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The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance of broccoli under different top-dressing organic fertilizations. The experiment was conducted under protected cultivation, in a completely randomized design with four replications, with two plants per experimental unit. Broccoli seedlings were produced in a commercial substrate in styrofoam trays. The seedlings were transplanted to plastic pots containing 10.0 L of substrate made up of subsoil and organic compost at the ratio of 3:1 (v/v), respectively, which is equivalent to about 20.0 t ha-1 of organic compost at planting. After seedling establishment, the top-dressing fertilization treatments were applied: gliricidia biomass associated or not with liquid biofertilizer of cattle manure to the soil and bokashi. Two control treatments were established: one with mineral fertilization recommended for the crop and the other without top-dressing fertilization. The broccoli production was evaluated (commercial standard). Plants that received mineral fertilizer were more productive, however, they were not significantly different (p>0.05), by Dunnet test, from the plants fertilized with 2.5 t ha-1 gliricidiabiomass (dry mass) associated with liquid biofertilizer (2.0 L m-2) applied to soil. Top-dressing fertilizations with only gliricidia, at 2.5 and 5.0 t ha-1 of biomass (dry mass), resulted in no significant increase in production of broccoli inflorescence. The use of bokashi in addition to gliricidia biomass and liquid biofertilizer reduced the efficiency of the fertilization compared with plants that received only gliricidia and liquid biofertilizer.
O presente artigo tem por objetivo principal apresentar os conceitos de estratégias emergentes e deliberadas dentro de um contexto mais amplo de marketing estratégico. A administração dessas estratégias na empresa é de extrema importância para seus objetivos. Para tanto, o método do estudo de casos foi aplicado a fim de buscar as várias dimensões pertinentes a esse tema. Como contribuição à administração estratégica nas organizações, fica a composição das estratégias emergentes e deliberadas, visando, fundamentalmente, à flexibilidade no curto prazo, com consistência no longo prazo.
O Brasil está em processo de convergência de sua contabilidade pública em relação aos padrões internacionais desenvolvidos pela Federação Internacional dos Contadores (Ifac). A implementação de sistemas de informação contábil é geralmente realizada por meio das abordagens top-down ou bottom-up. Assim, este estudo tem por objetivos: 1) identificar a abordagem adotada pelo governo federal brasileiro; 2) descrever o modelo de implementação do sistema de informação contábil público no Brasil; e 3) mapear o fluxo de informações e atores envolvidos no processo de convergência. A abordagem qualitativa foi adotada utilizando a pesquisa documental e análise de conteúdo de documentos disponíveis para operacionalizar a pesquisa. Foi identificado que o Brasil utiliza a abordagem middle-up-down, que favorece a interação entre múltiplos atores no processo, diferentemente da abordagem top-down, que segue o modelo internacional divulgado.
The Iberian wolf (Canis lupus) is the top predator in the Iberian environments in which it lives, feeding on a wide range of species, thus encountering a wide range of disease agents. Therefore, the wolf can serve as sentinel of environmental contamination with pathogens. We investigated the exposure of free-living wolves to 14 serovars of Leptospira interrogans sensu lato. Kidney samples from 49 wolves collected from 2010-2013 in northwestern Spain were analysed by culture, direct immunofluorescence and polymerase chain reaction. Tissue fluids were analysed for antibodies by a microscopic agglutination test. Ten wolves (observed prevalence: 20%, 95% confidence interval = 11-33%) showed evidence of contact with leptospires, eight through direct detection and nine through serology (7 wolves were positive according to both techniques). Titres below the cut-off level were also detected in seven cases. Serovars confirmed were Canicola (n = 4), Icterohaemorrhagiae (n = 3) and Sejroë, Ballum and Grippotyphosa (n = 1 each), indicating that wolves were infected with serovars for which dogs, rodents and ungulates, are the natural hosts and supporting the utility of the wolf and other large predators as environmental sentinels for pathogens.
A computational interface, using sybyl format as an input file, was created in order to calculate connectivity indexes. After generation and classification of all substructures, which derive from the molecular structure, this interface calculates all possible orders from zero up to the maximun number of bonds in the molecule. Other topological indexes such as Wiener and Schultz indexes can also be calculated.
