134 resultados para methotrexate 5 fluorouracil
Several drugs and their associations are being used for adjuvant or complementary chemotherapy with the aim of improving results of gastric cancer treatment. The objective of this study was to verify the impact of these drugs on nutrition and on survival rate after radical treatment of 53 patients with gastric cancer in stage III of the TNM classification. A control group including 28 patients who had only undergone radical resection was compared to a group of 25 patients who underwent the same operative technique followed by adjuvant polychemotherapy with FAM (5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and mitomycin C). In this latter group, chemotherapy toxicity in relation to hepatic, renal, cardiologic, neurological, hematologic, gastrointestinal, and dermatological functions was also studied. There was no significant difference on admission between both groups in relation to gender, race, macroscopic tumoral type of tumor according to the Borrmann classification, location of the tumor in the stomach, length of the gastric resection, or response to cutaneous tests on delayed sensitivity. Chemotherapy was started on average, 2.3 months following surgical treatment. Clinical and laboratory follow-up of all patients continued for 5 years. The following conclusions were reached: 1) The nutritional status and incidence of gastrointestinal manifestation were similar in both groups; 2) There was no occurrence of cardiac, renal, neurological, or hepatic toxicity or death due to the chemotherapeutic method per se; 3) Dermatological alterations and hematological toxicity occurred exclusively in patients who underwent polychemotherapy; 4) There was no significant difference between the rate and site of tumoral recurrence, the disease-free interval, or the survival rate of both study groups; 5) Therefore, we concluded, after a 5-year follow-up, chemotherapy with the FAM regimen did not increase the survival rate.
The addition of a capped mini-exon [spliced leader (SL)] through trans-splicing is essential for the maturation of RNA polymerase (pol) II-transcribed polycistronic pre-mRNAs in all members of the Trypanosomatidae family. This process is an inter-molecular splicing reaction that follows the same basic rules of cis-splicing reactions. In this study, we demonstrated that mini-exons were added to precursor ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) are transcribed by RNA pol I, including the 5' external transcribed spacer (ETS) region. Additionally, we detected the SL-5'ETS molecule using three distinct methods and located the acceptor site between two known 5'ETS rRNA processing sites (A' and A1) in four different trypanosomatids. Moreover, we detected a polyadenylated 5'ETS upstream of the trans-splicing acceptor site, which also occurs in pre-mRNA trans-splicing. After treatment with an indirect trans-splicing inhibitor (sinefungin), we observed SL-5'ETS decay. However, treatment with 5-fluorouracil (a precursor of RNA synthesis that inhibits the degradation of pre-rRNA) led to the accumulation of SL-5'ETS, suggesting that the molecule may play a role in rRNA degradation. The detection of trans-splicing in these molecules may indicate broad RNA-joining properties, regardless of the polymerase used for transcription.
OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados do tratamento conservador do carcinoma de canal anal com radioterapia e quimioterapia do Centro de Tratamento e Pesquisa Hospital do Câncer A.C. Camargo. MÉTODO: De março de 1993 a dezembro de 2001, 47 pacientes com diagnóstico histológico de carcinoma do canal anal foram tratados de forma conservadora. A dose mediana de radioterapia na pelve e no tumor primário foi respectivamente de 45 e 55 Gy. A quimioterapia foi realizada com 5- Fluorouracil e Mitomicina-C, com doses medianas de 1000 mg/m² por quatro dias e 10 mg/m² por ciclo, respectivamente. Trinta e oito (80,8%) pacientes não receberam radioterapia em região inguinal. O tempo de seguimento mediano foi de 40 meses (oito dias a 116 meses). RESULTADOS: A resposta completa foi alcançada em 40 pacientes (85,1%). O controle local foi obtido em 31 (66%), e a função esfincteriana foi preservada em 38 (80,9%) casos. Metástases à distância foram detectadas em sete (14,9%) pacientes. A sobrevida global e sobrevida livre de doença em cinco anos foram de 61,5% e 50,1%, respectivamente. A sobrevida global e a sobrevida livre de doença em cinco anos para os pacientes que tiveram controle local foram 77,8% (p < 0,001) e 74,4% (p < 0,001). A sobrevida global e livre de doença em cinco anos para os pacientes com linfonodo inguinal clinicamente tumoral foi de 70,7% e 56,7%, respectivamente (p = 0,0085 e p = 0,0207). Doze (25,5%) pacientes necessitaram de interrupção temporária do tratamento. Cinco pacientes tiveram complicações crônicas leves. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento realizado foi efetivo tanto para preservação do esfíncter anal quanto para controle local de doença. A presença de linfonodo inguinal clinicamente tumoral e a ausência de recidiva foram os principais fatores prognósticos para sobrevida global e sobrevida livre de doença. A taxa relativamente alta de recidiva em região inguinal sugere a necessidade de radioterapia eletiva nessa região.
