152 resultados para (Semi)primitive
O comportamento fenológico vegetativo e reprodutivo de Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill., Jatropha mutabilis (Pohl) Baill. e Jatropha ribifolia (Pohl) Baill. foi comparado em uma área de caatinga hiperxerófila arbustiva-arbórea do nordeste brasileiro, no período de julho de 2005 a junho de 2007. Adicionalmente, investigou-se a correlação entre as fenofases e as variáveis abióticas (temperatura, umidade relativa, precipitação e fotoperíodo), a capacidade de armazenamento de água e o padrão de distribuição espacial. Todas as espécies apresentaram alta capacidade de armazenamento de água e comportamento fenológico contínuo e irregular com ausência de flores, frutos, queda foliar e brotamento nos meses mais frios e úmidos do ano. Apenas a floração de J. ribifolia apresentou correlação significativa com a precipitação. As três espécies apresentaram populações com distribuição agregada, favorecida principalmente devido ao processo de dispersão de sementes por autocoria. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a alta capacidade de armazenamento de água pelas espécies garante a ocorrência dos eventos fenológicos mesmo na ausência de chuvas.
(The genus Stachybotrys (anamorphic fungi) in the semi-arid region of Brazil). Stachybotrys is characterized by macronematous, mononematous, unbranched or branched conidiophores, with discrete terminal and phialidic conidiogenous cells, and aseptate, reniform, ellipsoidal to spherical, smooth or verrucose conidia, which are produced in a slimy mass. Eight species have been reported from Brazil, occurring in the soil, air and leaf litter. During investigation of conidial fungi on decaying leaf litter in semi-arid areas of Brazil nine species were found: S. bisbyi (Sriniv.) G.L. Barron, S. chartarum (Ehrenb.) S. Hughes, S. globosa P. C. Misra & S. K. Srivast., S. kampalensis Hansf., S. longispora Matsush., S. nephrospora Hansf., S. nilagirica Subram., Stachybotrys parvispora S. Hughes and S. verrucispora Matsush. Stachybotrys nilagirica is a new record from Brazil. Descriptions, comments, geographic distribution and illustrations are presented for above mentioned species. A key for all species recorded in semi-arid region of Brazil is presented.
Leaf CO2 assimilation (A) as a function of photosynthetic photon flux density (Q) or intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were carried out on four tropical woody species growing in forest gap and understorey (Bauhinia forficata Link. and Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. as pioneers, and Hymenaea courbaril L. and Esenbeckia leiocarpa Engl. as non-pioneers). Chlorophyll fluorescence indicated similar acclimation capacities of photochemical apparatus to contrasting light environments irrespective to plant species. Maximum CO2 assimilation and quantum yield derived from A/Q curves indicated higher photosynthetic capacity in pioneer than in non-pioneer species in forest gap. However, the differences among species did not show a straightforward relation with their successional status regarding data derived from A/Q curves under understorey conditions. Both successional groups are able to sustain positive carbon balance under contrasting natural light availabilities, modifying photochemical and biochemical photosynthetic traits with similar phenotypic plasticity capacity.
Floristic composition and structure of vegetation were studied in two rocky outcrop areas in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. From April 2007 to September 2008, 18 monthly field trips were carried out. Vascular plants were randomly collected throughout the outcrop areas. For structural analysis, 30 plots of 1 × 1 m were set in the vegetation islands. The checklist presented combines 211 species (69 families and 168 genera), although only 56 species were collected in the plots. Fabaceae (18 spp.; 8.5%), Asteraceae (17 spp.; 8%), Orchidaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Euphorbiaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Bromeliaceae (10 spp.; 4.7%), and Poaceae (eight spp.; 3.8%) are the richest families. Overall, 1,792 shrub and herbaceous specimens were counted in the plots. The Shannon-Wiener (H) diversity index values were 2.572 and 2.547 nats individual-1. The species that presented the highest absolute abundance values (number of plants) had low frequencies in the plots and vice-versa. The biological spectrum had a high proportion of phanerophytes and therophytes, followed by cryptophytes, chamaephytes, and hemicryptophytes. The studied flora shares floristic components similar to other rocky outcrop areas of the semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil, including in relation to dominant groups in the vegetation structure.
