191 resultados para Harmaja, Laura
The activity pattern of the small sand lizard, Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885, was investigated in the coastal sand dunes at Quintão beach (Palmares do Sul, southern, Brazil), between September 1998 and August 1999. The results showed that L. occipitalis is active all along the year, but with variations in its daily and seasonal activity patterns associated to climatic changes in the habitat. Lizard activity pattern was distributed as follows: under the sand, burrowed (73%), under vegetation (14%), dislocation (7%) and basking (6%). Mean habitat temperatures (air and substrate) were significantly different. The results indicate that L. occipitalis is a thigmothermic and heliothermic species that regulates its body temperature through behavioral mechanisms, and that thermoregulation is mainly associated with substrate.
A genetic study of the neotropical river otter Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818), which has an unknown conservation status, was carried out at the Taim Ecological Station and the margins of the Vargas stream, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Faecal samples were collected, and DNA was extracted using a silica-guanidine method. Five microsatellite loci were amplified using PCR with heterologous primers previously described for Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758). Sixteen faecal samples out of 29 from Taim and 11 out of 14 from Vargas stream margins contained enough DNA for genetic analysis. A total of 49 different alleles were found at both localities, from which 18 were exclusively found in individuals from Taim and 17 were exclusives from Vargas individuals. The most common allele was the same at both locations for three loci (Lut715, Lut733, and Lut818). A high level of genetic diversity was found at both sites (NeTaim=4.1, HoTaim=0.299, HeTaim=0.681; NeVargas=4.9, HoVargas=0.355, HeVargas=0.724), being higher at the Vargas stream site. A high and significant level of heterozygote deficiency was observed at most loci according to the χ2 test. The homogeneity χ2 test (P<0.001) showed that there were significant differences in the allele frequencies between the two locations. Genotyping for more than one locus was possible in 81.5% of samples, from which only 37% were possible to genotype for more than three loci. A low degree of relatedness was found among individuals from Taim (R=0.055±0.310), but an even lower value of relatedness was found at the Vargas site (R= -0.285±0.440). The significant degree of differentiation (I=0.890; F ST=0.059) found between Taim and Vargas individuals suggests that there is more than one population of otters in the southern extreme of Brazil, which probably are associated with the water body systems found in this region, the Mirim and the Caiuvá/Flores/Mangueira Lagoons. The high genetic diversity and low relatedness found at the Vargas stream, lead us to believe that the Vargas stream may be acting as a corridor between these water bodies for otter dispersion.
The reproductive cycle and sexual dimorphism of the lizard Cnemidophorus vacariensis Feltrim & Lema, 2000 were studied on the basis of data gathered between August 2004 and August 2006 in Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Snout-vent length (SVL) of sexually mature males varied between 48.8 and 72.9 mm (x = 63.3 ± 6.0 mm; n = 76) and, for females, between 57.4 and 81.8 mm (x = 70.0 ± 5.9 mm; n = 73). Other morphological characteristics were also compared between sexes. Reproduction was seasonal, and observations indicate two clutches in the same reproductive season. Clutch size and other reproductive characteristics were analyzed as well as the relation between reproduction and environmental factors. Cnemidophorus vacariensis is apparently endemic to highland plateaus in southern Brazil and has been classified as vulnerable on some lists of threatened fauna in this country. Some suggestions for conservation measures are presented, due to the observed degradation of this species' environment.
A new species of Neosilba McAlpine, 1962, N. pradoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. This new species was found in the south of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina), in the southeast (State of São Paulo) and center west (State of Mato Grosso do Sul). It has been reared from fruits of guava (Psidium guajava, Myrtaceae), "araçá" (Psidium cattleyanum, Myrtaceae), "guabiroba" (Campomanesia xanthocarpa, Myrtaceae), Surinam cherry (Malpighia emarginata, Malpighiaceae), cherry (Prunus avium, Rosaceae), orange (Citrus sinensis, Rutaceae), "ingá" (Inga laurina, Fabaceae), "esporão-de-galo" (Celtis iguanae, Ulmaceae) and passion fruit (Passiflora edulis, Passifloraceae).
