69 resultados para vertical profile


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The objective of this work was to determine seasonal variation and vertical distribution of the soil rotifer assemblage in a climax beech forest in South Bohemia. During 2005, soil rotifer was investigated to the species level. Soil samples of 10 cm² and 10 cm in depth were divided into five layers, which were processed separately. Thirty one rotifer species were identified during the investigation. Dominant species significantly changed throughout the seasons. The most abundant species were Encentrum arvicola and Wierzejskiella vagneri among the monogononts, and Adineta steineri, Ceratotrocha cornigera, Habrotrocha filum, Habrotrocha ligula, Macrotrachela plicata, Mniobia tentans, Mniobia incrassata and Mniobia granulosa among the bdelloids. Mean Shannon diversity index varied from 1.99 to 2.63. Total rotifer abundance varied from 212±63 to 513±127 10³ individuals m-2 along the year, with the highest numbers found in May, and the lowest in July. The great part of the community was concentrated in the upper (fresh litter) and second (partially decomposed litter) layers and significantly decreased in the soil vertical profile on all sampling dates. The highest rotifer density of 43 individuals g-1 was found in the upper layer in May.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological characteristics of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mothers and the live birth conditions of neonates.METHODS:A serological survey with IgG-specific tests was conducted using dried blood samples from newborn infants in the State of Minas Gerais. T. cruzi infection was confirmed in mothers through positive serology in two different tests, and infected mothers were required to have their infants serologically tested after the age of 6 months. The birth conditions of the neonates were obtained from the System of Information on Live Births database.RESULTS:The study included 407 children born to T. cruzi-infected mothers and 407 children born to uninfected mothers. The average age of seropositive mothers was 32 years (CI95% 31.3-32.6), which was greater than the average age of seronegative mothers - 25 years (CI95% 24.8-25.2). The mothers' level of education was higher among uninfected mothers (41% had 8 or more years of education, versus 22% between the infected mothers). Vaginal delivery was more frequent among infected mothers. There was no evidence of inter-group differences with respect to the child's sex, gestational age, birth weight or Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration (APGAR) scores at 1 and 5 minutes.Conclusions:The level of education and the greater number of previous pregnancies and cases of vaginal delivery reflect the lower socioeconomical conditions of the infected mothers. In the absence of vertical transmission, neonates had similar health status irrespective of the infection status of their mothers.


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The deficiency or excess of micronutrients has been determined by analyses of soil and plant tissue. In Brazil, the lack of studies that would define and standardize extraction and determination methods, as well as lack of correlation and calibration studies, makes it difficult to establish limits of concentration classes for analysis interpretation and fertilizer recommendations for crops. A specific extractor for soil analysis is sometimes chosen due to the ease of use in the laboratory and not in view of its efficiency in determining a bioavailable nutrient. The objectives of this study were to: (a) evaluate B concentrations in the soil as related to the fertilizer rate, soil depth and extractor; (b) verify the nutrient movement in the soil profile; (c) evaluate efficiency of Hot Water, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 as available B extractors, using sunflower as test plant. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with four replications and treatments of five B rates (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 kg ha-1) applied to the soil surface and evaluated at six depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.15, 0.15-0.20, 0.20-0.30, and 0.30-0.40 m). Boron concentrations in the soil extracted by Hot Water, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 extractors increased linearly in relation to B rates at all depths evaluated, indicating B mobility in the profile. The extractors had different B extraction capacities, but were all efficient to evaluate bioavailability of the nutrient to sunflower. Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 can therefore be used to analyze B as well as Hot Water.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the density, dynamics and vertical distribution of a Hrabeiella periglandulata population in a forest soil at Brno, Czech Republic. From December 2003 to November 2004, two plots covered by mixed stands and two covered by coniferous stands were sampled monthly. Six soil cores per plot were taken down to 15 cm and subdivided into layers, which were subjected to wet funnel extraction. Missing in one of the coniferous stands H. periglandulata was abundant in the mixed stand with the highest soil pH. In this stand, monthly sampling continued until November 2005, with three additional samplings up to January 2007. Mean annual density was 2,672±1,534 individuals m-2. Population dynamics differed from those reported from Germany. Highest densities were reached in early summer, lowest between August and December. Due to aggregated horizontal distribution, differences between monthly values were often nonsignificant. No significant correlation with climatic data was found. Nevertheless, the observed dynamics corresponded to the climatic conditions, showing particularly the negative effect of drought. The population was evenly distributed in the sampled soil profile, only avoiding the organic layer. Except for a locality in Poland, this is the easternmost record of the species.


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OBJETIVO: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma forma de medir a posição vertical da laringe (PVL) no pescoço, em repouso, de adultos jovens sem queixas vocais. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo de coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa 68 sujeitos, faixa etária de 18 a 44 anos de idade, sendo 33 do sexo feminino e 35 do sexo masculino. Os pontos de referência utilizados para a pesquisa foram os ângulos da mandíbula direito e esquerdo (AMD e AME), o centro do arco da cartilagem cricóidea (CC) e o centro da fúrcula esternal (FE). Para a obtenção das medidas, os sujeitos foram orientados a permanecerem sentados com a cabeça em hiperextensão máxima. Os materiais utilizados foram um compasso e uma régua de 20cm. RESULTADOS: A obtenção das medidas se mostrou ser de fácil realização e não apresentou qualquer tipo de desconforto aos participantes. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sexos feminino e masculino quanto à posição vertical da laringe, sendo que as mulheres apresentaram a laringe em posição mais alta que os homens. A posição vertical da laringe foi de fácil obtenção e parece ser um parâmetro muito interessante no acompanhamento clínico intra-sujeitos.


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Avaliando a primeira década do século XXI, a política externa do Brasil tem passado por uma evolução significativa caracterizada por uma posição internacional e projeção de poder assertiva, dinamizando parcerias estratégicas com países desenvolvidos e emergentes. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as prioridades desta agenda e os potenciais relacionados a estes esforços de cooperação bi e multilateral horizontal e vertical.


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Coffee cultivation via central-pivot fertigation can lead to fertilizer losses by soil profile internal drainage when water application is excessive and soils have low water retention and cation adsorption capacities. This study analyses the deep water losses from the top 1 m sandy soil layer of east Bahia, Brazil, cultivated with coffee at a high technology level (central-pivot fertigation), using above normal N fertilizer rates. The deep drainage (Q) estimation is made through the application of a climatologic water balance (CWB) program having as input direct measures of irrigation and rainfall, climatological data from weather stations, and measured soil water retention characteristics. The aim of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the hydric regime of coffee crops managed by central-pivot irrigation, analyzing three scenarios (Sc): i) rainfall only, ii) rainfall and irrigation full year, and iii) rainfall and irrigation dry season only. Annual Q values for the 2008/2009 agricultural year were: Sc i = 811.5 mm; Sc ii = 1010.5 mm; and Sc iii = 873.1 mm, so that the irrigation interruption in the wet season reduced Q by 15.7%, without the appearance of water deficit periods. Results show that the use of the CWB program is a convenient tool for the evaluation of Q under the cited conditions.


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O mulching vertical é uma prática mecânica para contenção do escoamento superficial que, apesar de mostrar-se promissora, ainda se encontra em fase de validação. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo propor e testar uma metodologia para o cálculo do espaçamento entre sulcos de mulching vertical, quanto à eficiência na redução das perdas de água, solo e nutrientes por escoamento superficial, em condições de campo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida entre outubro de 2009 e março de 2010, durante o ciclo da cultura do milho (Zea mays), em uma área de semeadura direta consolidada. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos constituídos de sulcos de mulching vertical, construídos perpendicularmente ao declive, distribuídos em diferentes distâncias. Nas amostras de escoamento, foram analisados os seguintes atributos: volume de água perdido, massa de solo no sedimento e nutrientes no sedimento e na água de escoamento superficial. Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas para o efeito de tratamentos nas perdas de solo. De forma geral, os tratamentos com 0 e 5,4 m entre sulcos foram os mais eficientes em conter as perdas de água e de nutrientes (na água e no sedimento). Pela metodologia proposta e nas condições avaliadas, o mulching vertical não se mostrou eficiente em conter as perdas de água, solo e nutrientes por escoamento superficial.


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Some specific characteristics of the aging of the Brazilian population in different areas, states and communities all over the country, have shown significant variations. Historical series of demographic and health indicators for the population in their sixties and over in Brazil, state of S. Paulo and in the municipal district of Araraquara are listed as follows: level of education and urban population growth rate, income distribution, mortality rates and main causes of death. In 1991 the aged constituled were 7,8% of the Brazilian population and 9,7% in Araraquara community. The elderly population (of 70 years of aged and above) as a proportion of the whole, has increased and already stands for 40%. The same trend holds good for both the proportion of aged within the urban population and their level of education wich increased to 90% in 1991. The main causes of death are chronic degenerative diseases which have replaced the infectious illness: firts, the diseases of the circulatory sistem (which account for more than 40% of all deaths) and the neoplasms (which let to 15% of the deaths). On the basis of these health and demographic data relating to people of 60 years of age and over, this study suggests some procedures for the improvement of the quality of the assistance given to the target population: a) the assistance give to the aged should be improved by providing gerontological training for general physicians and nurses, both of public and private clinics; b) the already exixting educational activities for the aged, for health workers and for teachers of secundary education should be further developed; c) the number of day-hospitals should be increased for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary confinement so as maintain the low rate of institutionalization in homes for the elderly (0,7% in Araraquara). It is reported that at least 35% of the aged population in this area is entitled to private health assistance, wich brings out the importance of including such services in the local health programs for this group.


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OBJETIVO: O crescimento de casos de Aids entre mulheres teve como conseqüência o aumento da transmissão vertical da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida. Medidas de controle dessa modalidade de transmissão foram implementadas a partir de 1996. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a tendência temporal da transmissão vertical de Aids em crianças brasileiras. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídas no estudo crianças nascidas entre 1990 e 2001 no Brasil. Utilizou-se o banco de casos notificados como Aids em menores de 13 anos, no período de 1990 a 2004. Modelos de regressão exponencial, ajustados à série temporal, forneceram as taxas de variação anual e os valores observados e esperados para todo o período. RESULTADOS: Observou-se tendência significativamente crescente para os casos com ano de nascimento no período anterior à introdução da terapia anti-retroviral, com taxa de crescimento em torno de 12% (t<0,003) ao ano, e com diferenciais entre os Estados entre 5,9% e 31%. A análise dos casos observados e esperados, para cada uma das macrorregiões, mostrou uma redução dos casos para as crianças nascidas a partir de 1997, atingindo cifras consistentemente menores a cada ano. O número de casos notificados para crianças nascidas em 2001 representou menos de 90% dos casos esperados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos sugerem uma resposta favorável à implementação das políticas de intervenção na prevenção da transmissão vertical do HIV, no Brasil, como ocorreu em outras partes do mundo.