São apresentados a biologia floral, a dinâmica de produção de néctar, visitantes florais e sistemas reprodutivos de Jatropha ribifolia (Pohl) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) e uma comparação dos dados obtidos para J. mollissima (Pohl) Baill. e J. mutabilis (Pohl) Baill. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma área de caatinga hiperxerófila, na Estação Biológica de Canudos, Bahia, Brasil, de maio de 2005 a junho de 2007. As flores das três espécies estão organizadas em dicásios protogínicos. Em J. ribifolia as flores estaminadas e pistiladas duram cerca de 48 horas e a abertura é diurna, enquanto em J. mollissima e J. mutabilis as estaminadas duram entre 12 e 15 horas e as pistiladas entre 36 e 48 horas e a abertura é crepuscular. A produção de néctar, a viabilidade polínica e a receptividade estigmática iniciaram-se logo após a abertura total das flores e se sobrepuseram até sua senescência. A produção de néctar variou ao longo do dia e as flores pistiladas produziram maiores volumes que as estaminadas. A viabilidade polínica e a receptividade estigmática foram observadas nas três espécies durante toda a vida da flor. Houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos dos sistemas reprodutivos para J. mollissima (KW = 59,796), J. mutabilis (KW = 59,058) e J. ribifolia (KW = 63,660). As três espécies produziram frutos por geitonogamia manual e xenogamia manual e apenas J. ribifolia produziu frutos por geitonogamia espontânea. As abelhas Apis mellifera, Xylocopa frontalis e X. grisescens e os beija-flores Chlorostilbon lucidus e Anopetia gounellei são os polinizadores potenciais de J. mollissima e J. mutabilis. Já para J. ribifolia, os potenciais polinizadores são A. mellifera e X. grisescens. A utilização de uma gama variada de vetores de pólen permite o fluxo polínico e a formação de frutos nas três espécies. Por sua vez, o sequenciamento no período da floração e diferenças nas dimensões das flores e nos horários da antese ajudam a manter o isolamento reprodutivo das três espécies e evitam a perda de pólen interespecífico, que poderia ser alta devido à partilha de alguns dos polinizadores.
Arterial baroreflex sensitivity estimated by pharmacological impulse stimuli depends on intrinsic signal variability and usually a subjective choice of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) values. We propose a semi-automatic method to estimate cardiovascular reflex sensitivity to bolus infusions of phenylephrine and nitroprusside. Beat-to-beat BP and HR time series for male Wistar rats (N = 13) were obtained from the digitized signal (sample frequency = 2 kHz) and analyzed by the proposed method (PRM) developed in Matlab language. In the PRM, time series were low-pass filtered with zero-phase distortion (3rd order Butterworth used in the forward and reverse direction) and presented graphically, and parameters were selected interactively. Differences between basal mean values and peak BP (deltaBP) and HR (deltaHR) values after drug infusions were used to calculate baroreflex sensitivity indexes, defined as the deltaHR/deltaBP ratio. The PRM was compared to the method traditionally (TDM) employed by seven independent observers using files for reflex bradycardia (N = 43) and tachycardia (N = 61). Agreement was assessed by Bland and Altman plots. Dispersion among users, measured as the standard deviation, was higher for TDM for reflex bradycardia (0.60 ± 0.46 vs 0.21 ± 0.26 bpm/mmHg for PRM, P < 0.001) and tachycardia (0.83 ± 0.62 vs 0.28 ± 0.28 bpm/mmHg for PRM, P < 0.001). The advantage of the present method is related to its objectivity, since the routine automatically calculates the desired parameters according to previous software instructions. This is an objective, robust and easy-to-use tool for cardiovascular reflex studies.
Amplification of the MYCN gene in neuroblastomas is a potent biological marker of highly aggressive tumors, which are invariably fatal unless sound clinical management is applied. To determine the usefulness of semi-quantitative differential PCR (SQ-PCR) for accurate quantification of MYCN gene copy number, we evaluated the analytical performance of this method by comparing the results obtained with it for 101 tumor samples of neuroblastoma to that obtained by absolute and relative real-time PCR. Similar results were obtained for 100 (99%) samples, no significant difference was detected between the median log10 MYCN copy number (1.53 by SQ-PCR versus 1.55 by absolute real-time PCR), and the results of the two assays correlated closely (r = 0.8, Pearson correlation; P < 0.001). In the comparison of SQ-PCR and relative real-time PCR, SQ-PCR versus relative real-time PCR concordant results were found in 100 (99%) samples, no significant difference was found in median log10 MYCN copy number (1.53 by SQ-PCR versus 1.27 by relative real-time PCR), and the results of the two assays correlated closely (r = 0.8, Pearson correlation; P < 0.001). These findings indicate that the performance of SQ-PCR was comparable to that of real-time PCR for the amplification and quantification of MYCN copy number. Thus, SQ-PCR can be reliably used as an alternative assay in laboratories without facilities for real-time PCR.
