34 resultados para Perforated panels
Sera from 472 Brazilian subjects, confirmed to be either positive or negative for HIV antibodies and comprising the total clinical spectrum of HIV infection, were utilized in the evaluation of six commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), as well as of four alternative assays, namely indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), passive hemagglutination (PHA), dot blot and Karpas AIDS cell test. The sensitivities ranged from 100% (Abbott and Roche ELISA) to 84.2% (PHA) and the specificities ranged from 99.3% (IIF) to 80.2% (PHA). The sensitivity and specificity of the PHA and the sensitivity of the Karpas cell test were significantly lower than those of the other tests. Although the IFF and dot blot had good sensitivities and specificities, the six ELISA were more attractive than those tests when other parameters such as ease of reading and duration of assay were considered.
Automated systems are required when numerous samples need to be processed, offering both high through put and test of a multiple simultaneously. This study was performed to compare the MicroScan WalkAway automated identification system in conjunction with the new MicroScan Combo Neg Panels Type 1S with conventional biochemical methods for identifying ten environmental Serratia plymuthica strains. High correlation between both methods were observed for all the 21 tests evaluated, and the MicroScan system was found capable of correctly identifying all S. plymuthica strains tested. In all tests, the percentage of correlation was 100%, except in raffinose test (91%).
The development time of the immature forms of Sabethes aurescens Lutz, 1905, from perforated bamboo in the southern Brazil rain forest was studied under laboratory conditions. Mean development periods were 5±2.23, 10±5.20, 14±8.26, 36±13.90 and 9±2.43 days, respectively, for the four larval instars and pupae. The 4th instar of females was longer than that of males. Implications of the long development time of the immature forms of Sa. aurescens are discussed.
The objective of this work was to assess the performance of panel clones under crowns resistant to South American leaf blight (Microcyclus ulei). The experiment was carried out with 18 panel clones crown-budded with Hevea pauciflora x H. guianensis, in a Xanthic Ferralsol (Oxisol) in Manaus, AM, Brazil. The following parameters were evaluated: dry rubber yield, plant nutritional status, and anatomical and physiological characteristics of the latex vessels. In the first three years of evaluation, the panel clones IAN 2878, IAN 2903, CNS AM 7905, CNS AM 7905 P1, and PB 28/59 showed the highest dry rubber yield potential, while the clones IAN 6158, IAN 6590, and IAN 6515 should not be recommended for crown budding. Higher potassium and copper foliar content in panel clones were associated to an increase in dry rubber yield. The simultaneous evaluation of anatomical and physiological characteristics of latex is fundamental for the selection of panel clones in the Amazon region. Crown budding is an efficient technology for South American leaf blight management in endemic regions.
This work objectified to evaluate the efficiency of two meter mechanism of corn seeds when submitted to different forward speed and soil management system during the non-tillage seeding. It was used a factorial design in randomized blocks. The factors whose effects were examined were related to the seeders with pneumatic and horizontal disk meter mechanisms for the distribution of the seeds, to the set tractor-seeder forward speeds (4.4; 8.0 and 9.8 km h-1), and to the soil management system considering the corn no-tillage seeding over minimum tillage with chisel plow and the no-tillage system for the seeding of oat culture (Avena strigosa Schreb). It was verified that the forward speed didn't influence the initial and final stands of plants but it interfered in the regularity of longitudinal distribution of plants. The smallest speed provided the largest percentile of normal spacing between plants. The pneumatic meter mechanism presented better performance than the horizontal disk perforated in the longitudinal distribution of plants. About corn productivity aspect it's indifferent the recommendation of use for pneumatic and perforated horizontal disk meter mechanism of seeds.
Applications of niclosamide at three-monthly intervals were undertaken for 14 years in foci of Biomphalaria glabrata in the water sources of Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG). All the residents of the area were submitted to an annual fecal examination (Kato/Katz) and those individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs were treated with oxamniquine. A malacological survey was undertaken at three-monthly intervals by means of ten scoops with a perforated ladle each ten metres along the two banks of the ditches and streams of the region. Where snails were found, molluscicide was applied by means of dripping or aspersion using a 3 ppm aqueous suspension of niclosamide. Initially, a mean of 14.3% of snails in the region were found to be eliminating cercariae. Following the first four applications of molluscicide, this was reduced to 0.0% and maintained at about 1.5% throughout the program. Thus, there was a continued possibility of schistosomiasis transmission in the area and it was observed that the population of snails reestablished itself within three months of molluscicide application. The results obtained in this study do not encourage the continual use of niclosamide as the only method of control of schistosomiasis.
