O presente trabalho investiga a degradação fotoeletrocatalítica do corante Azul Básico 41 (AB 41) amplamente utilizado na tintura de fibras sintéticas, utilizando um semicondutor Ti/TiO2 como fotoanodo. 100% de degradação foi obtida após 60 min de tratamento de 8,33x10-5 mol L-1 do corante em 0,1 mol L−1 Na2SO4, pH 2 sob densidade de corrente de 0,40 mA cm−2 e irradiação UV. Ainda foi obtido 80% de remoção de carbono orgânico total, cuja oxidação segue uma reação de pseudo-primeira ordem com constante de velocidade inicial de -0,040 mim-1 e uma eficiência de corrente de 51%. Os resultados são superiores á fotocatálise convencional nas mesmas condições sem a polarização do fotoanodo que leva a 65% de mineralização sob constante de velocidade de -0,024 mim-1.
Gap junctions are constituted by intercellular channels and provide a pathway for transfer of ions and small molecules between adjacent cells of most tissues. The degree of intercellular coupling mediated by gap junctions depends on the number of gap junction channels and their activity may be a function of the state of phosphorylation of connexins, the structural subunit of gap junction channels. Protein phosphorylation has been proposed to control intercellular gap junctional communication at several steps from gene expression to protein degradation, including translational and post-translational modification of connexins (i.e., phosphorylation of the assembled channel acting as a gating mechanism) and assembly into and removal from the plasma membrane. Several connexins contain sites for phosphorylation for more than one protein kinase. These consensus sites vary between connexins and have been preferentially identified in the C-terminus. Changes in intercellular communication mediated by protein phosphorylation are believed to control various physiological tissue and cell functions as well as to be altered under pathological conditions.
Gap junctions are clusters of intercellular channels directly connecting the cytoplasm of adjacent cells. These channels are formed by proteins named connexins and are present in all metazoan organisms where they serve diverse functions ranging from control of cell growth and differentiation to electric conduction in excitable tissues. In this overview we describe the presence of connexins in the cardiovascular and lympho-hematopoietic systems giving the reader a summary of the topics to be covered throughout this edition and a historical perspective of the discovery of gap junctions in the immune system.
The role gap junction channels play in the normal and abnormal functioning of the vascular wall is the subject of much research. The biophysical properties of gap junctions are an essential component in understanding how gap junctions function to allow coordinated relaxation and contraction of vascular smooth muscle. This study reviews the properties thus far elucidated and relates those properties to tissue function. We ask how biophysical and structural properties such as gating, permselectivity, subconductive states and channel type (heteromeric vs homotypic vs heterotypic) might affect vascular smooth muscle tone.
Connexin43 (Cx43) is a major gap junction protein present in the Fischer-344 rat aorta. Previous studies have identified conditions under which selective disruption of intercellular communication with heptanol caused a significant, readily reversible and time-dependent diminution in the magnitude of a1-adrenergic contractions in isolated rat aorta. These observations have indentified a significant role for gap junctions in modulating vascular smooth muscle tone. The goal of these steady-state studies was to utilize isolated rat aortic rings to further evaluate the contribution of intercellular junctions to contractions elicited by cellular activation in response to several other vascular spasmogens. The effects of heptanol were examined (0.2-2.0 mM) on equivalent submaximal (»75% of the phenylephrine maximum) aortic contractions elicited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 1-2 µM), prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 1 µM) and endothelin-1 (ET-1; 20 nM). Statistical analysis revealed that 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol diminished the maximal amplitude of the steady-state contractile responses for 5-HT from a control response of 75 ± 6% (N = 26 rings) to 57 ± 7% (N = 26 rings) and 34.9 ± 6% (N = 13 rings), respectively (P<0.05), and for PGF2a from a control response of 75 ± 10% (N = 16 rings) to 52 ± 8% (N = 19 rings) and 25.9 ± 6% (N = 18 rings), respectively (P<0.05). In contrast, 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol had no detectable effect on the magnitude of ET-1-induced contractile responses, which were 76 ± 5.0% for the control response (N = 38 rings), 59 ± 6.0% in the presence of 200 µM heptanol (N = 17 rings), and 70 ± 6.0% in the presence of 500 µM heptanol (N = 23 rings) (P<0.13). Increasing the heptanol concentration to 1 mM was associated with a significant decrease in the magnitude of the steady-state ET-1-induced contractile response to 32 ± 5% (21 rings; P<0.01); further increasing the heptanol concentration to 2 mM had no additional effect. In rat aorta then, junctional modulation of tissue contractility appears to be agonist-dependent.
