34 resultados para Trumpet calls.


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The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of temperature and light intensity on trumpet flower seed germination, as well as the effect of seeding depth on its emergence. To study the influence of temperature, nine temperature intervals were evaluated, ranging from 15.0 to 40.0 ºC. A randomized block design experiment was used with five replications and 20 seeds per replication, and performed twice. To evaluate light intensity on seed germination, a randomized experimental design was used with eight replications and 25 seeds per replication. The treatments applied were: photoperiod with temperature alternation; photoperiod with constant temperature; darkness with temperature alternation; and darkness with constant temperature. The photoperiod consisted of 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness, and the constant temperature was 25 ºC. The treatments with temperature alternations were established with 8 hours at 30 ºC, and 16 hours at 20 ºC. Germination was assessed daily to calculate the total percentage of germination as well as the Germination Velocity Index (GVI). To study the influence of seeding depth on plant emergence, 25 seeds were seeded at 0, 20, 40, and 80 mm in pots with sieved soil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. Seedling emergence was monitored daily until the 15th day after seeding. After that period, the total percentage of emergence was calculated for each experimental unit, as well as the Emergence Velocity Index (EVI). Formation of normal seedlings and the Germination Velocity Index were different among temperatures and higher germination percentages were observed between 20.3 ºC and 37.5 ºC. Tecoma stans seedlings did not germinate when planted at 40 and 80 mm depth. However, the seedlings placed on the soil surface had an emergence percentage of 72. At 20 mm depth, the emergence rate was 31%.


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The calls for colleges and universities to improve their productivity are coming thick and fast in Brazil. Many studies are suggesting evaluation systems and external criteria to control the quality of teaching and research in universities. Since universities and colleges are not profit-oriented organizations (considering only the legitimate and serious research and teaching organizations, of course), the traditional microeconomics and administrative variables used to measure efficiency do not have any direct function. An alternative would be to create an "as if" market control system to evaluate performance in universities and colleges. Internal budget and resources allocation mechanism can be used as incentive instruments to improve quality and productivity. It will be the main issue of this article.


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In the past thirty years, a series of plans have been developed by successive Brazilian governments in a continuing effort to maximize the nation's resources for economic and social growth. This planning history has been quantitatively rich but qualitatively poor. The disjunction has stimulated Professor Mello e Souza to address himself to the problem of national planning and to offer some criticisms of Brazilian planning experience. Though political instability has obviously been a factor promoting discontinuity, his criticisms are aimed at the attitudes and strategic concepts which have sought to link planning to national goals and administration. He criticizes the fascination with techniques and plans to the exclusion of proper diagnosis of the socio-political reality, developing instruments to coordinate and carry out objectives, and creating an administrative structure centralized enough to make national decisions and decentralized enough to perform on the basis of those decisions. Thus, fixed, quantified objectives abound while the problem of functioning mechanisms for the coordinated, rational use of resources has been left unattended. Although his interest and criticism are focused on the process and experience of national planning, he recognized variation in the level and results of Brazilian planning. National plans have failed due to faulty conception of the function of planning. Sectorial plans, save in the sector of the petroleum industry under government responsibility, ha e not succeeded in overcoming the problems of formulation and execution thereby repeating old technical errors. Planning for the private sector has a somewhat brighter history due to the use of Grupos Executivos which has enabled the planning process to transcend the formalism and tradition-bound attitudes of the regular bureaucracy. Regional planning offers two relatively successful experiences, Sudene and the strategy of the regionally oriented autarchy. Thus, planning history in Brazil is not entirely black but a certain shade of grey. The major part of the article, however, is devoted to a descriptive analysis of the national planning experience. The plans included in this analysis are: The Works and Equipment Plan (POE); The Health, Food, Transportation and Energy Plan (Salte); The Program of Goals; The Trienal Plan of Economic and Social Development; and the Plan of Governmental Economic Action (Paeg). Using these five plans for his historical experience the author sets out a series of errors of formulation and execution by which he analyzes that experience. With respect to formulation, he speaks of a lack of elaboration of programs and projects, of coordination among diverse goals, and of provision of qualified staff and techniques. He mentions the absence of the definition of resources necessary to the financing of the plan and the inadequate quantification of sectorial and national goals due to the lack of reliable statistical information. Finally, he notes the failure to coordinate the annual budget with the multi-year plans. He sees the problems of execution as beginning in the absence of coordination between the various sectors of the public administration, the failure to develop an operative system of decentralization, the absence of any system of financial and fiscal control over execution, the difficulties imposed by the system of public accounting, and the absence of an adequate program of allocation for the liberation of resources. He ends by pointing to the failure to develop and use an integrated system of political economic tools in a mode compatible with the objective of the plans. The body of the article analyzes national planning experience in Brazil using these lists of errors as rough model of criticism. Several conclusions emerge from this analysis with regard to planning in Brazil and in developing countries, in general. Plans have generally been of little avail in Brazil because of the lack of a continuous, bureaucratized (in the Weberian sense) planning organization set in an instrumentally suitable administrative structure and based on thorough diagnoses of socio-economic conditions and problems. Plans have become the justification for planning. Planning has come to be conceived as a rational method of orienting the process of decisions through the establishment of a precise and quantified relation between means and ends. But this conception has led to a planning history rimmed with frustration, and failure, because of its rigidity in the face of flexible and changing reality. Rather, he suggests a conception of planning which understands it "as a rational process of formulating decisions about the policy, economy, and society whose only demand is that of managing the instrumentarium in a harmonious and integrated form in order to reach explicit, but not quantified ends". He calls this "planning without plans": the establishment of broad-scale tendencies through diagnosis whose implementation is carried out through an adjustable, coherent instrumentarium of political-economic tools. Administration according to a plan of multiple, integrated goals is a sound procedure if the nation's administrative machinery contains the technical development needed to control the multiple variables linked to any situation of socio-economic change. Brazil does not possess this level of refinement and any strategy of planning relevant to its problems must recognize this. The reforms which have been attempted fail to make this recognition as is true of the conception of planning informing the Brazilian experience. Therefore, unworkable plans, ill-diagnosed with little or no supportive instrumentarium or flexibility have been Brazil's legacy. This legacy seems likely to continue until the conception of planning comes to live in the reality of Brazil.


