295 resultados para DIAGNOSTICO MOLECULAR
Inclusion bodies of alastrim are quite consistent in their morphology and staining properties when studied in material from seven epidemies occurring in several States of Brazil (Pará, Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, Districto Federal and São Paulo) from 1932 to 1937. Paranuclear or circumnuclear basophilie cytoplasmic bodies not stained by safranine, single or in pairs at opposite ends of the nuclei could always be demonstrated in epidermal cells from skin lesions either in man or in Macaca mulatta. Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies of variola vera as seen in human cases, and of vaccinia as seen in Macaca mulatta are acidophilic or polychromatophilic and deeply stained by safranine. A method for the diagnosis of alastrim is devised taking into account the sensibility of Macaca mulatta to the virus, and the morphology and staining properties of the cytoplasmic inclusion bodies as seen in skin lesions of the monkey. This method has been successfully tried in epidemies occurring at the States of Pará (1936), São Paulo (1936) and Districto Federal (1937) when the real diagnosis was a matter of discussion.
Se estudia el Ensayo Inmunoenzimático en Microgotas sobre Nitrocelulosa (Dot-ELISA)comparando dos preparados antigénicos de formas epimastigotas de cultivo de T. cruzi: 1) la fracción citoplasmática (antígeno citoplasmático y 2) el parásito total fijado previamente con formaldehido (antígeno integral). Se usaron sueros de: 95 pacientes chagásicos con serología convencional positiva, cardiopatía crónica y algunos con xenodiagnóstico positivo; 42 personas sanas y 32 con miocardipatía crónica con serología negativa y 74 pacientes con diferentes patologías incluyendo: sífilis, toxoplasmosis, lupus eritematoso diseminado, con factor reumatoide, leishmaniasis visceral, y leishmaniasis cutánea. Definidos los títulos diagnósticos (cut-off) de 1:512 con antígeno citoplasmático y de 1: 128 con antígeno integral, la especificidad fue 96% para el primero y de 100% para el segundo; mientras que la sensibilidad fue de 100% para ambas. En el estudio comparativo con las pruebas serológicas convencionales examinando 147 sueros tomados de personas referidas al laboratório, Dot-ELISA con antígeno citoplasmático presentó índices deco-positividad de 1,0, co-negatividad de 0,989 y eficiencia 0,993. Dot-ELIS con antígeno integral dió 1,0, 0,979 y 0,986 respectivamente. De acuerdo con esta evaluación, la técnica Dot-ELISA con antígeno integral se presenta como una alternativa práctica para el diagnóstico serológico de la enfermedad de Chagas.
Con el objeto de aumentar la sensibilidad del diagnóstico histopatológico de lesiones cutáneas y mucocutáneas causada por subespecies del complejo Leismania braziliensis y para lograr una mejor visualización de los parásitos en las lesiones, se evaluó el método de la inmunoperoxidas indirecta para localizar en forma rápida y específica los amastigotas en biopsia de tejido afectado. Los cortes de tejido se fijaron en formol y se incluyeron en parafina; después se evaluaron por inmunohistoquímica usando un antisuero policlonal producido en conejo, como reactivo primario, Se examinaron 265 biopsias de pacientes con lesiones sospechosas de leishmaniasis de la costa Pacífica y región suroriental colombiana. a 1983 (72.8%) pacientes se les estableció el diagnóstico por métodos clínicos y/o poarasitológicos. Los resultados obtenidos por la inmunoperoxidasa en el grupo de pacientes a los cuales se les confirmó la leishmaniasis se compararn con la histopatología convencional, el examen directo de frotis y el aislamiento del parásito por cultivo del aspirado de la lesión. La localización inmunoenzimática de las amastigotas fue más efectivas (61.3%) que la histopatología com hematoxilina y eosina (34.6%), y que el frotis (43,9%). En cambio, el cultivo de aspirado fue más sensible (89.8%). La eficiencia del método de inmunoperoxidasa fue mayor en las lesiones recientes (72.5%) positivos en los casos con menos de tres meses de evolución) que en las lesiones más antiguas (55.6, 37.5 y 21.1% para 3-5.9, 6-11 meses y mayores o iguales a 12 mese, respectivamente). La combinación de frotis e inmunoperoxidasa incrementó el porcentaje de caso diagnosticados a 72.0%, lo que indica la importancia de combinar métodos para obtener una mayor eficiencia de diagnóstico. La especificidad fue de 100% en controles sanos y 92.9% en pacientes con lesiones causadas por agentes etiológicos distintos a leishmania.
Se realizó estudio seroepidemiológico sobre la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en habitantes de cuatro comunidades rurales de Venezuela, que presentan diferentes situaciones epidemiológicas en relación a la Enfermedad de Chagas, con la finalidad de evaluar la técnica de Dot-ELISA y compararla con las pruebas serológicas convencionales. En los caseríos de Kamana y caño Hondo del estado Zulia, donde no existe transmisión, la seropositividad fue 15,7% en adultos solamente. En las comunidades de las Rosas y Solano del estado Cojedes, área de alta endemicidad, la seropositividad en los menores de 14 años fue 8,9% y en los mayores de 15,51,6%. En el estudio comparativo con las pruebas serolgicas convencionlaes, Dot-ELISA presentó altos índices de co-positividad, co-negatividad y eficiencia. El valor predictivo positivo de la prueba fue de 66% y 60% con al antígeno citoplasmático e integral respectivamente, en el estado Zulia y 100% y 95% en el estado Cojedes. Estos resultados sugieren que Dot-ELISA puede ser una alternativa práctica para estudios seroepidemiológicos sobre la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en los paises en desarrollo.
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation produces most of the yellow fever (YF) vaccine prepared world wide. As part of a broader approach to determine the genetic variability in YF l7D seeds and vaccines and its relevance to viral attenuation the 17DD virus was purifed directly from chick embryo homogenates which is the source of virus used for vaccination of millions of people in Brazil and other countries for half a century. Neutralization and hemagglutination tests showed that the purified virus is similar to the original stock. Furthermore, radioimmune precipitation of 35S-methionine-labeled viral proteins using mouse hyperimmune ascitic fluid revealed identical patterns for the purified 17DD virus and the YF l7D-204 strain except for the 17DD E protein which migrated slower on SDS-PAGE. This difference is likely to be due to N-linked glycosylation. Finally, comparison by northern blot nybridization of virion RNAs of purified 17DD with two other strains of YF virus only fenome-sized molecules for all three viruses. These observations suggest that vaccine phenotype is primarily associated with the accumulation of mutations.
To determine the genomic polymorphism and biological properties present in HIV-1 Brazilian isolates, were analyzed five viral isolates obtained from patients residing in Rio de Janeiro (P1 and P5), São Paulo (P3) and Bahia (P2 and P4) states. For each viral isolate in vitro characteristics such as replication rate, syncytium-inducing capacity and cell death were observed in lymphoblastoid (H9, CEM and peripheral blood mononuclear cells) as well as monocytoid (U937) cells. In addition, the evaluation of the restriction fragment lenght polymorphism of these isolates was also performed using a panel of endonucleases such as Hind III, Bgl II, Sac I, Pst I, Kpn I and Eco RI. One of the isolates (P1), showed the highest phenotypic and genotypic divergence, when compared to others. The results found suggest a HIV heterogeneity in Brazil similar to that already described in other regions of the world.
The molecular karyotypes for 20 reference strais of species complexes of Leishmania were determined by contour-clamped homogeneous eletric field (CHEF) electrosphoresis. Determination of number/position of chromosome-sized bands and chromosomal DNA locations of house-keeping genes were the two criteria used for differentiating and classifying the Leishmania species. We have established two gel running conditions of optimal separation of chromosomes, wich resolved DNA molecules as large as 2,500 kilobase pairs (kb). Chromosomes were polymorphic in number (22-30) and size (200-2,500 kb) of bands among members of five complexes of Leishmania. Although each stock had a distinct karyotype, in general the differences found between strains and/or species within each complex were not clear enough for parasite identification. However, each group showed a specific number of size-concordant DNA molecules, wich allowed distinction among the Leishmania complex parasites. Clear differences between the Old and New world groups of parasites or among some New World Leishmania species were also apparent in relation to the chromosome locations of beta-tubulin genes. Based on these results as well as data from other published studies the potencial of using DNA karyotype for identifying and classifying leishmanial field isolates is discussed.
To a large extent, control of malaria vectors relies on the elimination of breeding sites and the application of chemical agents. There are increasing problems associated with the use of synthetic insecticides for vector control, including the evolution of resistance, the high cost of developing and registering new insecticides and an awareness of pollution from insecticide residues. These factors have stimulated interest in the application of molecular biology to the study of mosquito vectors of malaria; focussing primarily on two aspects. First, the improvement of existing control measures through the development of simplified DNA probe systems suitable for identification of vectors of malaria. The development of synthetic, non-radioactive DNA probes suitable for identification of species in the Anopheles gambiae complex is described with the aim of defining a simplified methodology wich is suitable for entomologist in the field. The second aspect to be considered is the development of completely novel strategies through the development of completely novel strategies through the genetic manipulation of insect vectors of malaria in order to alter their ability to transmit the disease. The major requirements for producing transgenic mosquitoes are outlined together with the progress wich has been made to date and discussed in relation to the prospects which this type of approach has for the future control of malaria.
The development of additional methods for detecting and identifuing Babesia and Plasmodium infections may be useful in disease monitoring, management and control efforts. To preliminarily evaluate sunthetic peptide-based serodiagnosis, a hydrophilic sequence (DDESEFDKEK)was selected from published BabR gene of B. bovis. Immunization of rabbits and cattle with the hemocyanin-conjugated peptide elicited antibody responses that specifically detected both P. falciparum and B. bovis antigens by immunofluorescence and Western blots. Using a dot-ELISA with this peptide, antisera from immunized and naturally-infected cattle, and immunized rodents, were specifically detected. Reactivity was weak and correlated with peptide immunization or infection. DNA-based detection using repetitive DNA was species-specific in dot-blot formats for B. bovis DNA, and in both dot-blot and in situ formats for P. falciparum; a streamlined enzymelinked synthetic DNA assay for P. falciparum detected 30 parasites/mm(cúbicos) from patient blood using either colorimetric (2-15 h color development) or chemiluminescent detection (0.5-6-min. exposures). Serodiagnostic and DNA hybridization methods may be complementary in the respective detection of both chronic and acute infections. However, recent improvements in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) make feasible a more sensitive and uniform approach to the diagnosis of these and other infectious disease complexes, with appropriate primers and processing methods. An analysis of ribosomal DNA genes of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma identified Apicomplexa-conserved sequence regions. Specific and distinctive PCR profiles were obtained for primers spanning the internal transcribed spacer locus for each of several Plasmodium and Babesia species.