Accurate size measurements are fundamental in characterizing the population structure and secondary production of a species. The purpose of this study was to determine the best morphometric parameter to estimate the size of individuals of Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780). The morphometric analysis was applied to individuals collected in the intertidal zones of two beaches on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: São Francisco and Araçá. The following measurements were taken: the width and length (height) of the 4th, 5th and 7th setigers, and the length of the thoracic region (first nine setigers). The area and volume of these setigers were calculated and a linear regression analysis was applied to the data. The data were log-transformed to fit the allometric equation y = ax b into a straight line (log y = log a + b * log x). The measurements which best correlated with the thoracic length in individuals from both beaches were the length of setiger 5 (r² = 0.722; p<0.05 in São Francisco and r² = 0.795; p<0.05 in Araçá) and the area of setiger 7 (r² = 0.705; p<0.05 in São Francisco and r² = 0.634; p<0.05 in Araçá). According to these analyses, the length of setiger 5 and/or the area of setiger 7 are the best parameters to evaluate the growth of individuals of C. capitata.
We investigated the following aspects of the biology of a population of Cnemidophorus vacariensis Feltrim & Lema, 2000 during the four seasons: thermal biology, relationship with the thermal environment, daily and seasonal activity, population structure and growth rate. Cnemidophorus vacariensis is restricted to rocky outcrops of the "campos de cima da serra" grasslands on the Araucaria Plateau, southern Brazil, and is currently listed as regionally and nationally threatened with extinction. Data were collected from October 2004 through September 2007 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Sampling was conducted randomly from 08:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The capture-mark-recapture method was employed. The lizards were captured by hand, and their cloacal temperature, sex, snout-ventral length (SVL), mass, and the temperature of their microhabitat (substrate temperature and air temperature) were recorded. Individuals were then marked by toe-clipping and released at the site of capture. Body temperatures were obtained for 175 individuals, activity data for 96 individuals, and data on population structure and growth for 59 individuals. All data were obtained monthly, at different times of the day. Cnemidophorus vacariensis average body temperature was 23.84ºC, ranging between 9.6 and 38.2ºC. Temperatures ranged between 21 and 29ºC. The correlation between external heat sources, substrate and air were positive and significant and there was a greater correlation between lizard's temperature and the temperature of the substrate (tigmothermic species). The relatively low body temperatures of individuals are associated with the climate of their environment (altitude up to 1,400 m), with large variations in temperature throughout the day and the year, and low temperatures in winter. The average body temperature observed for C. vacariensis was low when compared with that of phylogenetically related species, suggesting that the thermal biology of this species reflects adaptations to the temperate region where it lives. The monthly rates of activity of lizards were related to monthly variations in the ambient temperatures. Our data suggest that the daily and seasonal activity of C. vacariensis result from the interaction between two factors: changes in the environment temperature and the relationship between individuals and their thermal environment. The population structure of C. vacariensis varied throughout the study period, with maximum biomass in January and maximum density in February (recruitment period). The sex ratio diverged from the expected 1:1. The growth analysis showed a negative relationship between the growth rate of individuals and the SVL, revealing that young individuals grow faster than adults, a typical pattern for short-lived species. The population studied showed a seasonal and cyclical variation associated with the reproductive cycle. The life strategy of C. vacariensis seems to include adaptations to the seasonal variations in temperature, typical of its environment.
Munduruku gen. nov. is proposed for the type species Munduruku bicoloratum sp. nov., from Juruti and Santarém, Pará, Brazil. The main diagnostic character of Munduruku gen. nov. is the presence of a subapical, lanceolate keel on the male palpal bulb, which is unique among the basal taxa of Theraphosinae with type III-IV urticating setae. The female spermathecae consist of two spheroid receptacles with funnel-shaped necks, each of which bears a sclerotized area. In both sexes, the abdomen is remarkably patterned, an uncommon feature in adults of New World theraphosids. Both the bulbus lanceolate keel and the abdominal color pattern are hypothesized as synapomorphies of the genus.
