75 resultados para Fluido
Observou-se a eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido com 3 mg de ferro aminoácido quelato no combate à carência de ferro em crianças menores de quatro anos. Foram acompanhadas 269 crianças que receberam, durante 12 meses, um litro de leite fortificado por dia, e que foram avaliadas a cada 6 meses de acompanhamento. Antes de se iniciar a intervenção, a anemia estava presente em 62,3% das crianças. Após 6 meses, este percentual reduziu-se a 41,8% e, ao final de um ano, a 26,4%. As maiores reduções foram detectadas nas faixas etárias de 12 a 23 meses e em menores de um ano. Das crianças que apresentavam hemoglobinas iniciais inferiores a 9,5 g/dl, 59,3% recuperaram-se da anemia ao final de um ano de acompanhamento. Naquelas com hemoglobinas iniciais entre 9,5 e 10,9 g/dl, o percentual de recuperação da anemia foi de 66,7%. Encontrou-se, ainda, melhores evoluções hematológicas em crianças que ingeriam quantidades superiores a 750 ml/dia de leite fortificado, pertencentes a famílias que não dividiam o suplemento recebido com outros membros e naquelas com apenas uma criança com menos de 5 anos no núcleo familiar. Concluiu-se pela viabilidade e eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido como medida de intervenção no combate à carência de ferro em pré-escolares.
Os autores fazem um estudo comparativo da imunização antitetânica em um grupo de crianças, utilizando toxóide fluido contendo 20 Lf/cm3 e toxóide precipitado pelo alúmen contendo 2 Lf/cm3. O esquema utilizado foi de 3 doses com intervalos de 21 dias entre cada dose, aplicando o toxóide fluido na dose de 1 em3 em um grupo de crianças; 0,5 cm3 em outro grupo e em um terceiro grupo o toxóide tetánico precipitado pelo alúmen na dose de 1 cm3. Foram realizadas dosagens de antitoxinas no 7" e 21" dia após cada aplicação dos toxóides. Os autores obtiveram níveis protetores em todos os casos após a 3.ª dose com ambos os toxóides. Com o toxóide tetánico precipitado pelo alúmen observaram que os níveis protetores surgiram já com a 2.ª dose. enquanto que com o toxóide fluido houve necessidade da 3.ª dose para serem atingidos níveis protetores na totalidade dos casos. A titulagem realizada após a 3.ª dose não mostrou diferenças significativas entre os títulos obtidos com 2 Lf do toxóide precipitado e os obtidos com 20 Lf do toxóide fluido, sendo porém, alcançados níveis menores com a dose de 10 Lf do toxóide fluido. Não observaram para efeitos graves com nenhum dos toxóides, sendo referido, contudo, manifestações dolorosas no local da aplicação do toxóide precipitado.
Estudou-se o efeito de três métodos de coleta (manual, bomba a vácuo e sonda nasoesofageana) sobre os teores de ácidos graxos voláteis totais (AGVt), nitrogênio amoniacal e número de protozoários no fluido ruminal de bovino. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e cinco repetições. Os resultados revelaram que o método da sonda nasoesofageana proporcionou valores menores dos ácidos propiônico, butírico, AGVt e de nitrogênio amoniacal no fluido ruminal. O número total de protozoários não foi afetado pelos métodos de coleta de conteúdo ruminal. O método de coleta manual e por meio de bomba a vácuo mostraram-se eficientes para os parâmetros estudados.
Under the chromatographic point of view, the physico-chemical properties of a supercritical fluid are intermediate to those of the gases and liquids. Many times they approach the best features of each one, as for example, the solubilization power of liquids and low viscosity of gases. The thermodynamic definitions and main physico-chemical features of a supercritical fluid will be presented in this article. The use of supercritical fluids in analytical chemistry has been extremely modest in Brazil, even considering the enormous potential of their applications, and their use in several techniques, such as chromatography (SFC) and supercritical fluid extration (SFE). This article series is intended to discuss the historical evolution, instrumentation features and potential and limitations of the supercritical fluid use in analytical chemistry. A special focus will be centered on chromatography and extration techniques using supercritical fluids.
