493 resultados para DSTs, HIV, Sífilis, Hepatites
Os autores estudam a relação de zoster com soropositividade para HIV. Foram testados soros de 66 pacientes (31 homens e 35 mulheres) com quadro agudo de zoster, usando-se o método de ELISA para detectar anticorpos anti-HIV. Não houve seleção dos pacientes, evitando assim lidar com amostra viciada. Entre os 7 HIV +, 6 pertenciam a grupo de risco para AIDS, todos eram do sexo masculino e seis tinham idade entre 19 e 39 anos (idade média de 31,7 anos). Os resultados sugerem que o diagnóstico de herpes zoster em pacientes jovens não se vincule necessariamente à infecção pelo HIV. Quando, no entanto, o doente pertence a grupo de risco para AIDS, independentemente de sua idade, existe associação estatisticamente significativa, tornando-se imperativa a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-HIV.
Results of a HIV prevalence study conducted in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil are presented. History of exposure to acellular blood components was determined for the five year period prior to entry in the study, which occurred during 1986 and 1987. Patients with coagulations disorders (hemophilia A = 132, hemophilia B = 16 and coagulation disorders other than hemophilia = 16) were transfused with liquid cryoprecipitate, locally produced, lyophilized cryoprecipitate, imported from São Paulo (Brazil) and factor VIII and IX, imported from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Europe, and United States. Thirty six (22%) tested HIV seropositive. The univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic model) demonstrated that the risk of HIV infection during the study period was associated with the total units of acellular blood components transfused. In addition, the proportional contribution of the individual components to the total acellular units transfused, namely a increase in factor VIII/IX and lyophilized cryoprecipitate proportions, were found to be associated with HIV seropositivity. This analysis suggest that not only the total amount of units was an important determinant of HIV infection, but that the risk was also associated with the specific component of blood transfused
Seguimos ambulatorialmente, por no mínimo 180 dias, 111 receptores de transfusões, para avaliarmos a ocorrência de hepatites pós-transfusionais e os agentes etiológicos envolvidos com esta doença, na cidade de Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. No final diagnosticamos esta hepatite em 18 (16,2%) receptores. Destes, tivemos 16 (89%) casos devido ao vírus da hepatite C, 1 (5,5%) causado pelo vírus da hepatite B e 1 (5,5%) caso restante, sem etiologia determinada, 15 meses após a transfusão. O período de incubação da hepatite por vírus C (HVC) foi de 71 dias, em média; e 23% dos indivíduos com esta hepatite permaneceram com aumento de AST/ALT por mais de 6 meses. Observou-se soroconversão tardia para o anti-HCV em 71,4% dos receptores, que ocorreu, em média, 135 dias após a transfusão. Uma dosagem de ALT e uma pesquisa do anti-HCV, aos 3 e 6 meses, após a transfusão, diagnosticariam, respectivamente, 71 e 93% dos casos que desenvolveram HVC pós-transfusionais.
Pesquisamos os anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV em amostras de soros provenientes de 799 candidatos a doadores, que tiveram suas unidades de sangue ou derivados transfundidas a 111 receptores. O anti-HBc e o anti-HCV foram reagentes, em respectivamente 9 e 2,1% dos doadores testados. Observamos que entre os 111 receptores, 44 haviam recebido pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva e 67 haviam sido transfundidos somente com unidades anti-HBc negativas. Houve um risco 4,5 vezes maior de aquisição de hepatite por vírus C pelos receptores que receberam pelo menos uma unidade anti-HBc positiva Se a pesquisa do anti-HBc fosse realizada na triagem sorológica dos doadores de sangue, cerca de 56% dos casos de HVC nos receptores saiam evitados. A população de receptores que recebeu pelo menos uma unidade anti-HCV reagente, apresentou um risco 29 vezes maior de adquirir esta hepatite, quando comparada aos receptores transfundidos com todas as unidades anti-HCV negativas. A realização do teste para a pesquisa do anti-HCV na triagem dos doadores de sangue, preveniria 79% dos casos de HVC pós-transfusionais. Os candidatos a doadores brasileiros parecem ser acometidos simultânea ou sequencialmente, pelos vírus B e C das hepatites, pois, 44,4% dos doadores anti-HCV positivos, também foram anti-HBc positivos. A realização dos testes para as pesquisas dos anticorpos anti-HBc e anti-HCV, nas triagens hemoterápicas, está indicada para prevenir a transmissão de hepatites pós-transfusionais, em nosso meio.
