86 resultados para Maturity level
Calcium sprays have normally improved both the quality and the storage life of apples throughout the world because Ca helps to prevent many fruit disorders and that taken up from the soil does not often reach the fruit in adequate amounts. Since the efficacy of Ca sprays varies according to soil, apple cultivar, and weather conditions, this study was carried out from 1998 to 2004, in the Southern of Brazil, in order to assess the effect of Ca sprays on the quality and storability of 'Gala' fruits. The experiment was set up in an orchard planted in 1988, on a density of 1234 trees/ha. Treatments consisted of 0, 4, 8, and 12 annual sprays of 0.5% CaCl2 regularly distributed 30 days after petal fall until one week before harvest. Fruits of the same size and maturity level were annually analyzed at harvest and after five months of conventional cold storage (-1ºC and 90-95% of RH). In five out of six seasons, fruits from all treatments were free of any physiological disorder, and Ca sprays had no effect on leaf composition and on any fruit attribute (soluble solids, titratable acidity, starch pattern index, flesh firmness, and concentrations of N, K, Ca and Mg). In the season of 2000/2001, however, when yield was 18 t ha-1 and fruits had an average weight of 175 g, the incidence of bitter pit plus lenticel blotch pit on stored fruits was 24% in the treatment with no calcium sprays and it decreased up to 2% in that with 12 sprays. Two seasons later, yield was also low (25 t ha-1) and fruits were large (168 g each), but they did not show any physiological disorder regardless of the number of Ca sprays. It seems that the incidence of Ca related disorders in 'Gala' apples grown on limed soils in Brazil with no excess of any nutrient only occurs on seasons with low crop yield, as a result of large fruits and a high leaf/fruit ratio, associated with some unknown environmental conditions.
Composting of sawdust and paper mill sludge, using a "Kneer" process reactor, was studied in an attempt to elaborate upon organic matter (OM) transformation during the process and to define parameters to measure the compost maturity level. Temperature, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data, ash and C, H, N and S contents, and a spectroscopic method using ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) for alkaline (pH = 8.5) and solid samples was used to study the maturity of the compost samples. These parameters were measured in 6 humic acids (HA) extracted from the compost samples during 29 days. The results of this work show that the "Kneer" process is efficient in transforming ligno-celulitic residues in a short time (29 days), into an organic fertilizer material with application perspectives.
The objectives of this work were to determine whether and at which seed physiological maturity stage the diquat desiccant affects the tall oat-grass (Arrhenatherum elatius) seed quality and yield, as well as the proper storage period between harvest and sowing. Diquat desiccation was evaluated in applications during milk or dough seed maturation stages. Seeds conventionally produced and stored under traditional storage conditions were used for the analyses. Seed samples were drawn every 30th day after harvest (DAH). After the 240th DAH, samples were drawn every 90th day up the to 690th DAH. The highest yield were obtained by desiccation applied at the beginning of the seed dough stage, with a satisfactory seed quality. Both final germination and seedling growth parameters achieved their maximum values between 180th and 240th DAH. Oat-grass seeds preserved satisfactory level of final germination (75%) up to 420th DAH. The application of diquat desiccant at the beginning of seed dough maturity stage can be a good solution for seed production of tall oat-grass. Early spring is the best sowing period for freshly harvested seeds of tall oat-grass regarding germination and seedling growth.
Implementing multi-level governance has been a key priority in EU cohesion policy. This study assesses the perceived achievements and shortcomings in implementing European Social Fund by analyzing the deficits and weaknesses as well as the poor participation of local agents who are in direct contact with the beneficiaries in order to design and implement this fund, which is the main financial instrument of EU social policy.
Among phytophagous spider mites, the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836 is one of the most important agricultural pests, not only because of the damage it causes, but also because it has a wide host range, infesting many commercial crops such as leafy greens, cotton, beans, and soybeans, among others. This study was carried out in a greenhouse of the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias (FCA) of the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), located in the city of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates. The treatments consisted of 5 levels in percentage of chlorotic symptoms (indicating mite damage): 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. All of the characteristics evaluated, except for number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per plant, the total weight (productivity), and the weight of 1000 seeds, were significantly influenced by the different levels of chlorotic symptoms. The economic damage level for the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, according to the equation y = 66.63-0.51 x, based on the price of US$ 11.00 per bag of soybeans and a control cost of US$ 16.00, would be 15.80% chlorotic symptoms. At a price of US$ 29.00 per bag with the same control cost, the economic damage level would be 13% of chlorotic symptoms.
