Neurons in the rostral and caudal parts of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) play a pivotal role in the regulation of sympathetic vasomotor activity and blood pressure. Studies in several species, including humans, have shown that these regions contain a high density of AT1 receptors specifically associated with neurons that regulate the sympathetic vasomotor outflow, or the secretion of vasopressin from the hypothalamus. It is well established that specific activation of AT1 receptors by application of exogenous angiotensin II in the rostral and caudal VLM excites sympathoexcitatory and sympathoinhibitory neurons, respectively, but the physiological role of these receptors in the normal synaptic regulation of VLM neurons is not known. In this paper we review studies which have defined the effects of specific activation or blockade of these receptors on cardiovascular function, and discuss what these findings tell us with regard to the physiological role of AT1 receptors in the VLM in the tonic and phasic regulation of sympathetic vasomotor activity and blood pressure.
Pressor responses elicited by stimulation of the nucleus raphe obscurus (NRO) depend on the integrity of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM). Therefore, to test the participation of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors in the cardiovascular responses evoked by NRO stimulation (1 ms, 100 Hz, 40-70 µA, for 10 s), the EAA antagonist kynurenic acid (Kyn) was microinjected at different sites in the ventrolateral medullar surface (2.7 nmol/200 nl) of male Wistar rats (270-320 g, N = 39) and NRO stimulation was repeated. The effects of NRO stimulation were: hypertension (deltaMAP = +43 ± 1 mmHg, P<0.01), bradycardia (deltaHR = -30 ± 7 bpm, P<0.01) and apnea. Bilateral microinjection of Kyn into the RVLM, which did not change baseline parameters, almost abolished the bradycardia induced by NRO stimulation (deltaHR = -61 ± 3 before vs -2 ± 3 bpm after Kyn, P<0.01, N = 7). Unilateral microinjection of Kyn into the CVLM did not change baseline parameters or reduce the pressor response to NRO stimulation (deltaMAP = +46 ± 5 before vs +48 ± 5 mmHg after Kyn, N = 6). Kyn bilaterally microinjected into the caudal pressor area reduced blood pressure and heart rate and almost abolished the pressor response to NRO stimulation (deltaMAP = +46 ± 4 mmHg before vs +4 ± 2 mmHg after Kyn, P<0.01, N = 7). These results indicate that EAA receptors on the medullary ventrolateral surface play a role in the modulation of the cardiovascular responses induced by NRO stimulation, and also suggest that the RVLM participates in the modulation of heart rate responses and that the caudal pressor area modulates the pressor response following NRO stimulation.
The rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) contains neurons involved in tonic and reflex control of arterial pressure. We describe the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and anesthetics injected into the RVLM of conscious and urethane (1.2 g/kg, iv) anesthetized Wistar rats (300-350 g). In conscious rats, bilateral microinjection of GABA (50 nmol/200 nl) induced a small but significant decrease in blood pressure (from 130 ± 3.6 to 110 ± 5.6 mmHg, N = 7). A similar response was observed with sodium pentobarbital microinjection (24 nmol/200 nl). However, in the same animals, the fall in blood pressure induced by GABA (from 121 ± 8.9 to 76 ± 8.8 mmHg, N = 7) or pentobarbital (from 118 ± 4.5 to 57 ± 11.3 mmHg, N = 6) was significantly increased after urethane anesthesia. In contrast, there was no difference between conscious (from 117 ± 4.1 to 92 ± 5.9 mmHg, N = 7) and anesthetized rats (from 123 ± 6.9 to 87 ± 8.7 mmHg, N = 7) when lidocaine (34 nmol/200 nl) was microinjected into the RVLM. The heart rate variations were not consistent and only eventually reached significance in conscious or anesthetized rats. The right position of pipettes was confirmed by histology and glutamate microinjection into the RVLM. These findings suggest that in conscious animals the RVLM, in association with the other sympathetic premotor neurons, is responsible for the maintenance of sympathetic vasomotor tone during bilateral RVLM inhibition. Activity of one or more of these premotor neurons outside the RVLM can compensate for the effects of RVLM inhibition. In addition, the effects of lidocaine suggest that fibers passing through the RVLM are involved in the maintenance of blood pressure in conscious animals during RVLM inhibition.
