28 resultados para Dafel, Henry (1889-1947)


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Família CERATOPOGONIDAE: Gênero Alluaudomyia Kieffer, 1913; Gênero Atrichopogon Kieffer, 1906; Gênero Bezzia Kieffer, 1899; Gênero Calyptopogon Kieffer, 1910; Gênero Ceratobezzia Kieffer, 1917; Gênero Clinohelea Kieffer, 1917; Gênero Culicoides Latreille, 1809; Gênero Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911; Gênero Dicrobezzia Kieffer, 1919; Gênero Dicrohele Lane & Wirth, 1961; Gênero Echinohele Macfie, 1942; Gênero Forcipomya Meigen, 1818; Gênero Heteromyia Say, 1825; Gênero Lasiohelea (Kieffer, 1921); Gênero Leptocanops Skuse, 1889; Gênero Macfiehelea Lane, 1946; Gênero Macropeza Meigen, 1818; Gênero Monohelea Kieffer, 1917; Gênero Nilobezzia Kieffer, 1921; Gênero Pachyhelea Wirth, 1959; Gênero Palpomyia Meigen, 1818; Gênero Parabezzia Malloch, 1915; Gênero Paryphoconus Enderlein, 1912; Gênero Sphaeromias Curtis, 1829; Gênero Stenoxenus Coquillett, 1899; Gênero Stilobezzia Kieffer, 1911; Familia PSYCHODIDAE: Gênero Bruchomyia Alexander, 1920; Gênero Phlebotomus Rondani, 1840; Família SIMULIIDAE: Gênero Eusimulium Roubaud, 1906; Gênero Lutzsimulium d'Andretta & d'Andretta, 1947; Gênero Prosimulium Roubaud, 1906; Gênero Simulium Latreille, 1802.


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Triatoma delpontei Romaña y Abalos, 1947 es una especie de triatomineo silvestre, de marcada ornitofilia, que se asocia preferentemente al psitácido Myiopsitta monachus (Boddaert, 1783) colonizando sus nidos. Especie que se identifica con zonas de forestas subtropicales secas o xerofíticas propias de las provincias biogeográficas continentales chaqueñas, es notificada para Brasil en la microregión de la campaña de Río Grande do Sul (barra de Quaraí, Municipio de Uruguaiana).


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Os autores fazem uma revisão de 103 casos de endocardites infecciosas, dos quais 52 apresentaram manifestações neurológicas. Dos 52 que não tiveram problemas neurológicos, 39 faleceram 175%), enquanto que dos 51 que não tiveram alterações do sistema nervoso, apenas 18 evoluíram para o óbito 135,3%). A endocardite infecciosa com manifestações neurológicas, na presente série, foi dominante no sexo masculino. Os grupos etários mais envolvidos foram as crianças, adolescentes e adultos jovens. Houve outro pico importante em pacientes acima de 50 anos. Os critérios para o diagnóstico de endocardite infecciosa utilizados no presente estudo, foram os clássicos, acrescidos de outros considerados de extrema utilidade, à medida que a experiência foi sendo acumulada, acompanhando paralelamente as modificações dos padrões etiológicos, assim como as alterações dos espectros clínicos da doença, conseqüentes a muitos fatores aqui discutidos. Os principais distúrbios neurológicos observados foram as manifestações meningeias, 25/52 148,1%), alterações do comportamento, 20/52 (38,4%), fenômenos motores (paralisias e paresias), 20/52 (38,4%). Alterações do nível de consciência (torpor ou coma), ao lado de outras menos comuns, como cefaléia 16/52 (26,9%), convulsões, 10/52 (19,2%), afasia 7/52 (13,5%) e manchas de Roth, 7/53 (13,5%). As manifestações neurológicas frequentemente foram múltiplas em um mesmo paciente. Nas formas de endocardite, foram em muitos casos praticamente as alterações que abriram e dominaram a cena clínica. As mais comuns foram: síndrome meningeia, síndrome vascular e encefalopatia tóxica. Foi difícil, em conseqüência de múltiplas manifestações neurológicas num mesmo paciente, estabelecer critérios entre a lesão neurológica e o prognóstico, embora o coma profundo, as convulsões, os distúrbios motores acentuados, a meningite e as alterações do comportamento, isoladamente ou em associação, façam com que o mesmo seja bem mais sério. O germe mais encontrado em nossa série foi oStaphylococcus aureus, relacionado com formas agudas da infecção endocárdica, aliado a processos destrutivos valvulares e a sérias alterações neurológicas tais como meningite, encefalite, infartos, hemorragias e abcessos cerebrais. Os principais achados neurológicos referentes à patologia, no estudo de 15 casos, são apresentados ao lado de conclusões tiradas de reflexões sobre o material analisado e da experiência vivida. Uma revisão da literatura é feita desde os trabalhos iniciais sobre a doença até os dias de hoje, ficando evidenciada a importância do tema pelas grandes contribuições apresentadas pelos diferentes autores.


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Os autôres estudam o pulgão Cerosipha forbesi (Weed, 1889) (= Aphis forbesi), que vive sobre o morangueiro (Fragaria spp.), inseto provavelmente ainda não assinalado na literatura entomológica brasileira.


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Abundance and diversity of the fish fauna in the shallow infralittoral region of Atami Beach, Paraná, Brazil, were studied through monthly collections between July 1998 and June 1999. A total of 7553 fishes from 70 species and 26 families, mainly juvenile forms, was captured in the area. The mean captures in number of species, number of fish and biomass were larger from the end of spring to the middle of autumn; seasonal tendency in richness, diversity (number) and equitability indices were not observed. The largest mean dissimilarity in the composition of the ichthyofauna occurred between June and May in comparison to the period between July and October. The species that contributed most to this dissimilarity were Selene setapinnis (Mitchill, 1815), Conodon nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889). Three great groups reflecting patterns of temporal occurrence of the most abundant species were identified.


