105 resultados para Caudal de Bypass
OBJECTIVE: To compare single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging scans using 201Tl and 99mTc-MIBI in detection of viable myocardium, in regions compromised by infarction. METHODS: Thirty-two (59.3±9.8 years old and 87% male) myocardial infarction patients were studied. All had Q waves on the ECG and left ventricle ejection fraction of <50%. They underwent coronary and left ventricle angiographies and SPECT before (including 201Tl reinjection) and after coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). Improvement in perfusion observed after surgery was considered the gold standard for myocardial viability. RESULTS: Among 102 studied regions of the heart, there were 40 (39.2%) areas of transient perfusion defects in the conventional protocol with 201Tl and 52 (51.0%) after reinjection. Therefore, 12/62 (19.4%) more viable regions were identified by reinjection. Using 99mTc-MIBI, only 14 (13.7%) regions with transient defects were identified, all of which were seen also in 201Tl protocols. After surgery, 49 of a total of 93 regions analyzed (52.7%) were viable. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative prediction values were, respectively, 201Tl SPECT scans - 65.3%, 90.9%, 77.4%, 88.9% and 70.2%, reinjection protocol with 201Tl scans - 81.6%, 81.8%, 81.7%, 83.3% and 80.0%; 99mTc-MIBI SPECT scans - 20.4%, 90.9%, 53.8%, 71.4% and 50.6%. Logistic regression demonstrated that the reinjection protocol with 201Tl was the best predictor of viability (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest the election of 201Tl for viability studies, especially when using the reinjection protocol.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the results observed during the early postoperative period in patients who had the posterior coronary arteries revascularized without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), in regard to the following parameters: age, sex,bypass grafts types, morbidity and mortality. METHODS: From January 1995 to June 1998, 673 patients underwent myocardial revascularization (MR). Of this total, 607 (90.20%) MR procedures were performed without CPB. The posterior coronary arteries (PCA) were revascularized in 298 (44.27%) patients, 280 (93.95%) without CPB. The age of the patients ranged from 37 to 88 years (mean, 61 years). The male gender predominated, with 198 men (70.7%). The revascularization of the posterior coronary arteries had the following distribution: diagonalis artery (31 patients, 10%); marginal branches of the circumflex artery (243 patients, 78.7%); posterior ventricular artery (4 patients, 1.3%); and posterior descending artery (31 patients, 10%). RESULTS: Procedure-related complications without death occurred in 7 cases, giving a morbidity of 2.5%. There were 11 deaths in the early postoperative period (mortality of 3.9%). CONCLUSION: Similarly to the anterior coronary arteries, the posterior coronary arteries may benefit from myocardial revascularization without CPB.
Familial hypercholesterolemia is characterized by high serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. It may be homozygous or heterozygous. In homozygous patients, LDL-cholesterol levels range from 500 to 1000mg/dL and coronary artery disease is precocious, usually manifesting itself between the 2nd and 3rd decades of life. The diagnosis is often made by the presence of xanthoma tuberosum and tendinous xanthomas that appear between the 1st and 2nd decades of life. The use of high doses of statins or even unusual procedures (apheresis, partial ileal bypass surgery, liver transplantation, gene therapy), or both, is necessary for increasing survival and improving quality of life, because a reduction in cholesterol levels is essential for stabilizing the coronary artery disease and reducing xanthomas. We report our experience with 3 patients with xanthomatous familial hypercholesterolemia and coronary artery disease, who underwent partial ileal bypass surgery. Their follow-up over the years (approximately 8 years) showed a mean 30% reduction in total cholesterol, with a significant reduction in the xanthomas and stabilization of the coronary artery disease.
OBJECTIVE: The association between cytokines and troponin-I with cardiac function after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass remains a topic of continued investigation. METHODS: Serial measurements, within 24h following surgery, of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, its soluble receptors, and troponin-I were performed in patients with normal ejection fraction undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Ejection fraction was measured by radioisotopic ventriculography preoperatively, at 24h and at day 7 postoperatively. RESULTS: Of 19 patients studied (59±8.5 years), 10 (group 1) showed no changes in ejection fraction, 53±8% to 55±7%, and 9 (group 2) had a decrease in ejection fraction, 60±11% to 47±11% (p=0.015) before and 24h after coronary artery bypass grafting, respectively. All immunological variables, except tumor necrosis factor-alpha soluble receptor I at 3h postoperation (5.5± 0.5 in group 1 versus 5.9±0.2 pg/ml in group 2; p=0.048), were similar between groups. Postoperative troponin-I had an inverse correlation with ejection fraction at 24h (r= -0.44). CONCLUSIONS: Inflammatory activity, assessed based on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and its receptors, appears to play a minor role in cardiac dysfunction after cardiac surgery. Troponin I levels are inversely associated with early postoperative ejection fraction.
A 50-year-old man developed recurrent angina 1 year after coronary artery bypass surgery. The patient was found to have a large fistula involving branches of the internal mammary artery graft and the left pulmonary artery. In the absence of another clear cause for the patient's symptoms, we speculated that our patient's angina and abnormal stress nuclear study were due to coronary steal. In patients with a history of coronary bypass grafting, fistula formation between graft and native vessels should be considered as a possible cause of early recurrent angina.
