148 resultados para FC[epsilon]RI
The intensive use of land alters the distribution of the pore size which imparts consequences on the soil physical quality. The Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) allows for the visualization of the effects of management systems upon either the improvement or the degradation of the soil physical quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical quality of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) submited to cover crops in the period prior to the maize crop in a no-tillage and conventional tillage system, using porosity, soil bulk density and the LLWR as attributes. The treatments were: conventional tillage (CT) and a no-tillage system with the following cover crops: sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) (NS), pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) (NP) and lablab (Dolichos lablab L.) (NL). The experimental design was randomized blocks in subdivided plots with six replications, with the plots being constituted by the treatments and the subplots by the layers analyzed. The no-tillage systems showed higher total porosity and soil organic matter at the 0-0.5 m layer for the CT. The CT did not differ from the NL or NS in relation to macroporosity. The NP showed the greater porosity, while CT and NS presented lower soil bulk density. No < 10 % airing porosity was found for the treatments evaluated, and value for water content where soil aeration is critical (θPA) was found above estimated water content at field capacity (θFC) for all densities. Critical soil bulk density was of 1.36 and 1.43 Mg m-3 for NP and CT, respectively. The LLWR in the no-tillage systems was limited in the upper part by the θFC, and in the bottom part, by the water content from which soil resistance to penetration is limiting (θPR). By means of LLWR it was observed that the soil presented good physical quality.
Irrigation with treated domestic sewage wastewater (TSE) is an agricultural practice to reduce water requirements of agroecossystems and the nutrient load impact on freshwaters, but adverse effects on soil chemical (salinization, sodification, etc.) and soil physical properties (alteration in soil porosity and hydraulic conductivity, etc.) have been reported. This study aimed to define some relationships among these changes in an Oxisol using multivariate analysis. Corn (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were grown for two years, irrigated with TSE. The following soil properties were determined: Ca2+; Mg2+; Na+; K+ and H + Al contents, cationic exchangeable capacity (CEC), sum of bases (SB), base saturation (V), texture (sand, silt and clay), macro-, micro-, and cryptoporosity (V MA, V MI and V CRI), water content at soil saturation (θS) and at field capacity (θFC), residual water content (θR), soil bulk density (d s), water dispersed clay (WDC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (K SAT). Factor analysis revealed the following six principal factors: Fine Porosity (composed of Na+; K+; WDC, θR, θRFC, and V CRI); Large Porosity (θS, d s, V MA, Vs); Soil CEC (Ca2+; Mg2+; CEC, SB, V); Soil Acidity (H + Al); and Soil Texture (factors 5 and 6). A dual pore structure appears clearly to the factors 1 and 2, with an apparent relationship between fine porosity and the monovalent cations Na+ and K+. The irrigation (with potable sodic tap water or sewage wastewater) only had a significant effect on Fine Porosity and Large Porosity factors, while factors 3 and 4 (Soil CEC and Soil Acidity) were correlated with soil depth. The main conclusion was a shift in pore distribution (large to fine pores) during irrigation with TSE, which induces an increase of water storage and reduces the capacity of drainage of salts.
Para avaliar o efeito de substratos e da adubação fosfatada sobre a produção de mudas de cacaueiro, bem como definir doses recomendáveis e nível crítico foliar de P, fez-se um experimento fatorial 5 x 5 + 1: cinco substratos (misturas de fibra de coco (FC) e Plantmax florestal estaca®), cinco doses de P no plantio (de 0 a 800 mg dm-3) e um tratamento adicional (P aplicado aos 30 dias). As parcelas iniciais e úteis continham, respectivamente, 27 estacas e 12 mudas (uma estaca/muda por tubete). A partir do 62º dia, aplicaram-se adubações semanais com N e K, e aos 120 dias, com P (20 mg dm-3), em todos os tratamentos. Aos 150 dias foram avaliados: diâmetro, altura, área foliar, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes (finas e grossas), concentração e conteúdo de nutrientes na planta. A mortalidade das mudas não foi influenciada pelos tratamentos. A adubação com P em cobertura aumentou sua disponibilidade e sua absorção, mas não o crescimento das mudas. As variáveis biométricas e nutricionais responderam aos tratamentos, sendo os melhores resultados obtidos com 30 a 55 % de FC e doses de P entre 136 e 275 mg dm-3. O nível crítico foliar de P foi de 1,75 g kg-1.