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Duas espécies de Eustala Simon, 1895 são descritas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Eustala belissima sp. nov. e Eustala crista sp. nov., representadas por ambos os sexos. A fêmea de E. itapocuensis Strand, 1916 e os machos de E. nasuta Mello-Leitão, 1939, E. perfida Mello-Leitão, 1947 e E. secta Mello-Leitão, 1945, são descritos pela primeira vez. Novas ocorrências do Brasil são listadas para Eustala illicita (O. P.-Cambridge, 1889) e E. sagana (Keyserling, 1893).


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The work reported here was carried-out on the invitation of Dr. Henry Kumm, Director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and by appointment from Dr. Henrique Aragão, Director of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. It was done during the investigation of sylvan yellow fever, in June 1947, with a view to establishing the phyto-ecological conditions of the county of Passos. The pe¬riod was, however, too short for definite conclusions to be reached. Thanks are due to Dr. O. R. Causey, Chief of Research on Yellow Fever for transpor¬tation and other help. THE REGIONAL VEGETATION. Aerial photographs of the county of Passos shoto that it is covered by three great types of vegetation: Rain Forest, Secondary Pasture Land and Scrub.1 Detailed investigation, however, brings out the fact that these correspond to different seres; furthermore, each type presents not only the specific, characteristics of the biological form dominant for the climate, but also are at various stages, which express HABITATS differing from those of the normal sere. The phytogeographic survey of the region shows that most of it is now covered by secondary pasture land (disclimax) in which Melinis minutiflora, v. "fat grass" (fig. 1), predominates. The mosaic of Rain Forest and of small patches of Scrub reveals the effects of human intervention (BARRETO, H. L. de Mello 1); consequently, all the formations have to be regarded as secon¬dary, though some of them probably include relicts of the primitive climax (WARMING, E. 2). On close examination, the Scrub cannot be considered as the climax, because of the following facts: 1. In the zone of Rain-Forest stretches of forest are present in very varied topographic conditions and the reconstitution of the associations show that man has destroyed an ecological unit (fig. 2). 2. In the zone of Scrub the characteristic patches are small. The banks of rivers and brooks, the valleys and ravine and whatever the soil has retained some humidity, is being invaded fry Rain Forest, which seems to be growing under optimum conditions. The Scrub is thus limited to small belts on the calcareous mountains and on sandy soils with alcaline depths (pH abo¬ve 7) which do not retain enough moisture for the Rain Forest that is progres¬sively restricting the area occupied by Scrub. In view of the topographic and present climatic conditions the Rain Forest must consequently be regarded as the regional climax. The presence of ecologically contradictory elements and associations shows that the real problem is that of the fluctuations of the climate of Passos or even of Minas Geraes during the quaternary and recent periods (DAN-SEREAU, P. : 3), a subject on which little is known and which is tied to the evolution of the climate of Brazil (OLIVEIRA, E. : 4) . The transformation of Scrub into Rain Forest has been - observed by the author before, in other parts of Brazil (VELOSO, PL P.: 5) . It seems probable that the Rio Grande has also greatly influenced the change of the regional vegetation, by invading areas of Scrub and dislocating the limit of the Pluvial climate towards the Canastra Range, though there are remnants of Scrub (postclimax) transfor¬med into secondary open country (disclimax, fig. 5) by human devastation and the setting of fire to the land. VEGETATION GROUPS OF THE PLUVIAL TYPE. The map of the region also shows that at the present time the small patches of forest (whether devasted or intact) occupy the least accessible places, such as valleys, peaks and abrupt slopes (fig. 2). Even these are now being destroyed, so that in the near future this forested region will be en¬tirely reduced to poor pasture land unless energetic measures of conservation are undertaken in time. The Special Service for Prophylaxis against Yellow Fever installed two of their four Stations for the Capture of Mosquitos in this area, one of them at Batatal and the other at Cachoeira, which have separate formations each of them composed of several associations. Other vegetation formations were also analysed, from the synecological point of view, so as to ascertain of which degree of succession their associations belong. These phytosociological sur¬veys give an idea of the principal characteristics of each station. BATATAL FORMATION. The abrupt nature of the valley has rendered this location inappropriate for agricultural purposes since colonial times. The relict of the primitive forest climax saved by this circumstance has expanded gradually to zones whose paedologic conditions favour the eatablishment of mesophilous species. The aerial photograph shows two small stretches of forest, one apparently primi¬tive, the other composed of associations belonging to the subclimax of the subsere. CACHOEIRA FORMATION. Aerial photographs show that this station is crossed by a small river, which divides it into two separate parts. The first, which presents ecological conditions similar, though not identical to those of Batatal, is favoured by topography and apparently remains primitive forest. Though the topography of the other, on the whole, favours the establishment of groups belonging to the normal sere of the climax, is has been partly devastated recently and the aspect of the associations has been completely modified. It was is this part that the four posts for the capturing of mosquitos were set up. The first forest is favoured by deposition of organic matter, washed out from the nearby devasted areas by torrential rains, and thus provides, an appropriate HABITAT for the climax species with certain hygrophilous trends of the ecological quasiclimax type. This association seems to have reached a biological equilibrium, as the dominates. Gallesia gorarema and Cariniana legalis (fig. 10), present an optimum vitality with a vigorous habit and a normal evolutionary cycle. The Cariniantum legalis Gallesiosum equilibrium, corresponds however, to a provisory association, because if the moving of soil by torrential rains should cease it would become possible