21 resultados para Electroencephalogram (EEG)
In order to identify latent bioelectrical oscillators, 15 normal subjects (aged 9-17 years, 8 males, 7 females) were subjected to intermittent photic stimulation. The EEG amplitude spectra corresponding to the 11 fixed frequencies of stimulation presented (3-24 Hz) were combined to form "profiles" of the driving reaction in the right occipital area. The driving response varied with frequency, and was demonstrable in 70-100% of cases (using as criterion peak amplitudes 20% larger than those of the neighbors). The strongest responses were observed at the frequency closest to the alpha peak of the resting EEG. A secondary profile maximum was in the theta band. In 10 subjects, this maximum exceeded half the alpha peak (with an average of 72.4% of the alpha peak), while in the resting spectra, theta amplitudes were much lower than the alpha maxima. This responsiveness in theta activity seems to be characteristic of prepubertal and pubertal subjects. The profiles and resting EEG spectra showed a highly significant Pearson's correlation, with the peak in the theta band of the profiles being the main difference observed between them. The correlation coefficient was significantly correlated with the ratio of the maxima in the theta and alpha bands (R = -0.77, P<0.001). The correlation coefficient between profile and resting spectrum may be a useful indicator in screening methods used to reveal latent cerebral oscillators. Profiles for the second and third harmonics were correlated with those of the first harmonic (fundamental frequency), when considering the corresponding EEG frequencies. Peak frequencies in all three profiles were close to those of the individual's background alpha rhythm, and peak amplitudes in higher harmonics were not much lower than those of the fundamental frequency (mean values of 84 and 63%, for second and third harmonics, respectively).
The electroencephalogram amplitude spectra at 11 fixed frequencies of intermittent photic stimulation of 3 to 24 Hz were combined into driving "profiles" for 14 scalp points in 8 male and 7 female normal subjects aged 9 to 17 years. The driving response varied over frequency and was detected in 70 to 100% of cases in the occipital areas (maximum) and in 27 to 77% of cases in the frontal areas (minimum) using as a criterion peak amplitude 20% higher than those of the neighbors. Each subject responded, on average, to 9.7 ± 1.15 intermittent photic stimulation frequencies in the right occipital area and to 6.8 ± 1.97 frequencies in the right frontal area. Most of the driving responses (in relation to the previous background) were significant according to the spectral F-test (a = 0.05), which also detected changes in some cases of low amplitude responses not revealed by the peak criterion. The profiles had two maxima in the alpha and theta bands in all leads. The latter was not present in the background spectra in the posterior areas and was less pronounced in the anterior ones. The weight of the profile theta maximum increased towards the frontal areas where the two maxima were similar, while the profile amplitudes decreased. The profiles repeated the shape of the background spectra, except for the theta band. The interhemispheric correlation between profiles was high. The theta driving detected in all areas recorded suggests a generalized influence of the theta generators in prepubertal and pubertal subjects.
Simultaneous measurements of EEG-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) combine the high temporal resolution of EEG with the distinctive spatial resolution of fMRI. The purpose of this EEG-fMRI study was to search for hemodynamic responses (blood oxygen level-dependent - BOLD responses) associated with interictal activity in a case of right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy before and after a successful selective amygdalohippocampectomy. Therefore, the study found the epileptogenic source by this noninvasive imaging technique and compared the results after removing the atrophied hippocampus. Additionally, the present study investigated the effectiveness of two different ways of localizing epileptiform spike sources, i.e., BOLD contrast and independent component analysis dipole model, by comparing their respective outcomes to the resected epileptogenic region. Our findings suggested a right hippocampus induction of the large interictal activity in the left hemisphere. Although almost a quarter of the dipoles were found near the right hippocampus region, dipole modeling resulted in a widespread distribution, making EEG analysis too weak to precisely determine by itself the source localization even by a sophisticated method of analysis such as independent component analysis. On the other hand, the combined EEG-fMRI technique made it possible to highlight the epileptogenic foci quite efficiently.