The aim of this study was to develop a an automated bench top electronic penetrometer (ABEP) that allows performing tests with high rate of data acquisition (up to 19,600 Hz) and with variation of the displacement velocity and of the base area of cone penetration. The mechanical components of the ABEP are: a supporting structure, stepper motor, velocity reducer, double nut ball screw and six penetration probes. The electronic components of ABEP are: a "driver" to control rotation and displacement, power supply, three load cells, two software programs for running and storing data, and a data acquisition module. This penetrometer presented in compact size, portable and in 32 validation tests it proved easy to operate, and showed high resolution, high velocity in reliability in data collection. During the validation tests the equipment met the objectives, because the test results showed that the ABEP could use different sizes of cones, allowed work at different velocities, showed for velocity and displacement, were only 1.3% and 0.7%, respectively, at the highest velocity (30 mm s-1) and 1% and 0.9%, respectively for the lowest velocity (0.1 mm s-1).
Brazilian scientific output exhibited a 4-fold increase in the last two decades because of the stability of the investment in research and development activities and of changes in the policies of the main funding agencies. Most of this production is concentrated in public universities and research institutes located in the richest part of the country. Among all areas of knowledge, the most productive are Health and Biological Sciences. During the 1998-2002 period these areas presented heterogeneous growth ranging from 4.5% (Pharmacology) to 191% (Psychiatry), with a median growth rate of 47.2%. In order to identify and rank the 20 most prolific institutions in these areas, searches were made in three databases (DataCAPES, ISI and MEDLINE) which permitted the identification of 109,507 original articles produced by the 592 Graduate Programs in Health and Biological Sciences offered by 118 public universities and research institutes. The 20 most productive centers, ranked according to the total number of ISI-indexed articles published during the 1998-2003 period, produced 78.7% of the papers in these areas and are strongly concentrated in the Southern part of the country, mainly in São Paulo State.
Refractory and relapsed leukemia is a major problem during cancer therapy, which is due to the aberrant activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Activation of this pathway is promoted by wingless (Wnt) proteins and induces co-activator β-catenin binding to lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF)/T-cell factor protein (TCF). To provide a convenient system for the screening of anti-Wnt/β-catenin agents, we designed a bi-functional pGL4-TOP reporter plasmid that contained 3X β-catenin/LEF/TCF binding sites and a selectable marker. After transfection and hygromycin B selection, HEK 293-TOP and Jurkat-TOP stable clones were established. The luciferase activity in the stable clone was enhanced by the recombinant Wnt-3A (rWnt-3A; 100-400 ng/mL) and GSK3β inhibitor (2’Z,3’E)-6-bromoindirubin-3’-oxime (BIO; 5 µM) but was inhibited by aspirin (5 mM). Using this reporter model, we found that norcantharidin (NCTD; 100 µM) reduced 80% of rWnt-3A-induced luciferase activity. Furthermore, 50 µM NCTD inhibited 38% of BIO-induced luciferase activity in Jurkat-TOP stable cells. Employing ³H-thymidine uptake assay and Western blot analysis, we confirmed that NCTD (50 µM) significantly inhibited proliferation of Jurkat cells by 64%, which are the dominant β-catenin signaling cells and decreased β-catenin protein in a concentration-dependent manner. Thus, we established a stable HEK 293-TOP clone and successfully used it to identify the Wnt/β-catenin signaling inhibitor NCTD.
Mao's steps in Monroe's backyard: towards a United States-China hegemonic struggle in Latin America?
Contrary to what could be expected given the United States' historical hegemony of Latin America, growing Chinese influence in this region has not led to a dispute between China and the US. Despite activism of hard-line groups in the United States, both parties have faced the issue with noticeable pragmatism. This attitude could be explained by three variables: the US political negligence towards Latin America in the Post-Cold War, the focus of Sino-Latin American relations on economic rather than geopolitical or ideological affairs, and the scanty relevance of the region in the top priorities of overall Washington-Beijing relations.
Coffee cultivation via central-pivot fertigation can lead to fertilizer losses by soil profile internal drainage when water application is excessive and soils have low water retention and cation adsorption capacities. This study analyses the deep water losses from the top 1 m sandy soil layer of east Bahia, Brazil, cultivated with coffee at a high technology level (central-pivot fertigation), using above normal N fertilizer rates. The deep drainage (Q) estimation is made through the application of a climatologic water balance (CWB) program having as input direct measures of irrigation and rainfall, climatological data from weather stations, and measured soil water retention characteristics. The aim of the study is to contribute to the understanding of the hydric regime of coffee crops managed by central-pivot irrigation, analyzing three scenarios (Sc): i) rainfall only, ii) rainfall and irrigation full year, and iii) rainfall and irrigation dry season only. Annual Q values for the 2008/2009 agricultural year were: Sc i = 811.5 mm; Sc ii = 1010.5 mm; and Sc iii = 873.1 mm, so that the irrigation interruption in the wet season reduced Q by 15.7%, without the appearance of water deficit periods. Results show that the use of the CWB program is a convenient tool for the evaluation of Q under the cited conditions.