Trophozoites of the Giardia muris group from hamsters, domestic rats and mice and of the Giardia duodenalis group from hamsters and domestic rats were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The basic ultrastructure of the trophozoites was similar. Differences were shown in the morphology of the ventrolateral flange of the trophozoites of Giardia muris and Giardia duodenalis groups. Marginal plates are less developed in the species of the Giardia duodenalis group. In this group, the distal extremity of the lateral flange is short and thick and the marginal plate does not penetrate into the distal extremity of the flange. In the Giardia muris group, the ventro-lateral flange is well developed and narrow and the marginal plate penetrates the distal extremity of the flange. The osmiophilic lamella, which accompanies the dorsal surface of the marginal plate is seen only in the Giardia muris group.
A new species, Hexamermis paranaense n. sp. (Nematoda, Mermithidae), a parasite of larvae of Diloboderus abderus Sturm, 1826 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) is described and illustrated. This new species is characterized by amphids small, amphidial opening pocket-shaped, the anterior portion of the vagina muscularized and slightly protruding with a descending branch forming a loop before joining the uterus, and three rows of genital papillae: the ventrolateral divided in two rows with eight papillae in the outer row and with six papillae in the inner one; the ventral row with four pairs and one single preanal papillae, and with two pairs, a triplete, one pair, a single and one pair postanal papillae.
Recently, we proposed the hypothesis according to wich the central hypotensive effect of clonidine and related substances could be related to an action upon specific receptors, requiring the imidazoline or imidazoline-like structures, rather than alpha2-adrenoceptors. Since then, direct evidences have been accumulated to confirm the existence of a population of imidazoline specific binding sites in the brainstem of animals and man, more precisely in the Nucleus Reticularis Lateralis (NRL) region of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM), site of the antihypertensive action of clonidine. The purification of the putative endogenous ligand of the imidazoline receptors - named endazoline - is currently being attempted from human brain extracts. This new concept might at last lead to the expected dissociation of the pharmacological mechanisms involved, on the one hand, in the therapeutic antihypertensive effect, and on the other, in their major side-effect, which is sedation. In fact, it has been recently confirmed that hypotension is mediated by the activation of imidazoline preferring receptors (IPR) within the NRL region, while sedation is attributed to the inhibition of alpha2-adrenergic mechanisms in the locus coeruleus, which is involved in the control of the sleep-waking cycle. The IPRmay constitute on interesting target for new drugs in the treatment of arterial hypertension. Finally, dysfunctions of this modulatory system which could be involved in the pathophysiologyof some forms of the hypertensive disease are under investigation.
Mesocoelium lanfrediae sp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate five discal cysts with detailed magnetic resonance imaging findings in nonsurgical and following postoperative microdiscectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five discal cysts in four patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging were found through a search in our database and referral from a single orthopedic spine surgeon. Computed tomography in two cases and computed tomography discography in one case were also performed. RESULTS: Five discal cysts were present in four patients. Three patients had no history of previous lumbar surgery and the other patient presented with two discal cysts and recurrent symptoms after partial laminectomy and microdiscectomy. All were oval shaped and seated in the anterior epidural space. Four were ventrolateral, and the other one was centrally positioned in the anterior spinal canal. One showed continuity with the central disc following discography. Three were surgically removed. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging can easily depict an epidural cyst and the diagnosis of a discal cyst should be raised when an homogeneous ventrolateral epidural cyst contiguous to a mild degenerated disc is identified.
De 2006 a 2013 foram diagnosticados 81 casos de doença vestibular canina no serviço de rotina em neurologia de um hospital veterinário universitário do sul do Brasil. Desses, aproximadamente dois terços foram diagnosticados com doença vestibular central (DVC) e cerca de um terço como doença vestibular periférica (DVP). Cães com raça definida foram mais acometidos que aqueles sem raça definida, principalmente Dachshund (DVP) e Boxer (DVC). Os principais sinais clínicos observados, tanto na DVP quanto na DVC, incluíram: inclinação de cabeça, ataxia vestibular e estrabismo ventral ou ventrolateral. Deficiência proprioceptiva, disfunção dos nervos cranianos V-XII e alteração de nível de consciência foram vistos apenas em casos de DVC, já a ausência de reflexo palpebral ocorreu apenas em casos de DVP. Doenças inflamatórias/infecciosas, principalmente cinomose e otite bacteriana, foram as condições mais comumente associadas à DVC e à DVP, respectivamente. Esse artigo estabelece os aspectos epidemiológicos (sexo, idade e raça) e a prevalência dos sinais clínicos observados em cães com doença vestibular na Região Central do Rio Grande do Sul, discute a utilização dos achados clínicos no diagnóstico correto e na diferenciação entre DVC e DVP, e define quais as principais doenças responsáveis pela ocorrência dessas duas síndromes clínicas.
