44 resultados para Nuptial Coloration


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The nuptial flight allows males and females to meet and copulate and both need energy to perform this activity. Before leaving the nest, males and females are well nourished and ready to mate. However, little is known about the lipid and energy contents in females before the nuptial flight (virgins) and after it (mated females). In this work we measured lipid concentrations in relation to body weight in these individuals. Our results showed that 16.82% of the bodies of young virgin females one month before mating flight are composed of lipids, contrasting with the 32.62% lipid content in mated females who had not excavated their nest yet, and 32.88% in those who had. The energy content measured for virgin females was 2942.63 J, contrasting with 6110.01 J for queens before excavating the nest and 5677.51 J after excavation. Based on our results, we conclude that the body mass, and therefore the lipid and energy contents in the bodies of Atta sexdens rubropilosa queens double during the last month before the nuptial flight. This energy resource is fundamental to the activities required during the nuptial flight, digging the nest and the founding of the colony.


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Protein content of leaf-cutting ant queens before the nuptial flight and during the post-claustral phase. This study evaluated the crude protein content of queens of Atta sexdens before the nuptial flight and after the claustral phase in laboratory and field colonies. The hypothesis was that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth during the claustral phase. Additionally, the nest morphology, live biomass and adult population of field colonies were evaluated. Crude protein was determined by digestion of the organic material with sulfuric acid at high temperatures. The mean crude protein content was 123.23 ± 11.20 mg for females before the nuptial flight and 70.44 ± 12.21 mg for laboratory-reared queens after the claustral phase. The post-claustral crude protein content of field-collected queen was 55.90 ± 9.18 mg. With respect to the loss of crude protein as a function of duration of the claustral phase, laboratory-reared queens lost 52.79 mg and field-collected queens lost 67.33 mg compared to females before the nuptial flight. A positive linear correlation was observed between the weight of field-collected queens (256.4 ± 36.3 mg) and colony biomass (13.02 ± 9.12 g), but there was no correlation between biomass and nest depth (13.11 ± 3.82 cm). As expected, the present results support the hypothesis that protein is used for survival of the queen and for early colony growth, as demonstrated by the reduction in crude protein content as a function of duration of the claustral phase. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide data of the dynamics of protein reserves in leaf-cutting ant queens during the claustral phase.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand beliefs and attitudes about fluorosis among young people living in a rural area. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: Qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with 23 adolescents with dental fluorosis, 14 teachers and three health authorities in the city of São Francisco, Southeastern Brazil, in 2002. Content analysis and social representation theory were applied. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: The organoleptic characteristics of carbonates that affect groundwater (salty flavor, whitish coloration, and turbidity) associated with negative aspects of household use of this water are considered a cause of mottled enamel. Even after contact with researchers who investigated this phenomenon and helped find a solution for this condition, the local population is still unwilling to accept fluoride as the cause of the problem and does not fully agree to use water from other sources because they are afraid of the quality of water. CONCLUSIONS: Misperceptions of the causes of dental fluorosis and water treatment costs compromise the implementation of uncontaminated surface water supplies. Health education strategies are required in parallel with solutions for securing water supply in drought-ravaged areas.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the prevalence of Sthaphylococcus spp. and S. aureus in the odontological clinic environment (air), their production of beta-lactamase and antibacterial susceptibility to the major antibiotics utilized in medical particle. During 12 months of samples collect were isolated 9775 CFU by MSA medium suggesting a high amount of Staphylococcus spp. in the clinic environment which can appear through aerosols. A total of 3149 colonies (32.2%) were suggestive of pathogenic staphylococci. Gram coloration, catalase test, colony-mallow growing on chromogenic medium, and coagulase test confirmed the identity of 44 (0.45%) S. aureus isolates. Of these, 35 isolates (79.5%) showed production of beta-lactamase by CefinaseTM discs and resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin (7 isolates) and tetracycline (1 isolate) suggesting the existence of multiresistant isolates. The evaluation of the oxacillin MIC by Etest® assays showed susceptibility patterns suggesting the inexistence of the mecA gene in chromosomal DNA. These results point out to the need of a larger knowledge on the contamination means and propagation of this microorganism into the odontological clinic.


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The occurrence of the enteroparasites was verified in 279 children (0 to 6 years) of four municipal day cares of Botucatu/SP. Three samples of each child's feces were collected and processed by the methods of Hoffman-Pons-Janner, Faust and Ritchie and subsequent coloration of the fecal smear by the methods of Auramina-O and Ziehl-Neelsen modified for diagnosis of Cryptosporidium sp. and Graham method for diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis. Of the analyzed children we verified a prevalence of intestinal parasitism in 53.40%, and the most frequent parasite was Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Significant association was verified among enteroparasitosis, family income, maternal education and age; the lowest enteroparasite frequency occurred in children of families with larger income and higher education. It was observed that G. duodenalis is more prevalent in children from 0 to 4 years and E. vermicularis is more frequent in children between three and four years old. The high enteroparasite prevalence in day cares suggests complex structure in its epidemiology, where factors beyond sanitation should be considered.


