149 resultados para OXYGEN STORAGE


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AbstractMaize is considered a source of carotenoids; however, these compounds are highly unstable, degraded by high temperatures, exposure to light and presence of oxygen. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the moisture and type of drying applied to grains on the level of carotenoids in yellow maize. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (2 × 4 factorial), two levels of initial moisture at the harvest (22 and 19%) and three types of drying (in the sun; in the shade and in a dryer) and control (no drying). The samples of grains after drying with 12% of final moisture were analyzed by concentration of total carotenoids, carotenes (α-carotene + β-carotene), monohydroxilated carotenoids (β-cryptoxanthin), and xanthophylls (lutein + zeaxanthin). Initial moisture, type of drying and the interaction between moisture versus drying influence (p≤0.05) the levels of carotenoids in grains. This is the first report about the drying conditions and harvest’s initial moisture as influence on the profile and content of carotenoids in maize grains. Based on the results, this work suggested that the harvest be carried out preferably when the grains present 22% humidity, with drying in a dryer or in shade for further use or storage.


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Abstract Postharvest lettuce often lose water, thus affecting both its market value and consumer acceptance. However, the mechanism of the water-loss is still waiting well exploration. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a foliar application of ABA on the fresh weight-loss and the chlorophyll content of postharvest lettuce as well as its association with the regulation of stomata. The present data demonstrated that exogenously application of ABA, in a concentration range of 0 to 100 µM, significantly lowered the fresh weight-loss of postharvest lettuce. ABA also delayed chlorophyll reduction during ambient storage, but this protective effect was ABA concentration-dependent. Among the tested ABA concentrations, 50 µM or lower ABA produced an inhibition effect on chlorophyll degradation in postharvest lettuce leaves. The results demonstrated that the exogenous ABA treatment can obviously reduce the transpiration rate of lettuce leaves by promoting the stomatal closure of postharvest lettuce, therefore eventually delay fresh weight-loss. The present study primarily showed that the application of exogenous ABA, which originated from a naturally-produced phytohormone, has a great potential in retaining the freshness of postharvest lettuce that is stored in an ambient condition, although possible practical application still need to be further evaluated.


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Abstract There are no precedents concerning the quality of Octopus maya during chilled storage. This study evaluated the shelf life of the red octopus in chilling storage (4oC) and the correlation of the sensory quality index with microbiological counting and the biochemical indicators (hypoxanthine, histamine and volatile amines). A total of 112 whole raw octopi (average weight of 896 g) were randomly selected from seven batches and exposed to 4°C for 18, 24, 48, 72, 84, 96, and 100 h. The histamine concentration (91.7%), followed by the counts of psychrotrophic bacteria (5.5%) and hypoxanthine (2.2%), were the predictors from the redundancy analysis that better explained the changes taking place during the chilling hours. After 72 h of chilling, the microbial count was determined to be log 4.7 CFU/g, and the octopus samples were classified as B quality (minor sensory quality defects) based on the sensory quality scale. Although the samples were not classified as unacceptable at 100 h of refrigeration by the sensory index, the level of histamine reached the defect action level (5 mg/100 g) as ruled by the International Food Safety Authorities. The shelf life of the red octopus in chilling storage was predicted to be 119 h.


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Abstract The storage susceptibility of Bambara groundnut (B. G.) (Voandzeia Subterranean (L.) Thouars) to Callosobruchus maculatus and chemical and functional properties of 11 varieties form Far-North of Cameroon were investigate using standard analytical methods. Storage susceptibility shown that, after five months within treatment, C. maculatus destroy 10 to 50% of grains. The chemical characteristics of none attack grains of 11 varieties were range to 18.64 at 21.08%, 6.85 at 7.44%, 49.75 at 52.68% and to 6.05 at 7.55% respectively for protein, fat, starch and free carbohydrate. These chemical characteristics significantly (p < 0.05) decreases form attacks varieties. For the functional parameters, the none attacks grains was range of 130 at 135%, 19.15 at 20.91%, 18.20 at 21.13%, 2.76 at 3.21% and of 8.54 at 10.14% respectively for water capacity absorption, solubility index, gel length, ash and humidity. The results of this study indicated that storage susceptibility, chemical and functional properties of B. G. be dependant to the varieties.


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Research with soybean seeds has revealed that the results of the electrical conductivity test may be influenced by storage temperature, particularly low temperature, such as 10ºC, suggesting that seed deterioration at low storage temperatures does not seem to be directly related to the loss of the cell membrane integrity. This study was conducted with seeds of two soybean cultivars with the objective of: a) studying the effect of different storage temperatures (10ºC; 20ºC; 25ºC; 20/10ºC and 25/10ºC) on the results of the electrical conductivity test; b) observing the behavior of fatty acids and carbohydrates during storage and studying its relation with the electrical conductivity results. Every three months, from a total of 18 months of storage, the physiological quality of seeds was evaluated using the germination, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity tests. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the electrical conductivity test was not shown to be a good indicative of the deterioration process of seeds stored at low temperatures, and no direct relationship between changes in the fatty acids and carbohydrates and the behavior of the mentioned test for seeds stored at 10ºC was found.