The objective of this study was to evaluate split nitrogen (N) fertilization of maize applied in band at sowing and top dressing with and without crop rotation, under no-till. The experiment was conducted with six N rates at sowing (0, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kg ha-1) combined with three rates in top dressing (40, 70, 100 kg ha-1) and two management systems: after five cropping sequences of maize and crop rotation (maize + soybean + oat + soybean + corn) in a randomized block design with four replications. The crop rotation system increased yield in approximately 7% in relation to the area without rotation. The split of nitrogen fertilization, in rates above 39 and 54 kg ha-1 at sowing and 70 and 40 kg ha-1 in top dressing, resulted in yield higher than that obtained with the application of 100 kg ha-1 in top dressing. Grain yield was higher with the rates 50 and 70 kg ha-1 of N compared with that obtained with 20 and 100 kg ha-1 at sowing and top dressing, respectively. The rate 70 kg ha-1 of N resulted in the highest yield at the lowest cost compared with the revenues and costs incurred with the rates 40 and 100 kg ha-1.
Há grande carência de informações quanto à adubação com Nitrogênio e Potássio para a produção de minimilho. Quando colhido antes do início da formação de grãos, as quantidades de nutrientes exigidas podem ser diferenciadas. Por essa razão, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a resposta do minimilho às adubações nitrogenada e potássica em solo de textura média na região de Maringá, gerando dados que possibilitam a recomendação da aplicação de doses adequadas desses nutrientes para a cultura, evitando os desperdícios e a contaminação ambiental. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi, na safra verão 2010/2011 e safrinha 2011. O delineamento experimental para os dois experimentos foi blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 4 x 4, utilizando-se quatro doses de nitrogênio (N) (0, 50, 75 e 100 kg ha-1) e quatro de potássio (K) (0, 20, 40 e 60 kg ha-1), aplicadas 50% na semeadura e 50% em cobertura no estádio V6 de desenvolvimento. O cultivar de milho-pipoca utilizado foi o IAC 125, híbrido triplo top cross, de ciclo precoce. Para as condições em que foi realizada a pesquisa, o potássio e a interação NK não influenciaram a altura de plantas e o comprimento das espiguetas comerciais na safra verão. A máxima produtividade de minimilho, na safra verão, foi obtida com a aplicação de 64,35 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, não havendo incremento na produtividade com a aplicação de potássio. Na safrinha, a maior produtividade foi alcançada com a combinação das doses 60,9 e 51,23 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio e potássio, respectivamente.
ABSTRACT The analytical determination of nutrient levels in recently mature leaves in order to diagnose nutritional status is based on the fact that leaves are metabolically active and more sensitive to variation in nutrients of the soil. In most of cases, there is a direct well known between foliar content and the development and yield of the plant. However, for a more accurate interpretation, it is essential to establish the index leaf. There are few published studies about Jatropha with contrasting results. In order to establish the index leaf, in adult plants, the macronutrient levels were evaluated in samples collected in experimental plots, in which doses of nitrogen and phosphorus were applied, in two parts of the floral branches (in the top and in the middle thirds); and in three positions of leaves of the floral branch (between the 1st and 3rd, 6th and 8th, and 13th and 15th leaves below the inflorescence). The location of the leaf on the plant significantly affects nutrient contents. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur tend to have higher concentration in young tissues. Calcium and magnesium showed higher levels in the basal leaves of floral branches. Samples collected in the top third of plants (between the 6th and 15th leaves of the floral branch) are more sensitive to variations of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Therefore, we indicate the 6th to 15th leaves of the top third plants as index leaves estimate nutritional status of Jatropha.
Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar determinantes organizacionais e estratégicos que influenciam o grau de internacionalização da firma, tendo em vista a extensão e a distribuição das operações realizadas no mercado estrangeiro. Pretende, também, revelar os determinantes organizacionais que afetam o processo de formação de estratégias internacionais. Realizou-se um survey com 73 empresas brasileiras do setor de manufatura que desenvolvem negócios internacionais por meio de diferentes modalidades, desde a exportação até o investimento direto no estrangeiro. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam que determinantes organizacionais associados ao tamanho da firma influenciam fundamentalmente o processo estratégico internacional das empresas pesquisadas, cujo desenrolar é demarcado por elementos centralizadores e racionais. Concluiu-se que a experiência internacional, o modo deliberado de formação estratégica (top-down) e a constituição de parcerias internacionais são fatores que influenciam o grau de internacionalização em que as empresas estudadas se encontram.