185 resultados para Post-natal Mortality
OBJECTIVE: To investigate preoperative predictive factors of severe perioperative intercurrent events and in-hospital mortality in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and to develop specific models of risk prediction for these events, mainly those that can undergo changes in the preoperative period. METHODS: We prospectively studied 453 patients who had undergone CABG. Factors independently associated with the events of interest were determined with multiple logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: The mortality rate was 11.3% (51/453), and 21.2% of the patients had 1 or more perioperative intercurrent events. In the final model, the following variables remained associated with the risk of intercurrent events: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde - the Brazilian public health system), cardiogenic shock, ischemia, and dependence on dialysis. Using multiple logistic regression for in-hospital mortality, the following variables participated in the model of risk prediction: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS, diabetes, renal dysfunction, and cardiogenic shock. According to the Cox regression model for death within the 7 days following surgery, the following variables remained associated with mortality: age ³ 70 years, female sex, cardiogenic shock, and hospitalization via SUS. CONCLUSION: The aspects linked to the structure of the Brazilian health system, such as factors of great impact on the results obtained, indicate that the events investigated also depend on factors that do not relate to the patient's intrinsic condition.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the clinical and demographic predictors of in-hospital mortality in acute myocardial infarction with elevation of the ST segment in a public hospital, in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará state, Brazil. METHODS: A retrospective study of 373 patients experiencing their first episode of acute myocardial infarction was carried out. Of the study patients, 289 were discharged from the hospital (group A) and 84 died (group B). Both groups were analyzed regarding: sex; age; time elapsed from the beginning of the symptoms of myocardial infarction to assistance at the hospital; use of streptokinase; risk factors for atherosclerosis; electrocardiographic location of myocardial infarct; and Killip functional class. RESULTS: In a univariate analysis, group B had a greater proportion of the following parameters as compared with group A: non-Killip I functional class; diabetes; age >70 years; infarction of the inferior wall associated with right ventricular impairment; time between symptom onset and treatment at the hospital >12 h; anteroseptal or extensive anterior infarction; no use of streptokinase; and no tobacco use. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, only non-Killip I functional class, diabetes, and age >70 years persisted as independent factors for death. CONCLUSION: Non-Killip I functional class, diabetes, and age >70 years were independent predictors of mortality in acute myocardial infarction with elevation of the ST segment.
OBJETIVO: Estudar, comparativamente, um grupo de fetos de mães com toxoplasmose aguda ou recente e um grupo sem doença sistêmica, analisando-se a presença de alterações da refringência endocárdica. MÉTODOS: Avaliados 91 fetos cujas mães tinham diagnóstico de toxoplasmose aguda ou recente, detectados por soroconversão ou presença de títulos elevados de IgM e IgG, confirmados através do teste de captura e comparados com um grupo controle constituído de 182 fetos, selecionados a partir de uma população de baixo risco, participante de um programa de rastreamento de cardiopatias pré-natais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre as idades médias gestacionais (29,2±4,6 semanas; 29,2±4,6 semanas) e maternas (25,7±6,7 anos; 26±5,4 anos) nos dois grupos. Áreas de hiperecogenicidade endocárdica observadas em 69 fetos com toxoplasmose materna (75,8%) e em apenas 6 fetos do grupo controle (3,3%) (p<0,001). Em 52 dos casos do grupo de estudo (75,4%) a hiper-refringência endocárdica era difusa e em 17 (24,3%), focal. No grupo controle, uma distribuição focal foi observada em 5 fetos (83,3%). CONCLUSÃO: A imagem ecocardiográfica pré-natal de hiper-refringência endocárdica focal ou difusa é mais prevalente em gestações com toxoplasmose materna do que naquelas normais, existindo associação entre a presença de hiperecogenicidade endocárdica fetal e doença materna.
OBJETIVO: Estudar as anormalidades morfo-funcionais do sistema cardiovascular fetal detectáveis por ultra-sonografia. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos 3.980 fetos de gestantes sem risco obstétrico ou cardiológico, do município de Porto Alegre, de julho/1996 a novembro/2000, ao ecocardiograma de rastreamento para malformações cardiovasculares através dos cortes de quatro câmaras e vias de saída dos ventrículos direito e esquerdo. RESULTADOS: Houve 103 diagnósticos de anormalidades cardiovasculares fetais, correspondendo a 2,5% (103/3.980) da população estudada, ou 25,8/1000, sendo que 47 referiam-se a alterações morfo-funcionais do coração fetal, prevalência global de 11,8/1000 (47/3.980), e 56 exibiam alterações na refringência (golf ball). Três falso-negativos e nenhum falso-positivo elevaram a prevalência global para 12.5/1000 (50/3.980), ou 26,6/1000 (106/3.980), quando incluídas também as alterações de refringência. CONCLUSÃO: A detecção das malformações cardiovasculares ainda no período intra-uterino, visando planejamento perinatal é possível, confirmando a experiência internacional. É sugerida implantação do rastreamento de malformações cardiovasculares, aninhada em rede de atenção rotineira de ultra-sonografia obstétrica.
