597 resultados para Lúcia Sigalho


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OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados ao absenteísmo por doença autorreferido em trabalhadores de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.509 trabalhadores de três hospitais públicos no município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, em 2006. O absenteísmo foi classificado em três níveis: nenhum dia, poucos dias (um a nove dias) e muitos dias (> 10 dias), a partir da resposta a uma pergunta do questionário de avaliação do índice de capacidade para o trabalho. As análises de regressão logística levaram em conta um modelo conceitual com base em determinantes distais (condições socioeconômicas), de níveis intermediários I (características ocupacionais) e II (características do estilo de vida), e proximais (doenças e condições de saúde). RESULTADOS: As frequências de absenteísmo por doença foram de 20,3% e 16,6% para poucos e muitos dias, respectivamente. Aqueles que referiram mais de um emprego, doenças osteomusculares e avaliaram sua saúde como ruim ou regular apresentaram chances mais elevadas de absenteísmo. Comparados aos enfermeiros, os auxiliares tiveram menor chance de referir poucos dias e os técnicos, maiores chances de apresentar muitos dias de ausência. Chances mais elevadas de referir muitos dias de ausência foram observadas entre os servidores públicos em relação aos contratados (OR = 3,12; IC95% 1,86;5,22) e entre os casados (OR = 1,73; IC95% 1,14;2,63) e separados, divorciados e viúvos (OR = 2,06; IC95% 1,27;3,35), comparados aos solteiros. CONCLUSÕES: Diferentes variáveis foram associadas às duas modalidades de absenteísmo, o que sugere sua determinação múltipla e complexa, relacionada a fatores de diversos níveis que não podem ser explicados apenas por problemas de saúde.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores epidemiológicos e sociodemográficos associados à saúde de idosos com ou sem plano de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas com 2.143 pessoas de 60 anos e mais, no município de São Paulo, em 2000 e 2006. A variável dependente, dicotômica, foi ter ou não plano de saúde. As variáveis independentes abrangeram características sociodemográficas e de condição de saúde. Foram descritas as proporções encontradas para as variáveis analisadas e desenvolvido modelo de regressão logística que considerou significantes as variáveis com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças, favoráveis aos titulares de planos, para renda e escolaridade. O grupo sem planos privados realizou menos prevenção contra neoplasias e mais contra doenças respiratórias; esperou mais para ter acesso a consultas de saúde; realizou menos exames pós-consulta; referiu menor número de doenças; teve maior proporção de avaliação negativa da própria saúde e relatou mais episódios de queda. Os titulares de planos relataram menor adesão à vacinação e, dentre os que foram internados, 11,1% em 2000 e 17,9% em 2006 tiveram esse procedimento custeado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. A única doença associada à condição de titular de plano privado foi a osteoporose. CONCLUSÕES: Há diferenças representadas pela renda e pela escolaridade favoráveis aos titulares de planos e seguros privados, as quais estão relacionadas com o uso de serviços e com os determinantes sociais de saúde.


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OBJETIVO Analisar a associação entre a utilização de serviço de saúde por idosos com dor crônica e variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com amostra populacional realizado por meio de inquérito domiciliar em São Paulo, SP, em 2006, com 1.271 idosos de 60 anos ou mais, sem déficit cognitivo, que relataram dor crônica. Dor crônica foi definida como aquela com duração ≥ 6 meses. O critério para uso do serviço de saúde foi ter feito mais de quatro consultas ou uma internação no último ano. Para os idosos com dor há pelo menos um ano, testou-se a existência de associação entre uso do serviço de saúde com as variáveis independentes (características da dor, sociodemográficas e doenças autorreferidas), por meio de análises univariadas (teste de Rao & Scott) e múltiplas (Regressão Múltipla de Cox com variância robusta). Utilizou-se o programa Stata 11.0 e adotou-se como valor de significância p < 0,05. RESULTADOS A prevalência de utilização do serviço de saúde nos idosos com dor foi 48,0% (IC95% 35,1;52,8) e não diferiu dos idosos sem dor (50,5%; IC95% 45,1;55,9). A chance de utilização do serviço de saúde foi 33,0% menor nos idosos com dor há mais de dois anos do que naqueles com dor entre um e dois anos (p = 0,002); 55,0% maior nos idosos com dor intensa (p = 0,003) e 45,0% maior entre os que relataram interferência moderada da dor no trabalho (p = 0,015) na análise múltipla. CONCLUSÕES A dor crônica foi frequente e esteve associada a maiores prejuízos na independência e mobilidade. A dor crônica mais intensa, a mais recente e a com impacto no trabalho resultaram em maior uso dos serviços de saúde.


