42 resultados para enthalpy of vaporization
A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.
Thermodynamic properties and radial distribution functions for liquid chloroform were calculated using the Monte Carlo method implemented with Metropolis algorithm in the NpT ensemble at 298 K and 1 atm. A five site model was developed to represent the chloroform molecules. A force field composed by Lennard-Jones and Coulomb potential functions was used to calculate the intermolecular energy. The partial charges needed to represent the Coulombic interactions were obtained from quantum chemical ab initio calculations. The Lennard-Jones parameters were adjusted to reproduce experimental values for density and enthalpy of vaporization for pure liquid. All thermodynamic results are in excelent agreement with experimental data. The correlation functions calculated are in good accordance with theoretical results avaliable in the literature. The free energy for solvating one chloroform molecule into its own liquid at 298 K and 1 atm was computed as an additional test of the potential model. The result obtained compares well with the experimental value. The medium effects on cis/trans convertion of a hypotetical solute in water TIP4P and chloroform solvents were also accomplished. The results obtained from this investigation are in agreement with estimates of the continuous theory of solvation.
This article proposes an experimental procedure to determine the enthalpy (and entropy) of vaporization of organic liquid compounds, by the Smith-Menzies (isoteniscope) method. The values of vapor pressure at different temperatures were obtained and ΔvH (and ΔvS) were graphically determined, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The results for diethyl-ether, propanone, ethanol and n-hexane are in very good agreement with those from literature. A historical and thermodynamic discussion on equations that correlates vapor pressures and temperature precedes the experimental proposition.
The Mg-vacancy binding free enthalpy of Al-Cr solid solution alloys with Mg addition was calculated by electrical resistivity measurements. The obtained value is lower than that obtained for dilute Al-Mg alloys with almost the same Mg content and may be attributed to the diffusion of Mg.
The quality of the gasoline utilized for fueling internal combustion engines with spark ignition is directly affected by the gasoline's properties. Thus, the fuel's properties must be in perfect equilibrium to allow the engine to perform optimally, not only insofar as fuel consumption is concerned, but also in order to reduce the emission of pollutants. Vapor pressure and vaporization enthalpy are important properties of a gasoline determining the fuel's behavior under different operating conditions in internal combustion engines. The study reported here involved the development of a device to determine the vapor pressure and the vaporization enthalpy of formulations containing volumes of 5, 15 and 25% of ethanol in four base gasolines (G1, G2, G3 and G4). The chemical composition of these gasolines was determined using a gas chromatographer equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID).
The purpose of this paper was to observe the use of bedding (wood shavings) in physiological variables that indicate thermal stress in gestating sows. The experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of two types of floor (concrete and wood shavings). Worse microclimatic conditions were observed in bedding systems (P<0.05), with an increase in temperature and enthalpy of 1.14 ºC and 2.37 kJ.kg dry air-1, respectively. The floor temperature at the dirty area was higher in the bedding presence in comparison to its absence. In spite of the worse microclimatic conditions in the bedding, the rectal temperature did not differ significantly (P>0.05) but the skin surface temperature was higher in the bedding systems. The same occurred with the respiratory rates. The physical characteristics of the floor material influenced the rate of heat loss by conductance. Estimated values were 35.04 and 7.99 W m-2 for the conductive heat loss between the animal and floor for treatments with or without bedding, respectively. The use of bedding in sow rearing has a negative impact on microclimatic conditions, what implies in thermoregulatory damages.
Based on experimental tests, it was obtained the equations for drying, equilibrium moisture content, latent heat of vaporization of water contained in the product and the equation of specific heat of cassava starch pellets, essential parameters for realizing modeling and mathematical simulation of mechanical drying of cassava starch for a new technique proposed, consisting of preformed by pelleting and subsequent artificial drying of starch pellets. Drying tests were conducted in an experimental chamber by varying the air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and product load. The specific heat of starch was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The generated equations were validated through regression analysis, finding an appropriate correlation of the data, which indicates that by using these equations, can accurately model and simulate the drying process of cassava starch pellets.
Spent nickel catalyst (SNC) has the potential of insulting the quality of the environment in a number of ways. Its disposal has a pollution effect. Optimum recovery of fat from SNC, could save the environment and reduce the oil loss. Hexane has been the solvent of choice for oil extraction. Alternative solvents considered to have been safer have been evaluated. Hexane, isopropanol, ethanol and heptane were examined using soxhlet extraction. While hexane is more efficient in oil recovery from SNC, isopropanol proved to be very good in clear separation of oil from waste material and also provides high solvent recovery compared to other solvents. Isopropanol extraction with chill separation of miscella into lower oil-rich phase, and an upper, solvent-rich recyclable phase save mush energy of vaporization for distilling. An aqueous extraction process with immiscible solvent assisted was tested. Solvent like hexane added to SNC, and water added later with continuous stirring. The mixture was stirred for about 30 minutes, prior to centrifugation. Aqueous process extracted less amount of oil compared to solvent extraction.
The moisture adsorption characteristics of dried ginger slices was studied to determine the effect of storage conditions on moisture adsorption for the purpose of shelf life prediction, selection of appropriate packaging materials, evaluate the goodness-of-fit of sorption models, and determine the thermodynamics of moisture adsorption for application in drying. There was a highly significant effect (p < 0.05) of water activity (a w), temperature, and pre-treatment on the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of the dried ginger slices. At constant a w, the EMC decreased as temperature increased. The EMC of all samples increased as the a w increased at constant temperature. The sorbed moisture of the unpeeled ginger slices was higher than the peeled while those of unblanched samples were higher than the blanched. Henderson equation allows more accurate predictions about the isotherms with the lowest %RMS, and therefore, it describes best the adsorption data followed by GAB, Oswin, and Halsey models in that order. The monolayer moisture generally decreased with temperature for all samples. The isosteric heat decreased with moisture content approaching the asymptotic value or the latent heat of vaporization of pure water (∆Hst = 0) while the entropy of sorption was observed to increase with moisture content.
Estudo microcalorimétrico da interação de tensoativos n-alquil-sulfato de sódio com tripsina a 298 k
Systematic study of the interactions of ionic surfactants with protein trypsin in buffer solution pH 3.5, 7.0 and 9.0, ionic strength 10 mM at 298 K was done using the microcalorimetric technique. In this study, anionic surfactant solutions of the sodium n-alkyl sulfates series (C8, C10, C12 and C14) were used. The enthalpy of interaction (ΔintHº) shows that the interaction of the surfactants C8, C10, C12 and C14 with trypsin in the solution pH 3.5 is an endothermic process with the value of ΔintHº decreasing linearly with increasing carbon chain length, which is attributed to the unfolding of the polypeptide chain. In the solution pH 7.0, we observed the same trend except for C14. In the solution pH 9.0, from C10 the enthapy of interaction didn't change with the increasing of the carbon chain length due to unfolding of the polypeptide. We concluded that when trypsin is folded, the enthalpy of interaction shows a linear relationship with the surfactant's hydrophobicity, in agreement with Traube's rule.
The calorimetric experiments based on technique breaking ampoule were carried out by measuring of the heat of solution of alcohol in isotonic solution (NaCl 0.10 M) and alcohol in suspension of Sc at 298 K. From these data the enthalpy of interaction alcohol with suspension of Sc (DtrsH°) was calculate by Hess law. In this study, the results indicate that the enthalpy of interaction of aliphatic alcohol (C2-C8) with suspensions of Sc is a process exothermic and becomes more exothermic with increasing of -CH2 group of alcohol in range -1,14 to -4,0 kJ.mol-1. We concluded that enthalpy of interaction shows a linear relationship with increasing of alcohol's lipophilicity, in agreement with Traube's rule.
The adsorption capacity of alpha-chitosan and its modified form with succinic anhydride was compared with the traditional adsorbent active carbon by using the dye methylene blue, employed in the textile industry. The isotherms for both biopolymers were classified as SSA systems in the Giles model, more specifically in L class and subgroup 3. The dye concentration in the supernatant in the adsorption assay was determined through electronic spectroscopy. By calorimetric titration thermodynamic data of the interaction between methyene blue and the chemically modified chitosan at the solid/liquid interface were obtained. The enthalpy of the dye/chitosan interaction gave 2.47 ± 0.02 kJ mol-1 with an equilibrium constant of 7350 ± 10 and for the carbon/dye interaction this constant gave 5951 ± 8. The spontaneity of these adsorptions are reflected by the free Gibbs energies of -22.1 ± 0.4 and -21.5 ± 0.2 kJ mol-1, respectively, found for these systems. This new adsorbent derived from a natural polysaccharide is as efficient as activated carbon. However 97% of the bonded dye can be eluted by sodium chloride solution, while this same operation elutes only 42% from carbon. Chitosan is efficient in dye removal with the additional advantage of being cheap, non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable.
The high cost of sensitivity commercial calorimeters may represent an obstacle for many calorimetric research groups. This work describes the construction and calibration of a batch differential heat conduction calorimeter with sample cells volumes of about 400 μL. The calorimeter was built using two small high sensibility square Peltier thermoelectric sensors and the total cost was estimated to be about US$ 500. The calorimeter was used to study the excess enthalpy of solution of binary mixtures of liquids, as a function of composition, for the following binary systems of solvents: water + 1,4-dioxane or + dimethylsulfoxide at 298,2 ± 0,5 K.
The immersion enthalpy of activated carbon in 3-chlorophenol solutions, of 100 mg L-1, is determined at different pH values between 3 and 11 with results between 37.6 and 21.2 J g-1. The 3-chlorophenol adsorbed quantities on the activated carbon during the calorimetric experience, are between 1.13 and 2.19 mg g-1, for different pH values of the solution. The 3-chlorophenol adsorbed quantity and the immersion enthalpy decrease by increasing of the pH solution, while increasing the adsorbed quantity increases the immersion enthalpy value.
The present article involves a comparative study of the influence of oxygen or sulfur heteroatoms present in the central ring of polycyclic compounds, in order to clarify the correlation between the respective thermophysical or thermochemical properties and structural characteristics. Considering the importance of these types of compounds for their broad spectrum of application in diverse fields, from pharmacology to the development of new materials, the critical interpretation of such properties for their crucial role in the reactivity of these substances is of great interest. Knowledge on these thermodynamic data for key compounds is also relevant to the prediction and understanding of the properties and behavior of other parent compounds.