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SUMMARY The aim of this work was to compare, from a parasitological ( Cryptosporidiumspp. and Giardia duodenalis), bacteriological (total and thermotolerants coliforms) and physicochemical perspective, water sources used for drinking and irrigation of vegetables intended to be sold for human consumption. From January 2010 to May 2011, samples of different water sources from vegetable producing properties were collected; 100 liters for parasitological analysis, 200 mL for bacteriological analysis, and five liters for physicochemical analysis. Water samples were filtered under vacuum with a kit containing a cellulose acetate membrane filter, 1.2 µm (Millipore(r), Barueri, SP, Brazil). The material retained on the membrane was mechanically extracted and analyzed by direct immunofluorescence (Merifluor(r)kit). From 20 rural properties investigated, 10 had artesian wells (40 samples), 10 had common wells (40 samples), and one had a mine (four samples), the latter contaminated by Cryptosporidiumspp. In samples from artesian wells, 90 to 130 meters depth, 42.5% were positive for total coliforms and 5.0% were identified to have abnormal coloration. From the samples of common wells, 14 to 37 meters depth, 87.5% were contaminated with total coliforms, 82.5% were positive for thermotolerant coliforms, and 12.5% had color abnormalities. We did not detect the presence of Giardiaspp. or Cryptosporidiumspp. in artesian and common wells. The use of artesian or common wells is an important step in the control of the spreading of zoonoses, particularly Cryptosporidiumspp. and Giardiaspp., as well as artesian wells for coliform control in local production of vegetables to be marketed.


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Ethnobiology includes the study of how populations perceive and classify organisms. This study focuses on the utilization and classification of fishes by fishermen from the Tocantins river. The study area is located between the cities of Imperatriz and Estreito (Maranhão and Tocantins States). Interviews with fishermen and collection of fish species were performed from October 1987 to June 1988. The criteria used by fishermen to classify fish species are mainly morphological, such as related to body shape and coloration. Fish habitat is also an information used in folk classification. Terrestrial plants and animals are a reference for some fish names. Fishermen showed a deeper knowledge and detailed classification of species of fish used for food, sale, or medicine. Folk classification represents the knowledge a population has on its environment, and it is more detailed on species which are part of its realized niche as indicated by this study.


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Modeling clays have been used in several ecological experiments and have proved to be an important tool to variables control. The objective of our study was to determine if fruit color in isolated and grouped displays influences the fruit selection by birds in the field using artificial fruits. Data were collected in six plots distributed homogeneously in 3 km long trails with a minimum distance of 0.5 km. We used a paired experimental design to establish our experiments, so that all treatments were available to the local bird community in each plot. Overall, red was more pecked than brown and white. Isolated red and brown displays were significantly more pecked than others display. Even though our study was conducted in small spatial scales, artificial fruits appeared to be efficient in register fruit consumption attempts by bird. Although inconclusive about selective forces that sharp the dynamics of fruit color polymorphisms and choice by frugivorous birds, our findings corroborate recent studies wherein birds showed preferences by high- over low-contrast fruit signals.


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The Amazon tree boa Corallus hortulanus is known for featuring a wide variation in color pattern and design markings. Although there are studies on its polychromatism, none of them addresses the geographic variation in the color pattern of this species. The aim of this study was to describe the chromatic variation found in the populations of C. hortulanus from the southern Amazon Basin and its relationship with geographic distribution of the species. Analysis of both design markings and color patterns on 112 C. hortulanus specimens from the southern Amazon Basin interfluves resulted in the identification of six distinct morphotypes. Grayish-brown coloration and elongated diamond-shaped patterns were the most frequent patterns. Two morphotypes showed a tendency of correlation with the geographical distribution of those species found in Madeira and Juruá Rivers. The small sample size does not allow for a robust conclusion on the possible cause of geographic variation. The distribution of morphological patterns of C. hortullanus in the Amazon Basin suggest that there is gene flow between populations, regardless of geographical distance and natural barriers. The variation in color pattern and markings may represent a phenotypic response to the characteristics of different habitats occupied by the species.


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The effect of different feeds in comparison with that of maize grains on the egg yolk color was observed. It was found that deep orange and yellow orange maize give satisfactory coloration to the yolk, respectively orange and yellow. The most intense color was observed when green feed was used in combination with deep orange maize. Green feeds as chicory, alfafa, cabbage, welsh onion and banana leaves and alfafa or chicory meal proved to be good in giving orange color to the yolk. Yellow yolk was obtained when Guinea grass or carica fruit were used in the ration. Carrot and beet without leaves did not give satisfactory color to the egg yolk. The observations with other feeds are being continued.


