354 resultados para Duas verdades


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The A. described on December 14, 1951, his first culture of acid-fast bacillus isolated from nasal mucus of a leprous girl. in this paper the A. describes two new strains of acid-fast bacilli gotten also from nasal mucus of other two leprous girls, L3 cases. The first patient (layse S) had her mucus treated by petroff's method on December 16, 1952 and sown onto three tubes of loewenstein medium and in glycerin broth. After two weeks incubation at 37°C all three tubes of Loewenstein showed many punctiforme and pin-head yellowish colonies, whose microscopic examination proved to be of a pure acid-fast bacillus culture. This sample inoculated in rats and mice produced, after 55 days incubation, small tumors from which the culture was easily recovered. On April, 9, 1953 a new sample of nasal mucus of the same patient was sown in three tubes of Loewenstein. After two weeks incubation at 37°C all 3 tubes showed germination of small yellowish colonies of acid-fast bacilli. Within four months being gotten two samples of identical cultures in all smeared tubes of Loewenstein medium sown, proved that such cultures were not an ordinary ambient contamination. Second patient: - Maria N. After various sowing of different kinds of material from her, february 26, 1953 her nasal mucus treated by soda and sown onto Loewenstein medium, after 25 days incubation showed in only one tube, one small round colony, at first white, becoming creamy after three months. Transplants in various media grew at first slowly and after 2 or 3 generations grew faster. The "Layse" strain produced pellicle in glycerin broth and Dubos medium; the "Maria N." strain did not produce as yet. Both strains (Layse I and II, and Maria N.) gave weak positive Dubos test in half-an-hour and negative after 24 hours reading. Both were strongly positive when stained by Gram, Ziehl-Neelsen and Fontes methods. Both strains gave also positive fluoroscopy. These cultures are being studied. The A. concludes that, according to his experience, the slower growing cultures of acid-fast bacilli isolated from leprosy material, are the more suitable for experimental work. Aknowledgement. The A. thanks to Miss MARIA DE LOURDES SANTANA for her valuable collaboration in the studies of the described cultures.


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The study of materials belonging to several brazilian collections led us discover 2 new species of the genus Colobogaster which are here described. C. seabrai sp. n. seems to be related to C. puncticollis Waterhouse, 1882, from which it can be distinguished by: a) apical alitral tooth placed suturally, b) pronotum with 3 pairs of depressions, the 1st. pair transversal and conigous to the 2nd one, c) elitral suture brilliantgreen coloured but not the marginal edge, d) front without a horse-shoe shaped structure, e) pronotum with the discal region concolor. The structures of pronotum, the elitral and pronotal colour paterns and the genial morphology separate this one from other species of the genus. C. paraensis sp. n. is closely related to C. cupricollis Kerremans, 1897, but it is distinguished by the absence of depressions on the pronotum, by the elitral tooth placed suturally, by the abscence of humeral rip and by the general colour. Eleven other species were studied and their apical segment of the abdomen and scutellum were illustrated. It was also established the synonymy of C. ecuadoricus Obengerger, 1926.


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São descritas as espécies Culicoides (Hoffmania) saintjusti sp. n. e Culicoides (Oecacta) macieli sp. n. (localidade tipo; Brasil, Rio de janeiro, Jacarepaguá, Pau da Fome) e discutidas sua posição taxionômica e suas relações com espécies afins.


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Descendentes do plonorbídeo Biomphalaria schrammi Crosse, 1864, coletados na localidade de Calciolândia, município de Arcos, Minas Gerais, Brasil foram expostos a miracídios de duas cepas de Schistosoma mansoni:"LE" de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais e "SJ" de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil. Dentre 172 exemplares expostos, nenhum se infectou com as duas cepas deste trematôdeo. Por outro lado, 100 exemplares de Biomphalaria glabrata, dos grupos controle, apresentaram taxas de infecção de 88 e 40% com as cepas "LE" e "SJ", respectivamente. A taxa de mortalidade de B. schrammi chegou a 44% enquanto a de B. glabara não atingiu 10%.


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Os autores determinaram o diâmetro médio dos granulomas de fígado de camundongos infectados com cercárias de duas cepas geográficas bem definidas do, Schistosoma mansoni (LE, Belo Horizonte e SJ, São Paulo). No total foram medidos 1.170 granulomas. Os granulomas com 60 dias eram de dimensões maiores do que os de 90 dias. A modulação da resposta imunopatológica foi significativamente mais eficiente na cepa LE e os granulomas, tanto aos 60 como aos 90 dias, da cepa SJ eram significativamente maiores. Os dados obtidos indicam uma maior patogenicidade da cepa SJ. Especula-se se o significado destes achados poderiam, em parte, explicar a ocorrência das variações regionais das formas anatomo-clínicas da esquistossomose.


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Objetivando estabelecer novos parâmetros taxonômicos para o gênero Zelurus Hahn, 1826, foi feito um estudo detalhado e comparativo da genitália externa dos machos de duas espécies: Z. circumcinctus (Hahn, 1835) lepeletierianus (Kirdaldy, 1909). Foram evidenciadas como mais representativas as seguintes estruturas fálicas: processo do pigóforo, parâmetro, falosoma, suporte do falosoma e processo 2 do endosoma.


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The seasonal variation of the vagile fauna associated to Sargassum stenophyllum was analyzed from March/1986 to February/1987. The samples were obtained at two stations with differents intensity of wave exposures. Hight density of nematods and amphipods were observed during all of sampling period. Gammarids seems to be more dominant on the exposure site, while nematods, polychaetes and mollusks do on the sheltered one.


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The authors describe a new genus and two new species of Brazil as follows: Juinacoris n. gen., J. hugoi n. sp., from Juina, Mato Grosso; Perissobasis hugoi n. sp., Juina, Mato Grosso. Figures of habitus and male genitalia are included.


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Cnemidochroma lopesi, sp. n. and Xenochroma seabrai, sp. n., from Brazil are described.


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In order to stablish new taxonomic characters for the genus Opisthcidius a detailed comparative study of the male external genitalia was performed in O. rubropictus (H. Shaeffer, 1848), the type species, and O. pertinax (Breddin, 1903), mantioned as predators of triatomines. The most representative phallic structures were: the median process of pygophore, the phallosoma struts and the vesica process.