44 resultados para Encima LDH


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Nos últimos anos, o equino atleta vem sendo cada vez mais requerido. Dessa forma, as exigências por alto desempenho têm fomentado o interesse pelo estudo das afecções relacionadas com a fisiopatologia de diversas enfermidades dos equinos. A relação entre o íon magnésio e o exercício físico tem recebido atenção significativa visto que este íon está intimamente relacionado ao tecido muscular estriado esquelético. Além disso, dentre as principais estratégias para a detecção e acompanhamento clínico de lesões musculares, destacam-se a avaliação das atividades das enzimas creatino quinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST). A busca pelo estabelecimento de parâmetros que se relacionam entre si é um fator determinante na compreensão de alterações fisiológicas encontradas diante do esforço em equinos atletas. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar como as concentrações sanguíneas do íon magnésio e as atividades enzimáticas das enzimas CK, LDH e AST comportaram-se em equinos Puro Sangue Árabe finalistas de provas de enduro de 90km e relacionar as possíveis alterações com o tipo de esforço físico desempenhado pelos animais. Foram avaliadas a atividade enzimática das enzimas CK, LDH, AST e a concentração do íon magnésio no exercício em relação ao repouso de 14 equinos clinicamente hígidos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe, sendo 9 machos e 5 fêmeas, com idades variando entre 6 a 12 anos, submetidos a treinamento para enduro e participantes de provas de 90 km. Pode-se observar que as variáveis acima mencionadas sofreram aumento com diferença estatística em relação ao repouso. O exercício físico de enduro determinou a ocorrência de alterações nas atividades enzimáticas das enzimas CK (p≤0,001), LDH (p=0,0001), AST (p=0,0007) e na concentração do íon magnésio (p=0,0004), no exercício em relação ao repouso (p≤0,05). Fato que determinou alteração de permeabilidade das células musculares estriadas esqueléticas, sugerindo o estabelecimento de um processo inflamatório agudo. Devido à expressão da atividade enzimática da CK (p≤0,001), por sua especificidade em relação à ocorrência de danos na musculatura estriada esquelética, juntamente com o íon magnésio (p=0,0004) que participa de várias reações celulares. Houve alterações na concentração de proteína plasmática total (p=0,0009) e hematócrito (p=0,0001), entre os momentos avaliados. Portanto estes resultados servem como valores de referência de equinos finalistas de provas de enduro de 90 km, auxiliando na prevenção da ocorrência de possíveis danos musculares e processos inflamatórios severos.


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En este trabajo fueron determinados experimentalmente el calor específico, conductividad térmica, difusividad térmica y densidad del jugo de lulo en el rango de contenido de agua de 0.55 a 0.90 (p/p en base húmeda) y en temperaturas variando de 4 a 78.6 °C. La conductividad térmica y el calor específico fueron obtenidos utilizando el mismo aparato - una célula constituida de dos cilindros concéntricos - operando en estado estacionario y no- estacionario, respectivamente. La difusividad térmica fue obtenida a través del método de Dickerson y la densidad determinada por picnometria. Tanto la temperatura como el contenido de agua presentaron una fuerte influencia en los datos experimentales de las propiedades termofísicas del jugo de lulo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron utilizados para obtener modelos matemáticos y predecir estas propiedades en función de la concentración y la temperatura.


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El cáncer de mama desde 1992 ha sido la segunda causa de muerte femenina en Colombia (tasa promedio anual de 4,5*100.000 hab.) y se reporta una tendencia ascendente por este tipo de neoplasia, y la información sobre los potenciales factores de riesgo del cáncer de la mama en los países Latinoamericanos es escasa. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron probar la protección ofrecida por la lactancia materna, y establecer los factores reproductivos asociados al cáncer de mama en Colombia. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles hospitalarios pareados por edad (+ 2 años) de Julio 1995 a Marzo 1996 en Bogotá. La población de estudio quedó constituída por 171 casos histopatológicamente definidos y 171 controles. La historia reproductiva y sociodemográfica fué recolectada a través de un cuestionario y se utilizó la técnica de regresión logística condicionada para el análisis estadístico de la información. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron como factores de riesgo: la nuliparidad , al contrario de las mujeres con paridades mayores de 3 hijos (OR=3,35 IC 1,4 - 8,0), la edad al primer nacimiento (>20 años vs. menores de 20. OR= 1,83 IC 0,7 - 4,8), el antecedente familiar de cáncer de mama y la lactancia al primer hijo (OR=0,09 IC 0,01-0,64 de 1-11 meses y OR= 0,01 IC 0,00-0,14 para los 12 meses) y la lactancia acumulada por encima de los 24 meses (p=0,001 prueba de tendencia) como principales factores protectores de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIONES: El estudio confirma la importancia de enfocarse en la promoción de la lactancia prolongada y ratifica que el nivel socioeconómico puede determinar los estilos de vida y los eventos reproductivos de las mujeres, explicando el aumento en la mortalidad por cáncer de mama en los países Latinoamericanos, con perfiles de fecundidad y factores de riesgo para el cáncer de mama, similares a los de los países desarrollados.


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OBJETIVOS: Determinar si el embarazo es un factor de riesgo o un factor de protección frente a la violencia doméstica y comparar la prevalencia y severidad de la violencia que sufren las mujeres embarazadas antes y durante el embarazo. MÉTODOS: Encuesta realizada a una muestra de 468 mujeres atendidas en consulta prenatal en su tercer trimestre de embarazo por los servicios de la Secretaría de Salud del estado de Morelos (México). Se exploró violencia emocional, física y sexual. Se construyó un índice para valorar la severidad. Se identificaron las variables más asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de violencia total no cambió significativamente antes y durante el embarazo (32%). La prevalencia de cada uno de los tres tipos de violencia se mantuvo asimismo sin cambios. El 27% de las mujeres que tuvieron violencia durante el embarazo no la tuvieron antes del mismo; una proporción equivalente tuvieron violencia antes del embarazo pero no durante el mismo. La severidad de la violencia emocional se incrementó significativamente durante el embarazo (en comparación con el año previo), mientras que la severidad de la violencia física disminuyó. Variables asociadas a la violencia durante el embarazo: violencia en la infancia de la pareja; ; que la mujer haya presenciado violencia en casa durante su infancia; y violencia en el año previo al embarazo. Se presentan diversos escenarios de riesgo útiles para los prestadores de servicios. CONCLUSIONES: La violencia emocional durante el embarazo predomina por encima de la violencia fisica y sexual. Diferenciarlas contribuye a esclarecer la complejidad del fenómeno.


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OBJETIVO Analizar el efecto de un programa piloto de tele-asistencia y tele-alarma en la autopercepción del estado de salud de los adultos mayores y conocer la satisfacción y aceptación del programa. METODOS Estudio transversal que incluyó entrevistas a 378 adultos mayores, 294 cuidadores/familiares y 53 profesionales de la salud, realizado en la Ciudad de México en 2010. Variables sociodemográficas, de autopercepción del estado de salud, satisfacción y aceptación del programa se obtuvieron por medio de cuestionario estandarizado. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y se utilizaron pruebas no paramétricas. RESULTADOS Se observaron efectos significativos en la autopercepción del estado de salud, 6,17 (DE 17,9 p < 0,05) puntos por encima de la media. El programa tuvo una buena aceptación por parte de los adultos mayores, de sus cuidadores familiares y de los profesionales de la salud. CONCLUSIONES El programa contribuye a mantener o mejorar la calidad de vida, permite la atención preventiva y es un medio ideal para dar apoyo psicosocial a los adultos mayores.


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Nove amostras de Plasmodium falciparum foram coletadas de migrantes infectados no Estado de Rondônia. Estas amostras foram mantidas em cultivo para caracterização por tipificação enzimática em acetato de celulose, sensibilidade á cloroquina, amodiaquina, mefloquina e quinino e análise da diversidade antigê-nica através de anticorpos monoclonais específicos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram variação entre todas as amostras estudadas: encontrou-se resistência crescente à cloroquina, resistência intermediária à amodiaquina e quinino e sensibilidade a baixos níveis de mefloquina; apenas dois isolados mostraram sensibilidade a todas as drogas. A tipificação enzimática mostrou presença de parasitas GPI 1 e 2 e ADA 1 e 2, enquanto que para PEP e LDH todas as amostras foram do tipo 1. Sorotipagem com anticorpos monoclonais PSA mostrou presença de três sorotipos diferentes (II, III e IV). Estes resultados mostraram: a) variação entre as amostras para os marcadores analisados; b) nesta região, para o pequeno número de amostras analisadas, não foram observadas diferenças significativas ou novos tipos de parasitas.


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This paper reports two cases of afibrinogenemia with normal platelet count following Crotalus durissus terrificus, snake bite Both patients presented high output acute renal failure and case two also had increased blood levels of CPK and LDH compatible with the diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. Case one was given an unknown amount of antivenom and was treated with epsilonaminocaproic acid and a fresh whole blood transfusion and showed recovery of the coagulation disturbance 40 hours following these measures. Case two was given an adequate amount of crotalide antivenom and the coagulation tests performed 12 hours later showed a normal partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen 86 mg/100ml. Case one presented no haemorrhagic disturbances. Case two presented persistent bleeding following venopuncture and after removal of impetigo crust in the legs. Acute renal failure was treated conservatively and both patients were discharged from the hospital with recovery of the renal function.


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A pair matched case/control study was conducted from January 1991 to 30 June 1992 in order to define clinical and laboratory findings associated with DMAC infection in AIDS patients. Since DMAC infection is usually associated with advanced immunodeficiency, and therefore also with other opportunistic illnesses, in addition to the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, cases and controls were matched using the following criteria: date of AIDS diagnosis and antiretroviral therapy, number and severity of associated opportunistic infections and, whenever possible, type of Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis, age and gender, in this order of relevance. Cases (defined as patients presenting at least one positive culture for MAC at a normally sterile site) and controls presented CD4+ lymphocyte counts below 50 cel/mm3. A significantly higher prevalence of general, digestive and respiratory signs, increased LDH levels, low hemoglobin levels and CD4+ cell counts were recorded for cases when compared to controls. Increases in gGT and alkaline phosphatase levels seen in cases were also recorded for controls. In conclusion, the strategy we used for selecting controls allowed us to detect laboratory findings associated to DMAC infection not found in other advanced immunossupressed AIDS patients without DMAC.


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From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 31 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 8 y) were admitted after being bitten by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus ssp). One patient was classified as "dry-bite", 3 as mild envenoming, 9 as moderate envenoming and 18 as severe envenoming. Most patients had neuromuscular manifestations, such as palpebral ptosis (27/31), myalgia (23/31) and weakness (20/31). Laboratory tests suggesting rhabdomyolysis included an increase in total blood creatine kinase (CK, 28/29) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 25/25) levels and myoglobinuria (14/15). The main local signs and symptoms were slight edema (20/31) and erythema (19/31). Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 20/25 children that received AV only at our hospital (incoagulable blood in 17/25). AV early reactions were observed in 20 of these 25 cases (9/9 patients not pretreated and 11/16 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.12). Patients admitted less than and more than 6 h after the bite showed the same risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 1). No children of the first group (< 6 h) showed severe complications whereas 3/6 children admitted more than 6 h post-bite developed acute renal failure. Patients bitten in the legs had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.04). There was a significant association between both total CK and LDH blood enzyme levels and severity (p < 0.001 for CK and p < 0.001 for LDH; Mann-Whitney U test). No deaths were recorded.


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SUMMARY Inflammation due to Shigella flexneri can cause damage to the colonic mucosa and cell death by necrosis and apoptosis. This bacteria can reach the bloodstream in this way, and the liver through portal veins. Hypoxia is a condition present in many human diseases, and it may induce bacterial translocation from intestinal lumen. We studied the ability of S. flexneri to invade rat hepatocytes and Caco-2 cells both in normoxic and hypoxic microenvironments, as well as morphological and physiological alterations in these cells after infection under hypoxia. We used the primary culture of rat hepatocytes as a model of study. We analyzed the following parameters in normoxic and hypoxic conditions: morphology, cell viability, bacterial recovery and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released. The results showed that there were fewer bacteria within the Caco-2 cells than in hepatocytes in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. We observed that the higher the multiplicity of infection (MOI) the greater the bacterial recovery in hepatocytes. The hypoxic condition decreased the bacterial recovery in hepatocytes. The cytotoxicity evaluated by LDH released by cells was significantly higher in cells submitted to hypoxia than normoxia. Caco-2 cells in normoxia released 63% more LDH than hepatocytes. LDH increased 164% when hepatocytes were submitted to hypoxia and just 21% when Caco-2 cells were in the same condition. The apoptosis evaluated by Tunel was significantly higher in cells submitted to hypoxia than normoxia. When comparing hypoxic cells, we obtained more apoptotic hepatocytes than apoptotic Caco-2 cells. Concluding our results contribute to a better knowledge of interactions between studied cells and Shigella flexneri. These data may be useful in the future to define strategies to combat this virulent pathogen.


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Abstract Background: Sleep deprivation (SD) is strongly associated with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease. Objective: To determine the effect of SD on basal hemodynamic functions and tolerance to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury in male rats. Method: SD was induced by using the flowerpot method for 4 days. Isolated hearts were perfused with Langendorff setup, and the following parameters were measured at baseline and after IR: left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP); heart rate (HR); and the maximum rate of increase and decrease of left ventricular pressure (±dp/dt). Heart NOx level, infarct size and coronary flow CK-MB and LDH were measured after IR. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured at start and end of study. Results: In the SD group, the baseline levels of LVDP (19%), +dp/dt (18%), and -dp/dt (21%) were significantly (p < 0.05) lower, and HR (32%) was significantly higher compared to the controls. After ischemia, hearts from SD group displayed a significant increase in HR together with a low hemodynamic function recovery compared to the controls. In the SD group, NOx level in heart, coronary flow CK-MB and LDH and infarct size significantly increased after IR; also SD rats had higher SBP after 4 days. Conclusion: Hearts from SD rats had lower basal cardiac function and less tolerance to IR injury, which may be linked to an increase in NO production following IR.


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Abstract Background: Tobacco smoke exposure is an important risk factor for cardiac remodeling. Under this condition, inflammation, oxidative stress, energy metabolism abnormalities, apoptosis, and hypertrophy are present. Pentoxifylline has anti‑inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, anti-thrombotic and anti-proliferative properties. Objective: The present study tested the hypothesis that pentoxifylline would attenuate cardiac remodeling induced by smoking. Methods: Wistar rats were distributed in four groups: Control (C), Pentoxifylline (PX), Tobacco Smoke (TS), and PX-TS. After two months, echocardiography, invasive blood pressure measurement, biochemical, and histological studies were performed. The groups were compared by two-way ANOVA with a significance level of 5%. Results: TS increased left atrium diameter and area, which was attenuated by PX. In the isolated heart study, TS lowered the positive derivate (+dp/dt), and this was attenuated by PX. The antioxidants enzyme superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were decreased in the TS group; PX recovered these activities. TS increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and decreased 3-hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A dehydrogenases (OH-DHA) and citrate synthase (CS). PX attenuated LDH, 3-OH-DHA and CS alterations in TS-PX group. TS increased IL-10, ICAM-1, and caspase-3. PX did not influence these variables. Conclusion: TS induced cardiac remodeling, associated with increased inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and changed energy metabolism. PX attenuated cardiac remodeling by reducing oxidative stress and improving cardiac bioenergetics, but did not act upon cardiac cytokines and apoptosis.


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Silymarin is the flavonoids extracted from the seeds of Silybum marianum (L) Gearth as a mixture of three structural isomers: silybin, silydianin and silychristin, the former being the most active component. Silymarin protects liver cell membrane against hepatotoxic agents and improves liver function in experimental animals and humans. It is generally accepted that silymarin exerts a membrane-stabilizing action preventing or inhibiting membrane peroxidation. The experiments with soybean lipoxygenase showed that the three components of silymarin brought about a concentration-dependent non-competitive inhibition of the lipoxygenase. The experiments also showed an analogous interaction with animal lipoxygenase, thus showing that an inhibition of the peroxidation of the fatty acid in vivo was self-evident. Silybin almost completely suppressed the formation of PG at the highest concentration (0.3 mM) and proved to be an inhibitor of PG synthesis in vitro. In our experiments, silybin at lower dose (65 mg/Kg) decreased liver lipoperoxide content and microsomal lipoperoxidation to 84.5% and 68.55% of those of the scalded control rats respectively, and prevented the decrease of liver microsomal cytochrome p-450 content and p-nitroanisole-0-demethylase activity 24 h post-scalding. Effects of silymarin on cardiovascular systen have been studied in this university since 1980. O. O silymarin 800 mg/Kg/d or silybin 600 mg/Kg/d reduced plasma total cholesterol, LDL-C and VLDL-C. They however, enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipenic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C in hyperlipemic rats. Further studies showed that silymarin enhanced HDL-C but didn't affect HDL-C, a property of this component which is beneficial to treatment of atherosclerosis. The results showed silymarin 80 mg or silybin 60 mg decreased in vitro platelet aggregation (porcentagem) in rats. The maximal platelet aggregation induced by ADP declined significantly, and time to reach maximal platelet aggregation and five-minute disaggregation didn't change. In our experiments, iv silybin 22,4 mg/kg lowered the amplitude and duration of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) more than those of systolic (SBP), but the descending aortic blood flow, cardiac contractility and ECG did not change significantly in anesthetized open-chest cats. The results indicated a reduction of peripheral resistance and dilatatory action on the resistant blood vessels. These effects are beneficial to coronary heart disease. We also observed the effects of silybin on morphological change, the release of glutamic oxaloacetate aminotrasferase (GOT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as well as the radioactivity of 3H-TdR incorporated into DNA in normal cardiac cells and cells infected by coxsackie B5, virus os newborn rats. The results showed that silynin did not affect the morphology of normal cell, and that the pathological change of cells infected by virus was delayed and reduced as compared to control. We have investigated the effect of silybin on synthesis and release of LTs in the cultured porcine cerebral basilar arteries (PCBA). Silybin 100 and 500 µmol/L declined the amounts of LTs released from the PCBA incubsated in the presence of A 23187, AA and indomenthacin. The result suggests that silybin can inhibit the activity of 5-lipoxygenase of cerebral blood vessel and may protect the brain from ischemia.


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This work has been carried out to investigate the effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on mice livers after treatment with the ethanolic extract of Citrus reticulata root or the oleo-resin extract from Myrrh of Commiphora molmol tree (Mirazid), as a new antishistosomal drug. Marker enzymes for different cell organelles were measured; succinate dehydrogenase (SDH); lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and its isoenzymes; glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase); acid phosphatase (AP) and 5'- nucleotidase. Liver function enzymes; aspartate aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were also estimated. Parasitological studies through ova count and worm burden will also be taken into consideration. The results showed a marked reduction in SDH, LDH, AST, and ALT enzyme activities and a significant increase in G-6-Pase, AP, 5'- nucleotidase, and ALP after S. mansoni infection. A noticeable alteration in LDH subunits were also noticed. Treatment with C. reticulata or Mirazid improved all the previous enzyme activities with a noticeable reduction in ova count and worm burden.


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Despite effective chemotherapy, schistosomiasis remains the second largest public health problem in the developing world. Currently, vaccination is the new strategy for schistosomiasis control. The presence of common antigenic fractions between Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate host provides a source for the preparation of a proper vaccine. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the nucleoprotein extracted from either susceptible or resistant snails to protect against schistosomiasis. The vaccination schedule consisted of a subcutaneous injection of 50 µg protein of each antigen followed by another inoculation 15 days later. Analyses of marker enzymes for different cell organelles [succinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose-6-phosphatase, acid phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase] were carried out. Energetic parameters (ATP, ADP, AMP, phosphate potentials, inorganic phosphate, amino acids and LDH isoenzymes) were also investigated. The work was extended to record worm and ova counts, oogram determination in the liver and intestine and the histopathological pattern of the liver. The nucleoprotein of susceptible snails showed reduction in worm and ova counts by 70.96% and 51.31%, respectively, whereas the nucleoprotein of resistant snails showed reductions of 9.67% and 16.77%, respectively. In conclusion, we found that the nucleoprotein of susceptible snails was more effective in protecting against schistosomiasis.