Human Immunodeficiency Vírus Type 1 and 2 antibodies detection was performed in 457 dried whole blood spots samples (S&S 903). Q-Preven HIV 1+2 was the screening test used. The results were compared with the gold standard serum tests by ELISA (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO) and imunofluorescence was the definitive confirmatory test. The samples were obtained from the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, through whole blood transfer to filter paper card and sent to Caxias do Sul, RS - Brazil where the tests were performed. The dried whole blood spot stability was evaluated with two different panels. The first one was composed of five negative and five positive samples stored at room temperature, 4 ºC, -20 ºC and -70 ºC, while the second was composed of two negative and three positive samples stored at 37 ºC (humidity <50%). Each sample was screened every week for six weeks. These measurement results didn't show variation during the study period. The detected sensibility was 100%, specificity was 99.6%, the positive predictive value was 99.5% and negative predictive values were 100%. The results demonstrated high performance characteristics, opening a new perspective of dried whole blood spot utilization in HIV screening diagnosis.
INTRODUCTION: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) presenting reduced susceptibility to vancomycin has been associated to therapeutic failure. Some methods used by clinical laboratories may not be sufficiently accurate to detect this phenotype, compromising results and the outcome of the patient. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of methods in the detection of vancomycin MIC values among clinical isolates of MRSA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Vancomycin Minimal Inhibitory Concentration was determined for 75 MRSA isolates from inpatients of Mãe de Deus Hospital, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The broth microdilution (BM) was used as the gold-standard technique, as well as the following methods: E-test® strips (BioMérieux), M.I.C.E® strips (Oxoid), PROBAC® commercial panel and the automated system MicroScan® (Siemens). Besides, the agar screening test was carried out with 3 µg/mL of vancomycin. RESULTS: All isolates presented MIC ≤ 2 µg/mL for BM. E-test® had higher concordance (40%) in terms of global agreement with the gold standard, and there was not statistical difference among E-test® and broth microdilution results. PROBAC® panels presented MICs, in general, lower than the gold-standard panels (58.66% major errors), while M.I.C.E.® MICs were higher (67.99% minor errors). CONCLUSIONS: For the population of MRSA in question, E-test® presented the best performance, although with a heterogeneous accuracy, depending on MIC values.
The introduction and popularization of laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been accompanied with a considerable increase in perforation of gallbladder during this procedure (10%--32%), with the occurrence of intraperitoneal bile spillage and the consequent increase in the incidence of lost gallstones (0.2%--20%). Recently the complications associated with these stones have been documented in the literature. We report a rare complication occurring in an 81-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and developed cutaneous fistula to the umbilicus and elimination of biliary stones through the urinary tract. During the cholecystectomy, the gall bladder was perforated, and bile and gallstones were spilled into the peritoneal cavity. Two months after the initial procedure there was exteriorization of fistula through the umbilicus, with intermittent elimination of biliary stones. After eleven months, acute urinary retention occurred due to biliary stones in the bladder, which were removed by cystoscopy. We conclude that efforts should be concentrated on avoiding the spillage of stones during the surgery, and that no rules exist for indicating a laparotomy simply to retrieve these lost gallstones.
This paper brings to light new data on the absence of influence of lunar phases on the preservation of bamboo sticks. The author cut down for one and a half years (from - June 18, 1947 to December 30,1948) bamboos in every phase of the moon. With part of the sticks obtained a fence was built; the rest v/as kept under shelter. In the fence there were: 5 whole sticks with no preservative, 5 whole sticks with thanalith, 5 halved sticks with no preservative, 5 halved sticks with thanalith, all buried 10 centimeters in the soil. An equal number of the same types and in the same fence were kept upright 10 centimeters above the soil. Under shelter, in a shed, there was another group of sticks, 10 of each of the same four types. After 5 1/2 years no damage was observed in the fence for any treatment or any phase of the moon. On the other hand, for those bamboos kept under shelter the following numbers of perforated sticks were observed. Number of perforated sticks after 5 1/2 years Without Thanalith Thanalith Date of cutting Phase of the moon Whole Halved Whole Halved 8 - 25 - 47 Prime 0 3 0 0 9 - 29 - 47 Full 0 3 0 0 10 - 7 - 47 Wane 0 3 0 0 10 - 14 - 47 New 2 4 0 0 10 - 29 - 47 Full 0 5 0 0 11 - 6 - 47 Wane 3 3 0 0 11 - 13 - 47 New 0 1 0 0 4 - 1 - 43 Wane 3 5 0 0 8 - 27 - 48 Wane 1 3 0 0 10 - 10 - 48 Prime 1 3 0 0 Totals 10 36 0 0 So, among the 400 sticks kept under shelter, after 5 1/2 years, only 46 were perforated, all among those withe no preservative. No influence of lunar phase at cutting down of sticks seems to be present.
