39 resultados para Matias Aires
Faz-se uma comparação entre as abordagens de Hume e de Matias Aires no que concerne à vaidade e seus efeitos sobre a vida humana. O propósito é divulgar as idéias do filósofo brasileiro Matias Aires e revelar o que poderia ser uma falha importante na explicação filosófica humiana da experiência religiosa.
En la década del 1980, un nuevo fenómeno: las tomas de tierras o "asentamientos" transforma los procesos de urbanización en el Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Los autores, miembros de un equipo de investigación de la Universidad de General Sarmiento (Argentina), entrevistaron a habitantes de estos asentamientos, y se sorprendieron con las frecuentes menciones a los saqueos y ollas populares ocurridos doce años atrás en un contexto de hiperinflación. En este artículo, estos hechos son considerados como constitutivos de una experiencia formativa iniciada con la organización para la toma de tierras y seguida poco después por los saqueos de supermercados y otros negocios durante la hiperinflación de 1989. Esto da origen, posteriormente, a las ollas populares que paliaron el hambre de ese momento, y que luego se transformaron en comedores comunitarios, guarderías y otras organizaciones que hoy persisten. Esta indagación se apoya en los relatos de los entrevistados y en la recopilación de diferentes periódicos de ese momento.
En este trabajo nuestro objetivo es analizar las modalidades de intervención de agencias de la Iglesia Católica en la construcción territorializada de demandas sectoriales de sectores populares del conurbano bonaerense, mostrando su relación con la transformación de las políticas sociales del Estado hacia el asistencialismo y la terciarización durante las últimas décadas. Para ello presentaremos comparativamente dos casos de estudio, encarados desde un enfoque etnográfico: la construcción de demandas educativas y su progresiva integración en estructuras referenciadas en el marco del Obispado de San Isidro; y la intervención de la Vicaría de Pastoral Social del Obispado de Quilmes en los conflictos sociales entre organizaciones de tierra y vivienda y el estado local. De esta manera nuestro propósito es visibilizar los límites y posibilidades que suponen estas formas de intervención de la Iglesia Católica sobre la recomposición de formas organizativas del campo popular, marcando tanto las especificidades locales e históricas de cada diócesis como la lógica común que las atraviesa y orienta.
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto dar a conecer los resultados del Latrodectismo y su tratamiento especifico, durante un periodo de 10 años (1979-1988) en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se suministran datos de la distribución de casos por año, por meses, incidencia según sexo, residencia del accidentado, región corporal de la picadura, sintomatologia presentada, tiempo transcurrido entre el accidente y la aplicación del suero antilatrodectus y captura del animal agresor. Con respecto al año se produjo um pico entre 1982 y 1983 con 38 accidentes, correspondiendo al periodo de 10 años una media de 28,1 accidentes anuales los que presentan mayor incidencia de diciembre a marzo. Con respecto al sexo y residencia del accidentado un 80% corresponde a hombres, siendo principalmente trabajadores rurales los afectados. El mayor porcentaje de accidentados se produjo en antebrazos, cintura pélvica y muslos. Con respecto al tiempo transcorrido desde el accidente hasta la aplicación del suero, el 46% lo realiza entre las tres primeras horas. Sólo un 15% capturó al animal agresor.
Se estudió la prevalencia de la Pediculosis capitis como enfermedad parasitaria durante el año calendario 1-8-1992 al 31-7-1993, en la Región Sanitaria XI de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que comprende 15 partidos del Este Noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires y otras zonas de influencia del Hospital Interzonal de Agudos, Especialidad Pediatría "Sor María Ludovica", cabecera de dicha Región Sanitaria. Se examinaron un total de 552 individuos de nivel social medio a medio bajo de la población infanto-juvenil de O a 16 años, tomados al azar en 52 muestreos semanales consecutivos, considerándose como positivos para esta enfermedad a aquellos parasitados al momento del diagnóstico. Los resultados se expresan en términos de prevalencia analizándose su variación mensual y estacional. La prevalencia fue relativamente alta en todos los meses, con valores mínimos en febrero (12%) y máximos en agosto (56,8%), siendo la media anual de 38,04% (+/- 4,05). Estacionalmente, su menor valor corresponde al Verano (16,8%), siendo muy semejantes los valores para las restantes estaciones, manteniéndose siempre superiores al 38%.
