29 resultados para Sustainability rating framework


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Biochar has the potential to make a major contribution to the mitigation of climate change, and enhancement of plant production. However, in order for biochar to fulfill this promise, the industry and regulating bodies must take steps to manage potential environmental threats and address negative perceptions. The potential threats to the sustainability of biochar systems, at each stage of the biochar life cycle, were reviewed. We propose that a sustainability framework for biochar could be adapted from existing frameworks developed for bioenergy. Sustainable land use policies, combined with effective regulation of biochar production facilities and incentives for efficient utilization of energy, and improved knowledge of biochar impacts on ecosystem health and productivity could provide a strong framework for the development of a robust sustainable biochar industry. Sustainability certification could be introduced to provide confidence to consumers that sustainable practices have been employed along the production chain, particularly where biochar is traded internationally.


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As debêntures padronizadas possibilitam aos investidores prescindir de complexas análises contratuais e cálculos sofisticados em mercados secundários. Este artigo analisa, com base em contratos de debêntures não padronizados, se, caso as diferenças contratuais fossem controladas estatisticamente, os ratings dessas debêntures seriam suficientes para captar os custos inerentes nas taxas de juros de suas emissões. Para tanto, analisamos uma amostra de 24 emissões de debêntures no período de 1999-2001, e verificamos se houve alguma diferença estatisticamente significativa (distribuição binomial) nas cláusulas contratuais entre as emissões com elevado rating e baixo rating. Concluímos que, para ratings elevados, a padronização afeta as taxas de juros como reflexo de seu rating. Contudo, para ratings baixos, a padronização não capta diferenças contratuais específicas, tais como repactuação programada e garantia.


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This paper seeks to understand the use and the consequences of Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in a Mexican local community. A multilevel framework was applied, mainly influenced by two theoretical lenses – structurationist view and social shaping of technology – structured in three dimensions – context, process and content – according to contextualist logic. The results of our study have brought two main contributions. The first is the refinement of the theoretical framework in order to better investigate the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) artifacts by local communities for social and environmental purposes. The second contribution is the extension of existing IS (Information Systems) literature on participatory practices through identification of important conditions for helping the mobilization of ICT as a tool for empowering local communities.


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This paper reviews the understanding I have gained from several years of research, and from several more years of ongoing discussions with industry leaders regarding the nature of competitiveness among tourism destinations. This understanding has been captured, in summary form, in the model of Destination Competitiveness/Sustainability (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003). This model contains seven (7) components which we have found to play a major role, from a policy perspective, in determining the competitiveness/sustainability of a tourism destination. In addition to the valuable understanding which these seven components provide from a policy perspective, the specific elements of each the major components provide a more useful/practical guidance to those who are responsible for the ongoing management of a DMO (Destination Management Organization). With this overview in mind, this paper will provide a detailed review and explanation of the model that I have developed with colleague, Dr. Geoffrey I. Crouch of Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Based on previous presentations throughout the world, it has proven very helpful to both academics and practitioners who seek to understand the complex nature of tourism destination competitiveness/sustainability.


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In order to sustain their competitive advantage in the current increasingly globalized and turbulent context, more and more firms are competing globally in alliances and networks that oblige them to adopt new managerial paradigms and tools. However, their strategic analyses rarely take into account the strategic implications of these alliances and networks, considering their global relational characteristics, admittedly because of a lack of adequate tools to do so. This paper contributes to research that seeks to fill this gap by proposing the Global Strategic Network Analysis - SNA - framework. Its purpose is to help firms that compete globally in alliances and networks to carry out their strategic assessments and decision-making with a view to ensuring dynamic strategic fit from both a global and relational perspective.