Gap junction channels are sites of cytoplasmic communication between contacting cells. In vertebrates, they consist of protein subunits denoted connexins (Cxs) which are encoded by a gene family. According to their Cx composition, gap junction channels show different gating and permeability properties that define which ions and small molecules permeate them. Differences in Cx primary sequences suggest that channels composed of different Cxs are regulated differentially by intracellular pathways under specific physiological conditions. Functional roles of gap junction channels could be defined by the relative importance of permeant substances, resulting in coordination of electrical and/or metabolic cellular responses. Cells of the native and specific immune systems establish transient homo- and heterocellular contacts at various steps of the immune response. Morphological and functional studies reported during the last three decades have revealed that many intercellular contacts between cells in the immune response present gap junctions or "gap junction-like" structures. Partial characterization of the molecular composition of some of these plasma membrane structures and regulatory mechanisms that control them have been published recently. Studies designed to elucidate their physiological roles suggest that they might permit coordination of cellular events which favor the effective and timely response of the immune system.
The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) on intestinal epithelial cell permeability and the expression of tight junction proteins. Caco-2 cells were plated onto Transwell® microporous filters and treated with TNF-α (10 or 100 ng/mL) for 0, 4, 8, 16, or 24 h. The transepithelial electrical resistance and the mucosal-to-serosal flux rates of the established paracellular marker Lucifer yellow were measured in filter-grown monolayers of Caco-2 intestinal cells. The localization and expression of the tight junction protein occludin were detected by immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis, respectively. SYBR-Green-based real-time PCR was used to measure the expression of occludin mRNA. TNF-α treatment produced concentration- and time-dependent decreases in Caco-2 transepithelial resistance and increases in transepithelial permeability to the paracellular marker Lucifer yellow. Western blot results indicated that TNF-α decreased the expression of phosphorylated occludin in detergent-insoluble fractions but did not affect the expression of non-phosphorylated occludin protein. Real-time RT-PCR data showed that TNF-α did not affect the expression of occludin mRNA. Taken together, our data demonstrate that TNF-α increases Caco-2 monolayer permeability, decreases occludin protein expression and disturbs intercellular junctions.
Luffa operculata é o nome botânico da buchinha-do-norte ou cabacinha, uma planta medicinal usada popularmente no tratamento das rinites e rinossinusites. Na Europa e nos EUA, está em medicamentos homeopáticos. No Brasil, a infusão (chá) do fruto seco de Luffa operculata é utilizada para inalação ou instilação nasal, resultando em liberação profusa de muco que alivia os sintomas nasossinusais, mas há relatos freqüentes de irritação nasal, epistaxe e anosmia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Avaliamos os efeitos da infusão de Luffa operculata em diferentes concentrações, no modelo experimental do palato isolado de rã, examinando 46 palatos após imersão. Quatro grupos (n=10) foram testados com infusão feita em Ringer-rã (solução isotônica): controle; 60mg/l; 600mg/l e 1200mg/l. Um grupo foi testado em água (600mg/l H2O, n=6). Coletamos amostras do epitélio para estudo histológico à microscopia-de-luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADOS: Nos palatos tratados, os achados à microscopia-de-luz mostram lesões epiteliais de padrão tóxico, dose-dependentes. Na microscopia eletrônica, aumento dos espaços intercelulares e ruptura de tight junctions apontam para anormalidade no transporte iônico e de fluidos. CONCLUSÕES: A infusão de Luffa operculata, nas concentrações utilizadas popularmente, promove alterações significantes na estrutura e ultraestrutura epitelial deste modelo ex vivo de mucosa respiratória.
OBJECTIVE: To study the arrangement of the myocardial fiber bundles at the pulmonary venous left atrial junction in patients with pulmonary hypertension, and to discuss the pathophysiological importance of this element in the etiology of acute pulmonary edema. METHODS: We obtained 12 hearts and their pulmonary vein extremities from postmortem examinations of patients with the anatomicopathological diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema. The specimens, which had no grossly visible morphological cardiac alterations, were fixed in 10% formalin, and the muscular arrangement of the pulmonary venous left atrial junctions was analyzed. This material was then isolated, embedded in paraffin, underwent serial cutting (50 µm of thickness), and was stained with Azam's trichrome. RESULTS: We observed in our specimens that: a) the myocardial fiber bundles that originate in the atrial wall and involve the openings of the pulmonary veins were fewer than those observed in healthy material; b) the myocardial fiber bundles that extend into the pulmonary veins were shorter than those found in material originating from individuals with no pulmonary hypertension. CONCLUSION: Anatomical changes that result in a reduction in the amount of myocardial fiber bundles in the pulmonary venous left atrial junction, isolated or associated with other factors, may be the cause of disorders in pulmonary circulation, leading to an increase in pulmonary venous pressure, and, consequently, to acute pulmonary edema.
FUNDAMENTO: O potencial de renovação e proliferação dos cardiomiócitos, in vivo, é pequeno, e por isso, o músculo cardíaco apresenta limitada capacidade de repor células perdidas. Na tentativa de minimizar os danos oriundos de lesões hipóxico-isquêmicas e daquelas que acometem o sistema de condução do coração, a terapia celular com células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) vem sendo utilizada, inclusive com cardiomiócitos diferenciados a partir de MSC. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho comparou três protocolos distintos de indução de diferenciação objetivando a sugestão de um método viável para a diferenciação de maior número de células funcionais que expressem fenótipo cardiomiogênico. MÉTODOS: Culturas de MSC obtidas de tecido adiposo de ratos jovens da linhagem Lewis transgênicos para proteína verde fluorescente (GFP) foram submetidos a três diferentes meios de diferenciação cardiogênica: Planat-Bérnard, 5-azacitidina e meio Planat-Bérnard + 5-azacitidina e observadas quanto a expressão de marcadores celulares cardíacos. RESULTADOS: Nos três protolocos utilizados observou-se formação da proteína alfa-actinina sarcomérica no citoesqueleto das células submetidas à diferenciação, expressão de conexina 43 na membrana nuclear e citoplasmática e formação de gap junctions, necessárias para a propagação do impulso elétrico no miocárdio, contudo, em nenhum protocolo foi observada contração espontânea das células submetidas à diferenciação cardiogênica. CONCLUSÃO: A indução com 5-azacitidina proporcionou diferenciação celular cadiomiogênica efetiva e similar à encontrada com o meio Planat-Bénard e, por ser um protocolo mais simples, rápido e com menor custo torna-se o método de eleição.
Cerebral complications are important, but poorly understood pathological features of infections caused by some species of Plasmodium and Babesia. Patients dying from P. falciparum were classified as cerebral or non-cerebral cases according to the cerebral malaria coma scale. Light microscopy revealed that cerebral microvessels of cerebral malaria patients were field with a mixture of parazited and unparazited erythrocytes, with 94% of the vessels showing parasitized red blood cell (PRBC) sequestration. Some degree of PRBC sequestration was also found in non-cerebral malaria patients, but the percentage of microvessls with sequestered PRBC was only 13% Electron microscopy demonstrated knobs on the membrane of PRBC that formed focal junctions with the capillary endothelium. A number of host cell molecules such as CD36, thrombospondim (TSP) and intracellular adhesion molecule I (ICAM-1) may function as endothelial cell surfacereports for P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes. Affinity labeling of CD36 and TSP to the PRBC surface showed these molecules specifically bind to the knobs. Babesia bovis infected erythrocytes procedure projections of the erythrocyte membrane that are similar to knobs. When brain tissue from B. bovis-infected cattle was examined, cerebral capillaries were packed with PRBC. Infected erythrocytes formed focal attachments with cerebral endothelial cells at the site of these knob-like projections. These findings indicate that cerebral pathology caused by B. bovis is similar to human cerebral malaria. A search for cytoadherence proteins in the endothelial cells may lead to a better understanding of the pathogenisis of cerebral babesiosis.
Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni relationship was studied by light microscopy (LM) and freeze-fracture replica technique (FFR). We observed very thin cytoplasmic extensions of hemocytes in the LM, which then surround immobilize the miracidia. FFR images showed that the contact site between hemocytes cytoplasmic extensions and the external tegumentary coat involved only superficial layers of miracidia. Numerous vacuoles and filopodia were observed in the hemocyte cytoplasm, the latter binding with those from neighboring cells. In spite of the close interfilopodia contact, no cellular junctions were seen at these sites nor between filopodia-miracidia contact areas. The observed migration of hemocytes and their disposition in layers surrounding the miracidia in vitro correspond to previous studies.
Gap junction connexin-43 (Cx43) molecules are responsible for electrical impulse conduction in the heart and are affected by transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). This cytokine increases during Trypanosoma cruzi infection, modulating fibrosis and the parasite cell cycle. We studied Cx43 expression in cardiomyocytes exposed or not to TGF-β T. cruzi, or SB-431542, an inhibitor of TGF-β receptor type I (ALK-5). Cx43 expression was also examined in hearts with dilated cardiopathy from chronic Chagas disease patients, in which TGF-β signalling had been shown previously to be highly activated. We demonstrated that TGF-β treatment induced disorganised gap junctions in non-infected cardiomyocytes, leading to a punctate, diffuse and non-uniform Cx43 staining. A similar pattern was detected in T. cruzi-infected cardiomyocytes concomitant with high TGF-β secretion. Both results were reversed if the cells were incubated with SB-431542. Similar tests were performed using human chronic chagasic patients and we confirmed a down-regulation of Cx43 expression, an altered distribution of plaques in the heart and a significant reduction in the number and length of Cx43 plaques, which correlated negatively with cardiomegaly. We conclude that elevated TGF-β levels during T. cruzi infection promote heart fibrosis and disorganise gap junctions, possibly contributing to abnormal impulse conduction and arrhythmia that characterise severe cardiopathy in Chagas disease.
Semiconductor nanoparticles, such as quantum dots (QDs), were used to carry out experiments in vivo and ex vivo with Trypanosoma cruzi. However, questions have been raised regarding the nanotoxicity of QDs in living cells, microorganisms, tissues and whole animals. The objective of this paper was to conduct a QD nanotoxicity study on living T. cruzi protozoa using analytical methods. This was accomplished using in vitro experiments to test the interference of the QDs on parasite development, morphology and viability. Our results show that after 72 h, a 200 μM cadmium telluride (CdTe) QD solution induced important morphological alterations in T. cruzi, such as DNA damage, plasma membrane blebbing and mitochondrial swelling. Flow cytometry assays showed no damage to the plasma membrane when incubated with 200 μM CdTe QDs for up to 72 h (propidium iodide cells), giving no evidence of classical necrosis. Parasites incubated with 2 μM CdTe QDs still proliferated after seven days. In summary, a low concentration of CdTe QDs (2 μM) is optimal for bioimaging, whereas a high concentration (200 μM CdTe) could be toxic to cells. Taken together, our data indicate that 2 μM QD can be used for the successful long-term study of the parasite-vector interaction in real time.
ABSTRACT The interorganizational cooperation, through joint efforts with various actors, allows the high-tech companies to complement resources, especially in R&D projects. Collaborative projects have been identified in many studies as an important strategy to produce complex products and services in uncertain and competitive environments. Thus, this research aims at deepening the understanding of how the development dynamics of a collaborative R&D project in an industry of high technology occur. In order to achieve the proposed objective, the R&D project of the first microcontroller in the Brazilian semiconductor industry was defined as the object of analysis. The empirical choice is justified by the uniqueness of the case, besides bringing a diversity of actors and a level of complementarity of resources that were significant to the success of the project. Given the motivation to know who the actors were and what the main forms of interorganizational coordination were used in this project, interviews were carried out and a questionnaire was also made, besides other documents related to the project. The results presented show a network of nine actors and their roles in the interorganizational collaboration process, as well as the forms of social and temporal overlapping, used in the coordination of collective efforts. Focusing on the mechanisms of temporal and social integration highlighted throughout the study, the inclusion of R&D projects in the typology for interorganizational projects is proposed in this paper, which was also proposed by Jones and Lichtenstein (2008).