16 resultados para Vallejo, César, 1892-1938.


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A leishmaniose visceral é considerada atualmente uma doença emergente e reemergente, em zonas rurais e urbanas, tanto em área domiciliar quanto peridomiciliar. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a distribuição espacial de Lutzomyia longipalpis e Lutzomyia cruzi no Estado de Mato Grosso. Os dados de 1996 a 2004 foram obtidos junto ao Laboratório de Entomologia, cujas capturas foram realizadas com armadilha de luz CDC. Foram pesquisados 68 dos 139 municípios do estado. Lutzomyia longipalpis e Lutzomyia cruzi ocorreram em 23 e 22 municípios, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstraram a grande ocorrência de Lutzomyia longipalpis nas áreas com bioma de floresta, de transição e de cerrado. Lutzomyia cruzi ocorreu principalmente em municípios com área de pantanal e cerrado. A verificação da distribuição da população de vetores no estado e os biomas preferenciais proporcionam indicar áreas vulneráveis e/ou receptivas para a transmissão da doença.


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Previous study on the resistance of larvae of Sesarma curacaoense submitted to starvation has revealed a facultative lecithotrophy during zoeal stages, but megalopa and first juvenile stages are exclusively feeding stages. In the present study, the gross morphology and fine structure of the foregut of S. curacaoense were investigated during larval, megalopa and first juvenile stages. The foregut of the zoea I show specific setae and a filter press apparently functional. The foregut undergoes changes in the zoea II (last larval stage) with increment of setae number, mainly on the cardiopyloric valve and complexity of the filter press. After metamorphosis to megalopa stage the foregut become rather complex, with a gastric mill supporting a medial and two lateral teeth well-developed. The foregut of the first juvenile is more specialized compared to the previous stage, showing similar characteristics of the decapod adults. These results provide further evidence of facultative lecithotrophic development in the larvae of S. curacaoense.


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In the present paper the behaviour of the chromosomes in the spermatogenesis of the Myriapod Rhinocricus Padbergi Verhoeff, 1938 is studied. The primary spermatocytes are provided with 10 independent bivalents which separate normally giving rise to equivalent secondary spermatocytes. No indication of sex chromosomes has been found. Fusion of two bivalents or of four, two by two, has been observed, giving origin to secondary spermatocytes with 9 and 8 chromosomes respectively, in which fused chromosomes could be discovered. For analysing the facts the chomosomes of both, primary and secondary metaphases were separately counted from a total of 190 celis of four individuals and statistically treted. The X2-test gave insignificant results. Twenty chomosomes were counted in somatic tissues. The heterochròmatic parts of the leptotene threads were usually arranged in the periphery of the nucleus. In resting nuclei chromocenters can be observed in varyng number. Their chromosomal nature is revealed by the fact that when treated by KCÑ or KNOS they begin uncoiling.


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The genus Pycnothele Chamberlin, 1917 is revised. The Brazilian species Pycnothele perdita Chamberlin, 1917, P. singularis (Mello-Leitão, 1934) and P. auronitens (Keyserling, 1891) are redescribed, diagnosed and illustrated. The females of P. auronitens and P. singularis are described for the first time and P. auripila (Mello-Leitão, 1946) from Uruguay, currently a junior synonym of P. auronitens, is revalidated. Pycnothele piracicabensis (Piza, 1938) is transferred to Rachias Simon, 1892, with which it shares the morphology of the sexual structures, restoring the original combination. Five new species are proposed for Brazil: Pycnothele rubra sp. nov., P. jatai sp. nov. and P. araraquara sp. nov., from state of São Paulo, P. arapongas sp. nov., from state of Paraná, and P. gauderio sp. nov., from state of Rio Grande do Sul. After this revision the genus includes ten Neotropical species. Maps with distribution of all species is presented for the first time and the occurrence of species of the genus is enhanced for the Brazilian state of Paraná.


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Em continuação aos estudos dos trematódeos monogenéticos da Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, descrevemos no presente trabalho uma espécie do gênero Loimos MacCallum, 1917, Loimolinae Price, 1936, loimoidae Bychowsky, 1957 que consideramos nova para a ciência, e assinalamos nova ocorrência de Tagia ecuadori (Meserve, 1938) Sproston, 1946, Tagiinae Yamaguti, 1963, Diclidophoridae Najibina & Obonikova, 1971, no Atlântico Sul. Loimos scitulus sp. n. diferencia-se das outras espécies do gênero pelos seguintes caracteres: forma e estrututra do proaptor, oótipo grande, número de testículos, posição do poro genital, filamento do ovo e forma de opistaptor. Dentre as diferenças dadas Loimos scitulus sp. n. aproxima-se de L. salpinggoides pela estrutura do proaptor, de L. secundus pela posição do poro genital; de L. winteri pelo opistaptor. Quanto aos exemplares de Tagia ecuadori por nós estudados, apesar de ter sido evidenciada uma vagina, identificamos a esta espécie, por apresentar estruturas e medidas que se enquadram nas variações dadas pelos estudiosos do grupo.


