent parasitemia wich was eventually overcome, with scarce mortality. H2O2 release for strains Y or F was comparable to that of mice-peaks of 27 and 53 nM/2 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) cells, with lower values for strains Costalimai and M226 - 16.5 and 4.6 nM/2 x 10(elevado a sexta potência)cells, respectively. Histopathological lesions with Y and F strain injected animals were comparable to those of mice at the onset of infections; they subsided completely at the later stages with Y strain and partially with F strain infected C. callosus. In Costalimai infected C. callosus practically no histopathological alterations were observed.
We herein present an improved assay for detecting the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in infected cultures. Using chagasic human sera (CHS), we were able to detect T. cruzi infection in primary cultures of both peritoneal macrophages and heart muscle cells (MHC). To avoid elevated background levels - hitherto observed in all experiments especially in those using HMC - CHS were preincubated with uninfected cells in monolayers or suspensions prior to being used for detection of T. cruzi in infected monolayers. Preincubation with cell suspensions gave better results than with monolayers, reducing background by up to three times and increasing sensitivity by to twenty times. In addition, the continous fibroplastic cell line L929 was shown to be suitable for preadsorption of CHS. These results indicate that the high background levels observed in previous reports may be due to the presence of human autoantibodies that recognize surface and/or extracellular matrix components in cell monolayers. We therefore propose a modified procedure that increases the performance of the ELISA method, making it an useful tool even in cultures that would otherwise be expected to present low levels of infection or high levels of background
In this review we discuss our recently results showing interleukin 5 (IL-5) involvement in eosinophil migration and in the maintenance of eosinophilia in blood, bone marrow, lung and peritoneal cavity, in a visceral larva migrans syndrome model using guinea-pigs infected with Toxocara canis. We also describe the sequential release of TNF-alpha and IL-8 during the course of infection, and the interaction between these cytokines and IL-5 during infection. Finally we propose a new biological role for IL-5, at least in our model, as a modulator of IL-8 release and secretion.
Activation of the eosinophil NADPH oxidase and the subsequent release of toxic oxygen radicals has been implicated in the mechanism of parasite killing and inflammation. At present, little is known of the signal transduction pathway that govern agonist-induced activation of the respiratory burst and is the subject of this review. In particular, we focus on the ability of leukotrine B4 to activate the NADPH oxidase in guinea-pig peritoneal eosinophils which can be obtained in sufficient number and purity for detailed biochemical experiments to be performed.
Over the last few years, we examined the anti-allergic properties of interleukin (IL)-10 in different models of inflammation in the mouse, as well as against IgE-dependent activation of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC). We showed that IL-10, concurrently administered with ovalbumin, inhibited inflammatory cell accumulation in the airways and in the peritoneal cavity of sensitized mice, as well as the accompanying cytokine release. IL-10 also blocked antigen-induced cytokine generation by IgE-stimulated BMMC. Together, these results identify a novel biological property of IL-10, as a cytokine with potent anti-allergic activities.
Effect of selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors on the rat eosinophil chemotactic response in vitro
In the present study, we have performed a comparative analysis of the effect of selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase (PDE) type III, IV and V on eosinophil chemotaxis triggered by platelet activating factor (PAF) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in vitro. The effect of the analogues N6-2'-O-dibutyryladenosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate (Bt2 cyclic AMP) and N2-2'-O- dibutyrylguanosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate (Bt2 cyclic GMP) has also been determined. The eosinophils were obtained from the peritoneal cavity of naive Wistar rats and purified in discontinuous Percoll gradients to 85-95% purity. We observed that pre-incubation of eosinophils with the PDE type IV inhibitor rolipram suppressed the chemotactic response triggered by PAF and LTB4, in association with an increase in the intracellular levels of cyclic AMP. In contrast, neither zaprinast (type V inhibitor) nor type III inhibitors milrinone and SK&F 94836 affected the eosinophil migration. Only at the highest concentration tested did the analogue Bt2 cyclic AMP suppress the eosinophil chemotaxis, under conditions where Bt2 cyclic GMP was ineffective. We have concluded that inhibition of PDE IV, but not PDE III or V, was able to block the eosinophil chemotaxis in vitro, suggesting that the suppressive activity of selective PDE IV inhibitors on tissue eosinophil accumulation may, at least, be partially dependent on their ability to directly inhibit the eosinophil migration.