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BACKGROUND: The quantitation of serum HBeAg is not commonly used to monitor viral response to therapy in chronic hepatitis B. METHODS: In this study, 21 patients receiving varying therapies were followed and their viral response monitored by concomitant viral load and HBeAg quantitation in order to study the meaning and the kinetics of both parameters. RESULTS: It was possible to distinguish between three different patterns of viral response. The first was characterized by a simultaneous decrease in serum HBV DNA and HBeAg. The second pattern was characterized by a decrease in serum HBeAg but persistent detection of HBV DNA. The third pattern was characterized by undetectable HBV DNA with persistent HBeAg positivity, which points to a non-response (Pattern III-B) except when HBeAg levels showed a slow but steady drop, characterizing a "slow responder" patient (Pattern III-A). CONCLUSIONS: The first pattern is compatible with a viral response. A long-term HBeAg seropositivity with a slow and persistent decrease (Pattern III-A) is also compatible with a viral response and calls for a prolongation of anti-viral treatment.


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This paper reports a case of dengue in a six-year-old female child who suddenly developed excruciating headaches, fever, myalgia and paresis. Laboratory examinations included blood count, platelet count, biochemical tests (BUN, creatinine, aminotransferases, and total bilirubin and bilirubin fractions) and specific IgM titers (enzyme-immunoassay with recombinant tetravalent dengue). After ten days of hospitalization and having already been in a home environment, a new clinical image emerged, characterized by dysphagia, dysphonia, weakness, peripheral facial palsy and paresthesia. The diagnosis of Guillain-Barré Syndrome was based on clinical findings, cerebrospinal fluid examination, electrophysiological findings and the exclusion of other pathologies. Our case, as some shown in previous reports, calls attention to the possibility that Guillain-Barré Syndrome may occur in association with dengue.