The soil water available to crops is defined by specific values of water potential limits. Underlying the estimation of hydro-physical limits, identified as permanent wilting point (PWP) and field capacity (FC), is the selection of a suitable method based on a multi-criteria analysis that is not always clear and defined. In this kind of analysis, the time required for measurements must be taken into consideration as well as other external measurement factors, e.g., the reliability and suitability of the study area, measurement uncertainty, cost, effort and labour invested. In this paper, the efficiency of different methods for determining hydro-physical limits is evaluated by using indices that allow for the calculation of efficiency in terms of effort and cost. The analysis evaluates both direct determination methods (pressure plate - PP and water activity meter - WAM) and indirect estimation methods (pedotransfer functions - PTFs). The PTFs must be validated for the area of interest before use, but the time and cost associated with this validation are not included in the cost of analysis. Compared to the other methods, the combined use of PP and WAM to determine hydro-physical limits differs significantly in time and cost required and quality of information. For direct methods, increasing sample size significantly reduces cost and time. This paper assesses the effectiveness of combining a general analysis based on efficiency indices and more specific analyses based on the different influencing factors, which were considered separately so as not to mask potential benefits or drawbacks that are not evidenced in efficiency estimation.
Studies on water retention and availability are scarce for subtropical or humid temperate climate regions of the southern hemisphere. The aims of this study were to evaluate the relations of the soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties with water retention and availability for the generation and validation of continuous point pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for soils of the State of Santa Catarina (SC) in the South of Brazil. Horizons of 44 profiles were sampled in areas under different cover crops and regions of SC, to determine: field capacity (FC, 10 kPa), permanent wilting point (PWP, 1,500 kPa), available water content (AW, by difference), saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, aggregate stability, particle size distribution (seven classes), organic matter content, and particle density. Chemical and mineralogical properties were obtained from the literature. Spearman's rank correlation analysis and path analysis were used in the statistical analyses. The point PTFs for estimation of FC, PWP and AW were generated for the soil surface and subsurface through multiple regression analysis, followed by robust regression analysis, using two sets of predictive variables. Soils with finer texture and/or greater organic matter content retain more moisture, and organic matter is the property that mainly controls the water availability to plants in soil surface horizons. Path analysis was useful in understanding the relationships between soil properties for FC, PWP and AW. The predictive power of the generated PTFs to estimate FC and PWP was good for all horizons, while AW was best estimated by more complex models with better prediction for the surface horizons of soils in Santa Catarina.
Sugarcane is considered a Si-accumulating plant, but in Brazil, where several soil types are used for cultivation, there is little information about silicon (Si) fertilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the silicon availability, uptake and recovery index of Si from the applied silicate on tropical soils with and without silicate fertilization, in three crops. The experiments in pots (100 L) were performed with specific Si rates (0, 185, 370 and 555 kg ha-1 Si), three soils (Quartzipsamment-Q, 6 % clay; Rhodic Hapludox-RH, 22 % clay; and Rhodic Acrudox-RA, 68 % clay), with four replications. The silicon source was Ca-Mg silicate. The same Ca and Mg quantities were applied to all pots, with lime and/or MgCl2, when necessary. Sugarcane was harvested in the plant cane and first- and second-ratoon crops. The silicon rates increased soil Si availability and Si uptake by sugarcane and had a strong residual effect. The contents of soluble Si were reduced by harvesting and increased with silicate application in the following decreasing order: Q>RH>RA. The silicate rates promoted an increase in soluble Si-acetic acid at harvest for all crops and in all soils, except RA. The amounts of Si-CaCl2 were not influenced by silicate in the ratoon crops. The plant Si uptake increased according to the Si rates and was highest in RA at all harvests. The recovery index of applied Si (RI) of sugarcane increased over time, and was highest in RA.
O Estado de Roraima apresenta ampla diversidade pedológica e de ecossistemas, sendo gradativamente ocupados com pastagem, que dependendo do manejo podem estar associadas à degradação física do solo. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar e comparar os atributos físico-hídricos de um Argissolo Amarelo sob os ecossistemas de savana e floresta natural, convertidos em pastagem para pecuária. Os tratamentos principais foram savana natural (SN), savana convertida em pastagem (SC), floresta natural (FN) e floresta convertida em pastagem (FC) e os tratamentos secundários foram as profundidades de amostragem do solo, 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. Os atributos avaliados foram: granulometria, densidade do solo (DS) e de partículas (DP), resistência à penetração (RP), porosidade total (PT), umidade gravimétrica (UG), capacidade de armazenamento de água (CAD) e matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). A DS foi superior nas duas áreas de Savana, não havendo diferença entre SC e SN em nenhuma das profundidades. A RP variou em função das áreas e da profundidade, verificando-se influência da conversão nesse atributo. A PT foi maior na FN e menor na SC; houve diminuição da porosidade com a profundidade. A CAD foi maior na FN apenas na profundidade de 0-10 cm. A MOS foi superior nas áreas de FN e FC. Portanto, a conversão dos ambientes naturais em pastagem provocou alterações significativas na RP, DS, CAD, PT e MOS, com maior expressividade nas áreas da FC em razão da supressão da cobertura vegetal natural, que tem na matéria orgânica o condicionador da qualidade físico-hídrica do solo. Na SC, por sua vez, a supressão da cobertura vegetal natural não provocou a mesma expressividade por causa dos teores significativamente inferiores de MOS.
The concept of soil quality is currently the subject of great discussion due to the interaction of soil with the environment (soil-plant-atmosphere) and practices of human intervention. However, concepts of soil quality relate quality to agricultural productivity, but assessment of soil quality in an agronomic context may be different from its assessment in natural areas. The aim of this study was to assess physical quality indices, the S index, soil aeration capacity (ACt/Pt), and water storage capacity (FC/Pt) of the soil from a permanent plot in the Caetetus Ecological Reserve (Galia, São Paulo, Brazil) under a seasonal semideciduous forest and compare them with the reference values for soil physical quality found in the literature. Water retention curves were used for that purpose. The S values found were higher than the proposed limit for soil physical quality (0.035). The A and E horizons showed the highest values because their sandy texture leads to a high slope of the water retention curve. The B horizons showed the lowest S values because their natural density leads to a lower slope of the water retention curve. The values found for ACt/Pt and FC/Pt were higher and lower than the idealized limits. The values obtained from these indices under natural vegetation can provide reference values for soils with similar properties that undergo changes due to anthropic activities. All the indices evaluated were effective in differentiating the effects of soil horizons in the natural hydro-physical functioning of the soils under study.
Field capacity (FC) is a parameter widely used in applied soil science. However, its in situ method of determination may be difficult to apply, generally because of the need of large supplies of water at the test sites. Ottoni Filho et al. (2014) proposed a standardized procedure for field determination of FC and showed that such in situ FC can be estimated by a linear pedotransfer function (PTF) based on volumetric soil water content at the matric potential of -6 kPa [θ(6)] for the same soils used in the present study. The objective of this study was to use soil moisture data below a double ring infiltrometer measured 48 h after the end of the infiltration test in order to develop PTFs for standard in situ FC. We found that such ring FC data were an average of 0.03 m³ m- 3 greater than standard FC values. The linear PTF that was developed for the ring FC data based only on θ(6) was nearly as accurate as the equivalent PTF reported by Ottoni Filho et al. (2014), which was developed for the standard FC data. The root mean squared residues of FC determined from both PTFs were about 0.02 m³ m- 3. The proposed method has the advantage of estimating the soil in situ FC using the water applied in the infiltration test.