There are several experimental models describing in vivo eosinophil (EO) migration, including ip injection of a large volume of saline (SAL) or Sephadex beads (SEP). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms involved in the EO migration in these two models. Two consecutive injections of SAL given 48 hr apart, induced a selective recruitment of EO into peritoneal cavity of rats, which peaked 48 hr after the last injection. SEP, when injected ip, promoted EO accumulation in rats. The phenomenom was dose-related and peaked 48 hr after SEP injection. To investigate the mediators involved in this process we showed that BW A4C, MK 886 and dexamethasone (DXA) inhibited the EO migration induced by SAL and SEP. To investigate the source of the EO chemotactic factor we showed that mast cells, macrophages (MO), but not lymphocytes, incubated in vitro in presence of SAL released a factor which induced EO migration. With SEP, only mast cells release a factor that induced EO migration, which was inhibited by BW A4C, MK 886 and DXA. Furthermore, the chemotactic activity of SAL-stimulated mast cells was inhibited by antisera against IL-5 and IL-8 (interleukin). SAL-stimulated MO were only inhibited by anti-IL-8 antibodies as well SEP-stimulated mast cells. These results suggest that the EO migration induced by SAL may be dependent on resident mast cells and MO and mediated by LTB4, IL-5 and IL-8. SEP-induced EO migration was dependent on mast cells and may be mediated by LTB4 and IL-8. Furthermore, IL-5 and IL-8 induced EO migration, which was also dependent on resident cells and mediated by LTB4 . In conclusion, EO migration induced by SAL is dependent on mast cells and MO, whereas that induced by SEP is dependent on mast cells alone. Stimulated mast cells release LTB4, IL-5 and IL-8 while MO release LTB4 and IL-8. The IL-5 and IL-8 release by the SAL or SEP-stimulated resident cells may act in an autocrine fashion, thus potentiating LTB4 release.
There are several experimental evidences that nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the microbicidal activity of macrophages against a number of intracellular pathogens including Leishmania major, Trypanozoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii. It is also well known that eosinophils (EO) have microbicidal activity against many parasites such as Schistosoma mansoni, Trichinella spiralis, T. cruzi and L. amazonensis. The purpose of this study was to investigate if NO is involved in the microbicidal activity of EO against L. major. Eosinophils harvested from peritoneal cavity of rats released spontaneously after 24 and 48 hr a small amount of nitrite. This release was enhanced by the treatment of cells with IFN-gamma (200 IU/ml). This release was blocked by addition of the NO synthase inhibitor, L-NIO (100 mu M) into the culture. To determinate the leishmanicidal activity of eosinophils the parasites were incubated with activated eosinophils with IFN-gamma and the ability of surviving parasites to incorporate [³H]thymidine was evaluated. IFN-gamma-activated eosinophils were able to kill L. major and to release high levels of nitrite. The ability to destroy L. major and the release of NO were completely blocked by L-NIO. These results indicate that activated eosinophils release NO which is involved in the microbicidal activity of these cells against L. major.
An HIV positive patient presenting a clinical picture of visceral leishmaniasis co-infection was submitted to a bone marrow aspiration after admission to hospital. Amastigotes forms were seen in the bone marrow aspirate and the parasite grew in culture as promastigotes. Molecular analyses showed that the flagellates isolated did not belong to the genera Leishmania, Trypanosoma or Sauroleishmania. It was not possible to establish infection in laboratory animals. In vitro culture of mouse peritoneal macrophages revealed the invasion of the host cells by the flagellates and their killing 48 hr after infection. Opportunistic infection with an insect trypanosomatid was suspected. Further hybridization analyses against a pannel of different monoxenous and heteroxenous trypanosomatids showed kDNA cross-homology with Leptomonas pulexsimulantis a trypanosomatid found in the dog's flea
In order to investigate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C)/hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil and also to analyze the virus genotypes distribution, a total of 123 patients including 98 on hemodialysis, 13 on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment, and 12 who received kidney transplantation were interviewed in one unit of dialysis treatment in Goiânia city. Blood samples were collected and serum samples tested for GBV-C/HGV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Eighteen samples were GBV-C/HGV RNA-positive, resulting in an overall prevalence of 14.6% (95% CI: 9.2-21.7). A high positivity for GBV-C/HGV RNA was observed in patients who had received kidney transplant (16.7%), followed by those on hemodialysis (15.3%), and peritoneal dialysis (7.7%). RFLP analysis revealed the presence of genotypes 1, 2, and 3 of GBV-C/HGV; more precisely, 9 (50%) samples were found belonging to the 2b subtype, 4 (22%) to the 2a subtype, 3 (17%) to genotype 1, and 2 (11%) to genotype 3. The present data indicate an intermediate prevalence of GBV-C/HGV infection among dialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients in Central Brazil. Genotype 2 (subtype 2b) seems to be the most prevalent GBV-C/HGV genotype in our region.