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The main wild doves of the region of Piracicaba (State of S. Paulo, Brazil) are Columba cayennensis sylvestris Vieillot, Oreopeleia montana montana (L.), Leptotila verreauxi decipiens Salvadori, Columbigallina talpacoti talpacoti. (Temminck) and Scardafella squammata squammata (Lesson). The last one is well known for the beauty of the coloration of its feathers and for the characteristic sounds produced when flying up. Of common occurrence around the local farms, that species can easily be recognized not only for the mentioned peculiarities as for the voice of the adults, which was translated into the Brazilian onomatopoeia by the expression "fogo-apagou". S. squammata's biology being not well known, the Author presents some notes on its nidification, behaviour of both sexes and of the young birds. The data were gotten in nature and with specimens kept in captivity, where the reproduction took place. In such a situation, the male dove used thin and small wooden shavings to build the nest, an artificial material unknown by him when in nature. This fact may be considered as another proof of the plasticity of the instinctive conduct of birds, not so marked as the one given by SCHIRCH (1931) concerning Synallaxis sp. (Furnariidae), which made use of wire pieces and also barbed wires in confectioning the nest. The copulation was sometimes verified, being preceded by the phenomena well known in other Columbidae species. The nest had its building ready just on the day in which the first egg was laid. As it generally happens amongst doves, the nest was not carefully made - a simple and shallow bowl (diameter = 10 cm), where two entirely white eggs were put.. .. ..(22,5-24,5 x 18,0-19,0 mm). The eclosion took place 14 days after the laying of the last egg. As soon as the young doves (at least the male one) can feed by themselves, they try to produce the characteristic species sounds. "Pararu", a common name oly applied to another species - Claravis godefrida (Temminck) - is reported, which is preferably used by people in this region to call the studied dove. No differences between the coloration of the fathers of the two sexes were observed. The female dove seemed to be a little thinner than the male. In addition, the slight differences between the sounds produced by the male and female are pointed out.


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In the present work it was sougth to correlate the coloration of the fruit of Ananas comosus variety Perola with the pulp quality, aiming at the orientation of the fruit grower to the correct time of harvest. Pineapple fruit was chosen in 5 stages of maturation recognized by its external characteristics, principally its color. The fruits of each stage of maturation were analysed, determining the. weight, the percentage of soluble solids, and relation of acid to soluble solids. At the same time a test was made classifying the fruits as acid, regular, good, excellent, and spoiled. A correlation was found between the external coloration of the fruit and the degree of maturation. Concluding from this that the best time to harvest the variety Perola is in the third stage in the regions closest to the market and in the second stage in the regions which are farther away. For the cannery industry the fruit should be harvest in the first stage.


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The schooling behavior of Hyla semilineata Spix, 1824 tadpoles is described. Experiments were carried out both in the natural environment and under controlled conditions to quantify the constant movement of these tadpoles. Bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802), similar in size to the H. semilineata larvae, were used as controls in the experiments. Hyla semilineata tadpoles remained stationary for one sixth of the time that the bullfrog tadpoles did and the number of individuals of H. semilineata moving at any given moment was about seven times greater. The schooling behavior and constant swimming behavior of these tadpoles may enhance the effect of their warning coloration.


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Based on the types of Edessa rufomarginata (De Geer, 1773) and its synonyms, on morphology of the paramere and coloration, seven patterns are described for E. rufomarginata. Pentatoma furcata Palisot de Beauvois, 1805, Cimex cruentus Fabricius, 1775, Aceratodes flavovirens Stål, 1855 and A. flavomarginatus Stål, 1855 are mantained as junior synonyms of E. rufomarginata. A. albomarginatus Stål, 1855 and A. marginalis Dallas, 1951 are removed from the synonymy of E. rufomarginata and are reinstated in Edessa. Aceratodes discolor Dallas, 1951 is removed from the synonymy of E. rufomarginata and is considered junior synonym of Edessa abdominalis Erichson, 1848.


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Cytogenetical studies based on conventional coloration by Giemsa, C-banding and Ag-NOR were performed on 2 species of bats from the vespertilionid family: Lasiurus cinereus (Beauvois, 1796) and Lasiurus ega (Gervais, 1856). The 2n was 28 and FN was 48 in both species. The constitutive heterochromatin is located in centromeric regions in the two species and in the short arm of the subtelocentric X chromosome in L. ega. NORs were observed in the secondary constriction of the smaller autosome in both species.