Periodontal disease (PD) is widely known among veterinarians for its high prevalence and serious consequences to the dogs. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of PD in dogs that live in the micro-region of Viçosa, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa (HVT - Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa), as well as to assess how aware of this disease dog owners are. In order to do so, all dogs treated at the HVT from March 10th, 2009 to November 30th, 2009, on alternate days, had their oral cavities examined. Medical history data, such as age, type of food, main complaint and owner consent, halitosis, presence of dental calculus, inflammation and gingival recession and tooth loss, were collected. A prevalence of 88.67% was found for PD in dogs referred to the HVT, and 2.67% were referred due to this disease. Of all the owners who participated in the study, 43.83% knew about periodontal disease and of these 17.46% made use of some type of prevention or treatment. Therefore, periodontal disease is highly prevalent and the owners are not aware of the disease. Thus, a dog owner clarification program on periodontal disease is needed in the area where HVT-UFV operates.
Existing studies on global sourcing strategy have implicitly adopted a cJosed-systems perspective in which sourcing activities are managed within a multinational company across national boundaries. Produd and process innovations and components procurement that are jointly managed by a consortium of cooperating firms have not been examined. In this paper, we empiricallyexamine the issues concerning sourcing partnerships in an open-systems perspective. Findings suggest that even in a sourcing partnership arrangement with a foreign supplier, the principal firm's ability to procure and control the supply of major components has a positive bearing on its market performance.
To test the hypothesis that the low socioeconomic population living is shanty towns in Porto Alegre presents different levels of poverty which are reflected on its health status, a cross-sectional study was designed involving 477 families living in Vila Grande Cruzeiro, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The poverty level of the families was measured by using an instrument specifically designed for poor urban populations. Children from families living in extreme poverty (poorest quartile) were found to have higher infant mortality rate, lower birth weights, more hospitalizations, and higher malnutrition rates, in addition to belonging to more numerous families. Thus, the shanty town population of Porto Alegre is not homogeneous, and priority should be given to the more vulnerable subgroups.
OBJECTIVE: A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted to assess, in active smokers, the relationship of number of cigarettes smoked and other characteristics to salivary cotinine concentrations. METHODS: A random sample of active smokers aged 15 years or older was selected using a stepwise cluster sample strategy, in the year 2000 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The study included 401 subjects. Salivary cotinine concentration was determined using gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. A standard questionnaire was used to collect demographic and smoking behavioral data. The relation between the number of cigarettes smoked in the last 24h and cotinine level was examined by means of a nonparametric fitting technique of robust locally weighted regression. RESULTS: Significantly (p<0.05) higher adjusted mean cotinine levels were found in subjects smoking their first cigarette within five minutes after waking up, and in those smoking 1-20 cigarettes in the last 24h who reported inhaling more than ½ the time. In those smoking 1-20 cigarettes, the slope was significantly higher for those subjects waiting for more than five minutes before smoking their first cigarette after waking up, and those smoking "light" cigarettes when compared with their counterparts. These heterogeneities became negligible and non-significant when subjects with cotinine >40 ng/mL per cigarette were excluded. CONCLUSIONS: There was found a positive association between self-reporting smoking five minutes after waking up, and inhaling more than ½ the time are consistent and higher cotinine levels. These can be markers of dependence and higher nicotine intake. Salivary cotinine proved to be a useful biomarker of recent smoking and can be used in epidemiological studies and smoking cessation programs.
OBJECTIVE: To assess a new impunity index and variables that have been found to predict variation in homicide rates in other geographical levels as predictive of state-level homicide rates in Brazil. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional ecological study. Data from the mortality information system relating to the 27 Brazilian states for the years 1996 to 2005 were analyzed. The outcome variables were taken to be homicide victim rates in 2005, for the entire population and for men aged 20-29 years. Measurements of economic and social development, economic inequality, demographic structure and life expectancy were analyzed as predictors. An "impunity index", calculated as the total number of homicides between 1996 and 2005 divided by the number of individuals in prison in 2007, was constructed. The data were analyzed by means of simple linear regression and negative binomial regression. RESULTS: In 2005, state-level crude total homicide rates ranged from 11 to 51 per 100,000; for young men, they ranged from 39 to 241. The impunity index ranged from 0.4 to 3.5 and was the most important predictor of this variability. From negative binomial regression, it was estimated that the homicide victim rate among young males increased by 50% for every increase of one point in this ratio. CONCLUSIONS: Classic predictive factors were not associated with homicides in this analysis of state-level variation in Brazil. However, the impunity index indicated that the greater the impunity, the higher the homicide rate.