In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H-MRS) is a technique capable of assessing biochemical content and pathways in normal and pathological tissue. In the brain, ¹H-MRS complements the information given by magnetic resonance images. The main goal of the present study was to assess the accuracy of ¹H-MRS for the classification of brain tumors in a pilot study comparing results obtained by manual and semi-automatic quantification of metabolites. In vivo single-voxel ¹H-MRS was performed in 24 control subjects and 26 patients with brain neoplasms that included meningiomas, high-grade neuroglial tumors and pilocytic astrocytomas. Seven metabolite groups (lactate, lipids, N-acetyl-aspartate, glutamate and glutamine group, total creatine, total choline, myo-inositol) were evaluated in all spectra by two methods: a manual one consisting of integration of manually defined peak areas, and the advanced method for accurate, robust and efficient spectral fitting (AMARES), a semi-automatic quantification method implemented in the jMRUI software. Statistical methods included discriminant analysis and the leave-one-out cross-validation method. Both manual and semi-automatic analyses detected differences in metabolite content between tumor groups and controls (P < 0.005). The classification accuracy obtained with the manual method was 75% for high-grade neuroglial tumors, 55% for meningiomas and 56% for pilocytic astrocytomas, while for the semi-automatic method it was 78, 70, and 98%, respectively. Both methods classified all control subjects correctly. The study demonstrated that ¹H-MRS accurately differentiated normal from tumoral brain tissue and confirmed the superiority of the semi-automatic quantification method.
Previous assessment of verticality by means of rod and rod and frame tests indicated that human subjects can be more (field dependent) or less (field independent) influenced by a frame placed around a tilted rod. In the present study we propose a new approach to these tests. The judgment of visual verticality (rod test) was evaluated in 50 young subjects (28 males, ranging in age from 20 to 27 years) by randomly projecting a luminous rod tilted between -18 and +18° (negative values indicating left tilts) onto a tangent screen. In the rod and frame test the rod was displayed within a luminous fixed frame tilted at +18 or -18°. Subjects were instructed to verbally indicate the rod’s inclination direction (forced choice). Visual dependency was estimated by means of a Visual Index calculated from rod and rod and frame test values. Based on this index, volunteers were classified as field dependent, intermediate and field independent. A fourth category was created within the field-independent subjects for whom the amount of correct guesses in the rod and frame test exceeded that of the rod test, thus indicating improved performance when a surrounding frame was present. In conclusion, the combined use of subjective visual vertical and the rod and frame test provides a specific and reliable form of evaluation of verticality in healthy subjects and might be of use to probe changes in brain function after central or peripheral lesions.
A desterpenação do óleo da casca de laranja com CO2 supercrítico foi investigada através da modelagem e simulação da separação de uma mistura sintética de limoneno (90 % em peso) e linalol (10 %), em um extrator operando em modo semi-contínuo. A modelagem matemática da extração supercrítica foi realizada por analogia com a destilação de uma mistura binária, em batelada, expressando-se a composição das fases em equilíbrio numa base molar livre de CO2. O cálculo das variáveis do processo foi feito por integração numérica da equação de Rayleigh empregando-se o método de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem. Para a determinação da relação de equilíbrio entre as fases, adotou-se a equação de Peng-Robinson modificada, com os parâmetros de interação obtidos de dados de ELV dos sistemas binários CO2+limoneno e CO2+linalol e do ternário CO2+limoneno+linalol.