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O presente artigo sumariza uma proposta de framework da informação de custos para o setor público no Brasil. A proposta emergiu de contribuições promovidas pelo governo central no Brasil na realização de duas equipes de trabalho, a primeira pela comissão interministerial em 2005, e a segunda coordenada pelo Ministério da Fazenda em 2008/09. Essas contribuições foram validadas em relação às críticas veiculadas no meio acadêmico quanto às estruturas conceituais da contabilidade financeira (framework) emitidas pelo International Accounting Standards Board e Financial Accounting Standards Board, e em relação à literatura internacional de implantação de sistemas de custos no setor público. A adoção de um sistema de custos é exigida para as entidades públicas no Brasil desde 1964; entretanto, somente agora é objeto de um trabalho conduzido pelo Ministério da Fazenda para o governo federal, cujos primeiros resultados serão divulgados neste ano. O acórdão emitido pelo Tribunal de Contas da União em 2004, determinando que a legislação seja observada, tende a ampliar tal adoção. Contudo, a adoção não é suficiente, é necessária a utilização, que é função da relevância percebida da informação de custos. Sugere-se que a difusão da adoção e uso de sistemas de custos no setor público brasileiro seja feita através de uma implantação gradual, flexível, mediante a adoção do regime de competência, e baseada num framework único e comum às diversas entidades.


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O presente artigo foi desenvolvido considerando situações de incerteza ambiental, em que a ordem do dia ou questão estratégica (strategic issue) é a inovação dos recursos, ou seja, transformação, renovação ou desenvolvimento de uma nova capacidade funcional (ordinária). Com o objetivo de compreender como as capacidades dinâmicas desempenham esse papel na inovação dos ativos organizacionais em tais contextos ambientais, propõe-se aqui uma perspectiva alternativa de análise a partir de uma vertente microssociológica, a qual recorre aos elementos constitutivos de rituais de interação segundo Collins (2004). Essa perspectiva oferece possibilidades de investigação da influência das conversações estratégicas, que ocorrem em meio a práticas ritualísticas de interação entre alta e média gerência, sobre o potencial de inovação das capacidades organizacionais. Para compreensão da articulação teórica realizada no trabalho, apresenta-se um framework de análise que agrega a incerteza no nível macro com variáveis comportamentais e organizacionais no nível micro, enquanto elementos mais salientes dos rituais de interação. Visando estudos futuros e melhor compreensão do framework do trabalho, são apresentadas proposições acerca das relações do modelo após o detalhamento da estrutura analítica.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a validade da versão em português da Clinical Dementia Rating para classificar a função cognitiva de idosos. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se o instrumento Mini-Mental State Examination para rastreamento de déficit cognitivo em coorte composta por 424 idosos. Foram selecionados todos que obtiveram escores <26 (108 idosos) e 48 idosos com escores >26. Os 156 idosos selecionados foram submetidos a uma avaliação clínica e testes neuropsicológicos para diagnóstico de casos de demência. Tanto os casos como os não-casos foram classificados segundo a versão em português da Clinical Dementia Rating em: normais, casos questionáveis e casos de demência leve, moderada ou grave. RESULTADOS: Entre os 156 avaliados, 122 eram não-casos, destes 62 (51%) foram classificados como normais (CDR=0) e questionáveis 60 (49%) (CDR=0,5). Entre os 34 casos de demência, 17 (50%) foram classificados como demência leve (CDR=1), 8 (23%) moderada (CDR=2) e 6 (18%) grave (CDR=3). Apenas três (9%) dos casos foram considerados questionáveis pelo Clinical Dementia Rating. Sua sensibilidade foi de 91,2% e a especificidade de 100%, com valor preditivo positivo de 100% e negativo de 97,6%. As pontuações no Mini-Mental State Examination declinaram significativamente conforme o grau de demência. CONCLUSÕES: O Clinical Dementia Rating mostrou ser instrumento válido para classificar o grau de demência entre idosos. Quase metade dos não-casos foram casos questionáveis pelo Clinical Dementia Rating e podem corresponder a casos de transtorno cognitivo leve, com maior risco de conversão em demência.


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OBJECTIVE: Payment for performance financial incentive schemes reward doctors based on the quality and the outcomes of their treatment. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health is looking to scale up its use in public hospitals and some municipalities are developing payment for performance schemes even for the Family Health Programme. In this article the Quality and Outcomes Framework used in the UK since 2004 is discussed, as well as its experience to elaborate some important lessons that Brazilian municipalities should consider before embarking on payment for performance scheme in primary care settings.


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This paper describes the study population and the study design of the phase III field trial of the SPf66 vaccine in Brazil. Assessment of validity and precision principles necessary for the appropriate evaluation of the protective effect of the vaccine are discussed, as well as the results of the preliminary analyses of the gathered data. The analytical approach for the estimation of the protective effect of the vaccine is presented. This paper provides the conceptual framework for future publications.


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INTRODUCTION:The objective of this study was to compare Osame's scale of motor incapacity and the expanded scale of the state of incapacity of Kurtzke with the spastic paraplegia rating scale for the clinical evaluation of patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). METHODS: Patients with the diagnosis of infection by HTLV-I/HTLV-II and with the clinical suspicion of HAM/TSP were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 45 patients who were evaluated. When analyzing the results of the scales, the researchers found the following averages of 21.08 points for the spastic paraplegia rating scale, 4.35 points for Osame's scale, and 4.77 points for Kurtzke's scale. The relation between the scale of paraplegia with Osame's was very significant with p < 0.0001, and regarding Kurtzke's scale, there was a similar result of p < 0.0001. When comparing Osame's, Kurtze's, and the spastic paraplegia rating scale with the time of disease, the researchers found a significant result of p = 0.0004 for the scale of spastic paraplegia, p = 0.0018 for Osame's scale, and p < 0.0001 for Kurtzke's scale. CONCLUSION: The spastic paraplegia rating scale has a good relation with Osame's and Kurtzke's scales showing a p index that is very significant that indicates that, although the scale was not initially made to be applied to patients with HAM/TSP because of the infection by HLTV, it showed to be as efficient as Osame's and Kurtzke's scales in evaluating the patients' neurological conditions.


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Objective The purpose of this research was to make a cross-cultural adaptation of the Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) for psychiatric patients to the Brazilian context. Methods The procedure consisted of four phases: translation of the original scale, back-translation, review by an Expert Committee and Pre-test study with a patients’ sample. Results The Expert Committee corrected the items’ translation when necessary and modified the scale administration format and its instructions from self-report to face-to-face interview form in order to ensure easy understanding by the target population. During Pre-test, the instructions and most of the items were properly understood by patients, with the exception of three of them which had to be changed in order to ensure better understanding. The Pre-test sample was composed by 30 psychiatric patients, with severe and persistent disorders mainly single (46.7%), female (60.0%), with a mean age of 43.8 years old and an average of five years of education. Conclusion The Brazilian version of MARS scale is now adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese language and culture and is easily understood by the psychiatric target population. It is necessary to do further research to evaluate the scale psychometric qualities of validity and reliability in order to use it in Brazil.


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Sustainability has become a focal point of the international agenda. At the heart of its range of distribution in the Gran Chaco Region, the elimination of Triatoma infestans has failed, even in areas subject to intensive professional vector control efforts. Chagas disease control programs traditionally have been composed of two divorced entities: a vector control program in charge of routine field operations (bug detection and insecticide spraying) and a disease control program in charge of screening blood donors, diagnosis, etiologic treatment and providing medical care to chronic patients. The challenge of sustainable suppression of bug infestation and Trypanosoma cruzi transmission can be met through integrated disease management, in which vector control is combined with active case detection and treatment to increase impact, cost-effectiveness and public acceptance in resource-limited settings. Multi-stakeholder involvement may add sustainability and resilience to the surveillance system. Chagas vector control and disease management must remain a regional effort within the frame of sustainable development rather than being viewed exclusively as a matter of health pertinent to the health sector. Sustained and continuous coordination between governments, agencies, control programs, academia and the affected communities is critical.


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Social businesses present a new paradigm to capitalism, in which private companies, non-profit organizations and civil society create a new type of business with the main objective of solving social problems with financial sustainability and efficiency through market mechanisms. As any new phenomenon, different authors conceptualize social businesses with distinct views. This article aims to present and characterize three different perspectives of social business definitions: the European, the American and that of the emerging countries. Each one of these views was illustrated by a different Brazilian case. We conclude with the idea that all the cases have similar characteristics, but also relevant differences that are more than merely geographical. The perspectives analyzed in this paper provide an analytical framework for understanding the field of social businesses. Moreover, the cases demonstrate that in the Brazilian context the field of social business is under construction and that as such it draws on different conceptual influences to deal with a complex and challenging reality.