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With the objective to evaluate the behavior of paracoccidioidomycosis in the last three decades, clinical and epidemiological data of 595 patients admitted to clinical services of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul from 1980 to 2009 were investigated. Gender, age distribution, clinical form, comorbidity with tuberculosis or AIDS, and mortality were compared by decades of clinical admission. It was shown that during the three decades there was a decrease in women percentage, and the same manner occurred a reduction in participants in the age group of 20 to 39 years. Moreover, the acute/subacute forms have been diminished in the period. These fluctuations are closely related and can be simultaneously analyzed. Increased AIDS co-infection prevalence from the first to the second decade was also revealed, coinciding with the appearance of the retroviral epidemic and stabilizing during the third decade. No change in the tuberculosis co-infection rate was observed (overall = 6.9%). It reinforces the importance of this co-morbidity. The overall mortality rate remained steady at 6.7%, not varying significantly from one decade to another. The persistent mortality rate calls attention to the importance of this neglected disease.


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SUMMARY Sporothrix schenckiiwas reclassified as a complex encompassing six cryptic species, which calls for the reassessment of clinical and epidemiological data of these new species. We evaluated the susceptibility of Sporothrix albicans (n = 1) , S. brasiliensis (n = 6) , S. globosa (n = 1), S. mexicana(n = 1) and S. schenckii(n = 36) to terbinafine (TRB) alone and in combination with itraconazole (ITZ), ketoconazole (KTZ), and voriconazole (VRZ) by a checkerboard microdilution method and determined the enzymatic profile of these species with the API-ZYM kit. Most interactions were additive (27.5%, 32.5% and 5%) or indifferent (70%, 50% and 52.5%) for TRB+KTZ, TRB+ITZ and TRB+VRZ, respectively. Antagonisms were observed in 42.5% of isolates for the TRB+VRZ combination. Based on enzymatic profiling, the Sporothrix schenckii strains were categorized into 14 biotypes. Leucine arylamidase (LA) activity was observed only for S. albicans and S. mexicana. The species S. globosaand S. mexicanawere the only species without β-glucosidase (GS) activity. Our results may contribute to a better understanding of virulence and resistance among species of the genus Sporothrixin further studies.


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This case report describes the findings of a 27-year-old black male from Bahia, Brazil, who developed facial palsy during the convalescence phase of leptospirosis. The patient recovered without neurological sequel. This work calls attention to a possible association between leptospirosis and facial palsy.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Cryptococcosis is an invasive disease acquired by inhalation of infectious propagules from the environment. Currently, compulsory notification of the spread of this disease is not required in Colombia. However, reporting of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome cases to the National Surveillance System has suggested that there is a growing population at risk of contracting cryptococcosis. Few studies have described the occurrence of cryptococcosis in Colombia. Therefore, in this study, we examined the pathology of this disease in Atlántico, Colombia and determined the distributions of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in the environment.METHODS:Clinical samples/isolates were gathered from cases of cryptococcosis previously diagnosed at health institutions in Atlántico, and surveys were completed by clinicians. The environmental study considered 32 sampling points and three tree species, i.e., Quickstick ( Gliricidia sepium ), Almond ( Terminalia catappa ), and Pink trumpet ( Tabebuia rosea ). Environmental and clinical samples/isolates were analyzed for phenotypic and genotypic confirmation.RESULTS:From 1997-2014, 41 cases of cryptococcosis were reported. The mean patient age was 40.5 years (range: 18-63 years); 76% were men, and 78% were HIV positive. Isolation was possible in 38 cases ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI in 37 cases and C. gattii , molecular type VGI in one case). In 2012-2014, 2,068 environmental samples were analyzed with a positivity of 0.4% ( C. neoformans , molecular type VNI) in Almond and Pink trumpet trees.CONCLUSIONS:Cryptococcus neoformans , molecular type VNI had a higher prevalence than C. gattii and was associated with human exposure and the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis in this geographical region.


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The calls of 18 species of Amazonian forest frogs were recorded in 3 localities: the Tapajos National Park near Itaituba, the Reserva Ducke near Manaus, and the INPA-WWF reserves near Manaus. Structural and time parameters and sonographs of these calls including previously undescribed vocalization by 10 species are presented. Unlike open habitat species, several forest frong species characteriscally demonstrated one on more of the following temporal parameters: very low call rates, sporadic intervals, infrequent nights of calling and synchronized chorusing. It is hypothesized that predation has influenced the evolution of vocal behaviour in Amazonian forest frogs.