The ecology of Eudendrium spp. from the Brazilian coast is poorly known, although it already proved to be useful and important as a tool to solve some taxonomical problems of the genus. The seasonality and reproduction patterns of a population of Eudendrium caraiuru Marques & Oliveira, 2003 were studied. Data were sampled from test panels immersed in the water off Cabelo Gordo de Dentro beach, in São Sebastião Channel, Southeastern Brazil, from July 1999 to July 2000, every three months. Eudendrium caraiuru was active throughout the study period. Reproductive peaks of the species were regulated by cold and low-salinity water, although part of the population always bore mature gonophores. In addition to morphological differences, ecological differences between E. caraiuru and its similar species, E. glomeratum Picard, 1951, especially from well known populations of the Mediterranean Sea, corroborated that these species are diverse lineages of a unique ancestor.
In the estuary of the Mamanguape River (Paraíba, Brazil), a new collection technique was developed and applied with virgin poles of mangrove trees Avicennia schaueriana (Verbenaceae), Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae), and Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae), taking into account wood preference, water salinity and depth influence during teredinid larval settlement. Sets of poles were vertically fixed in the riverbed at three sites along a decreasing salinity gradient, where they stayed for four months. The poles were collected and divided into upper, median, and lower segments, in agreement with different immersion regimes. An increase of 239% was obtained in the number of individuals when compared to a previous study in the same area using a different methodology. The species Teredo bartschi (Clapp, 1923), Nausitora fusticula (Jeffreys, 1860) and Bankia fimbriatula Moll & Roch, 1931 were registered in both studies, and the species Psiloteredo healdi (Bartsch, 1931) is here registered for the first time as occurring in that estuary. The species Neoteredo reynei (Bartsch, 1920), previously registered on tree branches of the mangrove habitat, was not found in the present work. Bankia fimbriatula, the most abundant species, did not show preference for any substratum but occurred significantly on the lower segment of the poles. N. fusticula, second in abundance, preferred to settle on poles of A. schaueriana and on any of the three segments. Aiming to assess the habitat variations, a more accurate study on teredinids diversity in mangrove ecosystems should be performed through a concomitant analysis from tree branches of the mangrove habitat, as well as from poles of mangrove trees or panels made of pine wood or mangrove trees wood. These collection devices should be maintained along a decreasing salinity gradient exposed to different tide levels.
In order to evaluate the diversity and infestation level of Teredinidae wood-boring molluscs, ten satations were chosen along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. Using five pine-wood panels in each station, it was possible to distinguish five areas according to species dominance. Ilha Grande Bay is characterized by the dominance of Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch, 1922); Sepetiba Bay, by Bankia fimbriatula Moll & Roch, 1931, Tijuca Lagoon by Teredo navalis Linnaeus, 1758; Guanabara Bay by Notoredo knoxi (Bartsch, 1917) and Araruama Lagoon by Teredo furcifera Martens, 1894. Specific composition and dominance of these species were due mainly to abiotic factors such as salinity whereas infestation level was associated not only to salinity but also to other factors such as the quantity and quality of fouling, the presence of larval dispersion focus and the wood supply in each area.
Eggs of two species belonging to the Arribalzagia Series of the Laticorn Section of Anopheles (Anopheles) collected in Brazil are described from scanning electron micrographs. The An. fluminensis egg is long with shallow floats displaced far dorsally. The narrow deck region is overlain by a frill modified into prominent ridges that are nearly continuous to both ends of the egg. Slightly opened decks at both poles contain an average of four lobed tubercles. Polygonal, plastron-type chorionic cells cover the lateral and dorsal surfaces. The egg of An. shannoni is unique in possessing 22-27 fingerlike filaments that project with regular spacing from each of its massive floats. These filaments and their bases are highly perforated and are believed to trap air and support flotation of the egg with the dorsal surface up, contrary to the usual orientation for anophelines. The eggs are compared with those of related species bearing similar structures, notably An. fluminensis with An. mediopunctatus s.s and An. shannoni with An. peryassui