The efficacy of a larvicide, temephos, for controlling Ae. aegypti was evaluated in a cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Breeding sites decreased from 18.4% in the first study period (Nov 1998 to May 1999, without temephos) to 2.2% in the second period (Nov 1999 to May 2000, two applications), and to 0.05% in the third one (Nov 2000 to May 2001, five applications). Ovitraps with eggs decreased from 17% in the first period to 5.8% in the second period, and to 2.9% in the third one. Results suggest that, in Buenos Aires, Ae. aegypti populations are highly susceptible to temephos. It is recommended to limit the use of temephos to prevent potential epidemics rather than for routine control.
OBJECTIVE Identify spatial distribution patterns of the proportion of nonadherence to tuberculosis treatment and its associated factors.METHODS We conducted an ecological study based on secondary and primary data from municipalities of the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. An exploratory analysis of the characteristics of the area and the distributions of the cases included in the sample (proportion of nonadherence) was also carried out along with a multifactor analysis by linear regression. The variables related to the characteristics of the population, residences and families were analyzed.RESULTS Areas with higher proportion of the population without social security benefits (p = 0.007) and of households with unsatisfied basic needs had a higher risk of nonadherence (p = 0.032). In addition, the proportion of nonadherence was higher in areas with the highest proportion of households with no public transportation within 300 meters (p = 0.070).CONCLUSIONS We found a risk area for the nonadherence to treatment characterized by a population living in poverty, with precarious jobs and difficult access to public transportation.
Some epidemiological and immunological characteristics and the methodology of diagnosis of 44 cases of histoplasmosis (HP); 36 (27 males and 9 women) associated with AIDS (HP+AIDS) and 8 (7 males and 1 female) with other predisposing factors (HP+non AIDS), diagnosed in the Muñiz Hospital (MH) during 1994, were retrospectively studied. The median age (MA) of HP+AIDS patients was 28 years; 25.5 (22-40) in the women and 28.5 (20-42) in the men and 50 (22-58) years in the HP+non AIDS patients. The more frequent risk factors for HIV infection were intravenous drug addiction (55%) and homo/bisexuality (19%). The MA of these groups were 28 (20-39) and 41 (26-42) years, respectively. Tobaccoism was a predisposing factor in 83% of HP+non AIDS patients. The muco-cutaneous lesions scraping and blood-cultures established the initial diagnosis in 53% and 36% of HP+AIDS patients, respectively and the muco-cutaneous lesions biopsies in 75% of HP+non AIDS cases. At time of diagnosis, all HP+AIDS patients had <200 while HP+non AIDS patients had > 200 CD4 + lymphocytes/µl. Seventy two per cent of HP+AIDS patients were born in Buenos Aires (Bs As) city and 62% of HP+non AIDS patients were born in provinces of Argentina other than Bs As. At moment of diagnosis, 87.5% of HP+AIDS and 62.5% of HP+non AIDS patients lived in Bs As city and Bs As outskirts.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as causas mais freqüentes de emergências em pacientes com doença de Chagas. Entre janeiro de 1998 e janeiro de 1999, foram incluídos num estudo prospectivo, indivíduos com doença de Chagas que ingressaram no pronto socorro do Hospital Santojanni da Cidade de Buenos Aires. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste de X² com correção de Yates. De um total de 1.680 pacientes ingressados, houve 95 (6%) com sorologia reativa para doença de Chagas. Em 31 indivíduos, a causa de ingresso foi síncope, em 28 insuficiência cardíaca, em 18 eventos coronários agudos, em 5 acidentes vasculares cerebrais, em 3 hipertensão arterial com edema agudo de pulmão e em 2 encefalite aguda associada à SIDA. Como conclusão observou-se uma associação significativa entre: 1) presença de cardiopatia e hospitalização, 2) insuficiência cardíaca, síncope, encefalite aguda e mortalidade, 3) progresso de cardiopatia e mortalidade e 4) lugar de procedência e mortalidade.
Hydatidosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution produced mainly by the metacestode Echinococcus granulosus. In Argentina, its distribution reaches endemic levels. The aims of this investigation were to contribute to the knowledge of hydatidosis in the southeast of Buenos Aires province, study its evolution at the Interzonal General Hospital for Acute Diseases between 1992 and 2002 and discuss its importance. Clinical records of operated and/or diagnosed patients were reviewed with regard to this disease. One hundred and twenty cases were analyzed. Among the patients, 56.7% were women. The average age was 42.2+16.8 years. 68.3% lived in urban areas. In 75% of the cases, ultrasonography was used. Hepatic location was most frequently seen. 89.2% received surgical treatment. Albendazole was used for 19 patients. The mean length of hospital stay was 16 days. We conclude that this zoonosis is a disease that generates high costs in medical care and for this reason more epidemiological studies should be carried out and public health authorities should implement control and prevention strategies in the region.
The molt cycle of the natural population of Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 from Los Padres Lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was studied in relation to age, sex, and environmental factors. A total of 1645 individuals (740 females, 539 males, and 366 juveniles) were collected and analyzed between December 1995 and December 1996. The results indicate that the sex ratio (males:females) remains around 1:1.4 throughout most of the year. The reproductive period extends from September until February (spring and summer), with maximum sexual activity in October and November. Two cohorts originated in the spring and in the summer were differentiated. Ovigerous females arrest their molt cycle during the intermolt period to restart it after oviposition. The duration of the intermolt period does not differ between adults and juveniles. Since the percentage of premolt individuals represents 60% of the total cycle, it was classified as a diecdysic cycle. Within the studied range of water temperatures, the observed variations in the span of the different stages, indicate that this factor does not alter the molt frequency. Like in the rest of decapods, the intermolt duration of P. argentinus is modified by ovarian maturation.
In order to detect seasonal trends in the age structure of adult mosquitoes from Buenos Aires province, Argentina, female populations were sampled with CDC traps during 1989-1991 in Punta Lara and La Plata. The mosquitoes were dissected and age-grouped according to ovarian tracheation and ovariolar stages. All Runchomyia paranensis females were parous, suggesting that this species could be autogenous. Aedes albifasciatus showed parous peaks following population peaks, with shorter delays in spring-summmer and longer in fall-winter. Ae. crinifer and Culex dolosus showed wide fluctuations in age structure due to adult emergences during all months. Psorophora ferox showed high population replacement rates. Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans have few generations per year during their activity period. This is the first report on age-grading of adults of field mosquito populations from Argentina
The molluscs Heleobia castellanosae and Ampullaria canaliculata and cichlid fishes were collected from an artificial pond at Tres de Febrero Park (Buenos Aires city), between June 1994 and May 1995. One hundred and eighty of 2,467 H. castellanosae examined were infected with pre-adults of Lobatostoma jungwirthi, 112 of them in concurrent infections with digeneans. L. jungwirthi was significantly more prevalent in larger snails, especially those infected with larval digeneans, but the prevalence of infection did not fluctuate significantly throughout the year. A. canaliculata and cichlids smaller than 10 cm were not infected, but larger Cichlasoma facetum harboured adults of L. jungwirthi in their intestines. Experimental infections of C. facetum and Gymnogeophagus meridionalis with pre-adult aspidogastreans obtained from H. castellanosae were successful. The development of L. jungwirthi in the snail host involves five arbitrary growth phases. Its life-cycle is heteroxenous, similar to that described for L. manteri, with H. castellanosae as the intermediate host and cichlid fishes as the definitive host in this pond.