221 resultados para 6-epiblumenol B
We set out to determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infected individuals in North-Central Nigeria to define the influence of these infections on CD4+ lymphocytes cells among our patients as access to antiretroviral therapy improves across the Nigerian nation. The CD4+ values of 180 confirmed HIV-1 infected individuals were enumerated using a superior fluorescence-activated cell sorter system. These patients were tested for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen and anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) using third generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Fifty (27.8%) patients had active hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection while 33 (18.3%) tested positive for anti-HCV antibody. Of these infections, 110 (61.1%), 37 (20.6%), and 20 (11.1%) had HIV only, HBV/HIV-only, and HCV/HIV-only respectively. A HBV/HCV/HIV coinfection prevalence of 7.2% (13 patients) was recorded. Patients coinfected with HIV/HBV/HCV appeared to have lower CD4+ counts (mean = 107 cells/µl; AIDS defining) when compared to HBV/HIV-only (mean = 377 cells/µl), HCV/HIV-only (mean = 373 cells/µl) and patients with mono HIV infection (mean = 478 cells/µl). Coinfection with HBV or HCV is relatively common among HIV-infected patients in Nigeria and should be a big consideration in the initiation and choice of therapy.
The authors compared demographic aspects and profile of mutations in 80 patients with subtypes B and F of human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1). Genotyping of the pol region of the reverse transcriptase was performed using the ViroSeqTM Genotyping System. A total of 61 (76.2%) patients had subtype B and 19 (23.8%) subtype F of the HIV-1. Subtype F tended to be more frequent in heterosexuals and women with a low educational level, but without statistical significance. The frequency of mutations related to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease inhibitors (PI) was the same in the two subtypes, but mutations related to PI at the codons 63, 77, and 71 were more frequent in subtype B, while mutations at the codons 36 and 20 predominated in subtype F. Sixty-two of the 80 patients infected with subtypes B and F were submitted to antiretroviral therapy for an average of 18-22 months. Undetectable viral loads at the end of follow-up were similar in the two groups, representing 63.8% of subtype B and 73.3% of subtype F (p = 0.715). CD4 lymphocyte counts before and after treatment were similar in the two groups. This study, despite pointing to possible epidemiological and genetic differences among subtypes B and F of HIV-1, suggests that the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy is equally effective against these subtypes.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is well recognized as the most important pathogen causing acute respiratory disease in infants and young children, mainly in the form of bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Two major antigenic groups, A and B, have been identified; however, there is disagreement about the severity of the diseases caused by these two types. This study investigated a possible association between RSV groups and severity of disease. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to characterize 128 RSV nasopharyngeal specimens from children less than five years old experiencing acute respiratory disease. A total of 82 of 128 samples (64.1%) could be typed, and, of these, 78% were group A, and 22% were group B. Severity was measured by clinical evaluation associated with demographic factors: for RSV A-infected patients, 53.1% were hospitalized, whereas for RSV B patients, 27.8% were hospitalized (p = 0.07). Around 35.0% of the patients presented risk factors for severity (e.g., prematurity). For those without risk factors, the hospitalization occurred in 47.6% of patients infected with RSV A and in 18.2% infected with RSV B. There was a trend for RSV B infections to be milder than those of RSV A. Even though RSV A-infected patients, including cases without underlying condition and prematurity, were more likely to require hospitalization than those infected by RSV B, the disease severity could not to be attributed to the RSV groups.
A randomized, double-blinded study evaluating the immunogenicity, safety and consistency of production of a combined diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine entirely produced in Brazil by Bio-Manguinhos and Instituto Butantan (DTP/Hib-BM) was undertaken. The reference vaccine had the same DTP vaccine but the Hib component was produced using purified materials supplied by GlaxoSmithKline (DTP/Hib-GSK), which is registered and has supplied the Brazilian National Immunization Program for over more than five years. One thousand infants were recruited for the study and received vaccinations at two, four and six months of age. With respect to immunogenicity, the vaccination protocol was followed in 95.6% and 98.4% of infants in the DTP/Hib-BM and DTP/Hib-GSK groups, respectively. For the Hib component of the study, there was 100% seroprotection (>0.15 µg/mL) with all three lots of DTP/Hib-BM and DTP/Hib-GSK. The geometric mean titer (GMT) was 9.3 µg/mL, 10.3 µg/mL and 10.3 µg/mL for lots 1, 2 and 3 of DTP/Hib-BM, respectively, and the GMT was 11.3 g/mL for DTP/Hib-GSK. For diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, seroprotection was 99.7%, 100% and 99.9%, respectively, for DTP/Hib-BM, three lots altogether and 99.2%, 100% and 100% for DTP/Hib-GSK. GMTs were similar across all lots and vaccines. Adverse events rates were comparable among the vaccine groups. The Brazilian DTP/Hib vaccine demonstrated an immunogenicity and reactogenicity profile similar to that of the reference vaccine.