OBJETIVO: Introduzir e familiarizar em nosso meio o uso do teste de químio-sensibilidade MTT avaliando a ação de agentes quimioterápicos sobre células tumorais de 30 doentes com câncer gástrico avançado. Correlacionar os resultados do teste MTT com os aspectos clínicos, anátomo-patológicos e estádio utlizando a mesma metodologia do estudo realizado em pacientes japoneses na Universidade de Keio, Japão. MÉTODO: Foi realizado o teste MTT em tumores de 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma gástrico, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico no Departamento de Cirurgia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo. Foram estudados in vitro os seguintes agentes quimioterápicos: mitomicina C, doxorrubicina, cisplatina e 5-fluorouracil. RESULTADOS: Os índices de atividade sobre células tumorais foram: 16,6% para a mitomicina C, 10,0% para a doxorrubicina, 6,6% para a cisplatina e 6,6% para o 5-fluorouracil. Os resultados do teste MTT não tiveram correlação com a idade, sexo, aspectos microscópicos e estádio (p0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A ação dos agentes quimioterápicos estudados sobre células tumorais do câncer gástrico foi baixa. Os resultados da ação dos quimioterápicos in vitro não apresentou correlação estatística com a idade, sexo, aspectos microscópicos e estádio destes doentes. Utilizando a mesma metodologia, tanto em nosso meio como em pacientes japoneses, a quimio-sensibilidade se mostrou baixa em ambos os estudos, podendo-se deduzir também que os resultados da químiosensibilidade independe da etnia. Com o surgimento de novos agentes quimioterápicos, a expectativa é grande para melhores resultados na prática clínica. Com a utilização e difusão do teste MTT em nosso meio, poder-se-á criar protocolos e estudos multicêntricos para selecionar os quimioterápicos a serem utlizados.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar em pacientes com câncer de mama a expressão imunoistoquímica da cox-2 antes da quimioterapia primária com 5-fluorouracil, epirrubicina e ciclofosfamida (FEC) e a associação desta com tamanho inicial do tumor, estado linfonodal, receptores hormonais, expressão da Her-2 e com a resposta clínica e anatomopatológica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com 41 mulheres portadoras do diagnóstico histopatológico de carcinoma ductal de mama. Foram submetidas à quimioterapia primária com esquema FEC (5-fluorouracil, epirrubicina e ciclofosfamida) na dosagem de 500mg/m2, 75mg/m2 e 500 mg/m2, respectivamente. Os critérios de inclusão foram intervalo etário entre 30 e 70 anos, estadiamento II a IIIA, após comprovação da ausência de metástase, tumor primário de mama, único e unilateral, tipo histológico ductal invasivo e ausência de cardiopatia e gestação. Para avaliação da expressão da proteína Her 2 neuutilizaram-se anticorpos monoclonais de coelho. Para visibilizar a expressão da proteína cox-2 utilizaram-se anticorpos policlonais obtidos do soro de cabras. A avaliação da resposta clínica ao tratamento foi realizada por exame físico mensurando-se o maior eixo tumoral por paquímetro. As medidas foram realizadas à admissão e após os ciclos de quimioterapia primária. Após três sessões quimioterápicas com intervalos de 21 dias realizou-se o procedimento cirúrgico. Adotaram-se os critérios do RECIST. Após a operação foi avaliada a resposta anatomopatológica local, sendo considerada completa quando da ausência de neoplasia invasiva e do componente in situ. Na avaliação imumoistoquímica para os receptores de estrogênio utilizaram-se estrogen receptor NCL-ER6F11 e para progesterona, progesterone receptor, NCL-PGR-312 considerando positiva quando da coloração em 10% ou mais das células tumorais. RESULTADOS: A distribuição segundo estadiamento clínico UICC verificaram-se seis no estádio IIA (14,6%), 22 no estádio IIB (53,6%) e 13 estádio IIIA (31,8%). A avaliação clínica inicial do maior eixo tumoral variou de 2,5 a 15 cm e mediana de 5 cm. Foram identificadas 14 pacientes (34,1%) com estado linfonodal negativo e 27 positivo (65,9%). Observou-se que 19 (46,3%) apresentavam-se no menacme e 22 (53,6%) na menopausa. CONCLUSÃO: Houve associação da expressão da cox-2 à fatores de pior prognóstico no câncer de mama como estado linfonodal positivo, receptores hormonais negativos e expressão da Her-2.