Afferent nerves carrying signals from mechanoreceptors in the aortic arch and carotid sinus terminate predominantly in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). Signal transduction and neurotransmission in the NTS are critical for central cardiovascular reflex control, but little was known about either until the late 1970's. None of the numerous neuroactive chemicals found in the NTS had met strict criteria as a neurotransmitter in the baroreflex arc until data suggested that the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate (GLU) might be released from baroreceptor afferent terminals in the NTS. In anesthetized animals microinjection into the NTS of GLU, which can be demonstrated in terminals in the NTS, produces cardiovascular responses like those seen with activation of the baroreceptor reflex. Similar responses occur in awake animals if the chemoreceptor reflex is eliminated; otherwise, in conscious animals responses mimic those of chemoreceptor reflex activation. GLU is released in the NTS upon selective activation of the baroreceptor, and possibly the chemoreceptor, reflex. Responses to selective agonists as well as baroreflex responses are eliminated by GLU antagonists microinjected into the NTS. Non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors seem to predominate at primary baroreceptor synapses in the NTS while NMDA receptors may be involved at later synapses. Although inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase attenuates responses to ionotropic glutamate agonists in the NTS, nitric oxide does not seem to play a role in glutamate transmission in the NTS. GLU may also participate in transmission at cardiovascular neurons beyond the NTS. For example, a role has been suggested for GLU in the ventrolateral medulla and spinal cord. Work continues concerning GLU signal transduction and mechanisms that modulate that transduction both at the NTS and at other cardiovascular nuclei
The nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) receives afferent projections from the arterial baroreceptors, carotid chemoreceptors and cardiopulmonary receptors and as a function of this information produces autonomic adjustments in order to maintain arterial blood pressure within a narrow range of variation. The activation of each of these cardiovascular afferents produces a specific autonomic response by the excitation of neuronal projections from the NTS to the ventrolateral areas of the medulla (nucleus ambiguus, caudal and rostral ventrolateral medulla). The neurotransmitters at the NTS level as well as the excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors involved in the processing of the autonomic responses in the NTS, although extensively studied, remain to be completely elucidated. In the present review we discuss the role of the EAA L-glutamate and its different receptor subtypes in the processing of the cardiovascular reflexes in the NTS. The data presented in this review related to the neurotransmission in the NTS are based on experimental evidence obtained in our laboratory in unanesthetized rats. The two major conclusions of the present review are that a) the excitation of the cardiovagal component by cardiovascular reflex activation (chemo- and Bezold-Jarisch reflexes) or by L-glutamate microinjection into the NTS is mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, and b) the sympatho-excitatory component of the chemoreflex and the pressor response to L-glutamate microinjected into the NTS are not affected by an NMDA receptor antagonist, suggesting that the sympatho-excitatory component of these responses is mediated by non-NMDA receptors.
Several studies demonstrate that, within the ventral medullary surface (VMS), excitatory amino acids are necessary components of the neural circuits involved in the tonic and reflex control of respiration and circulation. In the present study we investigated the cardiorespiratory effects of unilateral microinjections of the broad spectrum glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid (2 nmol/200 nl) along the VMS of urethane-anesthetized rats. Within the VMS only one region was responsive to this drug. This area includes most of the intermediate respiratory area, partially overlapping the rostral ventrolateral medulla (IA/RVL). When microinjected into the IA/RVL, kynurenic acid produced a respiratory depression, without changes in mean arterial pressure or heart rate. The respiratory depression observed was characterized by a decrease in ventilation, tidal volume and mean inspiratory flow and an increase in respiratory frequency. Therefore, the observed respiratory depression was entirely due to a reduction in the inspiratory drive. Microinjections of vehicle (200 nl of saline) into this area produced no significant changes in breathing pattern, blood pressure or heart rate. Respiratory depression in response to the blockade of glutamatergic receptors inside the rostral VMS suggests that neurons at this site have an endogenous glutamatergic input controlling the respiratory cycle duration and the inspiratory drive transmission.