In this study, we evaluated the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype distribution and HBV genomic mutations among a group of human immunodeficiency virus-HBV co-infected patients from an AIDS outpatient clinic in São Paulo. HBV serological markers were detected by commercially available enzyme immunoassay kits. HBV DNA was detected using in-house nested polymerase chain reaction and quantified by Cobas Amplicor. HBV genotypes and mutations in the basal core promoter (BCP)/pre-core/core regions and surface/polymerase genes were determined by sequencing. Among the 59 patients included in this study, 55 reported prior use of lamivudine (LAM) or tenofovir. HBV DNA was detected in 16/22 patients, with a genotype distribution of A (n = 12,75%), G (n = 2,13%), D (n = 1,6%) and F (n = 1,6%). The sequence data of the two patients infected with genotype G strongly suggested co-infection with genotype A. In 10 patients with viremia, LAM-resistance mutations in the polymerase gene (rtL180M + rtM204V and rtV173L + rtL180M + rtM204V) were found, accompanied by changes in the envelope gene (sI195M, sW196L and sI195M/sE164D). Mutations in the BCP and pre-core regions were identified in four patients. In conclusion, genotype G, which is rarely seen in Brazil, was observed in the group of patients included in our study. A high prevalence of mutations associated with LAM-resistance and mutations associated with anti-HBs resistance were also found among these patients.
Leprosy and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are highly endemic in some regions of the state of Mato Grosso, in central Brazil. The association of leprosy with HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) was assessed using a seroprevalence study and 191 leprosy outpatients were included. Demographic data and the clinical classification of leprosy were recorded. Evidence of previous HBV infection was present in 53 patients (27.7%, 95% confidence interval: 21.9-34.5) and two (1%) were HBsAg positive. Five (2.6%) had antibodies to HCV. The prevalence of previous exposure to HBV was higher than expected for an adult population in central Brazil. In contrast, the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies was not much higher regarding the age range of participants. HBV markers were associated with a higher number of sex partners and the use of injections without proper sterilisation of the syringes. The number of HBV carriers was small, suggesting that there was no increased likelihood of chronification among these patients.
Data concerning the relationship between hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes and liver histology are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare HBV non-B and non-C genotypes according to demographic features, clinical status, HBV-DNA levels and liver histology in Rio de Janeiro. One hundred twenty one consecutive chronic HBV-infected patients were enrolled during two-year period and data were prospectively collected. Sera were tested for HBV genotyping using restriction fragment length polymorphism. Liver biopsy was obtained from patients with either increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or HBV-DNA levels. Genotype A was the most common, found in 82 (68%) patients, followed by F in 19 (15%), D in 17 (14%), B in one (1%) and C in two (2%). There was no association between HBV genotypes A, D and F and gender (p = 0.37), age (p = 0.78), race (p = 0.22), mode of infection (p = 0.94), HB "e" antigen status (p = 0.37) and HBV-DNA levels (p = 0.47). The ALT levels were lower in genotype D (75%) compared with A (47%) and F (55%) (p = 0.05). Liver biopsy showed lower inflammation [histological activity index (HAI) = 4] and fibrosis (F) (= 0) scores in genotype D than in genotypes A (HAI = 5, p < 0.001; F = 2, p = 0.008) or F (HAI = 5, p = 0.009; F = 2, p = 0.01). Genotype A was the most prevalent in chronic HBV-infected patients and genotype D patients presented with less intense liver disease.