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The breeding activity of Physalaemus signifer (Girard, 1853) was monitored from July 1999 to July 2000 in a temporary pond in Palmital, Municipality of Saquarema, State of Rio de Janeiro, Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil. Males were sexually actives only in four nights, arriving at the pond on the early rainy season. Males in amplexus were larger and spent more nights in the reproductive aggregation than solitary ones. The number of nights was correlated with the mass of the males. Males adopted satellite behavior as alternative tactic for mate acquisition. Changes between calling and satellite tactics were observed in different nights. Calling males were not larger and heavier than satellite ones. Satellite behavior seemed to be related with the order of arrival on the pond. Size and mass of males did not influence the results of fights. Resident males won the majority of agonistics combats. Three types of vocalizations are described: advertisement, territorial, and encounter calls.


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The vocalizations of H. raniceps (Cope, 1826) and their functions are described, including an analysis of the influence of temperature, weight, or SVL (snout-vent length) of males on the acoustic parameters. The vocalizations were recorded in three areas in Fazenda Lagoa Grande, Municipality of Pontalina, State of Goiás, central Brazil. Males began their vocalizations just before sunset, extending them, in some cases, to dawn of the following day. The peak of activities happened between 21h and 23h. The height of calling sites varied plenty, being the position horizontal in about 50% of them. Males defended sites in different areas during consecutive nights. Rain and strong winds interrupted the calling activities. Males emitted three vocalizations: advertisement, territorial and distress calls. The advertisement call has pulsionated structures and it is the most common, being emitted in the presence/absence of females. Significant correlation was found between number of notes and air temperature, notes duration and both male weight and air temperature, calling rate and both male SVL or weight, and frequency and male weight.


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Male-male and male-female interactions, reproductive habitat, and vocalizations of Hyla goiana B. Lutz, 1968 a member of H. polytaenia species group, are described. Three groups of calling males were surveyed along a small stream, at the Estação de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Ambiental de Galheiro, Perdizes municipality, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The mean distance between the nearest calling neighbors was 2.7 m, in accordance with an uniform distribution. Clutches (mean 180 eggs) were deposited in the stream, submerged and attached to plants. In two observed courtships the female moved towards a calling male that rapidly clasped her. In the male-male interaction, the males emitted advertisement and encounter calls and then engaged in physical combat. The males have a prepollical fang-like spine on each hand and several of them were observed with scratches on dorsum. The advertisement call consists of alternating harsh notes and a trilled of brief notes. The frequency of the call is lower than that of H. aff. polytaenia and H. cipoensis B. Lutz, 1968. The clutch characteristics of H. goiana are similar to those described for H. polytaenia Cope, 1870 and H. cipoensis.


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Here we present data on the reproductive behavior of Leptodactylus mystacinus (Burmeister, 1861), including details on courtship behavior. We also describe and compared the courtship calls of L. mystacinus, L. furnarius Sazima & Bokermann, 1978 and Leptodactylus sp. (L. aff. andreae). Field works were conducted in Uberlândia (central Brazil). During courtship, a female approaches a calling male and is led to a previously excavated chamber; a female can approach a silent male that beat his hands and/or feet on the ground as well. The courtship call of L. mystacinus consists of one single arch-shaped note (duration = 0.04 s) repeated 258 times per minute; the courtship calls of L. furnarius (0.06 s, 84 times per minute) and Leptodactylus sp. (0.15 s, 5 times per minute) also are arch-shaped. The courtship behavior of L. mystacinus is similar to that of other species of the L. fuscus (Schneider, 1799) group; unique to it is that males can beat his hands and/or feet on the ground while courting. The male behavior of conducting the female to a previously excavates chamber and the arch-shaped courtship call may represent other shared derived features of members of the L. fuscus group, including the former Adenomera species.


