178 resultados para Pseudo-contractions
The objective of this study was to describe a pseudo-outbreak of C. difficile in a hospital, following a change in the method used to detect the toxin. In February 2002, there were two cases of CDAD and in March 7 occurred, coinciding with a change of the test (from detection of toxin A to toxin A/B). An outbreak was suspected. Active surveillance and education of staff were started. A CDAD case was defined as a patient with acute onset of diarrhea (³ three episodes of liquid stools) and a positive stool test. They were classified as hospital or community-acquired. Stool samples were also collected for C. difficile culture and isolates were typed using AP-PCR. From March 2002 through December 2003 there were 138 cases of CDAD: 70% were hospital-acquired and among the 30% with CDAD present on admission, most (81%) came directly from the community (50% had no history of hospitalization). Fifty-two percent of hospital-acquired CDAD and 94% of cases on admission had already used antibiotics. The incidence of CDAD in hospitalized patients during surveillance was 3.3 per 1000 patient-admissions. The incidence of CDAD present on admission was 6.1/1000 patients. Sixteen isolates were typed and presented 13 different profiles. In conclusion, the CDAD increase in our study occurred due to change in diagnostic methods and not due to an outbreak, as suspected initially. The incidence in hospitalized patients was much lower than in reported outbreaks. There were 13 molecular types suggesting that an outbreak did not occur. CDAD was largely community-acquired.
Thirty cases of human kala-azar were diagnosed by iliac crest biopsy and myeloculture. Histological analysis of 12 patients showed diffuse thickening of reticulin fibers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the third report describing secondary bone marrow fibrosis (myelofibrosis-like) associated with kala-azar. Patients with positive bone marrow fibrosis (pbmf = 12) were compared to patients without detectable bone marrow fibrosis (wbmf = 18). There were no significant differences in clinical and blood parameters following treatment. All patients showed regression of hepatosplenomegaly.Our findings suggest that associated bone marrow fibrosis is transient and did not interfere in the evolution of treated patients.
The patient arrived at the emergency unit with a history of acute myocardial infarction, for which she was treated. Without improvement in the pain, the patient developed heart failure and underwent a hemodynamic study, which showed normal coronary arteries and extensive ventricular impairment. During evolution, the clinical findings improved and herpes zoster appeared on the right shoulder. In a few months the clinical findings subsided, and the findings of the electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, and ventricular function were normal. The patient is currently asymptomatic.
Relatamos o caso incomum de um alpinista de 52 anos que apresentava dor e edema em sua coxa direita, o que revelou ser um pseudoaneurisma micótico roto, sem histórico de trauma recente ou outra causa aparente. O paciente relatou uma história de infarto do miocárdio onze anos antes, com a realização de dois cateterismos femorais para cineangiocoronariografia. Ele negou qualquer episódio de febre ou diagnóstico de bacteremia naquele momento ou mais tarde, como também outra queixa durante esses onze anos. A raridade do caso, a aparência dessa complicação extremamente tardia, juntamente com o tipo de atividade esportiva do paciente sugeriram-nos publicar o caso.
A ruptura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo é uma dramática, porém nem sempre fatal complicação do infarto agudo do miocárdio. No entanto, se o diagnóstico correto for retardado, o tratamento cirúrgico pode ser comprometido. Os autores relatam um caso de volumoso pseudo-aneurisma de parede inferior de ventrículo esquerdo diagnosticado ao estudo angiográfico.
Pseudo-aneurismas são uma afecção arterial rara. Os autores destacam a raridade da ocorrência de pseudo-aneurisma da artéria carótida comum pós-traumático e a associação de pseudo-aneurisma com osteocondroma femoral. Enfatizam a importância dos métodos por imagem, em especial a angiotomografia, no diagnóstico de afecções vasculares, como na ocorrência de pseudo-aneurismas. Realizam, ainda, revisão bibliográfica pertinente ao assunto.
This work describes the syntheses of O-protected aminoglycosides as an important block building for the preparation of potential bioactive pseudodisaccharide. The new O-protected methyl 3-amino-3-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 4 and methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glycopyranoside 5 were prepared, respectively, in five and four steps. All compounds were obtained in good yield and characterized by spectral data (¹H and 13C NMR, MS, IR) and elemental analysis.
Oxocarbons ions are cyclic compounds presenting unusual electronic and vibrational properties. These molecules anions possess a high symmetry and degree of electronic delocalization, characteristics that have been discussed in several structural and spectroscopic investigations. Compounds in which one or more of the carbonyl oxygen atoms are replaced by other atoms or groups are called pseudo-oxocarbons. Compounds formed by substitution of the carbonyl groups by nitrogen groups former a new class named squaraines. Specificity the dicyanomethylene groups are interesting because of the possibility of further extension of the electronic delocalization and a new coordination site. These molecules also present interesting coordination properties which make these systems potentially useful in crystal engineering research.
The use of the Fenton's reagent process has been investigated for the remediation of a Brazilian soil contaminated by diesel. Laboratory experiments were conducted in batch experiments. Slurries, consisting of 10 g of diesel-contaminated soil and 30 mL of Fenton's Reagent (0.41 mol L-1 H(2)0(2) and 0.18 mol L-1 FeSO4). The experiments were monitored during 24, 48 and 72 h. The efficiency of the Fenton treatment was dependent on the time of contact between soil and Fenton's reagents and matrix characteristics, probably iron content. Data suggested that no iron addition is needed for the application of Fenton-like treatment for the remediation of diesel-contaminated iron rich soils after 72 h reaction.
Quetiapine is an atypical antipsychotic used to treat schizophrenia. However, despite great interest for its chronic therapeutic use, quetiapine has some important side effects such as weight gain induction. The development of a quetiapine nanocarrier can potentially target the drug into central nervous system, resulting in a reduction of systemic side effects and improved patient treatment. In the present work, a simple liquid chromatography/ultraviolet detection (LC/UV) analytical method was developed and validated for quantification of total quetiapine content in lipid core nanocapsules as well as for determination of incorporation efficiency. An algorithm proposed by Oliveira et al. (2012) was applied to characterize the distribution of quetiapine in the pseudo-phases of the nanocarrier, leading to a better understanding of the quetiapine nanoparticles produced. The analytical methodology developed was specific, linear in the range of 0.5 to 100 µg mL−1 (r2 > 0,99), and accurate and precise (R.S.D < ±5%). The absolute recovery of quetiapine from the nanoparticles was approximately 98% with an incorporation efficiency of approximately 96%. The results indicated that quetiapine was present in a type III distribution according to the algorithm, and was mainly located in the core of the nanoparticle because of its logD in the formulation pH (6.86 ± 0.4).
A case of a gunshot of the left axilary artery with a giant pseudoaneurism formation with sixteen years of evolution is presented. The 61- years-old male patient present since them a small assintomatic tumoration in infraclavicular localization. In the last eight months the tumor became symptomatic and volumous, reaching 20 cm in diameter, with signals of infection and imminent rupture. The patient was operated on with ligature of the axilary artery and evacuation of the pseudoaneurysm. The surgical handling and endovascular therapeutic options available in the present time are discussed. A short review about the disease as well as a bibliographic update are present. The authors also call attention for the necessity of a correct management of the vascular injures in the event of the first management.
Vascular complications after kidney transplantation have been described and pseudoaneurysms represent a well-recognized vascular complication. Although the incidence of pseudoaneurysm is low, it may potentially cause graft loss or may even be fatal for the patients if it is not diagnosed and treated quickly. The authors report a case of renal artery pseudoaneurysm diagnosed two months posttransplantation with cadaveric graft, the treatment and literature data.