283 resultados para Laboratório remoto


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A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.


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A system for disposal and recovery of the main effluents and chemical waist from isotope separation plants and enriched compounds-15N and 34S production has been carried out at the Stable Isotope Laboratory (LIE) of the CENA/USP. Around four hundred thousand liters of effluents has been recovered yearly. Among the recovered chemical wastes, the more relevant are: ammonia; brome; ammonium and sodium sulfate; sodium hydroxide; sulfur dioxide; and hydrochloric acid. Chemical wastes containg recoverable heavy metals (Ag, Cr and Cu) and solvents (methanol, ethanol and acetone) are processed and recovered. Gaseous emissions, mainly H2S are used for recovery of heavy metals solutions. The minimization of the residues waters, as well the reduction of electric energy consume was established using a water deionization system. A cost/effect balance of the process is reported.


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Until the present date, historians of science have described inaccurately the first laboratory created in Brazil for establishing and divulging Chemistry, namely the "Laboratório Químico-Prático do Rio de Janeiro". During recent research carried out in the Arquivo do Museu Imperial (Petrópolis, RJ), I localized a document entitled "Ensaio histórico analítico das operações do Laboratório Químico-Prático do Rio de Janeiro", which allowed me to gain the relevant information to correct some of the observations made in the first chronicles.


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In this work we show how to build a piece of equipment for depositing thin films by the dip-coating process, using inexpensive components easily found on the market. This equipment allows us to control the dipping and pulling velocity at which the substrate is put in the film precursor solution, two very important parameters for obtain thin films. This article discusses the construction of the mechanical and electric parts of the equipment, a simple method to interface it to a computer and the development of the software to control the dip-coating parameters.


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A new construction of a capillary electrophoresis instrument with a universal conductivity detector (oscillometric detector) is described. The performance of the electrophoresis equipment was evaluated through the separation and detection of inorganic anions and cations in aqueous solutions. The results reproduced those found in the literature for the investigated probe ions, showing an efficient separation and good repeatability.


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The validation of analytical methods was carried out for di-(ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and adipate (DEHA) the determination of in PVC films. The level of DEHP and DEHA in samples was determined by leaving the film in contact with n-heptane during 48 hours and analysis in a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica column with 5% phenylmethyl silicone in the dimensions 30 m x 0.53 mm x 2.65 mm. The results for detection and the quantification limits were smaller than the restriction limits. The recovery rates of DEHP and DEHA were, respectively, 69.10 and 75.30 %.


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The contextualized understanding of concepts in Chemistry by students from other areas is a challenging task. In this experiment, the synthesis of biodiesel is done by base catalyzed transesterification of refined soy oil with methanol at room temperature and common glassware found in any chemistry laboratory. The proposal permits introducing several concepts, such as that of emulsion, viscosity and catalysis to illustrate an activity based on an actual problem. In this didactic approach, some common problems of biodiesel production, such as soap formation and phase separation, are introduced into the procedure in order to raise questions and motivate the students to participate in the experimental work and stimulate reflections about critical aspects of biodiesel production. This experiment was carried out in the first semester of 2006, in experimental general chemistry taken by physics and agricultural, civil and chemical engineering students of UNICAMP.


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The optimization of a traditional technique of cellular disruption by abrasion was carried out and a process using ultrasonic waves associated with glass pearls to extract beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces marxianus proposed. In the first case, the effects of the diameter and weight of the pearls in relation to the volume of cellular suspension and amount of time for cellular disruption were evaluated. The efficiency of the new process of cellular disruption was evaluated by varying the length of time of sonification and comparing with the method of abrasion under the same conditions. The proposed method can be efficiently applied to obtain beta-galactosidase at laboratory scale.


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In this paper, we present procedures for the treatment and final disposal of residual solutions containing chromium, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical precipitation of the metal and the potential of the glass encapsulation technique, using broken laboratory glassware. The results demonstrated that pH-values convenient for chemical precipitation are between 10 - 11. With regard to Cr(OH)3 encapsulation, the leaching and solubilization tests allowed to classify the waste as non-dangerous and non-inert. Finally, it is pointed out that the adoption of waste management practices in universities should be encouraged, helping to train professionals skilled in good laboratory practices.


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This work presents the students´ profile before and after working in the course "Laboratory Chemical Waste Treatment" in the last ten years. The structure of the course is also described. Although students have shown an increasing previous experience on waste management, many fundamental aspects are missing, especially knowledge on the directives focusing environmental aspects. Visits to industrial plants are also essential to better understand the impact of wastes in environment. Most students nowadays consider waste management as an essential part of their professional formation. A good waste management program must consider several topics of extreme relevance.


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This work describes the development of a home-made capillary electrophoresis (CE) system based on the capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D) for the separation of the metallic species Zn2+, Cr3+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ e Tl+. A background electrolyte composed of MES/Histidine 0,02 mol L-1 (pH 5.0) was optimized for the separation of the metallic species by using organic solvents and complexing agents as additives. The system allowed the determination of the metallic species using MES/Histidine 0,02 mol L-1 and methanol 5% (pH 5.0) as a background electrolyte, 15 kV separation voltage and hydrodynamic injection by gravity.


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Homo and heterotrinuclear acetates are unique compounds having μ3-oxo bridge and many interesting properties of such compounds are derived from this structure. Some undergraduate inorganic textbooks discuss several aspects of these compounds and we present here an undergraduate experiment for the high-yield synthesis of [Fe2MO(CH3CO2)6(H 2O)3], with M = Fe3+, Co2+ and Ni2+, as well as their characterization using infrared spectroscopy and cyclic voltametry. The proposed experiment gives the opportunity to discuss several concepts of coordination chemistry that follow the characterization techniques, such as: types of acetate coordination, reversibility of electrochemical processes, quelate and trans effects and lability.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze written arguments found within laboratory reports by undergraduate students in a practical inorganic chemistry course. The quality of students' argumentation was analyzed based on the argumentation model developed by Kelly and Takao. Students presented scientific arguments grounded in data and building toward theoretical assertions. This indicates that students have some understanding of the rhetorical power of data in their explanations. The findings of this study also support the idea that Kelly and Takao's model is effective in other disciplines and in other rhetorical tasks distinct from those originally analyzed by them in their domain of oceanography.


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A portable microcontrolled system is proposed to monitor conductivity, temperature and pH in on-line, in situ and remote way from a water reservoir faraway 200 m. The system comprises two modules: one for data reception (located in laboratory) and another for data acquisition/transmission (located near water reservoir). It uses a microcontroller and a transceiver to remote data transmission/reception by radio frequency. Variations of water parameters were simultaneously monitored without interruption during a period of ten hours with a relative error about 4.0 %. The developed system showed simple, stable, accurate, robust and low-cost to determine parameters of water in field.


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The goal of this manuscript is provide to students of Chemistry and related areas an alternative experiment in which they can obtain a compound and learn to observe and interpret properties and predict organic structure by obtaining furfural from biomass. Furfural is an organic compound, obtained through acid hydrolysis of pentosans, commonly used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Students are guided to get furfural through extractive procedures and chemical reactions adapted to semi-micro laboratory scale. Characterization of furfural was done by chemical tests and physical properties. Identification was accomplished by a series of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques.