26 resultados para Einhorn, Stefan
Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a zoonotic infection caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis, a nematode with an intra-vascular location in the mesentery. Our objective was to address several aspects of the natural history of this parasitosis, in a longitudinal clinical and seroepidemiological study. A total of 179 individuals living in a rural area with active transmission in southern Brazil were followed for five years (1995-1999) resulting in yearly prevalence of 28.2%, 4.2%, 10%, 20.2% and 2.8% and incidences of 0%, 5.9%, 8% and 1.5%, respectively. Both men and woman were affected with higher frequencies at age 30-49 years. In 32 individuals serum samples were collected at all time points and IgG antibody reactivity detected by ELISA was variable and usually persisting not longer than one year. Some individual antibody patterns were suggestive of re-infection. There was no association with occurrence of abdominal pain or of other enteroparasites and there was no individual with a confirmed (histopathologic) diagnosis. Mollusks were found with infective third-stage larvae in some houses with an overall prevalence of 16% and a low parasitic burden. In conclusion, abdominal angiostrongyliasis in southern Brazil may be a frequent infection with low morbidity and a gradually decreasing serological reactivity.
Latent tuberculosis was studied in a research laboratory. A prevalence of positive tuberculin skin test results (> 15mm) of 20% was found and the main predictors were place of birth in a foreign country with high prevalence of tuberculosis and a history of contact with patients with untreated active tuberculosis.
Introduction: In Brazil, hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) has a high lethality rate that varies by region. This study aimed to identify the risk factors associated with fatal hantavirosis. Methods: This study was a case-control study that included all laboratory confirmed cases of hantavirosis. The cases were stratified by the different Brazilian regions using data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System. “Cases” were patients who progressed to death, whereas “controls” were patients who were cured. The odds ratio (OR) and the adjusted OR were calculated. Results: Overall, 158 cases and 281 controls were included in this study. In the Midwest region, the cases were 60% less likely to present with flank pain, and the time between the beginning of symptoms and death was shorter than the time between the beginning of symptoms and a cure. In the Southeast region, the cases were 60% less likely to present with thrombocytopenia or reside in rural areas compared to those who progressed to a cure. Additionally, the cases sought medical assistance, notification and investigation more quickly than the controls. In the Southern region, the cases that died were 70% less likely to be male compared to the controls. Conclusions: HCPS manifests with nonspecific symptoms, and there are few published studies related to the condition, so determining a patient's therapeutic strategy is difficult. This study presents findings from different Brazilian regions and highlights the need for further investigations to improve comprehension about regional risk factors associated with hantavirosis and to reduce morbimortality.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Hantavirus diseases are emerging human diseases caused by Hantavirus spp. of the Bunnyaviridae family. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) has been detected in the Federal District (DF) of Brazil since 2004. Among the 27 Brazilian Federal Units, DF has the highest fatality rate. More than 10 years have already passed since then, with confirmation of cases caused by the Araraquara and Paranoa species. The reservoir is Necromys lasiurus. METHODS: Local surveillance data of the confirmed cases were analyzed, including age, sex, month and year of occurrence, clinical symptoms, syndromes and outcomes, and probable transmission place (PTP). The cases were mainly confirmed by IgM detection with a capture enzyme immunoassay. The cases were classified as autochthonous if PTPs were in the DF area. RESULTS: From 2004 to 2013, in the DF, 126 cases of hantavirus were confirmed, and the cumulative incidence was 5.0 per 100,000 inhabitants. The occurrence of cases was predominantly from April to August. At least 75% of the cases were autochthonous. Acute respiratory failure was reported in 47.5% of cases, and the fatality rate was 40%. CONCLUSIONS: In the DF, the cumulative incidence of HPS was one of the highest worldwide. A seasonal pattern of hantavirus disease in the dry season is clear. There was a high frequency of severe clinical signals and symptoms as well as a high fatality rate. For the near future, visitors and inhabitants of DF rural areas, particularly male adults, should receive continuous education about hantavirus transmission and prevention.
The patient is a male with risk factors for coronary artery disease, who was referred for cardiac catheterization after acute myocardial infarction in the inferior wall. The patient underwent transluminal coronary angioplasty in the right coronary artery with successful stent implantation.
Relatamos o caso de duas pacientes portadoras de arterite de Takayasu, encaminhadas ao nosso serviço onde as lesões acometiam a aorta torácica descendente e os vasos da base e, em uma delas, lesão obstrutiva crítica do óstio da coronária esquerda. Ambas as pacientes foram operadas sem circulação extracorpórea, com heparinização plena e auxílio de autotransfusão.
FUNDAMENTO: A redução da mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares é observada no Brasil há anos, atribuída à queda nos fatores de risco, melhora na terapêutica e diminuição da mortalidade hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Comparar a mortalidade populacional, o coeficiente de internação e a mortalidade hospitalar em unidades do Sistema Único de Saúde, para doença isquêmica do coração (DIC), doenças cerebrovasculares (DCBV) e insuficiência cardíaca (IC), no município de Niterói, entre 1998 e 2007. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados o número de óbitos e o de internações e mortalidade hospitalar de residentes em Niterói para o capítulo IX do CID10 e causas específicas disponíveis no Datasus, na população de 30 anos e mais. A diferença entre a magnitude dos indicadores foi calculada para homens e mulheres considerando a média do primeiro triênio menos a média do segundo triênio. RESULTADOS: Houve queda dos coeficientes de mortalidade populacional em homens e mulheres, para todas as faixas etárias, nos três grupos de causas e para o capítulo IX. A tendência à queda dos coeficientes diminuiu com a idade. Para DIC houve queda na mortalidade hospitalar. Para DCBV e IC, aumento. Os coeficientes de internação hospitalar por DIC diminuíram, com exceção de algumas faixas. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo permitiu esclarecer alguns aspectos da morbimortalidade cardiovascular em Niterói. A redução da mortalidade populacional e hospitalar por DIC indica haver melhor qualidade na abordagem dessa condição. O aumento da mortalidade hospitalar por DCBV e IC aponta para a necessidade de se dar maior atenção à qualidade do cuidado hospitalar para esses grupos de doenças.
FUNDAMENTO: O aparecimento de Fibrilação Atrial (FA) em pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) está em geral associado a uma alta ocorrência de complicações cardiovasculares. Constatou-se que a relação E/(E' × S') (E = velocidade transmitral diastólica inicial, E' = velocidade diastólica inicial no anel mitral e S = velocidade sistólica no anel mitral) reflete a pressão de enchimento do ventrículo esquerdo. Objetivo: Investigamos se E/(E' × S') poderia ser um preditor de FA de início recente em pacientes com IC. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 113 pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados com IC, em ritmo sinusal, após o tratamento médico adequado. Os pacientes com histórico de FA, imagens ecocardiográficas inadequadas, cardiopatia congênita, ritmo acelerado, doença valvar primária significativa, síndrome coronariana aguda, revascularização coronária durante o seguimento, doença pulmonar ou insuficiência renal grave não foram incluídos. E/(E' × S') foi determinado utilizando a média das velocidades das bordas septal e lateral do anel mitral. A meta principal do estudo foi a FA de início recente. RESULTADOS: Durante o período de seguimento (35,7 ± 11,2 meses), 33 pacientes (29,2%) desenvolveram FA. A média de E/(E' × S') foi de 3,09 ± 1,12 nesses pacientes, ao passo que foi de 1,72 ± 1,34 no restante (p < 0,001). O corte de relação E/(E' × S') ótima para predizer FA de início recente foi de 2,2 (88% de sensibilidade, 77% de especificidade). Havia 64 pacientes (56,6%) com E/(E' × S') < 2,2 e 49 (43,4%) com E/(E '× S') > 2,2. A FA de início recente foi maior em pacientes com E/(E' × S') > 2,2 que em pacientes com E/(E' × S') < 2,2 [29 (59,1%) versus 4 (6,2%), p < 0,001]. Na análise multivariada de Cox incluindo as variáveis que previram FA em análise univariada, a relação E/(E' × S') foi o único preditor independente de FA de início recente (relação de risco = 2,26, 95% de intervalo de confiança = 1,25 - 4,09, p = 0,007). CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com IC, a relação E/(E' × S') parece ser um bom preditor de FA de início recente.
ABSTRACT Cabossous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 is considered a rare species in southern South America, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, records of the species are scarce and inaccurate. This study reports 40 localities for C. tatouay, and provides a map of the species' potential distribution using ecological niche modeling (ENM). The ENM indicated that in this region C. tatouay is associated with open grasslands, including the areas of "Pampas" and the open fields in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest. This study contributes to the information about the greater naked-tailed armadillo in southern Brazil, and provides data key to its future conservation.
ABSTRACT We described a new species of spider, Alpaida clarindoi sp. nov. (Araneidae), from the southwestern Amazon forest. The new species is distinguished from most Alpaida by the presence of a pair of shoulders spines. Females can be separated from similar species by the subquadrangular shape of the epigynum, and males by the shape of the terminal apophysis and the tegulum, which possess an apical pointed tip. Alpaida clarindoi sp. nov. is described based on both sexes.
Immunity to intracellular bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium leprae, and Listeria monocytogenes depends on specific T cells. Evidence to be described suggests that CD4 (alpha/beta)T cells which interact with each other and with macrophages contribute to acquired resistence against as well as pathogenesis of intracellular bacterial infections.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis may cause intestinal lesions of varied severity when it accidentally infects man in Central and South America. First-stage larvae have never been detected in stools. Therefore, a parasite-specific IgG ELISA was evaluated for the determination of the acute phase of infection. The specificity and the sensitivity of the immunoassay was shown to be 76.2% and 91.1%, respectively. Eight serum samples taken from patients with histopathological diagnosis, at different time points (3 to 15 months) after surgical treatment, showed a sharp and early decline in antibody reactivity. The titration of anti-A. costaricensis antibodies has proved to be a useful method for the diagnosis of acute abdominal angiostrongyliasis.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients have a greater prevalence of coinfection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is of high oncogenic risk. Indeed, the presence of the virus favours intraepithelial squamous cell lesion progression and may induce cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of HPV infection, distribution of HPV types and risk factors among HIV-positive patients. Cervical samples from 450 HIV-positive patients were analysed with regard to oncotic cytology, colposcopy and HPV presence and type by means of polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. The results were analysed by comparing demographic data and data relating to HPV and HIV infection. The prevalence of HPV was 47.5%. Among the HPV-positive samples, 59% included viral types of high oncogenic risk. Multivariate analysis showed an association between HPV infection and the presence of cytological alterations (p = 0.003), age greater than or equal to 35 years (p = 0.002), number of partners greater than three (p = 0.002), CD4+ lymphocyte count < 200/mm3 (p = 0.041) and alcohol abuse (p = 0.004). Although high-risk HPV was present in the majority of the lesions studied, the low frequency of HPV 16 (3.3%), low occurrence of cervical lesions and preserved immunological state in most of the HIV-positive patients were factors that may explain the low occurrence of precancerous cervical lesions in this population.
A análise dos linfonodos cervicais é um assunto complexo, na medida em que obtemos, por vezes, padrões de imagens superponíveis para os processos benignos - reacionais (infecciosos específicos e inespecíficos) - e para os malignos - doenças neoplásicas (linfoproliferativas e metastáticas). O seguimento adequado das linfadenopatias também requer do examinador detalhamento topográfico e descrição dos aspectos ecográficos relevantes. Realizamos revisão literária com os objetivos de ressaltar os critérios ultra-sonográficos mais significantes (modo-B e dúplex-Doppler colorido) e fazer analogia aos reparos anatômicos utilizados na tomografia computadorizada, para uniformizar a descrição topográfica dos níveis linfonodais por meio da ultra-sonografia. Os aspectos avaliados ao modo-B foram: número (se agrupados ou isolado), forma, hilo ecogênico central, ecotextura/ecogenicidade, presença de calcificações, necrose e/ou hemorragia interna, dimensões, contornos (disseminação extracapsular). Ao dúplex-Doppler colorido os aspectos avaliados foram: padrão de vascularização e análise espectral - índice de resistividade e índice de pulsatilidade. Existem padrões ultra-sonográficos freqüentemente descritos nos linfonodos malignos como morfologia globosa, hipoecogenicidade marcada, vascularização predominantemente periférica e índice de resistividade elevado, porém a análise deve ser multifatorial, levando-se em conta os parâmetros ao modo-B e ao dúplex-Doppler colorido.