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OBJETIVO : Analisar a prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e sua associação com a assistência pela Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal, com dados da pesquisa sobre práticas alimentares no primeiro ano de vida conduzida nas campanhas de vacinação em Barra Mansa, RJ, em 2003 e 2006. Foram selecionadas as crianças < 6 meses, no total 589 em 2003 e 707 em 2006. Tomou-se por base o inquérito de 2006 para estimar a relação entre ser assistido pela Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação e a prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Variáveis de exposição que se mostraram associadas (p ≤ 0,20) ao desfecho na análise bivariada foram selecionadas para a análise múltipla. As razões de prevalência ajustadas foram obtidas por modelo de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, segundo modelo conceitual hierarquizado. O modelo final foi composto por variáveis de exposição que obtiveram p ≤ 0,05. RESULTADOS : A prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo aumentou de 30,2% em 2003 para 46,7% em 2006. Baixa escolaridade materna reduziu o aleitamento materno exclusivo em 20,0% (RP = 0,798; IC95% 0,684;0,931), o parto cesariano em 16,0% (RP = 0,838; IC95% 0,719;0,976), o uso de chupeta em 41,0% (RP = 0,589; IC95% 0,495;0,701) e a prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi 1,0% menor a cada dia de vida da criança (RP = 0,992; IC95% 0,991;0,994) na análise múltipla. O acompanhamento do bebê por unidade credenciada na Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação aumentou o desfecho em 19,0% (RP = 1,193; IC95% 1,020;1,395). CONCLUSÕES : A Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação contribuiu para a prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo e para orientação de gestantes e mães quando implementada na rede primária de saúde.


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OBJETIVO : Avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde de atenção básica e pronto atendimento quanto ao diagnóstico da tuberculose pulmonar. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal, com 90 profissionais de saúde da atenção básica e 68 de pronto atendimento de Ribeirão Preto, em 2009. Foi utilizado questionário estruturado com base em um instrumento de avaliação da atenção à tuberculose. Utilizaram-se os testes Qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher (ambos com nível de significância estatística de 5%) e a análise de correspondência múltipla para estimar associação entre serviço de saúde e as variáveis de estrutura e processo para o diagnóstico da tuberculose. RESULTADOS : Atenção básica esteve associada à adequada provisão de insumos e recursos humanos, bem como com a solicitação de baciloscopia de escarro. O pronto atendimento associou-se à disponibilidade de equipamento de raio-X, sobrecarga de trabalho e rotatividade de recursos humanos, deficiências na quantidade de profissionais de saúde, disponibilidade de recipiente para coleta de escarro e solicitação baciloscópica de escarro. As ações de diagnóstico permaneceram centradas no médico em ambos os serviços. CONCLUSÕES : Os serviços de pronto atendimento apresentaram fragilidades em sua estrutura para identificar os casos de tuberculose. Lacunas no processo foram identificadas em ambos os serviços de atenção básica e pronto atendimento. É necessária a qualificação dos serviços de saúde que constituem as principais portas de entrada ao sistema de saúde para atender as reformas setoriais que priorizam o diagnóstico oportuno e o controle da tuberculose.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze gender differences in the incidence and determinants of disability regarding instrumental activities of daily living among older adults. METHODS The data were extracted from the Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE – Health, Wellbeing and Ageing) study. In 2000, 1,034 older adults without difficulty in regarding instrumental activities of daily living were selected. The following characteristics were evaluated at the baseline: sociodemographic and behavioral variables, health status, falls, fractures, hospitalizations, depressive symptoms, cognition, strength, mobility, balance and perception of vision and hearing. Instrumental activities of daily living such as shopping and managing own money and medication, using transportation and using the telephone were reassessed in 2006, with incident cases of disability considered as the outcome. RESULTS The incidence density of disability in instrumental activities of daily living was 44.7/1,000 person/years for women and 25.2/1,000 person/years for men. The incidence rate ratio between women and men was 1.77 (95%CI 1.75;1.80). After controlling for socioeconomic status and clinical conditions, the incidence rate ratio was 1.81 (95%CI 1.77;1.84), demonstrating that women with chronic disease and greater social vulnerability have a greater incidence density of disability in instrumental activities of daily living. The following were determinants of the incidence of disability: age ≥ 80 and worse perception of hearing in both genders; stroke in men; and being aged 70 to 79 in women. Better cognitive performance was a protective factor in both genders and better balance was a protective factor in women. CONCLUSIONS The higher incidence density of disability in older women remained even after controlling for adverse social and clinical conditions. In addition to age, poorer cognitive performance and conditions that adversely affect communication disable both genders. Acute events, such as a stroke, disables elderly men more, whereas early deficits regarding balance disable women more.