Background: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is a standard surgical option for patients with diffuse and significant arterial plaque. This procedure, however, is not free of postoperative complications, especially pulmonary and cognitive disorders. Objective: This study aimed at comparing the impact of two different physiotherapy treatment approaches on pulmonary and cognitive function of patients undergoing CABG. Methods: Neuropsychological and pulmonary function tests were applied, prior to and following CABG, to 39 patients randomized into two groups as follows: Group 1 (control) - 20 patients underwent one physiotherapy session daily; and Group 2 (intensive physiotherapy) - 19 patients underwent three physiotherapy sessions daily during the recovery phase at the hospital. Non-paired and paired Student t tests were used to compare continuous variables. Variables without normal distribution were compared between groups by using Mann-Whitney test, and, within the same group at different times, by using Wilcoxon test. The chi-square test assessed differences of categorical variables. Statistical tests with a p value ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Changes in pulmonary function were not significantly different between the groups. However, while Group 2 patients showed no decline in their neurocognitive function, Group 1 patients showed a decline in their cognitive functions (P ≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Those results highlight the importance of physiotherapy after CABG and support the implementation of multiple sessions per day, providing patients with better psychosocial conditions and less morbidity.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência da síndrome de dumping em uma série de casos submetidos ao bypass gástrico, baseado em critérios clínicos, e caracterizar seus principais aspectos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise dos sintomas descritos como dumping em 34 pacientes obesos mórbidos submetidos ao bypass gástrico com reconstrução em Y de Roux, por meio do preenchimento de um questionário que incluiu um sistema de escore para o diagnóstico clínico da síndrome de dumping, descrito por Sigstad. RESULTADOS: A ocorrência de dumping com base em critérios subjetivos foi de 44%. Aplicando o escore para diagnóstico clínico, a ocorrência foi de 76%. Os sintomas mais freqüentes foram "vontade de deitar" (88%), cansaço (69%) e sono (69%). Apenas 28% dos pacientes com dumping se sentiram incapacitados para a realização das atividades cotidianas. Não foi observada diferença entre o percentual de perda de peso dos pacientes dumpers e não-dumpers. CONCLUSÃO: O escore de Sigstad se mostrou uma ferramenta útil para o diagnóstico de dumping, embora uma visão crítica deva ser adotada quando utilizado em pacientes submetidos ao bypass gástrico. A síndrome de dumping foi frequente nesta população, embora geralmente subestimada, não sendo incapacitante para a realização das atividades cotidianas dos pacientes, assim como não se mostrou um fator relevante no auxílio à perda de peso.
OBJETIVO: estudar o efeito do bypass gástrico sobre a glicemia e o uso de medicação antidiabética em pacientes obesos portadores de diabetes. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte retrospectivo com 44 pacientes obesos portadores de DM2, provenientes de 469 pacientes submetidos ao bypass gástrico no período de dezembro de 2001 a março de 2009. Os desfechos primários avaliados foram: glicemia em jejum e a necessidade de medicação antidiabética. RESULTADOS: a população foi composta de dez (22,7%) homens e 34 (77,3%) mulheres, com média de idade de 45,3 (±8,23) anos e índice de massa corporal de 40,9 (±5,03) kg/m². O tempo médio de evolução do DM2 foi 63,6 (±60,9) meses. Dos 40 pacientes que utilizavam medicação para controle do DM2, 20 (50%) tiveram sua medicação suspensa na alta hospitalar e 13 (32,5%) até nove meses depois. Em uma paciente não foi possível avaliar o uso de medicação, sendo essa a única exclusão. A insulina foi suspensa nos dez (100%) pacientes que a utilizavam, sendo seis (60%) na alta hospitalar. Houve redução (P<0,05) da glicemia em jejum, em todo o período estudado, em comparação com o valor pré-operatório, e foram atingidos valores inferiores a 100mg/dl no período de sete a nove meses. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes obesos portadores de DM2, submetidos ao bypass gástrico, apresentaram melhora do controle glicêmico e redução do uso de hipoglicemiantes em curto prazo.
Objective: To evaluate the behavior of acute phase proteins and lipid profile in patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Methods : We conducted a prospective study, consisting of three moments: M1 - preoperative (24 hours before surgery); M2 - 30 days after surgery; and M3 - 180 days after surgery. We carried measured height and BMI, as well as determined the concentrations of acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin and Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein) and total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c and triacylglycerol. Results : participants comprised 25 individuals, with a mean age of 39.28 ± 8.07, 72% female. At all times of the study there was statistically significant difference as for weight loss and BMI. We found a significant decrease in CRP concentrations between the moments M1 and M3 (p = 0.041) and between M2 and M3 (p = 0.018). There was decrease in Alpha-1-GA concentrations between M1 and M2 (p = 0.023) and between M1 and M3 (p = 0.028). The albumin values increased, but did not differ between times. Total cholesterol and triacylglycerol decreased significantly ay all times. LDL-c concentrations decreased and differed between M1 and M2 (p = 0.001) and between M1 and M3 (p = 0.001). HDL-c values increased, however only differing between M1 and M2 (p = 0.050). Conclusion : Roux-en-Y gastric bypass promoted a decrease in plasma concentrations of CRP and Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, improving lipid and inflammatory profiles.