A anomalia de Ebstein é uma doença rara, embora seja a malformação mais comum da valva tricúspide. A associação com outras síndromes e anomalias extracardíacas é muito incomum e matéria de poucos relatos de caso. Apresenta-se um caso de diagnóstico pré-natal de anomalia de Ebstein em um paciente com síndrome de Down.
OBJETIVO: Quantificar a prevalência de HG em adolescentes primíparas; definir fatores de preditividade para a ocorrência de HG e sua repercussão nos recém-nascidos. MÉTODOS: Foram acompanhadas 29 adolescentes primíparas durante o pré-natal até a 12ª semana de puerpério, com idade média de dezesseis anos, do ambulatório do Serviço de Adolescentes da Maternidade Escola Assis Chateaubriand (MEAC) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza). As gestantes foram dividas em dois grupos; ou seja, nas que permaneceram normotensas (Grupo I) e naquelas que desenvolveram hipertensão gestacional -HG - (Grupo II). As variáveis investigadas na avaliação de valor de preditividade no desenvolvimento de HG foram valores antropométricos, aspectos socioeconômicos, o hábito de fumar, a hereditariedade para HAS (pai/mãe), os exames do pré-natal solicitados na primeira consulta do pré-natal e a microalbuminúria e a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) na 28ª semana de gestação. As gestantes foram acompanhadas no parto e no puerpério tardio (12ª semana de puerpério). Os recém-nascidos das mães do nosso estudo foram avaliados ao nascer pelos índices de APGAR e de Capurro, peso, estatura e pela presença de hipóxia perinatal. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de HG foi de 51,7% . A hereditariedade para HAS apresentou-se com o maior valor de preditividade para HG com odds ratio de 10,99. A pressão arterial diastólica maior ou igual a 70 mmHg, na idade média gestacional de 35 semanas, apresentou significância estatística como valor de preditividade para HG. Na MAPA encontramos valor de preditividade para HG: carga pressórica diastólica em vigília, carga pressórica sistólica e diastólica no sono noturno, variabilidade pressórica e pressão máxima diastólica no sono. Especificamente a pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) máxima na MAPA no período do sono noturno ³64 mmHg apresentou odds ratio de 6 para HG com sensibilidade de 80% e especificidade de 60% para o desenvolvimento de HG. CONCLUSÃO: A pesquisa de fatores de preditividade de HG em adolescentes primíparas se demonstrou de fácil aplicabilidade e útil para estratificar gestantes de alto risco no desenvolvimento de HG.
Descrevemos dois casos de protrusão localizada do ventrículo esquerdo (VE), entidade que tem sido descrita na literatura como aneurisma ou divertículo. Em ambos os casos, observou-se uma evolução distinta da anteriormente relatada. A incidência e história natural dessas raras anomalias são pouco conhecidas, podendo evoluir de forma assintomática ou gerar graves complicações e até o óbito no período pré-natal. A abordagem terapêutica deve ser individualizada.
Background:Circulatory system diseases are the first cause of death in Brazil.Objective:To analyze the evolution of mortality caused by heart failure, by ischemic heart diseases and by ill-defined causes, as well as their possible relations, in Brazil and in the geoeconomic regions of the country (North, Northeast, Center-West, South and Southeast), from 1996 to 2011.Methods:Data were obtained from DATASUS and death declaration records with codes I20 and I24 for acute ischemic diseases, I25 for chronic ischemic diseases, and I50 for heart failure, and codes in chapter XIII for ill-defined causes, according to geoeconomic regions of Brazil, from 1996 to 2011.Results:Mortality rates due to heart failure declined in Brazil and its regions, except for the North and the Northeast. Mortality rates due to acute ischemic heart diseases increased in the North and Northeast regions, especially from 2005 on; they remained stable in the Center-West region; and decreased in the South and in the Southeast. Mortality due to chronic ischemic heart diseases decreased in Brazil and in the Center-West, South and Southeast regions, and had little variation in the North and in the Northeast. The highest mortality rates due to ill-defined causes occurred in the Northeast until 2005.Conclusions:Mortality due to heart failure is decreasing in Brazil and in all of its geoeconomic regions. The temporal evolution of mortality caused by ischemic heart diseases was similar to that of heart failure. The decreasing number of deaths due to ill-defined causes may represent the improvement in the quality of information about mortality in Brazil. The evolution of acute ischemic heart diseases ranged according to regions, being possibly confused with the differential evolution of ill-defined causes.