ABSTRACT Understanding the spatial behavior of soil physical properties under no-tillage system (NT) is required for the adoption and maintenance of a sustainable soil management system. The aims of this study were to quantify soil bulk density (BD), porosity in the soil macropore domain (PORp) and in the soil matrix domain (PORm), air capacity in the soil matrix (ACm), field capacity (FC), and soil water storage capacity (FC/TP) in the row (R), interrow (IR), and intermediate position between R and IR (designated IP) in the 0.0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers under NT; and to verify if these soil properties have systematic variation in sampling positions related to rows and interrows of corn. Soil sampling was carried out in transect perpendicular to the corn rows in which 40 sampling points were selected at each position (R, IR, IP) and in each soil layer, obtaining undisturbed samples to determine the aforementioned soil physical properties. The influence of sampling position on systematic variation of soil physical properties was evaluated by spectral analysis. In the 0.0-0.1 m layer, tilling the crop rows at the time of planting led to differences in BD, PORp, ACm, FC and FC/TP only in the R position. In the R position, the FC/TP ratio was considered close to ideal (0.66), indicating good water and air availability at this sampling position. The R position also showed BD values lower than the critical bulk density that restricts root growth, suggesting good soil physical conditions for seed germination and plant establishment. Spectral analysis indicated that there was systematic variation in soil physical properties evaluated in the 0.0-0.1 m layer, except for PORm. These results indicated that the soil physical properties evaluated in the 0.0-0.1 m layer were associated with soil position in the rows and interrows of corn. Thus, proper assessment of soil physical properties under NT must take into consideration the sampling positions and previous location of crop rows and interrows.
Estudo panorâmico sobre aspectos da ciência da informação (CI) e da ciência cognitiva (CC), apontando recentes contribuições em quatro de suas possíveis interseções: categorização, indexação, recuperação da informação (RI) e interação homem-computador.
Se presenta una aplicación basada en técnicas de estado-finito a los procesos de unificación de términos en español. Los algoritmos de unificación, o conflación, de términos son procedimientos computacionales utilizados en algunos sistemas de Recuperación de Información (RI) para la reducción de variantes de términos, semánticamente equivalentes, a una forma normalizada. Los programas que realizan habitualmente este proceso se denominan: stemmers y lematizadores. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el grado de deficiencias y errores de los lematizadores en el proceso de agrupación de los términos a su correspondiente radical. El método utilizado para la construcción del lematizador se ha basado en la implementación de una herramienta lingüística que permite construir diccionarios electrónicos representados internamente en Transductores de Estado-Finito. Los recursos léxicos desarrollados se han aplicado a un corpus de verificación para evaluar el funcionamiento de este tipo de analizadores léxicos. La métrica de evaluación utilizada ha sido una adaptación de las medidas de cobertura y precisión. Los resultados muestran que la principal limitación del proceso de unificación de variantes de término por medio de tecnología de estado-finito es el infra-análisis.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão do farelo de coco (FC) na ração e do tempo de alimentação de poedeiras comerciais, sobre os ácidos graxos da gema e os componentes do ovo. O delineamento foi em esquema fatorial 5x2, com cinco níveis de inclusão do FC (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%) e dois tempos de alimentação (14 e 28 dias). Foram avaliados o peso e as porcentagens de albúmen, gema e casca dos ovos, bem como os sólidos e lipídios totais e o perfil de ácidos graxos das gemas. A inclusão do FC e o tempo de alimentação influenciaram apenas a proporção de ácido mirístico na gema, que aumentou com a inclusão do FC aos 28 dias de alimentação. Os ácidos esteárico e oléico variaram somente com o tempo de alimentação, e as maiores concentrações foram obtidas aos 28 dias. A relação de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados para ácidos graxos saturados da gema diminuiu a partir de 10% de inclusão e aumentou com o tempo de alimentação das aves. O uso de farelo de coco, na ração de poedeiras comerciais, não influencia a proporção dos componentes do ovo, apenas altera a concentração do ácido mirístico da gema.