63 resultados para Dual-fuel Diesel RCCI LTC
Among the alternatives to meet the increasing of world demand for energy, the use of biomass as energy source is one of the most promising as it contributes to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Gasification is a technological process of biomass energy production of a gaseous biofuel. The fuel gas has a low calorific value that can be used in Diesel engine in dual mode for power generation in isolated communities. This study aimed to evaluate the reduction in the consumption of oil Diesel an engine generator, using gas from gasification of wood. The engine generator brand used was a BRANCO, with direct injection power of 7.36 kW (10 HP) coupled to an electric generator 5.5 kW. Diesel oil mixed with intake air was injected, as the oil was injected via an injector of the engine (dual mode). The fuel gas was produced in a downdraft gasifier. The engine generator was put on load system from 0.5 kW to 3.5 kW through a set of electrical resistances. Diesel oil consumption was measured with a precision scale. It was concluded that the engine converted to dual mode when using the gas for the gasification of wood decreased Diesel consumption by up to 57%.
CeO2 and mixed CeO2-ZrO2 nanopowders were synthesized and efficiently deposited onto cordierite substrates, with the evaluation of their morphologic and structural properties through XRD, SEM, and FTIR. The modified substrates were employed as outer heterogeneous catalysts for reducing the soot originated from the diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends incomplete combustion. Their activity was evaluated in a diesel stationary motor, and a comparative analysis of the soot emission was carried out through diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The analyses have shown that the catalyst-impregnated cordierite samples are very efficient for soot oxidation, being capable of reducing the soot emission in more than 60%.
The techniques available for the remediation of environmental accidents involving petroleum hydrocarbons are generally high-cost solutions. A cheaper, practical and ecologically relevant alternative is the association of plants with microorganisms that contribute to the degradation and removal of hydrocarbons from the soil. The growth of three tropical grass species (Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens and Paspalum notatum) and the survival of root-associated bacterial communities was evaluated at different diesel oil concentrations. Seeds of three grass species were germinated in greenhouse and at different doses of diesel (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 g kg-1 soil). Plants were grown for 10 weeks with periodic assessment of germination, growth (fresh and dry weight), height, and number of bacteria in the soil (pots with or without plants). Growth and biomass of B. decumbens and P. notatum declined significantly when planted in diesel-oil contaminated soils. The presence of diesel fuel did not affect the growth of B. brizantha, which was highly tolerant to this pollutant. Bacterial growth was significant (p < 0.05) and the increase was directly proportional to the diesel dose. Bacteria growth in diesel-contaminated soils was stimulated up to 5-fold by the presence of grasses, demonstrating the positive interactions between rhizosphere and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the remediation of diesel-contaminated soils.
The exhaust emissions of vehicles greatly contribute to environmental pollution. Diesel engines are extremely fuel-efficient. However, the exhaust compounds emitted by diesel engines are both a health hazard and a nuisance to the public. This paper gives an overview of the emission control of particulates from diesel exhaust compounds. The worldwide emission standards are summarized. Possible devices for reducing diesel pollutants are discussed. It is clear that after-treatment devices are necessary. Catalytic converters that collect particulates from diesel exhaust and promote the catalytic burn-off are examined. Finally, recent trends in diesel particulate emission control by novel catalysts are presented.
Total spectrofluorimetry associated to Principal Components Analysis (PCA) were used to classify into different groups the samples of diesel oil, biodiesel, vegetal oil and residual oil, as well as, to identify addition of non-transesterified residual vegetable oil, instead of biodiesel, to the diesel oil. Using this method, the samples of diesel oil, mixtures of biodiesel in diesel and mixtures of residual oil in diesel were separated into well-defined groups.
The goal of this research was to evaluate the biodegradation of diesel by a microbial consortium collected in a region close to distributors of fuel. The experiments were monitored by SPME-GC-FID and SPME-GC-MS. The consortium showed a high potential for production of biosurfactants, presenting an emulsification index of 53%. The consortium degraded completely n-alkanes, while dimethylnaphtalene, hepthyl-cyclohexane and 2,6,10-trimethyl-undecane were partially degraded and pristane was not degraded. From this consortium five strains were isolated and identified as Acinetobacter baumannii. Based on this initial investigation this consortium appears to be effective for bioremediation in Porto Velho - RO region.
In this study, we developed a method for the visual detection of biodiesel in petrodiesel-biodiesel (BX) blends through the aminolysis of the methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids that are found in biodiesel and that are absent from diesel and vegetable oils. This method is based on three reactional stages, which produce a dark red and easily visualized complex in the presence of biodiesel. In the absence of biodiesel, there is no dark red coloring, whereas in the presence of diesel or vegetable oil, there is a light red to yellow coloring. This simple, practical, inexpensive, and effective procedure may be applied by petrol stations to guarantee to consumers and resellers the presence of biodiesel in diesel blends, regardless of the BX blend's initial coloring or of the sulfur found in the diesel. In short, it ensures a safe fuel tank fill-up with BX blend.
The aim of this present work was to provide a more fast, simple and less expensive to analyze sulfur content in diesel samples than by the standard methods currently used. Thus, samples of diesel fuel with sulfur concentrations varying from 400 and 2500 mgkg-1 were analyzed by two methodologies: X-ray fluorescence, according to ASTM D4294 and by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). The spectral data obtained from FTIR were used to build multivariate calibration models by partial least squares (PLS). Four models were built in three different ways: 1) a model using the full spectra (665 to 4000 cm-1), 2) two models using some specific spectrum regions and 3) a model with variable selected by classic method of variable selection stepwise. The model obtained by variable selection stepwise and the model built with region spectra between 665 and 856 cm-1 and 1145 and 2717 cm-1 showed better results in the determination of sulfur content.