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OBJECTIVE This study investigated the serological status of dogs living in a visceral leishmaniasis-endemic area and its correlation with the parasitological condition of the animals.METHODS Canine humoral response was evaluated using the sera of 134 dogs by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemistry to detect parasites in the skin, lymph node, and spleen of the animals. The specific antibodies investigated were IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgE.RESULTS According to the parasitological, laboratory, and clinical findings, the dogs were placed into one of four groups: asymptomatic with (AP+, n = 21) or without (AP-, n = 36) Leishmania tissue parasitism and symptomatic with (SP+, n = 52) or without (SP-, n = 25) parasitism. Higher IgG and IgE levels were positively correlated with the infection condition and parasite load, but not with the clinical status. In all groups, total IgG was the predominant antibody, which occurred at the expense of IgG2 instead of IgG1. Most of the infected dogs tested positive for IgG (SP+, 98.1%; AP+, 95.2%), whereas this was not observed with IgE (SP+, 80.8%; AP+, 71.2%). The most relevant finding was the high positivity of the uninfected dogs for Leishmania-specific IgG (SP-, 60.0%; AP-, 44.4%), IgE (SP-, 44.0%; AP-, 27.8%), IgG1 (SP-, 28.0%; AP-, 22.2%), and IgG2 antibodies (SP-, 56.0%; AP-, 41.7%).CONCLUSIONS The serological status of dogs, as determined by any class or subclass of antibodies, did not accurately distinguish dogs infected with L. (L.) infantum chagasifrom uninfected animals. The inaccuracy of the serological result may impair not only the diagnosis, but also epidemiological investigations and strategies for visceral leishmaniasis control. This complex serological scenario occurring in a visceral leishmaniasis-endemic area highlights the challenges associated with canine diagnosis and points out the difficulties experienced by veterinary clinicians and coordinators of control programs.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the temporal evolution of maternal mortality and its spatial distribution.METHODS Ecological study with a sample made up of 845 maternal deaths in women between 10 and 49 years, registered from 1999 to 2008 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. Data were obtained from Information System on Mortality of Ministry of Health. The maternal mortality ratio and the specific maternal mortality ratio were calculated from records, and analyzed by the Poisson regression model. In the spatial distribution, three maps of the state were built with the rates in the geographical macro-regions, in 1999, 2003, and 2008.RESULTS There was an increase of 2.0% in the period of ten years (95%CI 1.00;1.04; p = 0.01), with no significant change in the magnitude of the maternal mortality ratio. The Serra macro-region presented the highest maternal mortality ratio (1.15, 95%CI 1.08;1.21; p < 0.001). Most deaths in Rio Grande do Sul were of white women over 40 years, with a lower level of education. The time of delivery/abortion and postpartum are times of increased maternal risk, with a greater negative impact of direct causes such as hypertension and bleeding.CONCLUSIONS The lack of improvement in maternal mortality ratio indicates that public policies had no impact on women’s reproductive and maternal health. It is needed to qualify the attention to women’s health, especially in the prenatal period, seeking to identify and prevent risk factors, as a strategy of reducing maternal death.