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OBJETIVO: Anopheles bellator e An. cruzii são vetores da malária-bromélia, característicos de áreas preservadas. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a distribuição sazonal e vertical desses anofelinos, visando contribuir para a avaliação do risco de transmissão desse agravo. MÉTODOS: No município de Ilha Comprida, SP, foram instaladas armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC iscadas com gelo seco, das 17 às 20h, a um, seis e 12m do solo, quinzenalmente, de setembro de 2001 a setembro de 2002. A relação da densidade desses anofelinos com o clima foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de Spearman e suas densidades entre os estratos foram comparadas pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Do total de 55.226 mosquitos, 1.341 eram An. bellator (2,4% do total de Culicidae), sendo capturados 278 indivíduos próximo ao solo, 261 a seis metros e 802 na copa (12 m). Na mesma ordem, foram capturados 452, 1.032 e 4.420 adultos de An. cruzii, totalizando 5.904 mosquitos desta espécie (10,7%). Houve correlação positiva entre a densidade das duas espécies com a temperatura máxima, e entre An. bellator e amplitude térmica diária. As densidades das duas espécies foram maiores na copa. Nos três estratos, An. cruzii predominou sobre An. bellator. CONCLUSÕES: Confirmou-se o comportamento acrodendrófilo dessas espécies, principalmente An. cruzii. Após medidas drásticas de controle, esses anofelinos permaneceram na região mas, atualmente, não são alvo de vigilância entomológica. A persistência da transmissão de malária autóctone e o incremento de atividades de ecoturismo na região apontam a necessidade de monitoramento dessas espécies.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de infecção por HIV em gestantes e a taxa de transmissão vertical, segundo o perfil socioeconômico dos bairros de residência das mães. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico exploratório utilizando a base de dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação de gestantes HIV-positivas e aids em crianças notificadas entre 2000 e 2006 em Vitória, ES. Para análise das informações socioeconômicas foi utilizado o Índice de Qualidade Urbana. A prevalência de HIV em gestantes e a taxa de transmissão vertical foram calculadas. A distribuição espacial dos casos foi realizada no programa Terraview 3.2.0. Para verificar a associação entre a qualidade urbana e a prevalência de HIV em gestantes utilizou-se o modelo de regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Um total de 137 gestantes e 14 crianças infectadas por transmissão vertical foi notificado no período. Sete crianças correspondiam a mães HIV-positivas sem notificação de caso no período analisado. A prevalência de infecção em gestantes no período foi de 0,44% e a taxa de transmissão vertical foi de 9,7%. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de infecção por HIV em gestantes e a transmissão vertical associam-se à qualidade urbana do bairro de residência, indicando que os bairros com menor qualidade urbana devem ser priorizados quanto às ações para redução da transmissão vertical.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the audiometric profile of civilian pilots according to the noise exposure level. METHODS This observational cross-sectional study evaluated 3,130 male civilian pilots aged between 17 and 59 years. These pilots were subjected to audiometric examinations for obtaining or revalidating the functional capacity certificate in 2011. The degree of hearing loss was classified as normal, suspected noise-induced hearing loss, and no suspected hearing loss with other associated complications. Pure-tone air-conduction audiometry was performed using supra-aural headphones and acoustic stimulus of the pure-tone type, containing tone thresholds of frequencies between 250 Hz and 6,000 Hz. The independent variables were professional categories, length of service, hours of flight, and right or left ear. The dependent variable was pilots with suspected noise-induced hearing loss. The noise exposure level was considered low/medium or high, and the latter involved periods > 5,000 flight hours and > 10 years of flight service. RESULTS A total of 29.3% pilots had suspected noise-induced hearing loss, which was bilateral in 12.8% and predominant in the left ear (23.7%). The number of pilots with suspected hearing loss increased as the noise exposure level increased. CONCLUSIONS Hearing loss in civilian pilots may be associated with noise exposure during the period of service and hours of flight.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the cases of tuberculosis and the impact of direct follow-up on the assessment of treatment outcomes.METHODS This open prospective cohort study evaluated 504 cases of tuberculosis reported in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN – Notifiable Diseases Information System) in Juiz de Fora, MG, Southeastern Brazil, between 2008 and 2009. The incidence of treatment outcomes was compared between a group of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis and directly followed up by monthly consultations during return visits (287) and a patient group for which the information was indirectly collected (217) through the city’s surveillance system. The Chi-square test was used to compare the percentages, with a significance level of 0.05. The relative risk (RR) was used to evaluate the differences in the incidence rate of each type of treatment outcome between the two groups.RESULTS Of the outcomes directly and indirectly evaluated, 18.5% and 3.2% corresponded to treatment default and 3.8% and 0.5% corresponded to treatment failure, respectively. The incidence of treatment default and failure was higher in the group with direct follow-up (p < 0.05) (RR = 5.72, 95%CI 2.65;12.34, and RR = 8.31, 95%CI 1.08;63.92, respectively).CONCLUSIONS A higher incidence of treatment default and failure was observed in the directly followed up group, and most of these cases were neglected by the disease reporting system. Therefore, effective measures are needed to improve the control of tuberculosis and data quality.