174 resultados para RECTAL TUMOR-EXCISION


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Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors comprise a rare group of gastrointestinal tract wall tumors that have long been a source of confusion and controversy, especially in terms of pathological classification, preoperative diagnosis, management strategies, and prognosis. This report describes the clinical manifestations and management of 2 rectal leiomyomas and reviews the pertinent literature. Case 1: A 44-year-old woman was admitted reporting a nodule in the right para-anal region for the previous 2 years. At proctological examination, a 4-cm diameter fibrous mass situated in the para-anal region that produced an arch under the smooth muscle on the right rectal wall just above the anorectal ring was noted. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed the lesion and detected no other abnormalities. Surgical treatment consisted of wide local resection of the tumor through a para-anal incision, with no attempts to perform lymphadenectomy. Case 2: A 40-year-old male patient was admitted reporting constant anal pain for 4 months. He presented a 3-cm submucosal nodule at the anterior rectal wall just above the dentate line. After 2 inconclusive preoperative biopsies, transanal resection of the tumor was performed. Histological analysis of the specimen showed a benign leiomyoma. A review of the literature is presented, emphasizing some clinical and therapeutic aspects of this unusual rectal tumor.


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The rectum is the second most common location of the carcinoid tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. It represents approximately one or two per cent of the rectal neoplasms. Metastases are less frequent and it presents a better prognosis than carcinoid tumors found in the digestive tract. Treatment is surgical and the technique to be used depends fundamentally on the size of the tumor and the degree of in the intestinal wall penetration. Lesions which are greater than one centimeter have been treated with local excision, while the ones greater than two centimeters have been submitted to a radical resection. This article presents a case of rectal carcinoid diagnosed and treated initially as adenocarcinoma by abdominal rectossigmoidectomy. There were no signs of recurrence after a period of five years and six months of post-surgical follow-up. Nowadays the validity of radical resection in the treatment of rectal carcinoids has been much questioned due to the fact that it has not shown a significant raise in survival rate when compared with patients who were submitted to a local resection.


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The authors present the four-arm single docking full robotic surgery to treat low rectal cancer. The eight main operative steps are: 1- patient positioning; 2- trocars set-up and robot docking; 3- sigmoid colon, left colon and splenic flexure mobilization (lateral-to-medial approach); 4-Inferior mesenteric artery and vein ligation (medial-to-lateral approach); 5- total mesorectum excision and preservation of hypogastric and pelvic autonomic nerves (sacral dissection, lateral dissection, pelvic dissection); 6- division of the rectum using an endo roticulator stapler for the laparoscopic performance of a double-stapled coloanal anastomosis (type I tumor); 7- intersphincteric resection, extraction of the specimen through the anus and lateral-to-end hand sewn coloanal anastomosis (type II tumor); 8- cylindric abdominoperineal resection, with transabdominal section of the levator muscles (type IV tumor). The techniques employed were safe and have presented low rates of complication and no mortality.


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The Nd:YAG laser is used as the palliative treatment of obstructive and/or hemorrhagic intestinal lesions with an effective but temporary symptomatic relief, with symptoms and signs recurrence after six to eight weeks. This report describes the treatment of a patient bearing a low rectal adenocarcinoma through diode laser ablation and the result after 17 months.