Avalia-se a prevalência de sífilis em alcoolistas crônicos e as alterações hepáticas, clínicas e bioquímicas, em pacientes portadores de ambas entidades. A prevalência de sífilis em doentes com outros diagnósticos psiquiátricos foi tomada para comparação. Os pacientes eram assintomáticos ou oligossintomáticos com relação à disfunção hepática causada pelo alcoolismo e não apresentavam manifestações correspondentes aos estágios clínicos da sífilis. Duzentos e seis alcoolistas e 228 pacientes com distúrbios psiquiátricos foram submetidos a exame clínico e às reações sorológicas quantitativas de Wasserman e VDRL para diagnóstico de sífilis. Encontrou-se prevalência de soropositividade em 6,3% e 3,1% dos alcoolistas e doentes psiquiátricos, respectivamente. Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante foi observada entre os alcoolistas, com sorologias positivas e negativas para sífilis, quanto às frequências das manifestações clínicas e alterações bioquímicas indicativas de acometimento hepático.
Several cases of primary HIV-1 infection are not identified, either because the diagnosis is not suspected or because they test negative for HIV-1 antibody. This work presents an uncommon case of primary HIV-1 infection in an young parenteral drug abuser man, who presented symptoms of acute hepatitis. During the initial acute phase the serum sample of the patient tested negative for the presence of antibodies against several viruses, including HIV-1. Nevertheless, the diagnosis of primary HIV-1 infection was suspected by using an alternative method for"in vitro" induced antibody production (IVIAP), and confirmed by p24 antigen serum positivity and seroconversion in serial plasma samples of the patient. The authors suggest the use of the IVIAP and others complementary assays to help the diagnosis of acute HIV-1 infection in persons at high risk conditions.
Generation of epidemiological data on perinatally-transmitted infections is a fundamental tool for the formulation of health policies. In Brazil, this information is scarce, particularly in Northeast, the poorest region of the country. In order to gain some insights of the problem we studied the seroprevalence of some perinatally-transmitted infections in 1,024 low income pregnant women in Salvador, Bahia. The prevalences were as follow: HIV-1 (0.10%), HTLV-I/II (0.88%), T.cruzi (2.34%). T.pallidum (3.91%), rubella virus (77.44%). T.gondii IgM (2.87%) and IgG (69.34%), HBs Ag (0.6%) and anti-HBs (7.62%). Rubella virus and T.gondii IgG antibodies were present in more than two thirds of pregnant women but antibodies against other pathogens were present at much lower rates. We found that the prevalence of HTLV-I/II was nine times higher than that found for HIV-1. In some cases such as T.cruzi and hepatitis B infection there was a decrease in the prevalence over the years. On the other hand, there was an increase in the seroprevalence of T.gondii infection. Our data strongly recommend mandatory screening tests for HTLV-I/II, T.gondii (IgM), T.pallidum and rubella virus in prenatal routine for pregnant women in Salvador. Screening test for T.cruzi, hepatitis and HIV-1 is recommended whenever risk factors associated with these infections are suspected. However in areas with high prevalence for these infections, the mandatory screening test in prenatal care should be considered.