Typical human immunodeficiency virus-1 subtype B (HIV-1B) sequences present a GPGR signature at the tip of the variable region 3 (V3) loop; however, unusual motifs harbouring a GWGR signature have also been isolated. Although epidemiological studies have detected this variant in approximately 17-50% of the total infections in Brazil, the prevalence of B"-GWGR in the southernmost region of Brazil is not yet clear. This study aimed to investigate the C2-V3 molecular diversity of the HIV-1B epidemic in southernmost Brazil. HIV-1 seropositive patients were ana-lysed at two distinct time points in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS98 and RS08) and at one time point in the state of Santa Catarina (SC08). Phylogenetic analysis classified 46 individuals in the RS98 group as HIV-1B and their molecular signatures were as follows: 26% B"-GWGR, 54% B-GPGR and 20% other motifs. In the RS08 group, HIV-1B was present in 32 samples: 22% B"-GWGR, 59% B-GPGR and 19% other motifs. In the SC08 group, 32 HIV-1B samples were found: 28% B"-GWGR, 59% B-GPGR and 13% other motifs. No association could be established between the HIV-1B V3 signatures and exposure categories in the HIV-1B epidemic in RS. However, B-GPGR seemed to be related to heterosexual individuals in the SC08 group. Our results suggest that the established B"-GWGR epidemics in both cities have similar patterns, which is likely due to their geographical proximity and cultural relationship.
Giardia duodenalis is one of the most prevalent enteroparasites in children. This parasite produces several clinical manifestations. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of genotypes of G. duodenalis causing infection in a region of southeastern Mexico. G. duodenalis cysts were isolated (33/429) from stool samples of children and molecular genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis, targeting the triosephosphate isomerase ( tpi ) and glutamate dehydrogenase ( gdh ) genes. The tpi gene was amplified in all of the cyst samples, either for assemblage A (27 samples) or assemblage B (6 samples). RFLP analysis classified the 27 tpi -A amplicons in assemblage A, subgenotype I. Samples classified as assemblage B were further analysed using PCR-RFLP of the gdh gene and identified as assemblage B, subgenotype III. To our knowledge, this is the first report of assemblage B of G. duodenalis in human clinical samples from Mexico.
Studies on the prevalence of infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) among children are scarce in Latin American countries, especially in Mexico. This study was aimed to investigate the prevalence of HBV infection, occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) and HBV genotypes among children with clinical hepatitis. In total, 215 children with clinical hepatitis were evaluated for HBV infection. HBV serological markers and HBV DNA were analysed. OBI diagnosis and HBV genotyping was performed. HBV infection was found in 11.2% of children with clinical hepatitis. Among these HBV DNA positive-infected children, OBI was identified in 87.5% (n = 21/24) of the cases and 12.5% (n = 3/24) were positive for both HBV DNA and hepatitis B surface antigen. OBI was more frequent among children who had not been vaccinated against hepatitis B (p < 0.05) than in those who had been vaccinated. HBV genotype H was prevalent in 71% of the children followed by genotype G (8%) and genotype A (4%). In conclusion, OBI is common among Mexican children with clinical hepatitis and is associated with HBV genotype H. The results show the importance of the molecular diagnosis of HBV infection in Mexican paediatric patients with clinical hepatitis and emphasise the necessity of reinforcing hepatitis B vaccination in children.
The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of Haemophilus influenzaetype b (Hib) nasopharyngeal (NP) colonisation among healthy children where Hib vaccination using a 3p+0 dosing schedule has been routinely administered for 10 years with sustained coverage (> 90%). NP swabs were collected from 2,558 children who had received the Hib vaccine, of whom 1,379 were 12-< 24 months (m) old and 1,179 were 48-< 60 m old. Hi strains were identified by molecular methods. Hi carriage prevalence was 45.1% (1,153/2,558) and the prevalence in the 12-< 24 m and 48-< 60 m age groups were 37.5% (517/1,379) and 53.9% (636/1,179), respectively. Hib was identified in 0.6% (16/2,558) of all children in the study, being 0.8% (11/1,379) and 0.4% (5/1,179) among the 12-< 24 m and 48-< 60 m age groups, respectively. The nonencapsulate Hi colonisation was 43% (n = 1,099) and was significantly more frequent at 48-< 60 m of age (51.6%, n = 608) compared with that at 12-< 24 m of age (35.6%, n = 491). The overall resistance rates to ampicillin and chloramphenicol were 16.5% and 3.7%, respectively; the co-resistance was detected in 2.6%. Our findings showed that the Hib carrier rate in healthy children under five years was very low after 10 years of the introduction of the Hib vaccine.
O presente trabalho trata-se de estudo transversal e retrospectivo, realizado com trinta mulheres usuárias de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) da Zona Leste de São Paulo, por meio de entrevista e consulta de prontuários, com o objetivo de verificar como ocorre a pesquisa do estreptococo do grupo B em gestantes. As participantes da amostra realizaram pré-natais na UBS etiveram seus bebês no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2010. Realizaram a cultura do EGB 23 mulheres (76,7% do total), 82,6% com resultados negativos e 17,4%, positivos; 43,5% delas realizaram o exame entre 35 e 37 semanas de gestação; 23,5% não realizaram o exame, a maior parte por ausência de solicitação. Foi possível verificar que ocorreram falhas no rastreamento do EGB durante o período selecionado.
The effects of ants on the insect community on inflorescences of Byrsonima crassifolia (Malpighiaceae) were tested in an ant exclusion experiment in a cerrado vegetation in southeastern Brazil. Forty-four species of insects (23 families) and nine species of ants (6 genera and 3 subfamilies) were found on the inflorescences of B. crassifolia. The exclusion of ants, primarily Camponotus sericeiventris and Camponotus spp., reduced the treehopper population to 20% of the original abundance. Ant exclusion and time influenced the abundance of chewing (Exclusion, P<0.001; Time, P<0.002), and sucking insects (Exclusion, P<0.02; Time, P<0.01). Twice as many chewing and sucking insects were found on ant-excluded inflorescences as compared to control inflorescences (P<0.001). One and half more sucking insects were found on ant-excluded than on control inflorescences. Only time significantly influenced the richness of chewing and sucking insects associated with B. crassifolia inflorescences. Inflorescences on control branches were significantly less attacked by herbivores than inflorescences on ant-excluded branches (P<0.001). Therefore, these results suggest that the presence of ants alters the structure of insect herbivore community associated with B. crassifolia.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a erodibilidade entressulcos (Ki) de três solos de textura argilosa: Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro (PE) e Vermelho Amarelo (PV) e um Latossolo Roxo (LR), visando obter subsídios para a aplicação no modelo WEPP- Water Erosion Prediction Project - na região de Lavras (MG), bem como estudar a relação daquele parâmetro com alguns atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Foi adotado um delineamento experimental do tipo blocos inteiramente casualizados com os três solos, quatro declives (15, 25, 35 e 45%), cinco intensidades de chuva simulada (60, 50, 70, 90 e 120 mm h-1), com umedecimento prévio das parcelas, e cinco repetições. Foram determinados os valores de Ki, usando as intensidades médias das chuvas, as declividades das parcelas e as taxas médias de erosão entressulcos nos diversos tempos de coleta do deflúvio de cada chuva aplicada. Os resultados mostraram que o PV foi o solo que apresentou as maiores erodibilidades entressulcos (Ki) seguido do PE e LR. As erodibilidades entressulcos determinadas foram : 4,67 x 10(5) kg s m-4, para o PE; 6,85 x 10(5) kg s m-4, para o PV, e 3,38 x 10(5) kg s m-4, para o LR. Os atributos do solo que melhor se correlacionaram com a erodibilidade entressulcos foram os teores de óxidos de ferro e caulinita, a argila dispersa em água, o volume total de poros, as densidades do solo e de partículas, os teores de matéria orgânica e de agregados < 0,105 mm de diâmetro.
El objetivo fue evaluar las pérdidas del banco superficial de semillas de Amaranthus quitensis H.B.K. (yuyo colorado) debidas a la predación por insectos en un cultivo de soja y en el barbecho posterior, en dos sistemas de laboreo. Los experimentos se realizaron durante las campañas 94/95 y 95/96. Para calcular la tasa de predación se emplearon bandejas cubiertas con tejido para evitar el ingreso de roedores y con tela de tul en los tratamientos testigos; en cada una se sembraron 100 semillas de la maleza y cada 15 días se registró el número de semillas remanentes. Para determinar los insectos presentes y su abundancia se emplearon trampas "pitfall". Entre los insectos capturados se encontró el carábido Notiobia cupripennis, su mayor abundancia se registró en marzo (4,5 y 5,8 insectos/trampa en convencional y 2,7 y 3,3 insectos/trampa en siembra directa), coincidiendo con las tasas de predación más altas (5,6% y 8% en convencional y 2,7% y 3,8% en siembra directa); tanto en abundancia como en predación se observaron diferencias significativas entre ambos sistemas. A partir de este mes, las diferencias no fueron significativas, el número de insectos y la tasa de predación disminuyeron. En ambos años existió una correlación positiva entre estas variables.