Estudou-se o efeito do cloreto de sódio sobre a produção de biomassa e proteínas extracelulares totais, durante o cultivo de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A levedura foi desenvonvida em fermentador de leito fluidizado, com vazão de ar de 70L/min, temperatura de 33° C, e umidade relativa de 99-100%. Foi utilizado substrato semi-sólido de batatas, previamente hidrolizado, acrescido de cloreto de sódio 0,6M. O crescimento celular foi monitorado por densidade óptica à 595 nm. Observou-se, como resultado, que a adição de cloreto de sódio 0,6M induziu um aumento de 36,86% na produção de proteínas extracelulares totais, mas inibiu o crescimento celular em 27,62% quando os meios com e sem cloreto de sódio foram testados. A produção máxima de biomassa, tanto para os experimentos com adição de cloreto de sódio quanto para o sem adição, ocorreu no período de 7 a 9 horas de fermentacão, enquanto que a produção de proteínas extracelulares totais, independentemente da adição do sal, ocorreu durante o período de 9 a 12 horas de fermentação. As velocidades específicas máximas de crescimento foram de 0,350/h para os experimentos com sal, e de 0,339/h para aqueles sem a adição do sal. A combinação de alta vazão de ar e a presença de cloreto de sódio 0,6M na fermentação parece não ter tido efeito sobre a duração da fase lag na curva de crescimento celular de Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Edible films based on gluten from four types of Brazilian wheat gluten (2 "semi-hard" and 2 "soft") were prepared and mechanical and barrier properties were compared with those of wheat gluten films with vital gluten. Water vapor, oxygen permeability, tensile strength and percent elongation at break, solubility in water and surface morphology were measured. The films from "semi-hard" wheat flours showed similar water vapor permeability and solubility in water to films from vital gluten and better tensile strength than the films from "soft" and vital gluten. The films from vital gluten had higher elongation at break and oxygen permeability and also lower solubility in water than the films from the Brazilian wheat "soft" flours. In spite of the vital gluten showed greater mechanical resistance, desirable for the bakery products, for the purpose of developing gluten films Brazilian "semi-hard" wheat flours can be used instead of vital gluten, since they showed similar barrier and mechanical properties.
O trabalho objetivou estudar a danificação do amido de farinha de trigo por moagem e o seu efeito na produção de biscoitos tipo semi-duros. Amostras de trigo dos cultivares BR 23, BRS Angico e Rubi, com características diferentes quanto à dureza foram moídas em moinho de rolos através de uma passagem pelo conjunto de quebra; quebra mais três reduções na umidade 16% e quebra mais três reduções na umidade 12%. Neste tratamento, a moagem foi complementada pelo emprego de moinho de bolas. Nas farinhas, foram realizadas análises físicas, químicas, reológicas e funcionais, utilizando delineamento casualizado em planejamento fatorial completo 3 x 3, totalizando nove tratamentos. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente e, nos modelos significativos, as médias comparadas entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade de erro. Os resultados rendimento de quebra, proteína bruta, amido danificado, força geral do glúten (W x 10-4J) e relação tenacidade/extensibilidade (P/L) indicam que a farinha do cultivar BRS Angico apresentou melhores características para a produção de biscoitos seguido de BR 23 e Rubi. O teor de amido danificado produzido durante a moagem dos trigos influencia nas propriedades funcionais dos biscoitos apresentando melhor resultado aqueles obtidos a partir de uma passagem pelo conjunto de quebra.
This study aimed to identify antioxidant peptides from caprine casein hydrolysates by papain application using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, and a 2² full factorial design, with 4 axial points, in order to evaluate kinetic parameters (time and pH) effects on the degree of hydrolysis as well as the antioxidant activity of Moxotó goat milk casein peptides. Degree of hydrolysis was determined by total and soluble protein ratio in casein. Antioxidant activity was measured by ABTS method with 2, 2-cation-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid). TROLOX was used as standard. Peptide pattern and sequence of antioxidant amino acids were obtained using MALDI-TOF/MS. The highest degree of hydrolysis (28.5%) and antioxidant activity (2329.6 mmol.L TROLOX. mg- 1 peptide) were observed in the permeate. NENLL, NPWDQVK and LLYQEPVLGPV peptides, detected in the permeate, were pointed as the responsible for antioxidant activity, suggesting their potential application as food supplement and pharmaceutical products.
The hydration kinetics of transgenic corn types flint DKB 245PRO, semi-flint DKB 390PRO, and dent DKB 240PRO was studied at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, and 67 °C. The concentrated parameters model was used, and it fits the experimental data well for all three cultivars. The chemical composition of the corn kernels was also evaluated. The corn cultivar influenced the initial rate of absorption and the water equilibrium concentration, and the dent corn absorbed more water than the other cultivars at the four temperatures analyzed. The effect of hydration on the kernel texture was also studied, and it was observed that there was no significant difference in the deformation force required for all three corn types analyzed with longer hydration period.