Serum samples from 242 HIV-positive persons were studied for the detection of capsular polysaccha-ride antigen of Cryptococcus neoformans; 193 of these patients presented less than 300 CD4+ cells/µl of blood and 49 patients had more than 300 CD4+ cells/µl. None of them had symptoms or signs characteristic of cryptococcosis. The capsular antigen of C. neofarmans was detected by latex agglutination technique with pronase pre-treatment (IMMY, Crypto-Latex Antigen Detection System, Immunomycologics Inc., OK, USA); in 61% of the samples, ELISA technique was also used (Premier, Cryptococcal Antigen, Meridian Diagnostic Inc., Cincinatti, Oh, USA). The comparative study of both methods showed that the results obtained were similar in 96.9% of the cases. The capsular antigen was detected in 13 out of 193 (6.7%) patients with less than 300 CD4+ cells/µl. Cryptococcosis was confirmed mycologically in 3 of these 13 cases (23%) by the isolation of C. neoformans in CSF or blood cultures. Three patients, who had presented negative results of both tests for capsular antigen, suffered disseminated cryptococcosis 4 to 8 months later. The predictive diagnostic value of capsular antigen detection of C. neoformans seems tobe low and we believe that it should not be done routinely in asymptomatic HIV-positive persons.
M. tuberculosis-positive cultures were obtained from 228 patients seen in our service and drug sensitivity assays were carried out from January 1992 to December 1994. A survey of the medical records of these patients showed resistance to one or more drugs in 47 (20.6%), 25 of whom (10.9%), who reported previous treatment, were considered to have acquired resistance. Among the antecedents investigated, only previous treatment and alcoholism were the factors independently associated with the occurrence of resistance. The survival of patients with resistant strains was lower than that of patients attacked by non-resistant M. tuberculosis. We conclude that in the present series M. tuberculosis resistance to tuberculostatic agents was predominantly of the acquired type.
After the diagnosis of two cases of microsporidial intestinal infection in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, we have started looking for this parasite in HIV-infected patients with chronic unexplained diarrhea. We have studied 13 patients from Hospital Evandro Chagas, IOC-FIOCRUZ. Fecal specimens from these patients were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidia and Microsporidia, in addition to routine examination. Spores of Microsporidia were found in the stools of 6 (46.1%) of the 13 patients studied, with 2 histological jejunal confirmations. The Microsporidia-infected patients presented chronic diarrhea with about 6 loose to watery bowel movements a day. Five infected patients were treated with Metronidazole (1.5 g/day). They initially showed a good clinical response, but they never stopped eliminating spores. After about the 4th week of therapy, their diarrhea returned. Two patients utilized Albendazole (400 mg/day-4 weeks) with a similar initial improvement and recurrence of the diarrhea. Intestinal Microsporidiosis seems to be a marker of advanced stages of AIDS, since 5 of our 6 infected patients were dead after a 6 month period of follow-up. The present study indicates that intestinal microsporidiosis may be a burgeoning problem in HIV-infected patients with chronic diarrhea in Brazil, which deserves further investigation.
To evaluate the effect of concurrent infection by HIV on HBV infection or immunity, we have studied a group of 66 HIV1+ symptomatic Caucasian patients and another of 38 African HIV2+ asymptomatic individuals, concerning their HBV status: serological markers of infection and presence of HBV-DNA in serum, the last taken as sign of hepatitis B virus active replication, were monitored. HIV+ groups were compared with seronegative controls, adequately matched for age, sex and ethnological background. HBV DNA was found in 7.6% of HIV1+ Caucasian patients and 3.2% of seronegative controls; in African HIV2+ individuals 2.6% were also HBV DNA+, a percentage close to that found in HIV2 seronegative controls (2.9%). No correlation was found between HIV infection and HBV active replication. Immunodepression that follows HIV infection over time may be compatible with a degree of T cell function capable of avoiding reinfection with or reactivation of HBV, even in symptomatic stages of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Our findings are relevant to the choice of preventive strategies in populations at risk for HIV and HBV infection.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-infected subjects with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are often infected with multiple pathogens. In particular, HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections have been found more frequently in AIDS patients than in asymptomatic individuals in Europe and Japan. We carried out a serosurvey among asymptomatic HIV-1-infected subjects in São Paulo, Brazil and compared our results with those of other investigators. In this study, we found HTLV infection in 1.5% of 266 asymptomatic and 14% of 28 AIDS patients. Epidemiological data obtained from patients pointed out the use of intravenous drugs as the principal risk factor for acquiring retroviruses. In conclusion, our results are in accordance with other studies done in Brazil and elsewhere where the principal risk group for HIV/HTLV-I/II coinfection was IDU
The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil