45 resultados para Magnetic charge and topology of dyon field


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Complexes of Ni(II) 2,3-, 3,5- and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates have been synthesized, their physico-chemical properties have been compared and the influence of the position of -OCH3 substituent on their properties investigated. The analysed compounds are crystalline, hydrated salts with green colour. The carboxylate ions show a bidentate chelating or bridging coordination modes. The thermal stabilities of Ni(II) dimethoxybenzoates were investigated in air in the range of 293-1173 K. The complexes decompose in three steps, yelding the NiO as the final product of decomposition. Their solubilities in water at 293 K are in the order of 10-2-10-4 mol×dm-3. The magnetic susceptibilities for the analysed dimethoxybenzoates of Ni(II) were measured over the range of 76-303 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal that the complexes are the high-spin ones and the ligands form the weak electrostatic field in the octahedral coordination sphere of the central Ni(II) ion. The various position -OCH3 groups in benzene ring cause the different steric, mesomeric and inductive effects on the electron density in benzene ring.


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E. coli was submitted to a 5G electromagnetic field generated by a alternate 60 Hz voltage source. The differences on growth and glucose consume in control and exposed groups were evaluated using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. There was a significant difference in glucose consume and growth in E. coli after 8 hours of exposition to electromagnetic field. It can be concluded that electromagnetic field had a positive effect in consume of glucose and growth of E. coli. The cause of these results can be explained by an increasing of glucose entrance through membrane due to the stimulated transport system via Facility Diffusion or cyclotron resonance. The growth can be caused by shortening of lag phase and excitement of log phase.


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INTRODUCTION: Trypanosoma cruzi-infected specimens of Triatoma costalimai have been detected in domiciliary units of Central Brazil, thereby maintaining the potential risk of vectorial transmission of Chagas disease. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence and natural infection of T. costalimai in different environments (gallery forest, dry forest and peridomicile) and climatic seasons (wet and dry), in the municipality of Mambaí, State of Goiás, Brazil. METHODS: Triatomines were captured in October 2010 and in June 2011, employing two different methods (manual capture and mouse-baited adhesive traps). The insects were later separated by sex and nymphal stage, counted and examined parasitologically by abdominal compression and microscopic analysis of feces. RESULTS: Triatoma costalimai was found in three environments and in the two seasons studied. Overall, capture success of 900 traps and 60 blocks of rocks inspected was 5.8% and 11.7%, respectively. The occurrence of T. costalimai was higher among rocks in the peridomicile, where 97% of the 131 specimens were captured. The proportion of nymphs (98%) was much higher than that of adults, which were only detected in peridomicile. Most (95%) insects were captured during the wet season, with predominance of early-stage nymphs. None of the 43 specimens examined were infected by trypanosomatids. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate a greater occurrence of T. costalimai in peridomiciliary environments and during the wet season in Mambaí, Goiás, highlighting the synanthropic behavior of this triatomine species in one area of the Brazilian savanna and the importance of entomological surveillance.


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The authors report the magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic features in two cases with respectively lumbar epidural hematoma and cavernous hemangioma of the lumbar epidural space. Enhanced MRI T1-weighted scans show a hyperintense signal rim surrounding the vascular lesion. Non-enhanced T2-weighted scans showed hyperintense signal.


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The goal of this work was to explore the thermal relationship between foraging Triatoma brasiliensis and its natural habitat during the hottest season in the state of Ceará, Brazil. The thermal profiles were determined using infrared analysis. Although the daily temperature of rock surfaces varied in a wide range, T. brasiliensisselected to walk through areas with temperatures between 31.7-40.5ºC. The temperature of T. brasiliensisbody surface ranged from 32.8-34.4ºC, being higher in legs than the abdomen. A strong relationship was found between the temperature of the insect and the temperature of rock crevices where they were hidden (r: 0.96, p < 0.05). The species was active at full sunlight being a clear example of how the light-dark rhythm may be altered, even under predation risk. Our results strongly suggest a thermal borderline for T. brasiliensisforaging activity near 40ºC. The simultaneous determination of insect body and rock temperatures here presented are the only obtained in natural habitats for this or other triatomines.


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This paper describes the albedo (r) and estimates of net radiation and global solar irradiance for green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cultivated in greenhouse with cover of polyethylene and field conditions, in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22º 54' S; 48º 27' W; 850 m). The solar global irradiance (Rg) and solar reflected radiation (Rr) were used to estimate the albedo through the ratio between Rr and Rg. The diurnal curves of albedo were obtained for days with clear sky and partially cloudy conditions, for different phenological stages of the crop. The albedo ranged with the solar elevation, the environment and the phenological stages. The cloudiness range have almost no influence on the albedo diurnal amount. The estimation of radiation were made by linear regression, using the global solar irradiance (Rg) and net short-waves radiation (Rc) as independent variables. All estimates of radiation showed better adjustment for specific phenological periods compared to the entire crop growing cycle. The net radiation in the greenhouse has been estimated by the global solar irradiance measured at field conditions.


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Rice blast is a major yield constraint of the irrigated rice in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. The objective of this investigation was to study the phenotypic and genetic diversity within the pathogen population of Pyricularia grisea in samples collected from four individual farms of rice cultivar Metica-1, under epidemic conditions of leaf blast. A set of 87 isolates was tested on 32 rice genotypes including eight international differentials. Considering 80% similarity in virulence, two groups comprising a total of 81 isolates were recognized, independently of the farms from which they were collected. Eighty percent of the isolates pertained to pathotype ID-14, indicating high cultivar specificity and narrow diversity of virulence in the sample population. The virulence in pathogen population on rice cultivars BR-IRGA 409 and Rio Formoso was low. Analysis of P. grisea isolates using rep-PCR with two primer sequences from Pot2 generated fingerprint profiles of one to nine bands. Cluster analysis revealed the occurrence of six fingerprint groups with similarities ranging from 0.09 to 1. There was no straight relationship between virulence of the isolates based on reaction pattern on 32 genotypes and grouping based on Pot2 rep-PCR analysis of P. grisea isolates collected from 'Metica-1'.


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OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate five discal cysts with detailed magnetic resonance imaging findings in nonsurgical and following postoperative microdiscectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five discal cysts in four patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging were found through a search in our database and referral from a single orthopedic spine surgeon. Computed tomography in two cases and computed tomography discography in one case were also performed. RESULTS: Five discal cysts were present in four patients. Three patients had no history of previous lumbar surgery and the other patient presented with two discal cysts and recurrent symptoms after partial laminectomy and microdiscectomy. All were oval shaped and seated in the anterior epidural space. Four were ventrolateral, and the other one was centrally positioned in the anterior spinal canal. One showed continuity with the central disc following discography. Three were surgically removed. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging can easily depict an epidural cyst and the diagnosis of a discal cyst should be raised when an homogeneous ventrolateral epidural cyst contiguous to a mild degenerated disc is identified.


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Objective To evaluate intra- and interobserver agreement in the identification of incidental enchondromas at knee magnetic resonance imaging, and to assess the prevalence of imaging findings. Materials and Methods Retrospective study reviewing 326 knee magnetic resonance images acquired in the period between November 2009 and September 2010. The images were independently and blindly analyzed by two specialists in musculoskeletal radiology, with the objective of identifying incidental enchondromas, presence of foci with signal similar to bone marrow and foci of signal absence suggestive of calcifications within the enchondromas. Inter- and intraobserver agreements were analyzed. Results Eleven lesions compatible with enchondromas (3.3%) were identified. The interobserver agreement for the presence of enchondroma was high. Prevalence of foci of bone marrow signal inside the enchondromas was of 54.55%, and foci suggestive of calcification corresponded to 36.36%. The intraobserver agreement for foci of bone marrow signal in enchondromas was perfect, and interobserver agreement was high. Conclusion The prevalence of incidental enchondromas in the current study was compatible with data in the literature. Excellent agreement was observed in the identification of enchondromas and in the assessment of imaging findings. A higher prevalence of fat signal foci was observed as compared with signal absence suggestive of calcifications.