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Na presente nota, redescrevemos Thubunaea dactyluris karve, 1938, em novo hospedador e assinalamos a ocorrência deste gênero pela primeira vez no Brasil. O material é resultante de uma necrópsia feita em Ameiva ameiva (L.), proveniente da Praia do Anil, Município de Magé, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram estudados 8 machos e 10 fêmeas. São apresentados 9 figuras e 1 quadro com as medidas correspondentes, mostrando as variações encontradas.


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Depois de examinar o tipo de Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) cruzi (Mangabeira, 1938), depositado na coleção do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro), sob o número 941, e 74 espécimens machos da mesma espécie, a maioria da localidade tipo (Camapuan, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul), os Autores verificaram que o tufo basal do basistilo é composto de apenas quatro cerdas foliáceas, e não seis, como descrito por Mangabeira, devido á superposição dos dois basistilos no holótipo. Além disso é feita uma descrição da fêmea, até agora não conhecida, e a redescrição do macho, baseada no holótipo.


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Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyicapillaria) maricaensis n. sp. is described from the small intestine of the lizard, Liolaemus lutzae Meterns, 1938, collected in the State of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. The author compares the new species with Capillaria crotaliRudolphi, 1819) Travassos, 1915, Capillaria freitaslenti Araujo & Gandra, 1941, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) amarali (Freitas & Lent, 1934) Moravec, 1952, Pseudocapillaria (Pseudocapillaria) cezarpintoi (Freitas & Lent, 1934)Moravec, 1952 and Pseudocapillaria (Ichthyocapillaria) murinae (travassos, 1914) Moravec, 1952 previously reported from lizards in Brazil. The nematode Thelandros sceleratus Travassos, 1923 and the trematode paradistomum parvissimum (Travassos, 1918) Travassos, 1919 are for the first time reported from this same host.


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Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) cruzi has been named as a probable vector of Leishmania chagasi in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Taxonomically L. cruzi is closely related to the L. longipalpis species complex. Females of L. cruzi and L. longipalpis are morphologically indistinguishable and associated males must be examined carefully to confirm identifications. Chemical analysis hexane extracts of male L. cruzi has revealed the presence of a 9-methylgermacrene-B (C16), a homosesquiterpene (mw 218) previously shown to be the sex pheromone of one of the members of the L. longipalpis species complex.


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In laboratory bioassays we tested the predatory capacity of the copepod Mesocyclops annulatus on Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens larvae. A single adult female of M. annulatus caused 51.6% and 52.3% mortality of 50 first instar larvae of Ae. aegypti and Cx. pipiens respectively, in a 72 h test period. When alternative food was added to the containers, mortality rates declined to 16% and 10.3% for Ae. aegypti and Cx. pipiens respectively. When 50 first instar larvae of each of the two mosquito species tested were placed together with a single adult female of M. annulatus, mortality rates were 75.5% for Ae. aegypti larvae and 23.5% for Cx. pipiens larvae in a three day test period. Different density of adult females of M. annulatus ranged from 5 to 25 females produced mortality rates of Ae. aegypti first instar larvae from 50% to 100% respectively. When a single adult female of M. annulatus was exposed to an increasing number of first-instar Ae. aegypti larvae ranging from 10 to 100, 100% mortality was recorded from 1 to 25 larvae, then mortality declined to 30% with 100 larvae. The average larvae killed per 24 h period by a single copepod were 29.


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A single polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction targeting the spliced-leader intergenic region of Trypanosoma cruzi I was standardised by amplifying a 231 bp fragment in domestic (TcIDOM) strains or clones and 450 and 550 bp fragments in sylvatic strains or clones. This reaction was validated using 44 blind coded samples and 184 non-coded T. cruzi I clones isolated from sylvatic triatomines and the correspondence between the amplified fragments and their domestic or sylvatic origin was determined. Six of the nine strains isolated from acute cases suspected of oral infection had the sylvatic T. cruzi I profile. These results confirmed that the sylvatic T. cruzi I genotype is linked to cases of oral Chagas disease in Colombia. We therefore propose the use of this novel PCR reaction in strains or clones previously characterised as T. cruziI to distinguish TcIDOMfrom sylvatic genotypes in studies of transmission dynamics, including the verification of population selection within hosts or detection of the frequency of mixed infections by both T. cruzi I genotypes in Colombia.


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido em Floresta Estacional Decidual do Rio Uruguai, com vegetação alterada por corte seletivo, no estreito Augusto César, RS. O levantamento da composição florística dos epífitos vasculares foi efetuado ao longo da mata ciliar. As espécies registradas foram classificadas em categorias baseadas na relação com o forófito e posição no mesmo. Foram registradas 70 espécies, pertencentes a 30 gêneros e oito famílias. A maioria das espécies foi classificada como holoepífito característico. A maior riqueza de espécies foi registrada nos ramos primários.