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The present paper colligates the notions acquired in previous investigations, already published, and new observations upon diseases of the psittacidae, liable to be confused with psittacosis of parrots. The author calls attention to the indifference with regard to this question shown by investigators, even by those who dealt with the study of this disease on the occasion of the latest outbreak of psittacosis, in flagrant contrast with the researches upon the alterations induced by pathogenic agents of other diseases transmissible to man, when these agents pass through animals or when the latter are depositaries of the virus. This remark considerably enhances the importance of the presence paper from a hygienic and epidemiologic point of view, representing moreover a contribution to general knowledge and to veterinary medicine. The researches carried out since the appearance of the latest outbreak of psittacosis,-which occurred simultaneously with an epizooty in parrots lodged in aviary of the park of Agua Branca (Directory of Animal Industry of the State São Paulo)-led to the verification of the frequent existence in these animals of various diseases liable to be confused with psittacosis. These diseases are due to two kinds of pathogenic agents: virus and bacteria. In the first group there are to be found the diseases occasioned by the virus of human psittacosis, discovered by Western, Bedson and Simpson, and the disease me with in parrots coming from traders in S. Paulo. The infections by bacteria of the genus Salmonella and by those of other genera belong to the second group. As differential characters of the two infections due to virus, delineated on the strength of notions drawn from a detailed experimental study and from the literature on this subject, the following are given: ¹ Samples of our virus were sent, for comparison, to various investigators of psittacosis. Amongst them, Prof. M. Rivers acceded to our request; he found its nature to be different from that of the virus of psittacosis studiedby him. We are very much obliged to him for the attention he paid to this verification. Virus of psittacosis - Infectiousness: man, monkey, rabbit, mouse, hen, canary. Neurotropic affinity. Inclusions: small, protoplasmic. Exsiccation: the virus has good power of preservation. Symptoms: inactivity, drowsiness, frequent diarrhoea, oculo-nasal discharge and cough, coma. Duration: 4 to 5 days. Bodily lesions: congestion of intestines, splenomegaly. Virus of S. Paulo - Infects only psittacidae, particularly those of the genus Amazona. No localization in the nervous system. Large, nuclear. Is rapidly destroyed. Inactivity, inappetency, adynamia (drooping of the wings, indifference, leaning its beak against the bars of the cage in order not to fall down); profuse diarrhoea, of whitish stools, at times enterorrhagia; prolonged coma. 2 to 8 days. Foci of yellowish necrosis in liver, spleen and lung. At times, congestion of intestines. Characteristic features common to the two viruses.-They act in great dilutions, filter through tight candles though being partly retained, are preserved under glycerine or Bedson's solution, are stable at 55°C. heat and are destroyed by physical and chemical agents. Both virus diseases are very seldom met with in psittacidae: only once, amongst numberless sick parrots, the author met with a disease of the virus differring from that of psittacosis. This disease, greatly transmissible to man, ought to be more frequent, if it were common in parrots. On the contrary, bacteria cause diseases in these animals with great frequency, presenting variable characters, from a severe epizootic form, rapidly mortal, to ambulatory or silent forms, for the most part developing towards a cure or assuming a chronic character. Amongst the bacteria which cause the infection of this group the salmonellae predominate and amongst them the bacterium discovered by Nocard, as well as a species which in the course of this study is characterized under the name of Salmonella nocardi. The author believes that in the epizooty from which Nocard isolated his bacterium there was association of the virus-disease inducing the epizooty of that epoch in Paris with the bacterial disease, as must have happened in Argentina, where the disease was transmitted to man, and Santillan, according to Barros, isolated from the sick parrots bacteria of the genus Salmonella. The diseases of the two groups, that due to virus and that due to bacteria, are differentiated: Virus-diseases - Evolution: rapid, nearly always followed by death. Symptoms: sadness, profuse diarrhoea, of whitish stools, at times enterorrhagia, complete inappetency, adynamia, indifference, prolonged coma. Clinical forms: acute and subacute. Lesions: Foci of necrosis in liver and spleen without cellular reaction around the focus, yellow liver, multiple serositis. Presence of protoplasmic or nuclear granulations. Bacteriology: Complete lack or inconstant presence of bacteria in the organs and blood. Infectiousness of the organs and blood after filtration: positive. Bacterial diseases - Varies from one week to a month or more, not always fatal. Sadness, partial inappetency, tremblings, intensive thirst, mucous or mucosanguineous diarrhoea, lack of adynamia (reacts to stimulations and moves well at any time of the disease, though showing little disposition to locomotion), soiling of feathers. Frustrate, acute, subacute and chronic. Hepatic and intestinal cogestion, foci of necrosis in liver, spleen and lung with cellular reaction around the focus. Lack of granulations. Constant presence of bacteria in the organs and blood. Negative. The analysis of the litterature shows that the characteristic features of the diseases in parrots referred to parrot psittacosis, more frequently approach the bacterial diseases here described of these animals, a hypothesis which is reinforced by the observation of the greater frequency of infections...