44 resultados para Waterfronts -- Balearic Islands (Spain) -- Maó


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Introduction Trypanosoma evansi was first identified in the Canary Islands in 1997, and is still present in a small area of the Archipelago. To date, the disease has exclusively affected camel herds, and has not been detected in any other animal hosts. However potential vectors of Trypanosoma evansi must be identified. Methods One Nzi trap was placed on a camel farm located in the infected area for a period of one year. Results Two thousand five hundred and five insects were trapped, of which Stomoxys calcitrans was the sole hematophagous vector captured. Conclusions Stomoxys calcitrans could be exclusively responsible for the transmission of Trypanosoma evansi among camels in the surveyed area, as other species do not seem to be infected by S. calcitrans in the presence of camels.


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We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coprolites recovered during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris sp. infection in Spain.


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OBJECTIVE To identify the psychopedagogical training needs of the pediatric nurses in the largest public hospital of the Balearic Islands, Spain. METHOD This study was developed with a quantitative and qualitative design, where 78 nurses (97.5% of the service) answered a questionnaire, and 15 participated in interviews that were analyzed via content analysis. RESULTS The quantitative results show gaps in the knowledge and psychopedagogical skills of the staff. These aspects could facilitate the development of tasks tailored to the personality and the psychoevolutional time of children with chronic diseases, as well as to the emotional state of families. The qualitative data was organized into four categories: family support; hospital and education; psychopedagogical training and difficulties in practice. The little communication between nurses and teachers is evident. CONCLUSION The data reinforces the need to implement training strategies and interdisciplinary work among health professionals, educators and families.


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In 2004, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) was observed for the first time in Catalonia, northeastern Spain. A decade later, it has spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean region of the country and the Balearic Islands. Framed within a national surveillance project, we present the results of monitoring in 2013 in the autonomous communities of the mainland Levante. The current study reveals a remarkable increase in the spread of the invasive mosquito in relation to results from 2012; the species was present and well-established in 48 municipalities, most of which were along the Mediterranean coastline from the Valencian Community to the Region of Murcia.


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Apesar de oferecer uma série de vantagens, quanto à qualidade do produto final, a técnica de cultivo in vitro de plantas ainda é considerada dispendiosa, por causa, dentre outros fatores, da utilização de reagentes com alto grau de pureza no preparo de meios nutritivos. Entre as alternativas que podem ser adotadas para a redução dos custos relacionados com a produção de mudas, apresenta potencial a substituição de produtos PA por aqueles de menor custo. Baseado nestas informações, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do melado de cana-de-açúcar sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de bananeira, cv. Maçã. Para tal propósito, plantas de bananeira foram inoculadas em meios nutritivos, formulados à base de melado de cana-de-açúcar, com quatro concentrações distintas (brix de 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0), e os dados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles das plantas cultivadas em meio MS (controle), perfazendo um total de cinco tratamentos. Apesar de terem-se desenvolvido em todos os tratamentos testados, observou-se que, para as variáveis número médio de folhas e biomassa da matéria fresca, as plantas cultivadas no meio MS (controle) apresentaram valores superiores. Entretanto, para o número médio de raízes, não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos utilizados. O melado de cana-de-açúcar não favorece o desenvolvimento de plântulas de bananeira, mas pode ser utilizado para o enraizamento dessas plantas in vitro.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da rapadura sobre o desenvolvimento, in vitro, de bananeira, cv. Maçã, visando à redução de custos de produção, por cultura de tecidos. Explantes de bananeira foram inoculados em meios nutritivos, formulados à base de rapadura, com quatro concentrações distintas (10, 25, 50 e 75% de solução de rapadura), e os dados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles das plantas cultivadas em meio MS 100% (controle), perfazendo um total de cinco tratamentos. Ao final de 60 dias, foram avaliados os números médios de folhas, brotos e raízes, bem como os números médios de explantes mortos e oxidados. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para a maior parte dos parâmetros avaliados, exceto para o número médio de explantes oxidados, que foi maior no tratamento com 75% de rapadura. Concluiu-se que meios nutritivos com até 50% de rapadura em sua composição, sem reguladores vegetais, podem ser utilizados em substituição ao meio MS para o cultivo in vitro de bananeira.


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Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes volumes de meio MS líquido estacionário, na taxa de multiplicação e desenvolvimento, in vitro, de explantes da bananeira 'Maçã'. Na etapa de multiplicação, utilizaram-se microrrizomas do cultivar Maçã (AAB), oriundos de plantas pré-estabelecidas em meio sólido, em estádio de multiplicação, que foram uniformizados quanto ao tamanho. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com sete tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo a parcela composta por quatro explantes. Os tratamentos foram diferentes volumes de meio líquido estacionário (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mL) e 30 mL de meio semissólido (padrão). Mudas obtidas ao final do terceiro subcultivo foram transferidas para um meio de alongamento e enraizamento. O experimento foi composto pelos mesmos tratamentos e delineamento, sendo cada parcela composta por quatro explantes. Os diferentes volumes do meio líquido e semissólido não alteraram a taxa de multiplicação dos explantes. É possível produzir mudas de bananeira 'Maçã', in vitro, em meio líquido estacionário, sendo o volume ideal de 25 mL por frasco.


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The international tourism system has deeply undergone structural changes in the last decades which not remain outside the subsystem higher education in tourism, especially in the European case. This article has two objectives: firstly, describes the European higher education area and the objectives, skills and subjects taught in the main Spanish universities that offer higher education in tourism. On the other hand, in the light of knowledge that researchers' descriptive models, provide experience of the implementation of European credit and thorough a deeply review of the literature on the topic higher education in tourism, to propose strategies that will enable other tourism higher education systems approach to the European reality. These policy proposals are aimed at agents and elements from higher education in tourism subsystem and they specifically include: the institutions providing education in tourism, the curriculum, the teaching methods, teachers and students.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess regional and sociodemographic differences in self-perceived health status among older adults. METHODS: A face-to-face quality of life survey was conducted in a representative sample of the Spanish population comprising 1,106 non-institutionalized elderly aged 60 or more in 2008. Logistic regression models were used to explain self-perceived health status according to the EuroQol Group Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). Independent variables included sociodemographic and health characteristics as well as the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics level 1 (NUTS1: group of autonomous regions) and level 2 (NUTS 2: autonomous regions). RESULTS: Younger and better off respondents were more likely to have a positive self-perceived health status. Having no chronic conditions, independence in performing daily living activities and lower level of depression were also associated with positive self-perceived health status. People living in the south of Spain showed a more negative self-perceived health status than those living in other regions. CONCLUSION: The study results point to health inequality among Spanish older adults of lower socioeconomic condition and living in the south of Spain. The analysis by geographic units allows for international cross-regional comparisons.


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A total of 479 diarrhoeic children and 337 children without diarrhoea (controls) less than 5 years old were investigated in a two-year study in the city of S. Luís (MA), with the purpose to determine the incidence, the age distribution and the seasonality of rotaviruses, as well as to establish the severity of the disease in this region between the North and the Northeast of Brazil. rotavirus incidence was highest in children of the 1st. year of life, showing an average of 25% per year among the diarrhoeic patients attending the two main hospitals and three health units at the periphery of the city. It was shown that rotaviruses are significant enteropathogens in children less than 18 months old. Frequency of rotaviruses droped in diarrhoeic patients 18 to 23 months old to only 4%, the same percentage observed in children of the control group. A typical seasonal distribution of rotaviruses was not seen during the two years of study. There was a peak in the incidence of rotaviruses in 1986, during the rainy season, and two peaks in 1987, one in the rainy season and one in the dry season. It was also shown that severity of diarrhoea in rotavirus positive cases was higher than in the negative cases. Rotavirus diarrhoeic patients had more loose stools per day, and higher frequencies of vomiting and fever, resulting more often (> 2 times) in moderate or severe dehydration. Finally, it is concluded that the introduction of immunoprophylaxis may reduce significantly the high mortality rates in early childhood observed in S. Luís.


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Com critérios previamente definidos de inclusão e prévio consentimento, 26 pacientes consecutivos (19 a 64 anos), com queixas referentes ao aparelho digestivo superior, foram submetidos à endoscopia digestiva, com biópsia, constando de 8 fragmentos da região antropilórica (4 da parede anterior e 4 da posterior). Dois fragmentos destinados â cultura; dois a teste da urease livre; dois para esfregaço corado, todos colhidos em meio de transporte adequado sob refrigeração; dois fragmentos foram imersos em formalina a 10 % para exame histopatológico. Dos 26pacientes, 25 (96%) apresentaram infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori por um ou mais dos métodos empregados. Em 16 (61%), dos 26, foram observadas alterações pela endoscopia (gastrite em 11, úlcera péptica em dois e cicatriz de úlcera em três casos). Dos pacientes com gastrite endoscópica, 10/11 (91%) apresentaram-se positivos, bem como todos (100%>) os portadores de cicatriz ou úlcera péptica. Foi observada estreita relação entre a presença de H. pylori e gastrite crônica em 24/25 (96%). Corte histológico corado pela hematoxilina-eosina foi o teste de maior sensibilidade diagnostica: 24/25 (96%), seguido pelo teste da urease 23/25 (92%), esfregaço corado 19/25 (76%) e cultura 18/25 (72%). Conclui-se que a prevalência de infecção gástrica por H. pylori em portadores de sintomas é elevada, correlacionando-se com gastrite crônica e úlcera. Exame histológico corado pela hematoxilina-eosina e o teste da urease são os mais sensíveis no diagnóstico da infecção. Os estudos devem prosseguir para elucidação de mais questões relacionadas á infecção, incluindo-se grupo controle de sintomáticos, por sexo e idade.