Six supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) methods were tested, by varying the following operational parameters: CO2 pressure, time and temperature of extraction, type and proportion of static modifier, and Hydromatrix®/sample rate into cell. Firstly, insecticide carbamates were extracted from spiked potatoes samples (fortification level of 0,5 mg.Kg-1) by using SPE procedures, and then final extracts were analyzed HPLC/fluorescence. Good performance was observed with SFE methods that operated with values of temperature and CO2 pressure of 50 ºC and 350 bar, respectively. Best efficiency was obtained when it was used acetonitrile as a modifier (3% on the cell volume), and Hydromatrix®/sample rate of 2:1. Static time was of 1 min; total extraction time was of 35 min; dynamic extraction was performed with 15 mL of CO2, and it was used methanol (2 mL) for the dissolution of the final residue. In such conditions, pesticide recoveries varied from 72 to 94%, depending on the analyzed compound. In higher extraction temperatures, a rapid degradation was observed for some compounds, such as aldicarb and carbaryl; presence of their metabolites was further confirmed by HPLC-APCI/MS in positive mode. Detection limits for chromatographic analysis varied from 0,2 to 1,3 ng.
The first paper in this series discussed the basic theory involved in supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) and how the technique progressed from gas and liquid chromatography. The first SFC instruments were simple adaptations of the commercially available liquid chromatographs with packed columns followed by modifications in gas chromatographs using open tubular capillary columns. In this paper, the most important aspects regarding instrumentation are covered, including practical, simple, and the most important, inexpensive solutions to build a home-made SFC system.
Polysaccharide-based drilling fluids have been often applied in horizontal wells of petroleum reservoirs in Campos, Rio de Janeiro. The present study aimed to understand the mechanism of adsorption and desorption of the drill-in fluid, xanthan, modified starch and lubricant on SiO2 by means of ellipsometry. The effect of pH and brine on the mean thickness (D) of adsorbed layer was systematically investigated. The adsorption was mainly favored under alkaline conditions. A model has been proposed to explain this effect. The adsorption isotherms determined separately for xanthan and starch on SiO2 surfaces could be fitted with the Langmuir model, which yielded similar adsorption constant values.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of ginger and rosemary extracts, obtained by supercritical extraction. The extracts were characterized by HPLC, GC-MS, phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity. The main active compounds were identified and high content of phenolic compounds was observed. The extracts presented high antioxidant activity against the free radicals ABTS+ (350 and 200 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively) and DPPH+ (145 and 80 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively). These results suggested that the attained extracts are potential substitutes of synthetic antioxidants used in chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries.
For the construction of the phase diagrams, the method of the aqueous titration was used. There were prepared 5 ternary diagrams, varying the surfactant and the oil phase. The liquid-crystalline phases were identified by polarized light microscopy. The formulations prepared with silicon glycol copolymer, polyether functional siloxane (PFS) and water (S1) and with diisopropyl adipate, PFS and water (S4) presented liquid-crystalline phases with lamellar arrangement. Moreover, after 15 days in hot oven (37 ºC), the formulations presented hexagonal arrangement, evidencing the influence of the temperature in the organization of the system.
The aim of this study was to validate a method for the determination of acethaldehyde, methanol, ethanol, acetone and isopropanol employing solid-phase microextraction associated to gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. The operational conditions of SPME were optimized by response surface analysis. The calibration curves for all compounds were linear with r² > 0.9973. Accuracy (89.1-109.0%), intra-assay precision (1.8-8.5%) and inter-assay precision (2.2-8.2%) were acceptable. The quantification limit was 50 µg/mL. The method was applied to the meaurement of ethanol in blood and oral fluid of a group of volunteers. Oral fluid ethanol concentrations were not directly correlated with blood concentrations.
A fluid conducting composite material prepared from graphite powder, commercial epoxy resin Araldite®, and cyclohexanone has been developed. The composition was optimized considering the mechanical properties as conductivity and adhesiveness using response surface methodology. This work employed cyclic voltammetry and amperometry to investigate the characteristics of such composite electrodes without and with the insertion of Prussian blue in the electrode body (bulk modified electrode). The composite electrodes were also successfully used for the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide at 0.0V vs Ag/AgCl.