The role of the caudal pressor area (CPA) in the maintenance of vasomotor tonus in anesthetized and decerebrate animals has been clearly established. In conscious animals, however, the participation of CPA in the cardiovascular control remains to be fully elucidated. In the present study, unilateral L-glutamate (L-Glu) (10 and/or 20 nmol/70 nl) microinjection into CPA, in conscious male Wistar rats (250-280 g) caused a significant increase in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP; control: 112 ± 1.9 mmHg; after 20 nmol L-Glu: 139 ± 4.5 mmHg, N = 12, P<0.05) and respiratory rate (control: 81 ± 3.5 breaths/min; after 10 nmol L-Glu: 92 ± 3 breaths/min, P<0.05; after 20 nmol L-Glu: 104 ± 5 breaths/min, N = 6, P<0.05). The subsequent anesthesia with urethane caused a significant increase in basal respiratory frequency (conscious: 81 ± 3.5 breaths/min; under urethane: 107 ± 1.3 breaths/min, N = 6, P<0.05). Anesthesia also significantly attenuated L-Glu-evoked pressor (conscious: deltaMAP = +27 mmHg; anesthetized: deltaMAP = +18 mmHg, P<0.05) and respiratory responses. These results suggest that glutamatergic receptors in the CPA are involved in cardiovascular and respiratory modulation in conscious rats.
There is a close association between the location of angiotensin (Ang) receptors and many important brain nuclei involved in the regulation of the cardiovascular system. The present review encompasses the physiological role of Ang II in the brainstem, particularly in relation to its influence on baroreflex control of the heart and kidney. Activation of AT1 receptors in the brainstem by fourth ventricle (4V) administration to conscious rabbits or local administration of Ang II into the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) of anesthetized rabbits acutely increases renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and RSNA baroreflex responses. Administration of the Ang antagonist Sarile into the RVLM of anesthetized rabbits blocked the effects of Ang II on the RSNA baroreflex, indicating that the RVLM is the major site of sympathoexcitatory action of Ang II given into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brainstem. However, in conscious animals, blockade of endogenous Ang receptors in the brainstem by the 4V AT1 receptor antagonist losartan resulted in sympathoexcitation, suggesting an overall greater activity of endogenous Ang II within the sympathoinhibitory pathways. However, the RSNA response to airjet stress in conscious rabbits was markedly attenuated. While we found no effect of acute central Ang on heart rate baroreflexes, chronic 4V infusion inhibited the baroreflex and chronic losartan increased baroreflex gain. Thus, brainstem Ang II acutely alters sympathetic responses to specific afferent inputs thus forming part of a potentially important mechanism for the integration of autonomic response patterns. The sympathoexcitatory AT1 receptors appear to be activated during stress, surgery and anesthesia.
Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5) is a major agent of meningoencephalitis in cattle and establishes latent infections mainly in sensory nerve ganglia. The distribution of latent BHV-5 DNA in the brain of rabbits prior to and after virus reactivation was studied using a nested PCR. Fifteen rabbits inoculated intranasally with BHV-5 were euthanized 60 days post-inoculation (group A, N = 8) or submitted to dexamethasone treatment (2.6 mg kg-1 day-1, im, for 5 days) and euthanized 60 days later (group B, N = 7) for tissue examination. Two groups of BHV-1-infected rabbits (C, N = 3 and D, N = 3) submitted to each treatment were used as controls. Viral DNA of group A rabbits was consistently detected in trigeminal ganglia (8/8), frequently in cerebellum (5/8), anterior cerebral cortex and pons-medulla (3/8) and occasionally in dorsolateral (2/8), ventrolateral and posterior cerebral cortices, midbrain and thalamus (1/8). Viral DNA of group B rabbits showed a broader distribution, being detected at higher frequency in ventrolateral (6/7) and posterior cerebral cortices (5/7), pons-medulla (6/7), thalamus (4/7), and midbrain (3/7). In contrast, rabbits inoculated with BHV-1 harbored viral DNA almost completely restricted to trigeminal ganglia and the distribution did not change post-reactivation. These results demonstrate that latency by BHV-5 is established in several areas of the rabbit's brain and that virus reactivation leads to a broader distribution of latent viral DNA. Spread of virus from trigeminal ganglia and other areas of the brain likely contributes to this dissemination and may contribute to the recrudescence of neurological disease frequently observed upon BHV-5 reactivation.