Diagnosis, prognosis and evaluation of death risk in Chagas cardiomyopathy still constitute a challenge due to the diversity of manifestations, which determine the importance of using echocardiography, tissue Doppler and biomarkers. To evaluate, within a systematic review, clinical and echocardiographic profiles of patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy, which may be related to worse prognosis and major mortality risk. To perform the systematic review, we used Medline (via PubMed), LILACS and SciELO databases to identify 82 articles published from 1991 to 2012, with the following descriptors: echocardiography, mortality and Chagas disease. We selected 31 original articles, involving diagnostic and prognostic methods. The importance of Chagas disease has increased due to its emergence in Europe and United States, but most evidence came from Brazil. Among the predictors of worse prognosis and higher mortality risk are morphological and functional alterations in the left and right ventricles, evaluated by conventional echocardiography and tissue Doppler, as well as the increase in brain natriuretic peptide and troponin I concentrations. Recently, the evaluations of dyssynchrony, dysautonomia, as well as strain, strain rate and myocardial twisting were added to the diagnostic arsenal for the early differentiation of Chagas cardiomyopathy. Developments in imaging and biochemical diagnostic procedures have enabled more detailed cardiac evaluations, which demonstrate the early involvement of both ventricles, allowing a more accurate assessment of the mortality risk in Chagas disease.
Background: Cardiac tumors are rare, mostly benign with high embolic potential. Objectives: To correlate the histological type of cardiac masses with their embolic potential, implantation site and long term follow up in patients undergoing surgery. Methods: Between January 1986 and December 2011, we retrospectively analyzed 185 consecutive patients who underwent excision of intracardiac mass (119 females, mean age 48±20 years). In 145 patients, the left atrium was the origin site. 72% were asymptomatic and prior embolization was often observed (19.8%). The diagnosis was established by echocardiography, magnetic resonance and histological examination. Results: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. Myxoma was the most common (72.6%), followed by fibromas (6.9%), thrombi (6.4%) and sarcomas (6.4%). Ranging from 0.6cm to 15cm (mean 4.6 ± 2.5cm) 37 (19.8%) patients had prior embolization, stroke 10.2%, coronary 4.8%, peripheral 4.3% 5.4% of hospital death, with a predominance of malignant tumors (40% p < 0.0001). The histological type was a predictor of mortality (rhabdomyomas and sarcomas p = 0.002) and embolic event (sarcoma, lipoma and fibroelastoma p = 0.006), but not recurrence. Tumor size, atrial fibrillation, cavity and valve impairment were not associated with the embolic event. During follow-up (mean 80±63 months), there were 2 deaths (1.1%) and two recurrences 1 and 11 years after the operation, to the same cavity. Conclusion: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart. The histological type was predictor of death and preoperative embolic event, while the implantation site carries no relation with mortality or to embolic event.
Background: Patients with diabetes are in extract higher risk for fatal cardiovascular events. Objective: To evaluate major predictors of mortality in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A cohort of 323 individuals with type 2 diabetes from several regions of Brazil was followed for a long period. Baseline electrocardiograms, clinical and laboratory data obtained were used to determine hazard ratios (HR) and confidence interval (CI) related to cardiovascular and total mortality. Results: After 9.2 years of follow-up (median), 33 subjects died (17 from cardiovascular causes). Cardiovascular mortality was associated with male gender; smoking; prior myocardial infarction; long QTc interval; left ventricular hypertrophy; and eGFR <60 mL/min. These factors, in addition to obesity, were predictors of total mortality. Cardiovascular mortality was adjusted for age and gender, but remained associated with: smoking (HR = 3.8; 95% CI 1.3-11.8; p = 0.019); prior myocardial infarction (HR = 8.5; 95% CI 1.8-39.9; p = 0.007); eGFR < 60 mL/min (HR = 9.5; 95% CI 2.7-33.7; p = 0.001); long QTc interval (HR = 5.1; 95% CI 1.7-15.2; p = 0.004); and left ventricular hypertrophy (HR = 3.5; 95% CI 1.3-9.7; p = 0.002). Total mortality was associated with obesity (HR = 2.3; 95% CI 1.1-5.1; p = 0.030); smoking (HR = 2.5; 95% CI 1.0-6.1; p = 0.046); prior myocardial infarction (HR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.4-6.1; p = 0.005), and long QTc interval (HR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.4-6.1; p = 0.017). Conclusions: Biomarkers of simple measurement, particularly those related to target-organ lesions, were predictors of mortality in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Background: Diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose are important risk factors for mortality in ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients, but their relative and individual role remains on debate. Objective: To analyze the influence of diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose on the mortality of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention. Methods: Prospective cohort study including every ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patient submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention in a tertiary cardiology center from December 2010 to May 2012. We collected clinical, angiographic and laboratory data during hospital stay, and performed a clinical follow-up 30 days after the ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. We adjusted the multivariate analysis of the studied risk factors using the variables from the GRACE score. Results: Among the 740 patients included, reported diabetes mellitus prevalence was 18%. On the univariate analysis, both diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose were predictors of death in 30 days. However, after adjusting for potential confounders in the multivariate analysis, the diabetes mellitus relative risk was no longer significant (relative risk: 2.41, 95% confidence interval: 0.76 - 7.59; p-value: 0.13), whereas admission blood glucose remained and independent predictor of death in 30 days (relative risk: 1.05, 95% confidence interval: 1.02 - 1.09; p-value ≤ 0.01). Conclusion: In ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention, the admission blood glucose was a more accurate and robust independent predictor of death than the previous diagnosis of diabetes. This reinforces the important role of inflammation on the outcomes of this group of patients.