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The occurrence of green soybean seed due to forced maturation or premature plant death caused by drought or foliar and/or root diseases has been common in several Brazilian production areas. Physiological quality of seed lots with green seed may have their germination and vigor potentials affected and therefore discarded by the grain industry. The objective of this experiment was to determine the maximum tolerated level of green seed in soybean seed lots, which is information of major importance for seed producers when taking the decision whether to sell these lots. Soybean seed of the cultivars CD 206, produced in Ubirata, Parana, and ‘FMT Tucunare,’ produced in Alto Garças, Mato Grosso, were used in the study. Green seed and yellow seed of both cultivars were mixed in the following proportions: 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Seed quality was evaluated by the germination, accelerated aging, tetrazolium and electrical conductivity tests. The contents of a, b and total chlorophyll in the seed were also determined. A complete randomized block design in a factorial scheme (two cultivars x 12 levels of green seed) was used. Seed quality was negatively affected and chlorophyll contents incremented with the increase in the percentage of green seed. Seed germination, viability and vigor, measured by the accelerated aging test, were not reduced with levels of up to 3% green seed, for both cultivars. Levels above 6% green seed significantly reduced the quality of the seed. The quality of seed lots with 9% or more green seed was significantly reduced to the point that their commercialization is not recommended.


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This study was done to evaluate the physiological and enzymatic alterations in papaya (Carica papaya L.) seeds during storage period. Seeds were extracted from mature fruits of Formosa group papaya hybrid Tainung 01. The sarcotesta was removed by rubbing the seeds on a wire screen under running water and then dried to the moisture content (MC) of 5, 8 or 11% The seeds were packed in multilayer paper bags, polyethylene bags, aluminum foil pouch and metallic canisters and stored for 15 months under laboratory conditions. Seeds were evaluated, at three month interval, for MC, germination, and the activity of acid phosphotase (AP) and malate dehyrogenase (MDH) was evaluated with the use of amide gel (12%) electrophoresis. The fresh seeds had post-harvest dormancy, which was broken after six month storage. Independent of the package type, the seeds could be stored for 12 months with 8 or 11% MC under ambient conditions. There was no association between seed deterioration and alterations in AP and MDH activity.


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The objective in this research was to evaluate the isoflavone content and the physiological quality of seed from conventional and transgenic soybean cultivars before and after 180 days of storage. Twenty one soybean cultivars: CD 202, CD 206, CD 208, CD 213RR, CD 214RR, CD 215, CD 216, CD 217, CD 218, CD 221, BRS 184, BRS 185, BRS 214, BRS 244RR, BRS 245RR, BRS 246RR, BRS 255, BRS 257, BRS 258, BRS 261 and BRS 262, grown in the 2005/2006 crop season, were assayed. The seeds were packed in Kraft paper bags and stored at room temperature under laboratory conditions. Seeds were evaluated with respect to their germination and vigor (first germination count, accelerated aging and tetrazolium test) and their total isoflavone contents and respective aglycon forms (daidzein, genistein and glycitein),glycosides (daidzine, genistine and glycitine) and malonyl conjugates. A completely randomized block design with six replications with the treatments set out within a subplot scheme (21 cultivars x 2 storage periods) was used. The F-test was used to compare means between storage periods and the Scott-Knott test to compare cultivars for each storage period, both with a 95% probability. It was concluded that isoflavone contents differ between cultivars and show a distinct behavior throughout storage.


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The establishment of citrus orchards with rootstocks from seed with a low physiological quality has been a recurring problem. Low quality seeds directly affect both the final stand and the time required for seedling production. The irregular maturation of fruits, seed recalcitrance, and the high incidence of fungi, make long term storage difficult, even at low temperatures. This study evaluated the storage potential and the use of fungicide treatments on 'Swingle' citrumelo seeds extracted from fruits collected at two maturation stages, green or ripe. The seeds were subjected to a thermal treatment, treated with Derosal, Thiram or Tecto+Captan fungicides, packaged in impermeable polyethylene bags and stored in a cold chamber for nine months. Every three months, the physiological and sanitary qualities of the seeds were evaluated from germination and sanitary tests and also from enzyme profiles. Seeds from green fruits deteriorated less than those from mature fruits; deterioration increased up to nine months of storage; treatment with the Tecto+Captan mixture gave effective pathogen control and maintained seed quality during storage. The germination of the green and ripe seeds is satisfactory (70%) after three months storage.


