51 resultados para software-defined radio


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Estradas não pavimentadas correspondem a aproximadamente 90% da malha rodoviária brasileira. Estas, na maioria das vezes, são construídas sem a realização de estudos prévios, estando sujeitas a vários tipos de problemas. Um dos principais fatores de deterioração dessas vias é a ineficiência do sistema de drenagem. Neste trabalho simulou-se o espaçamento entre desaguadouros em estradas não pavimentadas, utilizando-se um software desenvolvido com base num modelo matemático de dimensionamento de sistemas de drenagem em estradas não pavimentadas. Utilizaram-se valores de erodibilidade, tensão crítica de cisalhamento e massa específica para diferentes solos de estradas, localizadas no Estado de Goiás. Simularam-se cenários considerando alterações na declividade (1, 5, 10 e 15%) e na seção transversal do canal com relações entre altura e largura de 1:1, 1:2, 1:5 e 1:10. O modelo respondeu sensivelmente às alterações na declividade, na seção transversal do canal e nas de resistência do solo. Os espaçamentos obtidos indicaram que, estradas com declividades inferiores a 5%, mesmo com elevados valores de erodibilidade permitiram espaçamentos viáveis em aspectos construtivos. No entanto, para as declividades de 10 e 15%, os espaçamentos, na maioria dos casos, apresentaram dimensões reduzidas, tornando-se impraticáveis, sendo necessário, nestes casos, proteção do canal ou alteração de suas características hidráulicas.


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São escassos estudos sobre a dinâmica da acumulação de capacidades inovadoras. Este artigo examina o tema em oito empresas de software em São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, encontrando: diferenças inter e intraempresariais em termos da direção e taxa de acumulação de capacidade para funções tecnológicas específicas; acúmulo de capacidade tecnológica mais rápido em empresas mais jovens; e decréscimo das taxas de acumulação tecnológica à medida que as empresas se aproximam de níveis mais inovadores de capacidades, demonstrando a potencialidade para aceleração do processo. Tais evidências são relevantes para o entendimento da acumulação tecnológica e fornecem uma noção do tempo necessário para se obterem benefícios de esforços de aprendizagem e construção de capacidade inovadora.


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Milhares de Projetos de Software Livre (PSL) foram e continuam sendo criados na Internet. Esse cenário aumenta as oportunidades de colaboração tanto quanto acirra a concorrência por usuários e contribuidores, que elevariam esses projetos a níveis superiores aos que seriam alcançados por seus fundadores sozinhos. E dado que o aprimoramento por meio de colaboração é o principal objetivo dos fundadores de PSL, a importância de entender e administrar a capacidade de atrair usuários e contribuidores fica estabelecida. Para auxiliar pesquisadores e fundadores nesse desafio, o conceito de atratividade é introduzido neste artigo, que desenvolve um ferramental teórico-gerencial sobre as causas, indicadores e consequências da atratividade, viabilizando sua administração estratégica.


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Software and information services (SIS) have become a field of increasing opportunities for international trade due to the worldwide diffusion of a combination of technological and organizational innovations. In several regions, the software industry is organized in clusters, usually referred to as "knowledge cities" because of the growing importance of knowledge-intensive services in their economy. This paper has two primary objectives. First, it raises three major questions related to the attractiveness of different cities in Argentina and Brazil for hosting software companies and to their impact on local development. Second, a new taxonomy is proposed for grouping clusters according to their dominant business segment, ownership pattern and scope of operations. The purpose of this taxonomy is to encourage further studies and provide an exploratory analytical tool for analyzing software clusters.


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RESUMOEste artigo examina os objetivos, instrumentos e características das inovações habilitadas por Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) no Brasil, enfatizando as tecnologias utilizadas, os canais habilitados pelas ferramentas digitais, os processos de aprendizado para inovação e as mudanças organizacionais necessárias para o uso de ferramentas avançadas. A metodologia consiste na adaptação de taxonomias existentes para os propósitos específicos da pesquisa e a realização de uma pesquisa de campo com o auxílio do software Atlas.ti. Os resultados mostram que as inovações habilitadas por TIC não constituem eventos isolados e pontuais, uma vez que alteram processos, formas de relacionamento com parceiros e clientes, e requerem uma maior integração de funções organizacionais. Importantes diferenças foram observadas em função do porte da empresa, da internacionalização das operações, da capacitação técnica e do grau de acesso a ferramentas proprietárias.


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OBJECTIVE: To extend an existing computer programme for the evaluation and design of shift schedules (BASS 3) by integrating workload as well as economic aspects. METHODS: The redesigned prototype BASS 4 includes a new module with a suitable and easily applicable screening method (EBA) for the assessment of the intensity of physical, emotional and cognitive workload components and their temporal patterns. Specified criterion functions based on these ratings allow for an adjustment of shift and rest duration according to the intensity of physical and mental workload. Furthermore, with regard to interactive effects both workload and temporal conditions, e.g. time of day, are taken into account. In a second new module, important economic aspects and criteria have been implemented. Different ergonomic solutions for scheduling problems can now also be evaluated with regard to their economic costs. RESULTS: The new version of the computer programme (BASS 4) can now simultaneously take into account numerous ergonomic, legal, agreed and economic criteria for the design and evaluation of working hours. CONCLUSIONS: BASS 4 can now be used as an instrument for the design and the evaluation of working hours with regard to legal, ergonomic and economic aspects at the shop floor as well as in administrative (e.g. health and safety inspection) and research problems.


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OBJECTIVE To propose a method of redistributing ill-defined causes of death (IDCD) based on the investigation of such causes.METHODS In 2010, an evaluation of the results of investigating the causes of death classified as IDCD in accordance with chapter 18 of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by the Mortality Information System was performed. The redistribution coefficients were calculated according to the proportional distribution of ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation in any chapter of the ICD-10, except for chapter 18, and used to redistribute the ill-defined causes not investigated and remaining by sex and age. The IDCD redistribution coefficient was compared with two usual methods of redistribution: a) Total redistribution coefficient, based on the proportional distribution of all the defined causes originally notified and b) Non-external redistribution coefficient, similar to the previous, but excluding external causes.RESULTS Of the 97,314 deaths by ill-defined causes reported in 2010, 30.3% were investigated, and 65.5% of those were reclassified as defined causes after the investigation. Endocrine diseases, mental disorders, and maternal causes had a higher representation among the reclassified ill-defined causes, contrary to infectious diseases, neoplasms, and genitourinary diseases, with higher proportions among the defined causes reported. External causes represented 9.3% of the ill-defined causes reclassified. The correction of mortality rates by the total redistribution coefficient and non-external redistribution coefficient increased the magnitude of the rates by a relatively similar factor for most causes, contrary to the IDCD redistribution coefficient that corrected the different causes of death with differentiated weights.CONCLUSIONS The proportional distribution of causes among the ill-defined causes reclassified after investigation was not similar to the original distribution of defined causes. Therefore, the redistribution of the remaining ill-defined causes based on the investigation allows for more appropriate estimates of the mortality risk due to specific causes.


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OBJECTIVE To examine public school teachers’ perceptions about general health and mental health, and the way in which they obtained this information. METHODS Qualitative research was conducted with 31 primary and secondary school teachers at a state school in the municipality of Sao Paulo, SP, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. The teachers responded to a questionnaire containing open-ended questions about mental health and general health. The following aspects were evaluated: Teachers’ understanding of the terms “health and “mental health,” the relevance of the need for information on the subject, the method preferred for obtaining information, their experience with different media regarding such matters, and perceptions about the extent to which this available information is sufficient to support their practice. The data were processed using the Qualiquantisoft software and analyzed according to the Discourse of the Collective Subject technique. RESULTS From the teachers’ perspective, general health is defined as the proper physiological functioning of the body and mental health is related to the balance between mind and body, as a requirement for happiness. Most of the teachers (80.6%) showed great interest in acquiring knowledge about mental health and receiving educational materials on the subject. For these teachers, the lack of information creates insecurity and complicates the management of everyday situations involving mental disorders. For 61.3% of the teachers, television is the medium that provides the most information on the topic. CONCLUSIONS The data indicate that there is little information available on mental health for teachers, showing that strategies need to be developed to promote mental health in schools.


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A radioactive Western-blotting technique was developed by which the reactivity of Immunoglobulins (Igs) from different classes to both membrane radiolabelled and internal parasite antigens is simultaneously identified. The method includes radioiodination of parasites, polypeptide fractionation by SDS-PAGE, Western-blot transfer and autoradiography of the immunoblots developed with anti-Igs conjugates labelled with enzymes. The analysis is then performed by the comparison of common bands on the autoradiograms and the respective substrate stained nitrocellulose blots. This technique was used to analyse T. cruzi trypomastigote surface labelled antigens reactive to IgM, IgA and IgG specific antibodies. A different pattern of reactivity with acute Chagas' disease patients sera was thus obtained.


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In Brazil, more than 500,000 new cases of malaria were notified in 1992. Plasmodium falciparum and P.vivax are the responsible species for 99.3% of the cases. For adequate treatment, precoce diagnosis is necessary. In this work, we present the results of the traditional Plasmodia detection method, thick blood film (TBF), and the results of alternative methods: Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with polyclonal antibody and Quantitative Buffy Coat method (QBC)® in a well defined population groups. The analysis were done in relation to the presence or absence of malaria clinical symptoms. Also different classes of immunoglobulins anti-P.falciparum were quantified for the global analysis of the results, mainly in the discrepant results. We concluded that alternative methods are more sensitive than TBF and that the association of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings is necessary to define the presence of malaria.


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The expression of iron regulated proteins (IRPs) in vitro has been obtained in the past by adding iron chelators to the culture after bacterial growth, in the presence of an organic iron source. We have investigated aspects concerning full expression of the meningococcal IRPs during normal growth, in defined conditions using Catlin medium, Mueller Hinton and Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB). The expression of IRPs varied between different strains with respect to Ethylenediamine Di-ortho-Hidroxy-phenyl-acetic acid (EDDA) concentrations, and according to culture medium, and also between different lots of TSB. For each strain, a specific set of IRPs were expressed and higher EDDA concentrations, or addition of glucose, or use of different culture media did not resulted in a differential expression of IRPs. We were not able to grow N. meningitidis under normal growth conditions using Desferal. We looked for a good yield of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) expressing IRPs in iron-deficient Catlin medium containing EDDA and Hemin. Culture for 32 h at 30ºC after growing for 16 h at 37ºC supported good bacterial growth. Bacterial lysis was noted after additional 24 h at 30ºC. Approximately 4 times more OMVs was recoverable from a culture supernatant after 24 h at 30ºC than from the cells after 16 h at 37ºC. The IRP were as well expressed in OMVs from culture supernatant obtained after 24 h at 30ºC as from the cells after 16 h at 37ºC.


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Software for pattern recognition of the larvae of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, biological vectors of dengue and yellow fever, has been developed. Rapid field identification of larva using a digital camera linked to a laptop computer equipped with this software may greatly help prevention campaigns.


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Introduction. The genera Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are recognized as important Gram-positive human pathogens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Vitek 2 in identifying Gram-positive cocci and their antimicrobial susceptibilities. Methods. One hundred four isolates were analyzed to determine the accuracy of the automated system for identifying the bacteria and their susceptibility to oxacillin and vancomycin. Results. The system correctly identified 77.9% and 97.1% of the isolates at the species and genus levels, respectively. Additionally, 81.8% of the Vitek 2 results agreed with the known antimicrobial susceptibility profiles. Conclusion. Vitek 2 correctly identified the commonly isolated strains; however, the limitations of the method may lead to ambiguous findings.


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FUNDAMENTO: A estandardização do padrão de imagens utilizada dentro da medicina foi realizada em 1993 por meio do padrão DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). Diversos exames utilizam esse padrão e cada vez mais são necessários softwares capazes de manipular esse tipo de imagem, porém esses softwares geralmente não têm o formato livre e de código aberto, e isso dificulta o seu ajuste para os mais diferentes interesses. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver e validar um software livre e de código aberto capaz de manipular imagens DICOM de exames de angiotomografia de coronárias. MÉTODOS: Desenvolvemos e testamos o software intitulado ImageLab na avaliação de 100 exames selecionados de forma randômica por meio de um banco de dados. Foram realizadas 600 análises divididas por dois observadores utilizando o ImageLab e um outro software comercializado junto a aparelhos de tomografia computadorizada Philips Brilliance, na avaliação da presença de lesões e placas coronarianas nos territórios do Tronco da Coronária Esquerda (TCE) e na Artéria Descendente Anterior (ADA). Para avaliar as concordâncias intraobservador, interobservadores e intersoftware, utilizamos concordância simples e estatística Kappa. RESULTADOS: As concordâncias observadas entre os softwares foram em geral classificadas como substancial ou quase perfeitas na maioria das comparações. CONCLUSÃO: O software ImageLab concordou com o software Philips na avaliação de exames de angiotomografia de coronárias especialmente em pacientes sem lesões, com lesões inferiores a 50% no TCE e inferiores a 70% na ADA. A concordância para lesão >70% na ADA foi menor, porém isso também é observado quando se utiliza o padrão de referência anatômico.


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Attempts have been made to characterize two strains of Leishmania that became infective to golden hamsters only after they had been maintained for several years in a chemically defined culture medium. Observations were made on the growth rates of promastigotes in vitro, course of infection in hamsters, morphology of amastigotes, and electrophoretic mobility patterns of eight isoenzymes. Information was obtained about the buoyant densities of n-DNA and k-DNA, and one strain was tested against monoclonal antibodies. The identity of both strains remains obscure.