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a resposta loco-regional à quimioterapia primária nas pacientes com câncer de mama nos estadios II e III. MÉTODOS: foi realizado um estudo clínico retrospectivo e analítico de 97 pacientes no estadios II e III, no período de janeiro de 1993 a dezembro de 2004, submetidas a três ou quatro ciclos de quimioterapia primária com 5-fluorouracil (500 mg/m²), epirrubicina (50 mg/m²) e ciclofosfamida (500 mg/m²) ou doxorrubicina (50 mg/m²) e ciclofosfamida (500 mg/m²) e posteriormente ao tratamento loco-regional cirúrgico conservador ou radical. Para estudo da associação entre as variáveis (idade, estado menopausal, volume tumoral pré-quimioterapia, estado axilar, estádio, esquema terapêutico e número de ciclos) foram utilizados os testes do chi2 e o exato de Fisher. Para as variáveis quantitativas (volume tumoral pelo estudo anátomo-patológico e volume tumoral clínico pós-quimioterapia) foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. O nível de significância utilizado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: a média de idade da população estudada foi de 52,2 anos. No estádio II, tivemos 56,8% dos casos e no estádio III, 43,2%. Aproximadamente metade das pacientes receberam FEC50 e 50%, AC. Obtivemos uma resposta clínica objetiva com o tratamento quimioterápico primário em 64,9% dos casos. A resposta clínica completa ocorreu em 12,3% das pacientes; já a resposta patológica completa aconteceu em 10,3% dos casos. Observamos uma correlação significante entre o número de ciclos e a resposta à quimioterapia primária. Também verificamos uma concordância significante entre a avaliação pelo exame clínico da resposta à quimioterapia primária e o achado anátomo-patológico. CONCLUSÕES: o número de ciclos foi importante para a resposta loco-regional, sendo que as pacientes que receberam maior número de ciclos obtiveram melhores respostas. Também foi possível avaliar a resposta tumoral pelo exame clínico, pois houve concordância com o anátomo-patológico.
Estudou-se a cinética de crescimento de Borrelia burgdorferi, por um período de 3 meses, utilizando os seguintes oito meios de cultivo : (1) BSK adicionado de soro de coelho, (2) BSK adicionado de soro de suíno, (3) BSK adicionado de soro de suíno + 5 fluorouracil, (4) PMR, (5) CTB, (6) Dubos, (7) Caldo Brucella e (8) BHI. Todos os meios foram preparados assepticamente e mantidos em tubos de ensaio com capacidade para 10 ml. Para cada meio, o inoculo foi padronizado para conter no início 10² espiroquetas para cada 0,1 ml de cultivo. O monitoramento do crescimento foi feito contando-se o total de espiroquetas em 0,1 ml do meio entre lâmina de microscopia e lamínula com dimen sões de 10x30mm, tendo sido utilizado microscópio de campo escuro. A contagem foi realizada durante 14 semanas, tendo sido diária nos primeiros 12 dias e semanal a partir desta data. Houve crescimento de B. burgdorferi em todos meios testados, com melhor performance para três deles: BSK adicionado de soro de coelho, BSK adicionado de soro de suíno + 5 fluorouracil e meio CTB. Observou-se crescimento de B. burgdorferi a partir da 4ª semana, atingindo o platô de crescimento entre a 8ª e 12ª semanas, quando começou a exaustão do meio de cultivo. Formas císticas de B. burgdorferi foram observadas em todos os meios testados.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in humans and an important cause of cancer death. Metastatic colorectal cancer remains incurable with available systemic therapeutic options. The most active cytotoxic drug against this malignancy, the antimetabolite 5-fluorouracil, was developed more than forty years ago, and as a single agent produces responses in only 10 to 15% of patients which in general last less than one year. Efforts to ameliorate these poor results resulted in the 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin combination, which enhances response rates about two-fold, without, however, significantly improving survival rates. The recent emergence of a handful of new 5-fluorouracil analogues and folate antagonists, as well as the topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan, and the third-generation platinum compound oxaliplatin, is likely to alter this gloomy scenario. These agents are at least as effective as 5-fluorouracil in patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma, both untreated and previously treated with 5-fluorouracil-based regimens. This has led to the approval of irinotecan as second-line treatment for 5-fluorouracil-refractory disease, while the use of oxaliplatin has been suggested for patients having a defective 5-fluorouracil catabolism. Recently, FDA approved the combination of irinotecan with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin for first-line treatment of advanced colon cancer. Based on the synergistic preclinical antitumor effects of some of these agents, their meaningful single-agent activity, distinct mechanisms of cytotoxicity and resistance, and only partially overlapping toxicity profiles, effective combination regimens are now being developed, which are likely to lead to a new, more hopeful era for patients suffering from advanced colorectal carcinoma.
Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a syndrome that often results in immunodeficiency coupled with pancytopenia. Hemopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply and the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of cells occur in a constant and balanced manner, sensitive to the demands of specific cell lineages and dependent on the stem cell population. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of PEM on some aspects of hemopoiesis, analyzing the cell cycle of bone marrow cells and the percentage of progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Two-month-old male Swiss mice (N = 7-9 per group) were submitted to PEM with a low-protein diet (4%) or were fed a control diet (20% protein) ad libitum. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their original body weight after 14 days, we collected blood and bone marrow cells to determine the percentage of progenitor cells and the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. Animals of both groups were stimulated with 5-fluorouracil. Blood analysis, bone marrow cell composition and cell cycle evaluation was performed after 10 days. Malnourished animals presented anemia, reticulocytopenia and leukopenia. Their bone marrow was hypocellular and depleted of progenitor cells. Malnourished animals also presented more cells than normal in phases G0 and G1 of the cell cycle. Thus, we conclude that PEM leads to the depletion of progenitor hemopoietic populations and changes in cellular development. We suggest that these changes are some of the primary causes of pancytopenia in cases of PEM.
Multidrug resistance (MDR) poses a serious impediment to the success of chemotherapy for laryngeal cancer. To identify microRNAs and mRNAs associated with MDR of human laryngeal cancer Hep-2 cells, we developed a multidrug-resistant human laryngeal cancer subline, designated Hep-2/v, by exposing Hep-2 cells to stepwise increasing concentrations of vincristine (0.02-0.96'µM). Microarray assays were performed to compare the microRNA and mRNA expression profiles of Hep-2 and Hep-2/v cells. Compared to Hep-2 cells, Hep-2/v cells were more resistant to chemotherapy drugs (∼45-fold more resistant to vincristine, 5.1-fold more resistant to cisplatin, and 5.6-fold more resistant to 5-fluorouracil) and had a longer doubling time (42.33±1.76 vs 28.75±1.12'h, P<0.05), higher percentage of cells in G0/G1 phase (80.98±0.52 vs69.14±0.89, P<0.05), increased efflux of rhodamine 123 (95.97±0.56 vs 12.40±0.44%, P<0.01), and up-regulated MDR1 expression. A total of 7 microRNAs and 605 mRNAs were differentially expressed between the two cell types. Of the differentially expressed mRNAs identified, regulator of G-protein signaling 10, high-temperature requirement protein A1, and nuclear protein 1 were found to be the putative targets of the differentially expressed microRNAs identified. These findings may open a new avenue for clarifying the mechanisms responsible for MDR in laryngeal cancer.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the use of methotrexate for the treatment of recurrent rejection in heart transplant recipients. METHODS: We studied 6 patients submitted to heart transplantation that showed rejection grade > or = 3A (ISHLT) in two consecutives endomyocardial biopsy specimens. The dose was 11.26±3.75mg/week. The evaluated data were: ventricular function, endomyocardial biopsy, white cell count and number of rejection episodes before and after methotrexate administration. RESULTS: There was a reduction in the number of rejection episodes (5.17±1.47 before methotrexate; 2.33±1.75 after 6 months and 3.17±2.99 after 12 months of treatment, p=0.0193). The ventricular function was normal with ejection fraction of 76.5±4.80 before and 75.6±4.59 after methotrexate (p=0.4859). One patient did not finish the treatment because he showed signs of rejection associated with severe pericardial effusion. Five patients had a reduction in the white cell count (8,108±23.72 before and 5650±1350 after methotrexate, p=0.0961). One pulmonary infection with complete resolution after antibiotic treatment was observed. CONCLUSION: Methotrexate in low doses is an effective adjunct therapy in the treatment of recurrent rejection after heart transplantation.
PURPOSE: To compare two single-agent chemotherapy (ChT) regimens evaluating, in first-line treatment, response and side effects and, in final single-agent treatment, the outcomes, among Brazilian patients with low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN), according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2002. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of two concurrent cohorts with 194 low-risk GTN patients: from 1992 to 2012, as first-line treatment, 115 patients received 4 intramuscular doses of methotrexate alternated with 4 oral doses of folinic acid (MTX/FA) repetead every 14 days and, since 1996, 79 patients received an endovenous bolus-dose of actinomycin D (Act-D), biweekly. At GTN diagnosis, patient opinion was taken into consideration when defining the initial single-agent ChT regimen, and when there was resistance or toxicity to one regimen, the other drug was used preferentially. This study was approved by the Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre Ethical Committee. RESULTS: Both groups were clinically similar (p>0.05). In first-line treatments, frequency of complete response was similar (75.7% with MTX/FA and 67.1% with bolus Act-D); the number of ChT courses -median 3 (range: 1-10) with MTX/FA and 2 (range: 1-6) with bolus Act-D - and the time to remission -median 9 weeks (range: 2-16) with MTX/FA and 10 weeks (range: 2-16) with bolus Act-D) - were not different between the groups. In both groups, first-line side effects frequency were high but intensity was low; stomatitis was higher with MTX/FA (p<0.01) and nausea and vomit with Act-D (p<0.01). Final single-agent ChT responses were high in both groups (94.8% with MTX/FA and 83.5% with bolus Act-D; p<0.01) and 13% higher in the group initially treated with MTX/FA. Rates of hysterectomy and of GTN recurrence were low and similar. No patient died due to GTN. CONCLUSION: The two regimens had similar first-line ChT response. Final single-agent response rates were high and similar in both groups but the final single-agent remission rate was higher in the MTX/FA group.
In the present study we investigated the influence of methotrexate (MTX) and azathioprine (AZA) on the serum levels of the IgA-a1-antitrypsin (IgA-AT) complex in patients with the systemic form of juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA). Fifty-six JCA patients (22 treated with MTX, 18 treated with AZA, and 16 not treated with any immunosuppressive agent) were enrolled in the study. MTX dosage ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 mg kg-1 week-1, while AZA was given daily at an average dose of 1 mg/kg. MTX was given for 13 months (SD = 7 months) whereas AZA for 11 months (SD = 6 months). The average value of the complex was higher in JCA patients than in both control groups (0.74 ± 0.73 U vs 0.37 ± 0.13 U (control children), P<0.001 and vs 0.23 ± 0.12 U (control adults), P<0.001). Values exceeding the normal range were found in twenty-two JCA patients (39.4%). Serum IgA-AT level was lowest in the MTX group compared to AZA and non-treated patients (0.56 ± 0.24 U, 0.76 ± 0.43 U, 0.95 ± 0.52 U, respectively, P<0.05). IgA values exceeding normal levels for age were found in 14% of the patients. A correlation between the levels of the IgA-AT complex and C-reactive protein (r = 0.43, P<0.01), a1-acid-glycoprotein (r = 0.45, P<0.01), a1-antichymotrypsin (r = 0.52, P<0.01), a1-antitrypsin (r = 0.40, P<0.01) and IgA (r = 0.56, P<0.01) was established