36 resultados para Linnanmäki, Eila: Espanjantauti Suomessa : influenssapandemia 1918-1920


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O principal objetivo do artigo é analisar as relações entre o Brasil e a África do Sul em perspectiva histórica. Uma vez iniciadas, essas relações atravessaram três grandes fases. No primeiro momento, que foi de 1918 a 1947, prevaleceu o comércio como fator da aproximação, constituindo-se tal período em momento de encontros e descobertas mútuas. A segunda fase, de 1947 a 1991, foi marcada pelo estabelecimento de relações diplomáticas e pelo gradual distanciamento entre os dois países. A última grande fase vem sendo marcada pela reaproximação entre Brasília e Pretória, uma vez que foi removido o principal empecilho para a concretização de relações prósperas entre os dois países, ou seja, o fim da política de apartheid. Durante esse último período, iniciado com o processo de democratização da África do Sul no alvorecer da década de 1990, há o renascimento das relações, em um contexto em que se vislumbra a possibilidade do estabelecimento de uma parceria estratégica, que interessa diretamente aos dois países.


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Grande parte das discussões do setor cultural no Brasil apresenta, genericamente, dois focos principais. O primeiro diz respeito ao debate de quem seria o responsável pela cultura, se o Estado ou o mercado. Já o segundo, trata do desenvolvimento de uma indústria da cultura e suas consequentes preocupações estratégicas e mercadológicas. A partir de uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, este artigo analisa as influências do Estado e do mercado nas transformações ocorridas no campo organizacional da cultura no Brasil no período entre 1920 e 2002. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que quanto mais intensa for a presença do Estado no campo, maiores serão a complexidade e o grau de institucionalização dele. Já em relação ao mercado, quanto mais presente este se faz no campo, mais os atores parecem ter dificuldades em obter sua legitimação no ambiente. Dessa forma, nem a ação do Estado nem a ação do mercado foram suficientemente fortes para promover mudanças significativas na lógica que orienta a configuração organizacional do campo. As transformações nas configurações do campo organizacional da cultura acontecem somente quando a lógica determinada pela dinâmica histórico-social do ambiente do qual o campo faz parte se modifica.


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The method, site, and stage of multiplication of Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli Tejera, 1920 has not hitherto been known. "We have now observed many intracellular nests or pseudocysts, containing amastigotes and trypomastigotes of this parasite in the heart, liver, and spleen of suckling (5.0 g) male white mice (NMRI strain) inoculated i.p. with 9 x 10(4) metatrypomastigotes/g body weight from a 12-day-old culture of the "Dog-82" strain of T. rangeli. At the peak of parasitemia (1.9 x 10(6) trypomastigotes/ml blood, 3 days post-inoculation) various tissues were taken for sectioning and staining. The heart was most intensely parasitized. The amastigotes were rounded or ellipsoidal, with a rounded nucleus and the kinetoplast in the form of a straight or curved bar; the average maximum diameter of 50 measured amastigotes was 4.2 p. Binary fission was seen in the nucleus and kinetoplast of some amastigotes; no blood trypomastigotes were seen in division. The above characteristics, as well as the location of the pseudocysts in the tissues, are similar to T. cruzi. Comparison of these results with those reported for other Herpetosoma suggest study of the taxonomic position of T. rangeli.


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Male mice (NMRI strain) of 3 and 5 g were inoculated i. p. with 8 x 10(6) and 9 x 10(4) metatrypomastigotes/g harvested from a 12-day-old LIT culture of Trypanosoma rangeli of the "Dog-82" strain. At regular intervals after inoculation, the animals were sacrificed and portions of heart, liver, spleen, lung, thigh, kidney, stomach, intestine, brain, sternum, and vertebral column were embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Giemsa colophonium. Pathology was encountered in the first five tissues cited above. The subcutaneous, periosteal, interstitial, and peribronchial connective tissues, and later the muscle cells of the heart, were heavily parasitized by amastigotes and trypomastigotes. The possible reasons for the decrease in tissue parasitosis at the same time that the parasitemia is reaching its peak, and for the low level of inflammation in the parasitized tissues, are discussed. The observations of other workers, as well as the results described here, indicate that certain strains of T. rangeli under certain conditions may well cause pathological alterations in mammals.


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To study the influence of host age, inoculum size, and route of infection on Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli, 12 lots of 6.0 g albino mice (NMRI strain) were infected up. with from 25x10¹ to 25x10(6) trypomastigotes/gram body weight harvested from LIT medium. The lower inocula produced low but persistent parasitemias, while the higher inocula produced high levels of parasitemia that fell quickly, suggesting the mobilization of resistance mechanisms. In other experiments, i.p. inoculation produced higher parasitemias than s.c. inoculation, and 6.0 g mice had higher parasitemias than 16.0 or 26.0 g mice. Thus, a standard methodology would seem to be necessary in the study of the various strains and/or species that may make up the T. rangeli complex.


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1º - Das aus den oeffentlichen Krankenhäusern von Rio de Janeiro stammende Sektionsmaterial umfasst einen beträchtlichen Prozentzatz von Individuen schwarzer und gemischter Rasse. Es besteht durchweg aus Angehörigen der sozial und oekonomisch niedersten Bevölkerungsschichten der Stadt und ihrer Vororte, die gemessen am Standard der Gesamtbevölkerung unter den dürftigsten hygienischen Bedingungen leben. So fanden sich unter 212 Autopsien aus dem Anfall der Pathologisch-Anatomischen Abteilung des Institutes Oswaldo Cruz im Jahr 1920 bei 111 Fällen schwarze oder Mischlinsfarbe protokolliert, (52,3%). Unter 349 Sektionen der gleichen Abteilung im Jahr 1938 waren 184 (= 52,7%) von Individuen von schwarzer oder gemischter Rasse. Ein derartiges Material bietet guenstige Bedingungen fuer die Untersuchung der Bedeutung der Rassenzugehoerigkeit als aetiologischem und pathogenem Faktor fuer bestimmte Affektionen, bei welchen sie in der Literatu in diesem Sinn angeführt worden ist. 2º - Unter 1080 Sektionen von Indiduen männlichen Geschlechts jeder Altersstufe aus dem Material der gleichen Abteilung der Jahre 1918-1926 fanden sich bei 214 Faellen syphilitische Befunde protokolliert. (19,8% der Faelle.) 129 (12%) wiesen eine Aortitis oder Arteritis syphilitica auf. 3º - Das histologische Material einer Serie von 528 Autopsien von Individuen im Alter unter 40 Jahren wurde auf das Vorkommen der fuer Nephrosclerose maligna (FAHR) typisch erachteten pathologischen Veraenderungen untersucht. Es wurden 4 Faelle festgestellt, die das Bild dieser Nephropathie zeigten. Unter den 528 Individuen dieser Gruppe waren 244 Weisse, (46,2%) 274 Schwarze oder Mischlinge (51,8%) Bei 10 war die Rassenzugehoerigkeit nicht ersichtlich. 4º - Unter Heranziehung von 6 weiteren Faellen aus anderen Serien von Sektionen der letzten 4 Jahre beläuft sich die Gesamtzahl der mikroskopisch festegestellen Faelle von Nephrosclerose maligna unter dem Material der Pathologisch-Anatomischen Abteilung des Institutes auf 10. Bei einem dieser Faelle (weiblichen Geschlechts) fand sich diese Nephropathie zusammen mit einer congenitalen Missbildung (Aplaise der linken Niere, des Ovarium und der Tube dieser Seite und Hypoplasie des Uterus). 7 dieser Faelle waren maennlichen Geschlechts. 3 waren von weisser, 2 von schwarzer Rasse, 5 waren mischrassig. 5º - Unsere Beobachtungen bieten keinen Anhalt fuer die Annahme, dass der Syphilis oder der Rassenzugehoerigkeit eine besondere Bebeutung fuer die Pathogenese der Nephrose maligna zukommt.


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Field-work in the sierras near the sea-board of south-eastern Brazil continues to yield new or rare frogs. Four more of these forms are presented here. Two of them, both new, are put into the genus Eleutherodactylus, to which they belong by their general habitat, morphology, and also by the osteological characters. They differs from the known regional species of this genus only by the wider and shorter disks of some of the digits and the more lanceolate build. The other two species belong to the very little known genus Holoaden, established by MIRANDA RIBEIRO in 1920. One of them is his type-species, H. lüderwaldti, which continues to be very rare. The other, H. bradei, is new. It seems endemic to the Upper Itatiaia and is very plentiful there.