No estudo sobre a origem e ramificações das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMCa) do mocó, foram utilizados 20 animais (18 machos e 2 fêmeas) de diferentes idades, que, após morte natural, foram dissecados rebatendo-se as paredes torácica e abdominal, pelo antímero esquerdo, expondo-se a aorta que foi então canulada em seu trajeto pré-diafragmático, procedendo-se a injeção de neoprene látex corado, no sentido caudal. A seguir, foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, durante 48 horas, e posteriormente dissecados. Os resultados mostraram que em 18 animais (90%), a AMCr originou-se da aorta abdominal isoladamente, logo após a artéria celíaca, emitindo as artérias cólica média (CoM), pancreaticoduodenal caudal (PDC), duodenojejunal (DJ), jejunal (J) e ileocecocólica (ICeCo). Em um mocó (5%), as AMCr e AC se originaram da aorta abdominal em um tronco comum. Neste caso, a AMCr originou às artérias CoM, PDC, ICeCo e J. Em uma observação (5%), as artérias AMCr e AMCa surgiram em tronco comum. Neste animal, as artérias PDC, DJ, ICeCo, CoM e J foram originadas da AMCr, enquanto as aterias cólica esquerda (CoE) e retal cranial (ARCr) derivaram da AMCa. Dois animais (10%) apresentaram como colaterais da AMCr as artérias CoM, PDC, DJ, J e o tronco ICeCo, que originou às artérias CoD e ileocecal (ICe). No que diz respeito a AMCa, nos 20 casos (100%) originou as artérias CoE e RCr.
Thirty heads with the neck segment of Caiman latirostris were used. The animals were provided from a creation center called Mister Caiman, under the authorization of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). Animals were sacrificed according to the slaughtering routine of the abattoir, and the heads were sectioned at the level of the third cervical vertebra. The arterial system was washed with cold saline solution, with drainage through jugular veins. Subsequently, the system was filled with red colored latex injection. Pieces were than fixed in 20% formaldehyde, for seven days. The brains were removed, with a spinal cord segment, the duramater removed and the arteries dissected. At the level of the hypophysis, the internal carotid artery gave off a rostral branch, and a short caudal branch, continuing, naturally, as the caudal cerebral artery. This artery projected laterodorsalwards and, as it overpassed the optic tract, gave off its I (the first) central branch. Penetrated in the cerebral transverse fissure, emitting the diencephalic artery and next its II (second) central branch. Still inside the fissure, originated occipital hemispheric branches and a pineal branch. Emerged from the cerebral transverse fissure, over the occipital pole of the cerebral hemisphere. Projected rostralwards, sagital to the cerebral longitudinal fissure, as interhemispheric artery. This artery gave off medial and convex hemispheric branches to the respective surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres, anastomosed with its contralateral homologous, forming the common ethmoidal artery. This artery entered the fissure between the olfactory peduncles, emerging ventrally and dividing into ethmoidal arteries, right and left, which progressed towards the nasal cavities, vascularizing them. The territory of the caudal cerebral artery included the most caudal area of the base of the cerebral hemisphere, its convex surface, the olfactory peduncles and bulbs, the choroid plexuses and the diencephalus with its parietal organs.
Thirty Meleagris gallopavo heads with their neck segments were used. Animals were contained and euthanized with the association of mebezonium iodide, embutramide and tetracaine hydrochloride (T 61, Intervet ) by intravenous injection. The arterial system was rinsed with cold saline solution (15°C), with 5000IU heparin and filled with red-colored latex. The samples were fixed in 20% formaldehyde for seven days. The brains were removed with a segment of cervical spinal cord and after, the dura-mater was removed and the arteries dissected. The cerebral carotid arteries, after the intercarotid anastomosis, were projected around the hypophysis, until they reached the tuber cinereum and divided into their terminal branches, the caudal branch and the rostral branch. The rostral branch was projected rostrolateralwards and gave off, in sequence, two collateral branches, the caudal cerebral and the middle cerebral arteries and the terminal branch was as cerebroethmoidal artery. The caudal cerebral artery of one antimere formed the interhemispheric artery, which gave off dorsal hemispheric branches to the convex surface of both antimeres. Its dorsal tectal mesencephalic branch, of only one antimere, originated the dorsal cerebellar artery. In the interior of the cerebral transverse fissure, after the origin of the dorsal tectal mesencephalic artery, the caudal cerebral artery emitted occipital hemispheric branches, pineal branches and medial hemispheric branches, on both antimeres. The caudal cerebral artery's territory comprehended the entire surface of the dorsal hemioptic lobe, the rostral surface of the cerebellum, the diencephalic structures, the caudal pole and the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere and in the convex surface, the sagittal eminence except for its most rostral third. Due to the asymmetry found in the caudal cerebral arteries' ramifications, the models were classified into three types and their respective subtypes.