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The supersweet (Sh2) corn seeds have a thin tegument and an irregular shape, which hinder the sowing procedure. As a function of those factors, the significance of using the pelleting process to improve sowing and standardize the stand of plants in the field without the need of thinning within the row is emphasized. Although this technique has already been known for many years, little has been studied on the effect of such procedure on the plantability and on the moisture content of the supersweet corn seeds. Therefore, this research work aimed at evaluating the effects of pelleting on the moisture content of the seeds along the storing process, on the occurrence of gaps on seed deposition and on the dropping of double seeds, with the aid of a testing seeder. Other physical attributes of seeds and pellets were also evaluated through tests of fragmentation, screen retention, mass of a thousand seeds and apparent volume. Results have shown an increase on the mass and on the volume of the pelleted seeds that presented highly resistance to cracks and breaking. The pelleting was efficient on the reduction of gaps and on the deposition of double seeds at sowing, thus providing highly satisfactory results for these attributes. An increase on the seed moisture content was also observed as a function of storage with a significant reduction on this factor after the pelleting procedure. Results allow concluding that the pelleting process reduces seed moisture content and improves plantability, positively affecting the efficiency of the sowing process.


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To study adhesion and viability of uredospores of the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean seeds during storage, suspension tests of those uredospores were carried out by washing seeds at each 30 days interval. Furthermore, germination and inoculation tests of uredospores on soybean plants were performed with uredospores collected from seeds of two soybean production areas, located in the municipalities "Chapada dos Guimarães" and "Tangará da Serra", State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. High levels of uredospores infestation were detected before storage [249.31 and 85.18 uredospores/100 seeds (U/100)] on seeds collected in both localities, respectively. After 30 days storage, these figures were 46.12 and 122.5 U/100; at 60 days were 14.62 and 26.62 U/100; and at 90 days were only 2.87 and 3,68 U/100, respectively; dropping to zero after 120 days storage. The percentage of germinated uredospores decreased with increasing storage periods and at 120 days germination percentage was nil. When uredospores were inoculated on soybean plants, rust symptoms were only observed for uredospores collected from freshly harvested seeds. Uredospores associated to soybean seed germinate until 90 days after storage, but are not viable after this time span. Infection of plants only occurs with inoculation of uredospores obtained from freshly harvested seeds.


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This research was aimed at studying effects of storage and accelerated aging on germination and profile of storage proteins in Handroanthus albus seeds. These were stored into a cold chamber (± 8 ºC; RH ± 40%) and after periods of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of storage, were subjected to accelerated aging for 0, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours. Relationships between germination and proteins profile were assessed. Germination test was performed at 25 ºC, under constant light. For protein extraction, 125 mg of seeds were macerated in 2 mL of extraction buffer (1M Tris-HCl; pH 8.8) and applied to SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gel at 80 V .15 h-1. Twelve month storage, combined with 72 hours accelerated aging have increased germination in approximately 65% when compared to non-aged seeds or to seeds with 24 h of accelerated aging. Besides beneficial effects, degradation and synthesis of different proteins were observed. It was concluded that germination of Handroanthus albus seeds, when not subjected to accelerated aging, is favored by storage in cold chamber during three to six months, or from nine to 12 months when subjected to accelerated aging process. Storage proteins may be associated to those increases, and hence further studies are needed.


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Tabebuia caraiba (Mart.) Bureau, commonly known as Silver Trumpet Tree is a forestal species, belonging to Bignoniaceae family, which can be utilized as medicinal plant or in landscaping of urban and rural areas; besides producing large mechanical resistance wood. Despite its wide use and ecological importance, basic studies on storages of their seeds are scarce. This way, the objective of this study was to determine the most adequate packaging and the best temperatures, for storing seeds of T. caraiba. For this, seeds were stored in two types of packaging: Kraft paper bags and transparent polyethylene bags; which were then stored during 150 days under three different environments: laboratory normal environment (25±2 °C); cold chamber (8±2 °C); and refrigerator (6±2 °C). After periods of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 days, seed moisture content, percentage of emergence, emergence speed index, and seedling length were evaluated. Seeds of T. caraiba kept in packaging of paper and polyethylene bags and stored at laboratory environmental condition, have lost more quickly their vigor along the storage period. For storage, it is recommended the maintenance of T. caraiba seeds in polyethylene bags into cold chamber; and/or polyethylene bags or Kraft paper bags into refrigerator.


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Seed quality may be affected by several factors, including permeability, color, and lignin content in the seed coat. This study aimed at evaluating influence of lignin content in the tegument of seed samples of six different soybean cultivars, in which half of each sample was inoculated with the fungus Aspergillus flavus, on the physical and physiological quality, and on the seed health, during 180 days storage period, under cold chamber with controlled conditions of temperature and RH. For that, at each interval of 60 days, samples were removed, and the physiological quality of these seeds was assessed by means of moisture and lignin contents; and by tests of seed health, germination, and electrical conductivity. The moisture content of seeds remained constant during all storage period. In the seed health test, it was found that inoculation was efficient, once the minimum incidence of the fungus in the inoculated seeds was 85%. In the germination test, there was a trend of reduction on percentage germination with the increase in storage period. However, there was an increase on electrical conductivity of seeds assessed. It was concluded that there is no interference of the lignin content in the seed coat on the resistance to infection by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, even after seed storage for a period of 180 days.