Brazil is doing a major effort to find alternatives to diesel oil as combustible. Some study lines are oriented to the development of vegetable oils used as fuel, as a source of getting cheaper and have higher energy density than the converted vegetable oils, and less risk of environmental contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance, the useful life of the lubricant and some components of a Diesel Cycle engine, with an electronic injection system, in a long-term test operating with a preheated blend (65°C) of 50% (v v-1) of soybean oil in petrodiesel. There was a reduction of the useful life of the injectors which presented failure because of high wear with 264 hours of operation and showed an increase in emissions of particulate matter (opacity) which may be assigned to the failures occurred in the injection system. An increase in the useful life of the lubricant, when compared with the literature was also observed. The electronic injection system may favor the burning of the tested fuel. The test was interrupted with 264 hours because of failures in the injection system.
The use of renewable fuels, such as the biodiesel, can ease the demand of fossil fuel for the power generation and transportation fields in rural area. In this work, the performance impact of the application of castor oil biodiesel is evaluated with an automotive and a stationary diesel engine. The application of B20 and B10 biodiesel blends and pre-heated net biodiesel is considered. The viability of the employment of B10 and B20 blends to mobility and power generation was observed from dynamometric bench tests, where this blends performed similar to fossil diesel. With the pre-heated net biodiesel, however, a brake torque loss and a specific consumption increase were observed with relation to diesel fuel.
No Brasil, a forma de energia alternativa mais atraente tem sido a biomassa e, mais recentemente, os óleos vegetais residuais e in natura. Portanto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o desempenho na tomada de potência de um trator agrícola de pneus, utilizando misturas de óleo Diesel (OD) com óleo de soja reutilizádo (OSR). Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo de densidade das misturas, comportamento da temperatura do óleo Diesel no sistema de alimentação de combustível do motor e análises de viscosidades das misturas em estudo. Após as análises, verificou-se, por meio de ensaios dinamométricos, o desempenho do motor alimentado com misturas de OD com OSR, em diferentes proporções. As principais conclusões deste trabalho foram: a) para as avaliações na tomada de potência, a mistura de 25% OD com 75% OSR apresentou a maior potência entre as demais misturas; b) o consumo especifico e os torques demonstraram tendência a maiores valores com o acréscimo da percentagem de OSR às misturas.
O petróleo é a principal fonte de energia para motores de combustão interna, possibilitando sua transformação em energia mecânica. A dependência do petróleo conduz à necessidade de alternativas, mediante o cultivo de matérias-primas renováveis. Os problemas atuais são os custos dos biocombustíveis, que são maiores que dos derivados do petróleo, e o fato de que não existem muitos motores de combustão adequados ao uso de óleos vegetais. Em vista disso, são necessárias mais investigações quanto às técnicas de produção e de refino dos biocombustíveis e, ainda, à adequação de motores ao uso de óleos vegetais, para que estes possam ser uma alternativa viável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as diferentes misturas e avaliar o desempenho de um trator agrícola de pneus, utilizando misturas de óleo Diesel (OD) com óleo de soja reutilizável (OSR). Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo de densidade, viscosidade das misturas e comportamento da temperatura do OD no sistema de alimentação de combustível no motor. Após as análises, verificou-se, por meio de ensaios na barra de tração, o desempenho das misturas de OD e OSR. As principais conclusões deste trabalho foram: a densidade e viscosidade das misturas sofrem variações com o aumento da quantidade de OSR e com a variação da temperatura. Para as avaliações na barra de tração, os melhores resultados observados no rendimento do trator foram verificados com o aumento das percentagens de mistura (25% OSR, para carga N, 25, 75 e 100% OSR, para a quarta marcha, como carga, e 75 e 100% OSR, para a terceira, segunda e primeira marcha, como carga).
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar as emissões de acetaldeído e formaldeído, substâncias nocivas para a saúde das pessoas e cujas emissões dos veículos a diesel ainda não estão regulamentadas. MÉTODOS: Testes padronizados foram realizados em quatro veículos leves comerciais do ciclo diesel, testados num dinamômetro de chassis, usando o procedimento de teste FTP-75. Os poluentes foram analisados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que a emissão de acetaldeído variou de 5,9 a 45,4 mg/km e a de formaldeído variou de 16,5 a 115,2 mg/km. A emissão média para a soma dos aldeídos foi de 58,7 mg/km, variando de 22,5 mg/km a 160 mg/km. A proporção entre os dois se manteve constante, próximo de 74% de formaldeído e 26% de acetaldeído. CONCLUSÕES: A emissão de aldeídos provenientes de veículos movidos a diesel foi significativa quando comparada com as emissões reais dos veículos de ignição por centelha ou com o limite previsto para os veículos do ciclo Otto na legislação brasileira. O estabelecimento de limites de emissão para essas substâncias para veículos a diesel mostra-se importante, considerando o crescimento da frota de veículos a diesel, a toxicidade desses compostos e sua participação como precursores nas reações de formação de gás ozônio na baixa troposfera.