The effect of physical exercise on the treatment of depressive elderly adults has not been investigated thus far in terms of changes in cortical hemispheric activity. The objective of the present study was to identify changes in depressive symptoms, quality of life, and cortical asymmetry produced by aerobic activity. Elderly subjects with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (DSM-IV) were included. Twenty patients (70% females, 71 ± 3 years) were divided into an exercise group (pharmacological treatment plus aerobic training) and a control group (undergoing pharmacological treatment) in a quasi-experimental design. Pharmacological treatment was maintained stable throughout the study (antidepressants and anxiolytics). Subjects were evaluated by depression scales (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale) and the Short Form Health Survey-36, and electroencephalographic measurements (frontal and parietal alpha asymmetry) before and after 1 year of treatment. After 1 year, the control group showed a decrease in cortical activity on the right hemisphere (increase of alpha power), which was not observed in the exercise group. The exercise group showed a significant decrease of depressive symptoms, which was not observed in the control group. This result was also accompanied by improved treatment response and remission rate after 1 year of aerobic exercise associated with treatment. This study provides support for the effect of aerobic training on alpha activity and on depressive symptoms in elderly patients. Exercise facilitates the treatment of depressive elderly adults, leading to clinical and physical improvement and protecting against a decrease in cortical activity.
Foram tratados com praziquantel, dose oral única de 40 ou 50 mg/kg, 200 indivíduos portadores de esquistossomose mansoni, matriculados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. As idades dos pacientes variavam de seis a 63 anos, sendo que 33 (16,5%) eram menores de 15 anos. Os principais efeitos colaterais consistiram em tontura 27,5%; sonolência 21,0%; eólica 17,5%; náusea 16,0%; diarréia 9,0%; cefaléia 7,5%; vômito 4,0%; febre 2,0%; disenteria 1,0%; tremor 1,0%; exantema 1,0% e urticaria 0,5%. A toxicidade do medicamento foi investigada mediante a realização, pré e pós-tratamento, de exames hematimétricos, bem como de função renal (uréia e creatinina), hepática (enzimas de liberação hépato-canalicular e bilirrubinas), cardíaca (ECG) e neuropsiquiátrica (EEG). Não foram encontradas nesses controles alterações relevantes que repercutissem clinicamente. O controle de cura verificou-se em 115 indivíduos, através de oito coproscopias, no período de seis meses, subseqüente ao tratamento, utilizando-se duas técnicas (HOFFMAN e KATO/KATZ) para cada amostra de fezes. Dos 82 indivíduos que tiveram as oito coproscopias negativadas, 62 realizaram biópsia retal. Essa mostrou-se positiva em duas oportunidades, indicando um percentual de 3,2% de achados falsos negativos com relação às coproscopias. Os índices de cura variaram de 65,2%, nos pacientes menores de 15 anos, a 75% nos acima dessa idade. Para todas as faixas etárias a eficácia foi de 71,3%. Os resultados obtidos demonstram ter o praziquantel, nas doses empregadas, relativa eficácia no tratamento da esquistossomose mansoni, bem como ser determinante de baixos efeitos tóxico-colaterais.