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OBJECTIVE Develop an index to evaluate the maternal and neonatal hospital care of the Brazilian Unified Health System.METHODS This descriptive cross-sectional study of national scope was based on the structure-process-outcome framework proposed by Donabedian and on comprehensive health care. Data from the Hospital Information System and the National Registry of Health Establishments were used. The maternal and neonatal network of Brazilian Unified Health System consisted of 3,400 hospitals that performed at least 12 deliveries in 2009 or whose number of deliveries represented 10.0% or more of the total admissions in 2009. Relevance and reliability were defined as criteria for the selection of variables. Simple and composite indicators and the index of completeness were constructed and evaluated, and the distribution of maternal and neonatal hospital care was assessed in different regions of the country.RESULTS A total of 40 variables were selected, from which 27 single indicators, five composite indicators, and the index of completeness of care were built. Composite indicators were constructed by grouping simple indicators and included the following variables: hospital size, level of complexity, delivery care practice, recommended hospital practice, and epidemiological practice. The index of completeness of care grouped the five variables and classified them in ascending order, thereby yielding five levels of completeness of maternal and neonatal hospital care: very low, low, intermediate, high, and very high. The hospital network was predominantly of small size and low complexity, with inadequate child delivery care and poor development of recommended and epidemiological practices. The index showed that more than 80.0% hospitals had a low index of completeness of care and that most qualified heath care services were concentrated in the more developed regions of the country.CONCLUSIONS The index of completeness proved to be of great value for monitoring the maternal and neonatal hospital care of Brazilian Unified Health System and indicated that the quality of health care was unsatisfactory. However, its application does not replace specific evaluations.


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OBJECTIVE To validate a screening instrument using self-reported assessment of frailty syndrome in older adults.METHODS This cross-sectional study used data from the Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento study conducted in Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil. The sample consisted of 433 older adult individuals (≥ 75 years) assessed in 2009. The self-reported instrument can be applied to older adults or their proxy respondents and consists of dichotomous questions directly related to each component of the frailty phenotype, which is considered the gold standard model: unintentional weight loss, fatigue, low physical activity, decreased physical strength, and decreased walking speed. The same classification proposed in the phenotype was utilized: not frail (no component identified); pre-frail (presence of one or two components), and frail (presence of three or more components). Because this is a screening instrument, “process of frailty” was included as a category (pre-frail and frail). Cronbach’s α was used in psychometric analysis to evaluate the reliability and validity of the criterion, the sensitivity, the specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values. Factor analysis was used to assess the suitability of the proposed number of components.RESULTS Decreased walking speed and decreased physical strength showed good internal consistency (α = 0.77 and 0.72, respectively); however, low physical activity was less satisfactory (α = 0.63). The sensitivity and specificity for identifying pre-frail individuals were 89.7% and 24.3%, respectively, while those for identifying frail individuals were 63.2% and 71.6%, respectively. In addition, 89.7% of the individuals from both the evaluations were identified in the “process of frailty” category.CONCLUSIONS The self-reported assessment of frailty can identify the syndrome among older adults and can be used as a screening tool. Its advantages include simplicity, rapidity, low cost, and ability to be used by different professionals.


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OBJECTIVE To examine whether religiousness mediates the relationship between sociodemographic factors, multimorbidity and health-related quality of life of older adults.METHODS This population-based cross-sectional study is part of the Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging (SABE). The sample was composed by 911 older adults from Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil. Structural equation modeling was performed to assess the mediator effect of religiousness on the relationship between selected variables and health-related quality of life of older adults, with models for men and women. The independent variables were: age, education, family functioning and multimorbidity. The outcome variable was health-related quality of life of older adults, measured by SF-12 (physical and mental components). The mediator variables were organizational, non-organizational and intrinsic religiousness. Cronbach’s alpha values were: physical component = 0.85; mental component = 0.80; intrinsic religiousness = 0.89 and family APGAR (Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve) = 0.91.RESULTS Higher levels of organizational and intrinsic religiousness were associated with better physical and mental components. Higher education, better family functioning and fewer diseases contributed directly to improved performance in physical and mental components, regardless of religiousness. For women, organizational religiousness mediated the relationship between age and physical (β = 2.401, p < 0.01) and mental (β = 1.663, p < 0.01) components. For men, intrinsic religiousness mediated the relationship between education and mental component (β = 7.158, p < 0.01).CONCLUSIONS Organizational and intrinsic religiousness had a beneficial effect on the relationship between age, education and health-related quality of life of these older adults.