Temporal (May 2005 to February 2006) and habitat distribution (pools and riffles) of Hirudinea species was analyzed at a post urban reach from Esquel stream (Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina). Site was located 5.7 km downstream a Waste Treatment Plant. Mean values of nutrients: ammonia, nitrates and soluble reactive phosphate, as well water conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids indicated physical and organic pollution. Leeches assemblage was composed by the glossiphonids: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942, H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 and the semiscolecid Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). From these H. hyalina and H. obscura are new records for Chubut province. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind.m-2) and H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) clearly dominated the assemblage at the reach. Only H. simplex displayed a spatial preference being significantly more abundant in pools than in riffle habitats (p<0.001). Species recruitment occurred mostly at September, December and March when juveniles were very abundant. Although several species of Helobdella were able to live in the disturbed section of the stream, only H. simplex and H. hyalina sustained large populations at the site and can be considered as tolerant to organic enrichment. This information is valuable to future studies on stream condition assessment in mountainous areas in Patagonia, and in other areas in which these species are present.
ABSTRACT Seven sites were examined in the Challhuaco-Ñireco system, located in the reserve of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, however part of the catchment is urbanized, being San Carlos de Bariloche (150,000 inhabitants) placed in the lower part of the basin. Physico-chemical variables were measured and benthic macroinvertebrates were collected during three consecutive years at seven sites from the headwater to the river outlet. Sites near the source of the river were characterised by Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera, whereas sites close to the river mouth were dominated by Diptera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca. Regarding functional feeding groups, collector-gatherers were dominant at all sites and this pattern was consistent among years. Ordination Analysis (RDA) revealed that species assemblages distribution responded to the climatic and topographic gradient (temperature and elevation), but also were associated with variables related to human impact (conductivity, nitrate and phosphate contents). Species assemblages at headwaters were mostly represented by sensitive insects, whereas tolerant taxa such as Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, Chironomidae and crustacean Aegla sp. were dominant at urbanised sites. Regarding macroinvertebrate metrics employed, total richness, EPT taxa, Shannon diversity index and Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Stream index resulted fairly consistent and evidenced different levels of disturbances at the stream, meaning that this measures are suitable for evaluation of the status of Patagonian mountain streams.
A detailed study of Seabra's lipasic reagent for the diagnostic of tuberculosis has been made. Substrate. The oily emulsion of cotton seed oil containing gum as dispersing agent, presented a pH variation to the ampoulles examined. In these belonging to the same cartoon as well as in those from different cartoons the values obtained electrometrically ranged from pH 5.8-6.4 (Table I). These variations lead us to presuppose: 1) instability of the oily emulsion in gum; 2) spontaneous hydrolysis of the oil; 3) different batches or technique of the oil extraction, or different sources. Buffer: The same variability observed with substrate was found for the buffer. In CHERRY & CRANDALL's method the buffer is pH 7.0. The saline solution from Seabra's oscillated from pH6.25-6.9 (table II). Titration - end point. A colorimetric comparison between the sample and the blank as suggested by Seabra becomes very difficult. The end point in the presence of serum, when phenolphtalein is used as indicator, is very difficult to compare with the blank containing water. Conclusion. The differences observed in the results when the same serum was used, must be due to the variations observed with Seabra's reagents.
The determination of blood lipase has been proposed by SEABRA as a method for detecting predisposition to initial or subsequent stages of tuberculosis; normal subjects having high titers (8-12 units), tuberculous patients low ones (5-7), falling to zero in advanced stages of the disease. An assay of the method has been made by the AA. in sera of 238 non tuberculous subjects (419 tests) and 207 tuberculous ones (456 tests) following the technical procedures described by SEABRA. All of them had their Roentgenographies taken at the same day of blood collection. Factors interfering with blood lipase values in tuberculosis are discussed. A relationship between the course of the disease and the serum lipase could not be confirmed. High and low values were found in initial as well as in advanced cases. Our results are in agreement with those recorded in the literature (Figs. I and II). It seems that the general condition, rather than pulmonary lesions are responsible for the blood lipase values. There was no direct relationship between blood lipase titer and severity of pulmonary tuberculosis; however the data presented in this paper do not agree with such correlation, stated by SEABRA, FERNANDES and VICENTE.
Different blood consumption speed was observed in Triatoma infestans - nymphs and adults - exposed to 12 degrees C and 28 degrees C. Exposure to optimal temperature (28 degrees C) allows the insects to consume blood at a rate of 9% per day. Significative relationship between blood amount present in the promesenteron and consumed blood was found at 28 degrees. Consumption of blood was drastically reduced at the lowest temperature. Accordingly, lack of ovaric development, oviposition and mating behaviour was observed in insects kept at 12 degrees C. Relationship between laboratory and field observations are discussed.