Foram tratados com oltipraz, dose oral única de 30 mg/kg de peso, 72 indivíduos com esquistossomose mansoni, matriculados na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. As idades dos pacientes variaram de 7 a 58 anos, sendo que 8 (11,1%) eram menores de 15 anos. Os principais efeitos colaterais consistiram em tonturas 22,2%, sonolência 22,2%, náuseas 22,2%, cefaléia, 9,7%, astenia 9,7%, parestesia 8,3%, vômitos 8,3!%, cólicas 7,0?/o, diarréia 4,2%, escotomas 2,8%, sialosquese 2,8%, nódulos dolorosos em extremidades 2,8% e outras manifestações clínicas em menor freqüência. A toxicidade do medicamento foi avaliada mediante a realização pré e pós-tratamento, de exames hematimétricos, de função renal (uréia e creatinina), hepática (enzimas de liberação hepato-canalicular e. bilirrubinas), cardíaca (ECG) e neuropsiquiátrica (EEG). Não foram encontrados nos controles laboratoriais alterações relevantes ou que determinasse alguma repercussão clínica. O controle de cura verificou-se em 49 indivíduos, através de 8 coproscopias (no período de 6 meses subseqüente ao tratamento) utilizando-se duas técnicas (Hoffman e Kato/Katz) para cada amostra de fezes. Dos 29 individuos que tiveram as 8 coproscopias negativas, 20 realizaram biopsia retal, mostrando-se positiva em uma oportunidade, indicando 5% de "falsos negativos" com relação às coproscopias. O índice de cura para todas as faixas etárias foi de 59,2%. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram ser o oltipraz de relativa eficácia e determinante de efeitos tdxicos-colaterais sistêmicos no tratamento da esquistossomose mansoni.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão sobre as características da atividade elétrica cerebral que acompanha a hipnose animal, estado induzido em laboratório em mamíferos por manipulações experimentais, bem como sobre as alterações encontradas no EEG durante o estado de hipnose, visando à discussão dos resultados encontrados na busca de evidências dos fundamentos filogenéticos que possam conduzir ao entendimento dos rudimentos neurais da hipnose humana. MÉTODO: Livros e bases eletrônicas de dados foram consultados. Critério de inclusão: artigos originais publicados entre 1966-2012. Critério de exclusão: artigos que se afastavam da visão eletroneurofisiológica da hipnose. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas 662 referências, tendo sido selecionados os artigos e livros referenciados. Além desses artigos, foi incluído no estudo o artigo de Hoagland, publicado em 1928, que é um clássico na área de imobilidade tônica em vertebrados. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de hipnose humano resulta de processamentos em inúmeros circuitos paralelos distribuídos em uma complexa rede neuronal, envolvendo, dessa forma, uma ampla área do encéfalo. Na trajetória evolutiva, a grande ampliação dos recursos corticais pode ter tornado as respostas de imobilidade tônica passíveis de modulação consciente, respostas essas ainda presentes nos humanos e que se manifestam involuntariamente em situações de grande ameaça. Vários estudos têm evidenciado mecanismos neurofisiológicos capazes de reforçar a visão da hipnose não só como um eficiente recurso para procedimentos médicos e odontológicos, funcionando como auxiliar na analgesia e sedação, mas também como excelente ferramenta psicoterapêutica.
Objetivo: Realizar revisão sistemática de manuscritos que utilizaram a neuroimagem no estudo da dependência de jogos eletrônicos, a fim de identificar as principais regiões cerebrais alteradas. Métodos: Foram realizadas buscas nos seguintes bancos de dados: ScieELO, BVS, Lilacs, Science Direct On Line e PubMed. Não houve data mínima para a pesquisa, sendo considerados os artigos encontrados até julho de 2013. Os descritores utilizados para a presente revisão sistemática da literatura foram: “PET”, “SPECT”, “MRI”, “DTI”, “EEG”, “imaging”, “neuroimaging”, “spectroscopy”, “functional magnetic ressonance”, “structural magnetic ressonance”, “tractography”, “voxel” e “brain”, individualmente cruzados com os descritores “gaming” e “video game addiction”. Resultados: Dos 52 artigos encontrados, 16 foram selecionados: nove usaram fMRI, quatro usaram sRMI, um usou PET e dois usaram EEG. Em relação às alterações funcionais e estruturais, elas foram mais observadas no lobo frontal (córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral, córtex orbitofrontal, giro pré-frontal, giro frontal médio), parietal, temporal (giro para-hipocampal), núcleos da base, tálamo, ínsula e cerebelo. Conclusão: A despeito dos métodos utilizados, os estudos apontaram convergências quanto às reciprocidades cerebrais. Essas alterações neurais são semelhantes às observadas em pacientes dependentes de substâncias e de internet, especialmente durante o estado de fissura. Apesar de apenas recentemente pesquisas de neuroimagem em dependentes de jogos eletrônicos terem sido realizadas, contamos no momento com achados significativos alinhados à compreensão dos mecanismos neurais associados à dependência de jogos eletrônicos e respectiva inserção como categoria nosológica no âmbito psiquiátrico.
The objective of this work was to identify genotypes with high general combining ability for resistance to witches'-broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa) in populations formed from a first cycle of recurrent selection. Highly productive and resistant clones from different origins were interbred using the North Carolina II design. The clones SCA 6, CSUL 7, RB 39, CEPEC 89, OC 67, BE 4, EEG 29 and ICS 98 were used as paternal parents, while the maternal ones were NA 33, CCN 10, IMC 67, P 4B, CCN 51, CEPEC 86, SGU 54 and ICS 9. Twenty days after germination, 56 seedlings of each cross (four replicates of 14 seedlings) received the inoculation of a 1-mL suspension with 7.5x10(4 ) basidiospores mL-1. Symptoms were evaluated 60 days after inoculation. Significant differences were observed among paternal and among maternal parents, for resistance to witches'-broom assessed according to the proportion of progeny seedlings with the disease symptoms. Differences were also observed between groups of mothers or fathers previously defined as resistant, and groups previously defined as susceptible. It is possible to obtain a combination of genes that can increase the level of resistance to witches'-broom directly from the first cycle of recurrent selection.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a existência de concordância entre os métodos radioisotópico e radiológico e, em caso positivo, avaliar a utilidade do SPECT ictal na determinação do foco epileptogênico. Foram realizados SPECT ictal, ressonância magnética (RM) e ressonância magnética com espectroscopia de prótons (RME) em seis pacientes com epilepsia de lobo temporal refratária. O SPECT ictal foi realizado após a retirada das drogas antiepilépticas durante monitoramento por vídeo-EEG, utilizando-se o 99mTc-ECD, administrado aos pacientes no início da crise. As imagens de RM foram obtidas em T1, T2 e FLAIR, com cortes de 3 e 5 mm de espessura, e a RME foi realizada com técnica PRESS, com voxel único posicionado no hipocampo, bilateralmente. A análise estatística incluiu os valores de Kappa (k), erro-padrão (ep) e o nível de significância (p) para a lateralização do foco. Os achados foram analisados com base na localização por EEG da descarga ictal, no tempo de duração da crise (109-280 s; média: 152 s) e no tempo de administração do traçador (30-262 s; média: 96 s). Obtivemos dados correlatos em quatro pacientes (67%), com valores de k = 0,67, ep = 0,38 e p = 0,041. Concluímos que existe concordância entre SPECT ictal, RM e RME, e a utilidade do procedimento radioisotópico está relacionada aos casos em que o EEG não é diagnóstico e quando há discordância ou indefinição diagnóstica na análise comparativa entre EEG, RM e RME.
O estudo de reprodutoras de frangos de corte é de grande importância para o País, uma vez que o frango de corte é um dos maiores itens agropecuários em exportação, sendo o Brasil o segundo maior exportador mundial dessa carne. O comportamento animal é conceituado como reflexo do efeito da interação de diversos fatores, entre os quais o ambiental. Dessa forma, o ambiente interno do galpão de produção constitui um dos elementos que fornecem indicações sobre o conforto térmico das aves. O comportamento de matrizes expressa, sob a forma de padrões específicos, a saúde e o bem-estar dessas aves. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a aplicação dos modelos estatísticos preditivos, por meio da construção de cenários, apresentando resultados do conforto animal perante diversas condições ambientais. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com dados coletados em ambiente controlado, utilizando a linhagem Hybro-PG®, submetida a diferentes níveis de temperatura ambiente, tipos padronizados de ração e idade. Foram procedidas as análises descritiva e exploratória e, posteriormente, a modelagem, utilizando as Equações de Estimação Generalizadas (EEG). A pesquisa permitiu o desenvolvimento de indicadores de bem-estar térmico por meio das equações dos modelos estatísticos de predição, sob os distintos cenários estudados.
In this study, the behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis of seizures induced by the intrahippocampal injection in rats of granulitoxin, a neurotoxic peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera, was determined. The first alterations occurred during microinjection of granulitoxin (8 µg) into the dorsal hippocampus and consisted of seizure activity that began in the hippocampus and spread rapidly to the occipital cortex. This activity lasted 20-30 s, and during this period the rats presented immobility. During the first 40-50 min after its administration, three to four other similar short EEG seizure periods occurred and the rats presented the following behavioral alterations: akinesia, facial automatisms, head tremor, salivation, rearing, jumping, barrel-rolling, wet dog shakes and forelimb clonic movements. Within 40-50 min, the status epilepticus was established and lasted 8-12 h. These results are similar to those observed in the acute phase of the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy and suggest that granulitoxin may be a useful tool not only to study the sodium channels, but also to develop a new experimental model of status epilepticus.
Nineteen-channel EEGs were recorded from the scalp surface of 30 healthy subjects (16 males and 14 females, mean age: 34 years, SD: 11.7 years) at rest and under trains of intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) at rates of 5, 10 and 20 Hz. Digitalized data were submitted to spectral analysis with fast fourier transformation providing the basis for the computation of global field power (GFP). For quantification, GFP values in the frequency ranges of 5, 10 and 20 Hz at rest were divided by the corresponding data obtained under IPS. All subjects showed a photic driving effect at each rate of stimulation. GFP data were normally distributed, whereas ratios from photic driving effect data showed no uniform behavior due to high interindividual variability. Suppression of alpha-power after IPS with 10 Hz was observed in about 70% of the volunteers. In contrast, ratios of alpha-power were unequivocal in all subjects: IPS at 20 Hz always led to a suppression of alpha-power. Dividing alpha-GFP with 20-Hz IPS by alpha-GFP at rest (R = alpha-GFP IPS/alpha-GFPrest) thus resulted in ratios lower than 1. We conclude that ratios from GFP data with 20-Hz IPS may provide a suitable paradigm for further investigations.
A recent study from our laboratory has provided evidence for the generation of slow potentials occurring in anticipation to task-performance feedback stimuli, in multiple association cortical areas, consistently including two prefrontal areas. In the present study, we intended to determine whether these slow potentials would indicate some abnormality (topographic) in schizophrenic patients, and thus serve as an indication of abnormal association cortex activity. We recorded slow potentials while subjects performed a paired-associates memory task. A 123-channel EEG montage and common average reference were used for 20 unmedicated schizophrenic (mean duration of illness: 11.3 ± 9.2 years; mean number of previous hospitalizations: 1.2 ± 1.9) and 22 healthy control subjects during a visual paired-associates matching task. For the topographic analysis, we used a simple index of individual topographic deviation from normality, corrected for absolute potential intensities. Slow potentials were observed in all subjects. Control subjects showed a simple spatial pattern of voltage extrema (left central positive and right prefrontal negative), whereas schizophrenic patients presented a more complex, fragmented pattern. Topographic deviation was significantly different between groups (P < 0.001). The increased topographic complexity in schizophrenics could be visualized in grand averages computed across subjects. Increased topographic complexity could also be seen when grand averages were computed for subgroups of patients assembled either according to task-performance (high versus low) or by their scores on psychopathological scales. There was no significant correlation between topographic deviation and psychopathology scores. We conclude that the slow potential topographic abnormalities of schizophrenia indicate an abnormality in the configuration of large-scale electrical activity in association cortices.
Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. The effects of caffeine have been studied using cognitive and motor measures, quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and event-related potentials. However, these methods are not usually employed in combination, a fact that impairs the interpretation of the results. The objective of the present study was to analyze changes in electrophysiological, cognitive and motor variables with the ingestion of caffeine, and to relate central to peripheral responses. For this purpose we recorded event-related potentials and eyes-closed, resting EEG, applied the Stroop test, and measured reaction time. Fifteen volunteers took caffeine (400 mg) or placebo in a randomized, crossover, double-blind design. A significant reduction of alpha absolute power over the entire scalp and of P300 latency at the Fz electrode were observed after caffeine ingestion. These results are consistent with a stimulatory effect of caffeine, although there was no change in the attention (Stroop) test or in reaction time. The qEEG seems to be the most sensitive index of the changes produced by caffeine in the central nervous system since it proved to be capable of detecting changes that were not evident in the tests of cognitive or motor performance.