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OBJECTIVE To test whether the occupational conditions of professional truck drivers are associated with amphetamine use after demographic characteristics and ones regarding mental health and drug use are controlled for.METHODS Cross-sectional study, with a non-probabilistic sample of 684 male truck drivers, which was collected in three highways in Sao Paulo between years 2012 and 2013. Demographic and occupational information was collected, as well as data on drug use and mental health (sleep quality, emotional stress, and psychiatric disorders). A logistic regression model was developed to identify factors associated with amphetamine use. Odds ratio (OR; 95%CI) was defined as the measure for association. The significance level was established as p < 0.05.RESULTS The studied sample was found to have an average age of 36.7 (SD = 7.8) years, as well as low education (8.6 [SD = 2.3] years); 29.0% of drivers reported having used amphetamines within the twelve months prior to their interviews. After demographic and occupational variables had been controlled for, the factors which indicated amphetamine use among truck drivers were the following: being younger than 38 years (OR = 3.69), having spent less than nine years at school (OR = 1.76), being autonomous (OR = 1.65), working night shifts or irregular schedules (OR = 2.05), working over 12 hours daily (OR = 2.14), and drinking alcohol (OR = 1.74).CONCLUSIONS Occupational aspects are closely related to amphetamine use among truck drivers, which reinforces the importance of closely following the application of law (Resting Act (“Lei do Descanso”); Law 12,619/2012) which regulates the workload and hours of those professionals. Our results show the need for increased strictness on the trade and prescription of amphetamines in Brazil.


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OBJECTIVE To compare the effectiveness of two speech therapy interventions, vocal warm-up and breathing training, focusing on teachers’ voice quality.METHODS A single-blind, randomized, parallel clinical trial was conducted. The research included 31 20 to 60-year old teachers from a public school in Salvador, BA, Northeasatern Brazil, with minimum workloads of 20 hours a week, who have or have not reported having vocal alterations. The exclusion criteria were the following: being a smoker, excessive alcohol consumption, receiving additional speech therapy assistance while taking part in the study, being affected by upper respiratory tract infections, professional use of the voice in another activity, neurological disorders, and history of cardiopulmonary pathologies. The subjects were distributed through simple randomization in groups vocal warm-up (n = 14) and breathing training (n = 17). The teachers’ voice quality was subjectively evaluated through the Voice Handicap Index (Índice de Desvantagem Vocal, in the Brazilian version) and computerized voice analysis (average fundamental frequency, jitter, shimmer, noise, and glottal-to-noise excitation ratio) by speech therapists.RESULTS Before the interventions, the groups were similar regarding sociodemographic characteristics, teaching activities, and vocal quality. The variations before and after the intervention in self-assessment and acoustic voice indicators have not significantly differed between the groups. In the comparison between groups before and after the six-week interventions, significant reductions in the Voice Handicap Index of subjects in both groups were observed, as wells as reduced average fundamental frequencies in the vocal warm-up group and increased shimmer in the breathing training group. Subjects from the vocal warm-up group reported speaking more easily and having their voices more improved in a general way as compared to the breathing training group.CONCLUSIONS Both interventions were similar regarding their effects on the teachers’ voice quality. However, each contribution has individually contributed to improve the teachers’ voice quality, especially the vocal warm-up.TRIAL RECORD NCT02102399, “Vocal Warm-up and Respiratory Muscle Training in Teachers”.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether socioeconomic and health conditions during childhood are associated with mortality during old age. METHODS: Data were extracted from the SABE Study (Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento – Health, Welfare and Aging), which were performed in 2000 and 2006. The sample consisted of 2004 (1,355 living and 649 dead) older adults. The statistical analysis was performed based on Poisson regression models, taking into account the time variation of risk observed. Older adults’ demographic characteristics and life conditions were evaluated, as were the socioeconomic and lifestyle conditions they acquired during their adult life. RESULTS: Only the area of residence during childhood (rural or urban) remained as a factor associated with mortality at advanced ages. However, this association lost significance when the variables acquired during adulthood were added to the model. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the information regarding the conditions during childhood being limited and perhaps not accurately measure the socioeconomic status and health in the first years of life, the findings of this study suggest that improving the environmental conditions of children and creating opportunities during early adulthood may contribute to greater survival rates for those of more advanced years.


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The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (µg/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach.