141 resultados para osmotic swelling
Erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF) was carried out in nineteen dogs naturally infected by Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae/copenhagi. A decreased EOF was observed, suggesting a modification of erythrocyte components secondary to disturbances that occur during canine leptospirosis, such as renal damage and hepatic disease.
The osmotic threshold for vasopressin release was studied in normal patients (n = 7) and in patients with the chronic form of Chagas'disease (n = 11). Positive correlation between osmotic threshold and plasma cortisol concentration was obtained for the Controls (y1 = 273,30 + 0,75x i; r = 0,78;P < 0,05), suggesting a modulating effect of cortisol on vasopressin release. The lack of correlation between the two parameters for the chronic chagasic patients was interpreted, on the basis of the general denervation associated with Chagas ' disease, to be the result of neuronal destruction in hypothalamic and/or extrahypothalamic centers related to the secretory control of vasopressin.
The osmotic threshold for attaining the antidiuretic response to hypertonic saline infusion and Progressive dehydration was studied in 31 patients with the chronic form of Chagas' disease and 16 control patients. The chagasic patients exhibited enhanced osmoticsensitivity to the antidiuretic response. This was demonstrated by lower values of the increments in plasma osmolarity sufficient to induce a significant fall in water clearance, without alterations in the osmolar clearance or creatinine excretion. The time needed to attain the antidiuretic response was shorterfor chagasics in relation to normal subjects. The results suggest the existence of a disturbance in the fine control of osmoregulation in the chagasic patients. They are interpreted to be a consequence of the denervation in hypothalamic or extrahypothalamic areas that regulate the secretion of vasopressin in chronic Chagas' disease.
Bilateral breast swelling secondary to superior vena cava obstruction and subclavian vein thrombosis
Superior vena cava syndrome is defined by a set of signs and symptoms secondary to superior vena cava obstruction caused principally by malignant diseases. The present report describes the case of an unusual clinical manifestation of this syndrome with bilateral breast swelling, and emphasizes the relevance of knowledge on mammographic signs of systemic diseases.
This work describes the synthesis of hydrogels of cellulose acetate (AC) crosslinked with 1,2,4,5-benzenotetracarboxylic dianhydride (PMDA). The crosslinking reaction was monitored by FTIR. Analysis of aromatic fragments from the alkaline hydrolysis of the gels by UV spectroscopy indicated that an increase in the stoichiometric ratio of dianhydride resulted in higher degrees of crosslinking. The non-porous nature of the gels was confirmed by analysis of nitrogen adsorption. Water absorption isotherms showed that as the temperature and degree of crosslinking increased, the percentage of water absorbed at equilibrium (%Seq) also increased. The hydrogels presented second order swelling kinetics.
A novel superabsorbent hydrogel (SH) composite based on a poly(acrylamide-co-acrylate) matrix filled with nontronite (NONT), a Fe(III)-rich member of the smectite group of clay minerals, is described in this manuscript. A variety of techniques, including FTIR, XRD, TGA, and SEM/EDX, were utilized to characterize this original composite. Experimental data confirmed the SH composite formation and suggested NONT was completely dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Additionally, NONT improved the water uptake capacity of the final material, which exhibited fast absorption, low sensitivity to the presence of salt, high water retention and a pH sensitive properties. These preliminary data showed that the original SH composite prepared here possesses highly attractive properties for applications in areas such as the agriculture field, particularly as a soil conditioner.
ABSTRACT This paper aims at describing the osmotic dehydration of radish cut into cylindrical pieces, using one- and two-dimensional analytical solutions of diffusion equation with boundary conditions of the first and third kind. These solutions were coupled with an optimizer to determine the process parameters, using experimental data. Three models were proposed to describe the osmotic dehydration of radish slices in brine at low temperature. The two-dimensional model with boundary condition of the third kind well described the kinetics of mass transfers, and it enabled prediction of moisture and solid distributions at any given time.
Cancer anemia is classified as an anemia of chronic diseases, although it is sometimes the first symptom of cancer. Cancer anemia includes a hemolytic component, important in the terminal stage when even transfused cells are rapidly destroyed. The presence of a chronic component and the terminal complications of the illness limit studies of the hemolytic component. A multifocal model of tumor growth was used here to simulate the terminal metastatic dissemination stage (several simultaneous inoculations of Walker 256 cells). The hemolytic component of anemia began 3-4 days after inoculation in 100% of the rats and progressed rapidly thereafter: Hb levels dropped from 14.9 ± 0.02 to 8.7 ± 0.06 from days 7 to 11 (~5 times the physiologically normal rate in rats) in the absence of bleeding. The development of anemia was correlated (r2 = 0.86) with the development of other systemic effects such as anorexia. There was a significant decrease in the osmotic fragility of circulating erythrocytes: the NaCl concentration causing 50% lysis was reduced from 4.52 ± 0.06 to 4.10 ± 0.01 (P<0.01) on day 7, indicating a reduction in erythrocyte volume. However, with mild metabolic stress (4-h incubation at 37oC), the erythrocytes showed a greater increase in osmotic fragility than the controls, suggesting marked alteration of erythrocyte homeostasis. These effects may be due to primary plasma membrane alterations (transport and/or permeability) and/or may be secondary to metabolic changes. This multifocal model is adequate for studying the hemolytic component of cancer anemia since it is rapid, highly reproducible and causes minimal animal suffering.
Angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) increased osmotic water permeability in the isolated toad skin, a tissue with functional properties similar to those of the distal mammalian nephron. Concentrations of 0.1 to 10 µM were effective, with a peak at 20 min. This effect was similar in magnitude to that of frog skin angiotensin II (Ang II) and oxytocin but lower than that of human Ang II and arginine-vasotocin. The AT2 angiotensin receptor antagonist PD 123319 (1.0 µM) fully inhibited the response to 0.1 µM Ang-(1-7) but had no effect on the response to Ang II at the same concentration. The specific receptor antagonist of Ang-(1-7), A-779, was ineffective in blocking the response to Ang-(1-7) and to frog skin Ang II. The AT1 receptor subtype antagonist losartan, which blocked the response to frog skin Ang II, was ineffective in blocking the response to Ang-(1-7). The present results support the view of an antidiuretic action of Ang-(1-7) in the mammalian nephron.
Two variants (A and B) of the widely employed Walker 256 rat tumor cells are known. When inoculated sc, the A variant produces solid, invasive, highly metastasizing tumors that cause severe systemic effects and death. We have obtained a regressive variant (AR) whose sc growth is slower, resulting in 70-80% regression followed by development of immunity against A and AR variants. Simultaneously with the beginning of tumor regression, a temporary anemia developed (~8 days duration), accompanied by marked splenomegaly (~300%) and changes in red blood cell osmotic fragility, with mean corpuscular fragility increasing from 4.1 to 6.5 g/l NaCl. The possibility was raised that plasma factors associated with the immune response induced these changes. In the present study, we identify and compare the osmotic fragility increasing activity of plasma fractions obtained from A and AR tumor bearers at different stages of tumor development. The results showed that by day 4 compounds precipitating in 60% (NH4)2SO4 and able to increase red blood cell osmotic fragility appeared in the plasma of A and AR tumor bearers. Later, these compounds disappeared from the plasma of A tumor bearers but slightly increased in the plasma of AR tumor bearers. Furthermore, by day 10, compounds precipitating between 60 and 80% (NH4)2SO4 and with similar effects appeared only in plasma of AR tumor bearers. The salt solubility, production kinetics and hemolytic activity of these compounds resemble those of the immunoglobulins. This, together with their preferential increase in rats bearing the AR variant, suggest their association with an immune response against this tumor.
We compared the clinical efficacy of orally administered valdecoxib and piroxicam for the prevention of pain, trismus and swelling after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars. Twenty-five patients were scheduled to undergo removal of symmetrically positioned lower third molars in two separate appointments. Valdecoxib (40 mg) or piroxicam (20 mg) was administered in a double-blind, randomized and crossed manner for 4 days after the surgical procedures. Objective and subjective parameters were recorded for comparison of postoperative courses. Both agents were effective for postoperative pain relief (N = 19). There was a similar mouth opening at suture removal compared with the preoperative values (86.14 ± 4.36 and 93.12 ± 3.70% of the initial measure for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). There was no significant difference regarding the total amount of rescue medication taken by the patients treated with valdecoxib or piroxicam (173.08 ± 91.21 and 461.54 ± 199.85 mg, respectively; Wilcoxon test). There were no significant differences concerning the swelling observed on the second postoperative day compared to baseline measures (6.15 ± 1.84 and 8.46 ± 2.04 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA) or on the seventh postoperative day (1.69 ± 1.61 and 2.23 ± 2.09 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). The cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor valdecoxib is as effective as the non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam for pain, trismus and swelling control after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars.
Osmotic dehydration of cherry tomato as influenced by osmotic agent (sodium chloride and a mixed sodium chloride and sucrose solutions) and solution concentration (10 and 25% w/w) at room temperature (25°C) was studied. Kinetics of water loss and solids uptake were determined by a two parameter model, based on Fick's second law and applied to spherical geometry. The water apparent diffusivity coefficients obtained ranged from 2.17x10-10 to 11.69x10-10 m²/s.
Osmotic dehydration is considered to be a suitable preprocessing step to reduce the water content of foods. Such products can be dried further by conventional drying processes to lower their water activity and thus extend their shelf life. In this work, banana (Musa sapientum) fruits were initially treated by osmosis by varying several parameters of the processing conditions which included, besides the cutting format (longitudinal and round slices) of the fruit, temperature (28 and 49 ºC), syrup concentration (50, 60 and 67 ºBrix), treatment time (2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16 and 18 hours), fruit and syrup ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4) and agitation effects. The best quality products were obtained by the use of the 67 ºBrix syrup, for 60 minutes of osmotic treatment, at 28 ºC, having a fruit and syrup ratio of 1:1 and agitation. The experimental data obtained on reduction in moisture content during the osmotic treatment were correlated with the experimental equation of M/Mo = Ae(-Kt), where A and K are the constants which represent the geometry and effective diffusivity of the drying process. This simplified mathematical model correlated well with the experimental results.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the osmotic dehydration of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) using hypertonic sucrose solutions, with or without NaCl, at three different concentrations, at 40 °C. Highest water losses were obtained when the mixture of sucrose and NaCl was used. The addition of NaCl to osmotic solutions increases the driving force of the process and it is verified that the osmotic dehydration process is mainly influenced by changes in NaCl concentration, but the positive effect of the salt-sucrose interaction on soluble solids also determined the decrease of solid gain when solutes were at maximum concentrations. Mass transfer kinetics were modeled according to Peleg, Fick and Page's equations, which presented good fittings of the experimental data. Peleg's equation and Page's model presented the best fitting and showed excellent predictive capacity for water loss and salt gain data. The effective diffusivity determined using Fick's Second Law applied to slice geometry was found to be in the range from 3.82 x 10-11 to 7.46 x 10-11 m²/s for water loss and from 1.18 x 10-10 to 3.38 x 10-11 m²/s for solid gain.
This paper evaluated the influence of temperature and concentration of the sucrose syrup on the pre-osmotic dehydration of peaches. Physical (colour and texture) and chemical variables (soluble solid content; total sugar, reducing and non-reducing sugar contents; and titratable acidity) were investigated, as well as the osmotic dehydration parameters (loss of weight and water; solids incorporation). An experimental central composite design was employed varying the temperature (from 30 to 50 ºC) and concentration (from 45 to 65 ºBrix) and maintaining the syrup to fruit ratio (4:1), process time (4 hours), and format (slices). The degree of acceptance was used in the sensory analysis evaluating the following characteristics: appearance, taste, texture, colour, and overall quality using a hedonic scale. The results were modelled using the Statistica program (v. 6.0) and the Response Surface Methodology. The mathematical models of the following dimensionless variations yielded significant (p < 0.05) and predictive results: soluble solids content, total and non-reducing sugar contents, titratable acidity, colour parameter L*, and water loss. The models of the attributes colour and appearance yielded significant (p < 0.10) but not predictive results. Temperature was the prevalent effect in the models. The process conditions in the range from 50 to 54.1 ºC and from 45 to 65 ºBrix led to greater water losses and better sensory performances.