22 resultados para Warren, William Fairfield, 1833-1929.


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The authors observed an injury caused by the sting of a false tocandira ant in the hand of an amateur fisherman and they describe the clinical findings and the evolution of the envenoming, which presented an acute and violent pain, cold sweating, nausea, a vomiting episode, malaise, tachycardia and left axillary's lymphadenopathy. About three hours after the accident, still feeling intense pain in the place of the sting, he presented an episode of great amount of blood in the feces with no history of digestive, hematological or vascular problems. The intense pain decreased after eight hours, but the place stayed moderately painful for about 24 hours. In that moment, he presented small grade of local edema and erythema. The authors still present the folkloric, pharmacological and clinical aspects related to the tocandiras stings, a very interesting family of ants, which presents the largest and more venomous ants of the world.


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Among the vectors of Chagas disease, Triatoma patagonica is a species in the process of adaptation to the human environment. However, its vector competence is not well known. This study had the aim of evaluating and comparing feeding and defecation patterns among fifth-instar nymphs of Triatoma patagonica and Triatoma infestans that were fed ad libitum. The results showed that nymphs of Triatoma patagonica had a feeding pattern similar to that of Triatoma infestans. Sixty nine percent and 58% of nymphs of Triatoma patagonica and Triatoma infestans, respectively, produced their first defecation within five minutes after being fed. Triatoma patagonica defecated during feeding, with an average time until first defecation that was shorter than that of Triatoma infestans (3.4 and 6.2 min, respectively). The nymphs of Triatoma patagonica were capable of defecating during or immediately after feeding.


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Gamidactylus bryconissp. n. foi coletada nas fossas nasais de Brycon pellegrinie Β. melanopterus.A nova espécie é semelhante a Gamidactylus jaraquensis,por possuir antena com espinhos móvel distal no terceiro segmento e garra terminal, além de um par de retroestiletes laterais móveis, no primeiro somito torácico. Difere da espécie já conhecida no comprimento e forma dos retroestiletes e na ornamentação das pernas.


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Ergasilus yumaricussp. n. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Pygocentrus nattereri, Serrasalmus rhombeuse Pristobrycon eigenmannido Rio Guaporé próximo à Pimenteiras, rios Guaporé e Mamoré próximo à Surpresa, rio Jiparaná próximo à Jiparaná e Pacaás Novos próximo à Guajará-Mirim, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. A nova espécie tem uma seta forte, pectinada e falciforme no primeiro exopodito, indicando uma relação com outras seis espécies amazônicas. Esta espécie difere das outras na forma do corpo, ornamentações das pernas, antenas e urossomitos.


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Bei der Untersuchung der J. F. Zikán Sammlung die sich im Instituto Oswaldo Cruz befindet, fanden wir den Typus des Passalus zikani Luederwaldt, 1929. Disese Arbeit besteht aus einer neuen und vollkommener Beschreibung dieser Art die wier mit sieben anderen Exemplaren verglichen, davon sechs Topotypi sind, auch von derselben Sammlung.


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Buprestid leaf-miners are generally included in the subtribe Trachytes. The genera belonging to this subtribe are commonly very rich in number of species and their systematics envolves huge difficulties. On the other hand the biological knowledge on those insects is very poor. The A. tries to clarify the systematical status of two species of Pachyschelus - P. subundulatus Kerr. and P. fulgidipennis Lucas, and redescribes also P. binderi Obenberger. The hosts of the first two species are recorded, namely: Terminalia catappa (Combretaceae) - host-plant of P. subundulatus and Luhea spp. (Tiliaceae) - host-plant of P. fulgidipennis. The mines, developmental stages and habits of the three species are described and is made a full redescription of the adults, both male and female. The study is based on reared material from mined leaves, as well as insects assembled in several brazilian collections, both private and public ones. The importance of some biological facts as well as some morphological characters are stressed. The knowledge of the host-plants and the shape and other structural features of the mine were found to be helpfull to the identification of the species. Some morphological features of adults also prooved to be of systematical value. Besides the female pygidium and the male genitalia, the tibiae of the third pair of legs show some intersting structural details, reasonably alike in both sexes and quite different in each species.


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This paper deals with two Brazilian species of the genus Pachyschelus Sol., namely: P. urvillege sp. n. and P. mimus Obenberger, 1925. P. urvillege sp. n. is described based on specimens reared from leafmined Urvillea glabra Cam. (Sapindaceae); it seems to be related to P. vanrooni Obenb., 1923, from which it can be distinguished by the absence of sexual dichroism, structural details of female pygidium and, as supposed, by the male genitalia (still unknown in P. vanrooni). P. mimus Obenberger, 1925, was reared from Psidium araça Raddi (Myrtaceae), and the male allotype is described. Oviposition, larval cephalic capsules and mines of both species are described, as well as other developmental stages of P. urvilleae. Some larvae of the latter were found parasitized by Tetrastichus sp.


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The study of materials belonging to several brazilian collections led us discover 2 new species of the genus Colobogaster which are here described. C. seabrai sp. n. seems to be related to C. puncticollis Waterhouse, 1882, from which it can be distinguished by: a) apical alitral tooth placed suturally, b) pronotum with 3 pairs of depressions, the 1st. pair transversal and conigous to the 2nd one, c) elitral suture brilliantgreen coloured but not the marginal edge, d) front without a horse-shoe shaped structure, e) pronotum with the discal region concolor. The structures of pronotum, the elitral and pronotal colour paterns and the genial morphology separate this one from other species of the genus. C. paraensis sp. n. is closely related to C. cupricollis Kerremans, 1897, but it is distinguished by the absence of depressions on the pronotum, by the elitral tooth placed suturally, by the abscence of humeral rip and by the general colour. Eleven other species were studied and their apical segment of the abdomen and scutellum were illustrated. It was also established the synonymy of C. ecuadoricus Obengerger, 1926.


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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to elucidate genetic variation at 13 isozyme loci among forest populations of Lutzomyia shannoni from three widely separated locations in Colombia: Palambí (Nariño Department), Cimitarra (Santander Department) and Chinácota (Norte de Santander Department). These samples were compared with a laboratory colony originating from the Magdalena Valley in Central Colombia. The mean heterozygosity ranged from 16 to 22%, with 2.1 to 2.6 alleles detected per locus. Nei's genetic distances among populations were low, ranging from 0.011 to 0.049. The estimated number of migrants (Nm=3.8) based on Wright's F-Statistic, F ST, indicated low levels of gene flow among Lu. shannoni forest populations. This low level of migration indicates that the spread of stomatitis virus occurs via infected host, not by infected insect. In the colony sample of 79 individuals, the Gpi locus was homozygotic (0.62/0.62) in all females and heterozygotic (0.62/0.72) in all males. Although this phenomenon is probably a consequence of colonization, it indicates that Gpi is linked to a sex determining locus.