The present investigation was carried out on a sample of 840 children (5 to 16 years old) from ten small towns of the State of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The objetive was to study, by using a cross sectional methodology, the evolution of schistosomiasis morbidity (hepatic and splenic enlargement) in children, and the role of the intensity of S. mansoni infection in this process. The children were analised in three age groups (5 to 8, to 12 and 13 to 16 years old) and classified as uninfected, mildly infected, moderately infected and heavily infected according to the number of eggs in the stool. In children aged 5 to 8 years, increasing egg counts were not associated with increasing frequencies of hepatic or splenic enlargement. In the 9 to 12 years old group and association was observed with the prevalence of hepatic enlargement, but not with the prevalence of spleen enlargement. In the oldest group, 13 to 16 years old, an association was observed with the prevalence of enlargement of both organs. It was evident that in this population schistosomiasis morbidity develops in the early period of life as a gradual process starting with liver enlargement and followed by spleen enlargement some years later. It was found that the intensity of infection has a fundamental role in this process, although there is a latent period of some years before clinical splenomegaly appears in moderate-heavily infected children. The Authors suggest that the prevalence of splenomegaly in the 13 to 16 years old group is a good measure of the community level of schistosomiasis morbidity and could be used to measure the impact of control programs.
A schistosomiasis control program was implemented between 1974/87 in Peri-Peri,. MG (622 inhabitants). Molluscicide (niclosamide) was applied at three monthly intervals in water sources with Biomphalaria glabrata, and individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces were treated annually with oxamniquine. From 1974 to 1983 the control measures were undertaken by staff of the "René Rachou" Research Center FIOCRUZ (CPqRR), and from 1984 to 1987 these measures were included in the Capim Branco basic health network activities. During both periods, the prevalence, incidence, intensity of infection and hepatosplenic form as well as the number of infected snails decreased significantly. The prevalence decreased from 43.5 to 4.4%, the incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the overall intensity of S. mansoni from 281 to 87 and of the hepatosplenic form from 5.9 to 0.0%. The results obtained suggest that the municipal management of control measures was as effective as the vertical program conducted by CPqRR staff.
Ecosystem applied to the dengue control at local level: an approach based in the social reproduction
Introduction: The purpose of measuring the burden of disease involves aggregating morbidity and mortality components into a single indicator, the disability-adjusted life year (DALY), to measure how much and how people live and suffer the impact of a disease. Objective: To estimate the global burden of disease due to AIDS in a municipality of southern Brazil. Methods: An ecological study was conducted in 2009 to examine the incidence and AIDS-related deaths among the population residing in the city of Tubarao, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Data from the Mortality Information System in the National Health System was used to calculate the years of life lost (YLL) due to premature mortality. The calculation was based on the difference between a standardized life expectancy and age at death, with a discount rate of 3% per year. Data from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases were used to calculate the years lived with disability (YLD). The DALY was estimated by the sum of YLL and YLD. Indicator rates were estimated per 100,000 inhabitants, distributed by age and gender. Results: A total of 131 records were examined, and a 572.5 DALYs were estimated, which generated a rate of 593.1 DALYs/100,000 inhabitants. The rate among men amounted to 780.7 DALYs/100,000, whereas among women the rate was 417.1 DALYs/100,000. The most affected age groups were 30-44 years for men and 60-69 years for women. Conclusion: The burden of disease due to AIDS in the city of Tubarao was relatively high when considering the global trend. The mortality component accounted for more than 90% of the burden of disease.
Platelet function and plasma fibrinogen levels were evaluated in 14 patients, 10 males and 4females, aged 13-59years bitten by Bothrops genus snakes. There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) among plasma fibrinogen levels evaluated 24 and 48 hours after envenomation. There was a tendency towards normalization after 48 hours of treatment. The low platelet number was clear in 24-48 hour evaluations with a tendency towards normalization after 48 hours of treatment (p<0.05). Fibrinogen levels and fibrin degradation product (FDP) levels appeared to be altered in 83.33% of patients evaluated. The authors suggest that platelet hypoaggregation is related to decreased fibrinogen and increased FDP levels.