141 resultados para remote rural practice
OBJECTIVE: To understand beliefs and attitudes about fluorosis among young people living in a rural area. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with 23 adolescents with dental fluorosis, 14 teachers and three health authorities in the city of São Francisco, Southeastern Brazil, in 2002. Content analysis and social representation theory were applied. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: The organoleptic characteristics of carbonates that affect groundwater (salty flavor, whitish coloration, and turbidity) associated with negative aspects of household use of this water are considered a cause of mottled enamel. Even after contact with researchers who investigated this phenomenon and helped find a solution for this condition, the local population is still unwilling to accept fluoride as the cause of the problem and does not fully agree to use water from other sources because they are afraid of the quality of water. CONCLUSIONS: Misperceptions of the causes of dental fluorosis and water treatment costs compromise the implementation of uncontaminated surface water supplies. Health education strategies are required in parallel with solutions for securing water supply in drought-ravaged areas.
The association between land use and land cover changes between 1979-2004 in a 2.26-million-hectare area south of the Gran Chaco region and Trypanosoma cruzi infection in rural communities was analysed. The extent of cultural land, open and closed forests and shrubland up to 3,000 m around rural communities in the north, northwest and west of the province of Córdoba was estimated using Landsat satellite imagery. The T. cruzi prevalence was estimated with a cross-sectional serological survey conducted in the rural communities. The land cover showed the same patterns in the 1979, 1999 and 2004 satellite imagery in both the northwest and west regions, with shrinking regions of cultured land and expanding closed forests away from the community. The closed forests and agricultural land coverage in the north region showed the same trend as in the northwest and west regions in 1979 but not in 1999 or 2004. In the latter two years, the coverage remote from the communities was either constant or changed in opposite ways from that of the northwest and west regions. The changes in closed forests and cultured vegetation alone did not have a significant, direct relationship with the occurrence of rural communities with at least one person infected by T. cruzi. This study suggests that the overall decrease in the prevalence of T. cruzi is a consequence of a combined effect of vector control activities and changes in land use and land cover.
Many patients with Chagas disease live in remote communities that lack both equipment and trained personnel to perform a diagnosis by conventional serology (CS). Thus, reliable tests suitable for use under difficult conditions are required. In this study, we evaluated the ability of personnel with and without laboratory skills to perform immunochromatographic (IC) tests to detect Chagas disease at a primary health care centre (PHCC). We examined whole blood samples from 241 patients and serum samples from 238 patients. Then, we calculated the percentage of overall agreement (POA) between the two groups of operators for the sensitivity (S), specificity (Sp) and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values of IC tests compared to CS tests. We also evaluated the level of agreement between ELISAs and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests. The readings of the IC test results showed 100% agreement (POA = 1). The IC test on whole blood showed the following values: S = 87.3%; Sp = 98.8%; PPV = 96.9% and NPV = 95.9%. Additionally, the IC test on serum displayed the following results: S = 95.7%; Sp = 100%; PPV = 100% and NPV = 98.2%. Using whole blood, the agreement with ELISA was 96.3% and the agreement with IHA was 94.1%. Using serum, the agreement with ELISA was 97.8% and the agreement with IHA was 96.6%. The IC test performance with serum samples was excellent and demonstrated its usefulness in a PHCC with minimal equipment. If the IC test S value and NPV with whole blood are improved, then this test could also be used in areas lacking laboratories or specialised personnel.
OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of the empowerment process of a group of seniors in a rural community. METHOD Convergent care research whose foundation is to use the scope of practice. Conducted with the proposal to change the practice of 21 seniors and nine health professionals, with the aim of health promotion empowerment. Data were collected during 22 meetings, and group interviews at the end of the intervention. RESULTS Showed that despite the initial impact of the change, the group was able to welcome the new change, taking advantage of the space to express anxieties, share joys, and build new knowledge, which led to the incorporation of changes that reflected in the development of healthy habits and improvements in interpersonal relationships. CONCLUSION The convergent care research consisted of strategy that changed the group's lives, empowering them with health promoting actions.
The deficient environmental preservation on agricultural properties has reflected in great soil losses for erosion and the high rate of sedimentation. Therefore, this work brings the application of software to demonstrate that planters can get benefits by the conservationist practices. The benefits will be obtained from the environment aspect (erosion and sedimentation control), as well as economical aspect (financial incentives). A proposal has been created by the Technical Chamber of Rural Water Use and Conservation (CT-Rural) to estimate the reduction in raw water use charge for the rural water users of the PCJ Watershed - this reduction is being possible since January 2007, at the PCJ Committee. The software develops a simple relationship, so that if the rural conservationist action goes more efficient, such as if the conserved rural area goes larger, then the reduction value will bring better benefits for the rural water users. Within the purposes of this study, there is the idealization of mechanisms that may support specific management matters related to the water users of federal rivers from the rural sector of PCJ Watershed.
O artigo trata das dinâmicas da cooperação Sul-Sul, com foco nas relações entre o Brasil e o continente africano no setor agrícola. São analisadas a construção da política brasileira de cooperação e a influência da dualidade de modelos de desenvolvimento rural e agrícola na identificação dos projetos. Verificou-se a presença da lógica de transferência de soluções políticas e do auxílio à elaboração de políticas públicas na formulação dessas iniciativas.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal mapear as classes de cobertura e o uso da terra, bem como as áreas de preservação permanente (APPs) e de reservas legais de imóveis rurais. A área de estudo compreendeu parte dos municípios de Canaã, Araponga e Ervália, Estado de Minas Gerais. Foi utilizada uma imagem ortorretificada de alta resolução do sensor Ikonos II com 1 m de resolução espacial. A partir da interpretação visual da imagem, foram criadas sete classes temáticas, a saber: cobertura florestal, pasto sujo, pasto limpo, cafezal, edificações, área agrícola e reflorestamento. As APPs foram obtidas a partir de um modelo digital de elevação hidrologicamente consistente. Os resultados mostraram a predominância das classes de cafezal com 24,5% e de cobertura florestal com 28,8%, perfazendo mais de 50% da área de estudo. As áreas delimitadas como de preservação permanente totalizaram 55,1%.
A Medicina Veterinária é profissão relativamente antiga e, mesmo em tempos modernos, em determinados países ou regiões, a profisssional veterinária ainda encontra barreiras ao exercício pleno da profissão, tanto nas atividades de Assistência Técnica como nas de Extensão Rural. Este estudo objetivou verificar se existem diferenças entre os gêneros, no que se refere às atividades de Assistência Técnica e de Extensão Rural, realizadas por médicos veterinários no Estado de Goiás (Brasil) e, em caso de existência, analisar se os resultados podem ser considerados frutos de um paradigma ou de preconceito. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Estado de Goiás, em 26 municípios, envolvendo 100 propriedades rurais, administradas por indivíduos de diferentes gêneros e perfis. Foram analisados questionários respondidos pelos proprietários, envolvendo cinco temas, compreendendo diferenças entre os gêneros, senso de organização profissional, relacionamento interpessoal, força física e conhecimento técnico. Na visão dos entrevistados, os homens foram considerados como detentores de maior aptidão para as atividades que exigem força física e, as mulheres, para o trabalho que requer maior senso de organização. Para as outras atividades, ambos os profissionais equipararam-se quanto ao seu desempenho, pois a maioria dos entrevistados alegou não ter preferência, em relação aos aspectos gênero, relacionamento interpessoal e conhecimento teórico. Concluiu-se que as diferenças entre os gêneros, nos desempemhos em Assistência Técnica e em Extensão Rural, realizadas por médicos veterinários no Estado de Goiás, foram identificadas quando os aspectos considerados são a força física e o senso de organização. Nos quesitos preferência pelo homem ou pela mulher, relacionamento interpessoal e conhecimento técnico, não houve distinções. Dessa forma, pode-se considerar a existência de um paradigma, não a de um preconceito.
Como aporte al posicionamiento de la extensión rural como objeto multidimensional de estudio, se analizan las valoraciones realizadas por extensionistas rurales acerca de situaciones inherentes a su experiencia cotidiana de trabajo, seguido de la identificación de factores de satisfacción/insatisfacción laboral. En consonancia con la esencia cualitativa del estudio, la información se generó a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas a 23 extensionistas rurales adscritos las Unidades Municipales de Asistencia Técnica (UMATA) de cinco municipios del departamento de Caldas, Colombia. El análisis de discurso permitió identificar ocho factores: a) gusto por la profesión ejercida, b) posibilidades de proyección social, c) alcance y visualización de logros, d) reconocimiento público, e) posibilidades de ascenso, f) posibilidades de aprendizaje continuo, g) autonomía, y h) estabilidad laboral. Se concluye que desconocer el estado emocional de los extensionistas hacia el trabajo produce el riesgo de crear o conservar escenarios que limiten el compromiso con la labor social realizada y el mantenimiento de la vocación extensionista.