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The adsorption of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution by magnetic particles of crosslinked chitosan-ethylenediamine-Fe(III) (MPCh-EDA-FeCL) was studied in a batch system. Fe3+ in the MPCh-EDA-FeCL permitted that adsorption of Cr(VI) occurred with maximum efficiency between pH 3 and 11. The maximum adsorption capacity at pH 7.0 was 81.04 mg g-1 at 25 ºC. The adsorption kinetic process was described by the pseudo-second-order model. Thermodynamic parameters indicated spontaneous, exothermic and chemical adsorption nature. The adsorbent was successively regenerated using a 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH solution. Results were satisfactory for treatment of wastewater from the electroplating industry.


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The complexes of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid anion with ions of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) have been synthesized as polycrystalline solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies, and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have following colours: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II), and blue for Cu(II) compounds. The carboxylate group binds as monodentate, and bidentate bridging and chelating ligands. On heating in air to 1173 K the complexes decompose in four, three or two steps. At first, they dehydrate in one or two steps to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to oxides of the respective metals. The solubility of the investigated dimethoxybenzoates in water at 293 K is of the order of 10-2 mol/dm3. Their magnetic moments were determined in the temperature range of 76-303 K. The results reveal the compounds of Co(II) and Ni(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.


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Physico-chemical properties of 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) were synthesized and studied. The complexes were obtained as mono- and dihydrates with a metal ion to ligand ratio of 1 : 2. All analysed 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates are polycrystalline compounds with colours depending on the central ions: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II) and blue for Cu(II) complexes. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293 ­ 523 K, because it was found that on heating in air above 523 K 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates decompose explosively. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and anhydrous compounds are formed. The final products of their decomposition are the oxides of the respective transition metals. From the results it appears that during dehydration process no transformation of nitro group to nitrite takes place. The solubilities of analysed complexes in water at 293 K are of the order of 10-4 ­ 10-2 mol / dm³. The magnetic moment values of Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions in 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates experimentally determined at 76 ­ 303 K change from 3.67µB to 4.61µB for Co(II) complex, from 2.15µB to 2.87µB for Ni(II) 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoate and from 0.26µB to 1.39µB for Cu(II) complex. 3-Chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II) and Ni(II) follow the Curie-Weiss law. Complex of Cu(II) forms dimer.


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2,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Mn(II), Co(II) and Cu(II) have been synthesized as hydrated or anyhydrous polycrystalline solids and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, magnetic studies and X-ray diffraction measurements. They possess the following colours: Mn(II) - white, Co(II) - pink and Cu(II) - blue. The carboxylate groups bind as monodentate, or a symmetrical bidentate bridging ligands and tridentate. The thermal stabilities were determined in air at 293-1173K. When heated the hydrated complexes dehydrate to from anhydous salts which are decomposed to the oxides of respective metals. The magnetic susceptibilites of the 2,4-dimethoxybenzoates were measured over the range 76-303 K and their magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal the complexes of Mn(II), Co(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.


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Necrotrophic parasites of above-ground plant parts survive saprophytically, between growing seasons in host crop residues. In an experiment conducted under field conditions, the time required in months for corn and soybean residues to be completely decomposed was quantified. Residues were laid on the soil surface to simulate no-till farming. Crop debris of the two plant species collected on the harvesting day cut into pieces of 5.0cm-long and a 200g mass was added to nylon mesh bags. At monthly intervals, bags were taken to the laboratory for weighing. Corn residues were decomposed within 37.0 months and those of soybean, within 34.5 months. Hw main necrotrophic fungi diagnosed in the corn residues were Colletotrichum gramicola, Diplodia spp. and Gibberella zeae, and those in soybeans residues were Cercospora kikuchii, Colletotrichum spp, Glomerella sp. and Phomopsis spp. Thus, those periods shoulb be observed in crop rotation aimed at to eliminating contaminated residues and, consequently, the inoculum from the cultivated area.