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The extent of ADP-ribosylation in rectal cancer was compared to that of the corresponding normal rectal tissue. Twenty rectal tissue fragments were collected during surgery from patients diagnosed as having rectal cancer on the basis of pathology results. The levels of ADP-ribosylation in rectum cancer tissue samples (95.9 ± 22.1 nmol/ml) was significantly higher than in normal tissues (11.4 ± 4 nmol/ml). The level of NAD+ glycohydrolase and ADP-ribosyl cyclase activities in rectal cancer and normal tissue samples were measured. Cancer tissues had significantly higher NAD+ glycohydrolase and ADP-ribosyl cyclase activities than the control tissues (43.3 ± 9.1 vs 29.2 ± 5.2 and 6.2 ± 1.6 vs 1.6 ± 0.4 nmol mg-1 min-1). Approximately 75% of the NAD+ concentration was consumed as substrate in rectal cancer, with changes in NAD+/ADP-ribose metabolism being observed. When [14C]-ADP-ribosylated tissue samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE, autoradiographic analysis revealed that several proteins were ADP-ribosylated in rectum tissue. Notably, the radiolabeling of a 113-kDa protein was remarkably greater than that in control tissues. Poly(ADP)-ribosylation of the 113-kDa protein in rectum cancer tissues might be enhanced with its proliferative activity, and poly(ADP)-ribosylation of the same protein in rectum cancer patients might be an indicator of tumor diagnosis.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A neoangiogênese e a resposta imunológica são mecanismos importantes no desenvolvimento das metástases. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reatividade linfonodal e a densidade microvascular nas metástases cervicais de carcinoma epidermóide com tumor primário oculto, considerando a sua relação com outras variáveis histológicas e clínicas. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Série de casos, retrospectiva. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: 19 pacientes submetidos a esvaziamento cervical entre 1983 e 2000. Os linfonodos foram reavaliados quanto ao tipo de reatividade, considerando a área cortical e paracortical. Nas metástases foi avaliado o grau de diferenciação, desmoplasia, necrose, e densidade microvascular (CD34). Foi estabelecida a relação entre as diferentes variáveis histológicas e clínicas, incluindo o estadiamento e a evolução dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: A densidade microvascular apresentou mediana de 91 vasos/mm2, variando de 28 a 145. A reatividade paracortical foi mais freqüente nos pacientes com menos de 55 anos (90% x 44%, p= 0,05). A sobrevida livre de doença foi de 52% em 3 anos, sendo similar entre os pacientes com maior ou menor densidade microvascular tumoral. CONCLUSÕES: A densidade microvascular nas metástases de tumor primário oculto apresenta grande variação individual. Não foi possível estabelecer relação entre a densidade microvascular e as variáveis clínicas e histológicas estudadas.


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O tumor odontogênico adenomatóide é uma lesão relativamente incomum, que acomete preferencialmente indivíduos do sexo feminino durante a segunda década de vida, exibindo como sítio de predileção a região anterior da maxila. A lesão geralmente está associada à coroa de um dente incluso, comumente o canino. Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de um tumor odontogênico adenomatóide associado a cisto dentígero ocorrendo na região maxilar esquerda, em paciente do sexo feminino com 13 anos de idade, discutindo-se, ainda, as características clínicas, radiográficas, histopatológicas e terapêuticas do caso.


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Os Schwannomas vestibulares são responsáveis por 80 a 90% dos tumores do ângulo ponto-cerebelar. A atual incidência é estimada em 0,8% a 2,5% da população mundial. A hipoacusia unilateral e progressiva é o sintoma mais precoce e freqüente, sendo o tinido a segunda queixa mais comum. Estudos demonstram que apenas 5% dos pacientes com schwannoma vestibular têm exames audiométricos normais. No caso em foco é relatado hipoestesia da hemiface com diminuição do reflexo córneo palpebral ipsilateral, hipoestesia da porção póstero-superior do pavilhão auditivo (sinal de Hitzelberger positivo), diminuição do lacrimejamento, Romberg sensibilizado positivo. Observava-se discreto desvio da rima labial para a esquerda, não apresentando outras alterações nos demais pares cranianos. À acumetria, não havia alteração da sensibilidade auditiva em ambas as vias aéreas.


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O tumor de células granulares (TCG) é uma neoplasia incomum, de evolução lenta, na maioria dos casos de caráter benigno e que pode acometer qualquer órgão do corpo. Entre as hipóteses que tentam explicar sua origem, a teoria da gênese neural apresenta embasamento sólido e é a mais aceita atualmente. O TCG é mais comum na raça negra, entre a 4ª e 5ª décadas de vida, acometendo com maior freqüência a região da cabeça e pescoço. A localização laríngea é rara, e quando ocorre é mais comum na porção posterior. É muito raro em crianças em geral acomete a porção anterior da subglote, podendo estender-se para a glote. O sintoma predominante é a rouquidão, podendo ocorrer disfagia, dor, tosse, hemoptise, e estridor. Macroscopicamente o TCG se manifesta como nódulo de pequeno tamanho, firme, séssil ou pediculado, não-ulcerado, de coloração clara, e usualmente bem circunscrito, porém sem cápsula. À microscopia, as granulações citoplasmáticas são características, apresentando positividade para a imunoperoxidase S100 e para a enolase neurônio-específica. O tratamento do TCG laríngeo consiste na exérese cirúrgica. Neste trabalho descrevemos um caso pediátrico de TCG laríngeo e sua evolução clínica após a remoção cirúrgica, alertando para o diagnóstico do TCG na população pediátrica. Foi realizada revisão de literatura abrangendo as características clínicas e histopatológicas do TCG, assim como as formas atuais de tratamento.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a sobrevida e os principais fatores prognósticos entre os pacientes com tumor de Wilms unilateral. MÉTODOS: A coorte de estudo incluiu 132 casos de tumor de Wilms unilateral em menores de 15 anos de idade matriculados em serviço de oncologia pediátrica, de janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 2000. Curvas de sobrevida foram confeccionadas utilizando-se o método de Kaplan-Meier e fatores prognósticos foram analisados pelo modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox. RESULTADOS: A estimativa de sobrevida global em cinco anos foi 84,6%. As probabilidades de sobrevida para os estádios I, II, III e IV foram de 100%; 94,2%; 83,2% e 31,3%, respectivamente. A taxa de sobrevida para os pacientes com: histologia favorável foi de 89,4%, para aqueles com anaplasia focal 66,7 % e com anaplasia difusa 40%. Todos os pacientes com doença em estádio IV e anaplasia difusa foram a óbito (n=4). Todos os pacientes com doença em estádio I, independente da histologia, permaneceram vivos até o final do período de seguimento. CONCLUSÕES: Entre as variáveis escolhidas para o modelo final apenas o estadiamento e a histologia permaneceram associados ao elevado risco de óbito enquanto que os casos na faixa etária entre 24 e 47 meses apresentaram melhor prognóstico que os demais. Esses resultados mostram a importância do diagnóstico em fases iniciais da doença e que a histologia é fundamental para orientar a terapia adequada.


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From each of a group of 217 adult males selected through enzyme-immunoassay or skin-test (Group A), six stool samples were examined by both the Lutz/Hoffman, Pons & Janer (Lutz/HPJ) and Kato/Katz methods. In addition, one oogram of the rectal mucosa was performed. By these methods, schistosomiasis was detected in 44.7%, 47.5% and 40.1% of the individuals respectively. To evaluate the methods in the assessment of cure, the last 40 patients from group A, treated with a single oral dose of oxamniquine at 15 mg/kg were followed up for six months (Group B). The criteria for parasitological cure included three stool examinations by Kato/Katz and Lutz/HPJ methods, one, three and six months post-treatment and a rectal biopsy between the fourth and sixth months post-treatment. The examinations were negative in 87.5%, 90% and 95% of the patients, respectively. The efficacy of oxamniquine was 82.5% when the three methods were considered together and there was no statistically significant difference between the sensitivity of the individual methods.


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Evaluation of TNF-alpha in patients with Kala-azar has drawn increasing interest due to its regulatory role on the immune system, in addition to its cachetizing activity. The objective of this study was to examine the association between plasma levels of TNF-alpha, measured by immunore-activity (ELISA) and bioactivity (cytotoxicity assay with L-929 cells), and clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis. Plasma samples from 19 patients with Kala-azar were obtained before, during and at the end of antimonial therapy. TNF-alpha determinations was done by using the cytotoxicity assay (all patients) and the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA - 14 patients). A discrepancy between results obtained by ELISA and cytotoxicity assay was observed. Levels of circulating TNF-alpha, assessed by ELISA, were higher in patients than in healthy controls, and declined significantly with improvement in clinical and laboratory parameters. Plasma levels before treatment were 124.7 ± 93.3 pg/ml (mean ± SD) and were higher than at the end of therapy 13.9 ± 25.1 pg/ml (mean ± SD) (p = 0.001). In contrast, plasma levels of TNF-alpha evaluated by cytotoxicity assay did not follow a predicted course during follow-up. Lysis, in this case, might be not totally attributed to TNF-alpha. The discrepancy might be attributed to the presence of factor(s) known to influence the release and activity of TNF-alpha.