50 resultados para Cassidy, Duane H., 1933-
As it is generally said, the red ring disease of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is caused by a nematode which is regularly found in the diseased tissues. Such a nematode was described by COBB in 1919 as Aphelenchus cocophilus, having been placed by GOODEY, in 1933, in the genus Aphelenchoides. The species has been found occurring in three States of this country (Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia). However, the Authors received from the Instituto de Ecologia e Experimentação Agrícolas, in Rio de Janeiro, a few samples of coconut tissues badly infested. So, its area of distribution is considerably enlarged. A. cocophilus is so slender and delicate a form that descriptions based on preserved material are frequentely inadequate. Thus, the Authors took this opportunity to re-examine and redescribe the species, as it was suggested by GOODEY (1923), what had not previously been made by those brazilian workers who have dealt with the disease. The population studied generally agreed with those examined by COBB (1919) and GOODEY (1923) in the details given, except in the dimensions mainly of the tail, as it is shown in table 1, where the measurements of 5 females and 5 males are presented.
Aedes (Ochlerotatu) rhyacophilus Costa Lima i resurrected from the synonymy with Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondani). Lectotype and paralectotypes are designated Larval, pupal and both sexes of adult stages are redescribed and illustrated. Bionomics include a picture of a brreding place. Diagnostic characters for distinguishing rhyacophilus from other species of the Scapularis Group are provided. Some data about known distribution are presented.
Agalliana goianensis sp. nov., Agalliana alutacea sp. nov., Agalliana truncata sp. nov., all from Brazil, are described.
The German Third Reich was successful in reaching its economical objectives. It is intended to explain the causes of the First German Economic Miracle, fitting its economic system into the category of command economy, which does not confuse itself with the centrally planned economy. Thus, in the first section, we describe the so adopted politics in this period and explain how they had led to the recovery of the German economy. The second section evaluates global indicators of economic performance and population welfare. We are looking for to demonstrate the hypothesis that the Nazi economy was efficient. Such efficiency is explained by the characteristics of the German model.
La Misión Dakar-Yibutí, bajo la conducción de Marcel Griaule, atravesó el continente africano entre 1931 y 1933. Este trabajo describe sus vínculos con la naciente etnografía francesa, así como la forma en la que se organizó y llevó a cabo.
Estudo do problema da poliomielite no município de São Paulo, desde 1933 até 1967, dando ênfase ao período de 1962 a 1967, quando é analisada a relação entre a variação da incidência da doença em tela e as campanhas de vacinação em massa com a vacina de vírus vivos atenuados, então relizadas. Com base nos dados apresentados, conclue-se que no ano de 1967, em que o coeficiente de morbidade por 100.000 habitantes por poliomielite foi de 0,6, foi possível se conseguir o controle dessa doença em nossa Capital.
Estudo do problema da poliomielite no município de São Paulo, desde 1933 até 1967, dando ênfase ao período de 1962 a 1967, quando é analisada a relação entre a variação da incidência da doença em tela e as campanhas de vacinação em massa com a vacina de vírus vivos atenuados, então relizadas. Com base nos dados apresentados, conclue-se que no ano de 1967, em que o coeficiente de morbidade por 100.000 habitantes por poliomielite foi de 0,6, foi possível se conseguir o controle dessa doença em nossa Capital.
The experiments reported were started as early as 1933, when indications were found in class material that the factor for small pollen, spl, causes not only differences in the size of pollen grains and in the growth of pollen tubes, but also a competition between megaspores, as first observed by RENNER (1921) in Oenothera. Dr. P. C. MANGELSDORF, who had kindly furnished the original seeds, was informed and the final publication delayed untill his publication in 1940. A further delay was caused by other circunstances. The main reason for the differences of the results obtained by SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF (1940) and those reported here, seems to be the way the material was analysed. I applied methods of a detailed statistical analysis, while MANGELSDORF and SINGLETON analysed pooled data. 1) The data obtained on pollen tube competition indicate .that there is about 3-4% of crossing-over between the su and sp factors in chromosome IV. The elimination is not always complete, but from 0 to 10% of the sp pollen tubes may function, instead of the 50% expected without elimination. These results are, as a whole, in accordance with SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF's data. 2) Female elimination is weaker and transmission determined as between 16 to 49,5%, instead of 50% without competition, the values being calculated by a special formula. 3) The variability of female elimination is partially genotypical, partially phenotypical. The former was shown by the difference in the behavior of the two progenies tested, while the latter was very evident when comparing the upper and lower halves of ears. For some unknown physiological reason, the elimination is generally stronger in the upper than in the lower half of the ear. 4) The female elimination of the sp gene may be caused theoretically, by either of two processes: a simple lethal effect in the female gametophyte or a competition between megaspores. The former would lead not only to the abortion of the individual megaspores, but of the whole uniovulate ovary. In the case of the latter, the abortive megaspore carrying the gene sp will be substituted in each ovule by one of the Sp megaspores and no abortion of ovaries may be observed. My observations are completely in favor of the second explication: a) The ears were as a whole very well filled except for a few incomplete ears which always appear in artificial pollinations. b) Row arrangement was always very regular. c) The number of kernels on ears with elimination is not smaller than in normal ears, but is incidentally higher : with elimnation, in back-crosses 354 kernels and in selfed ears 390 kernels, without elimination 310 kernels per ear. d) There is no correlation between the intensity of elimination and the number of grains in individual ears; the coefficient; of linear correlation, equal to 0,24, is small and insignificant. e) Our results are in complete disagreement whit those reported by SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF (1940). Since these authors present only pooled date, a complete and detailed analysis which may explain the cause of these divergences is impossible.
Shell selection by the hermit crab Paguristes tortugae Schmitt, 1933 from Anchieta Island (Brazil) was analyzed using the six most frequently occupied shell species in the field and taking into account the sexual condition of the individuals, the shell size and the shell species. The experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions and the shell species preference was estimated on the basis of the frequency that each species was chosen by the individuals. The preferred shell species and size were determined by regression analysis. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the relations between the hermit dimensions and shell dry weight. The ovigerous females preferred shells with larger internal volume: Leucozonia nassa (Gmelin, 1791) and Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778). In the experiment of shell size, males preferred heavier shells whereas females selected the shape characteristics of the shell, such as the aperture and the internal volume, which are probably related to the growth and offspring guarantee, respectively. In general, and independent of sex condition, P. tortugae showed significant selection among all shells utilized. The results suggest that shell selection by P. tortugae involves sexual and reproductive condition preferences.
1. In a series of 21 normal cases we found for fatty acids per 100 cc. of plasma an average of 332 mgm., being 314 mgm. for the male sex and 350 mgm. for the female sex. 2.- For lecithin, in four normal cases we found per 100 cc. of plasma 182 mgm. estimated by the contents is phosphorus which ranged from 6.12 to 9.0 mgrs. 3.- Cholesterol in 20 normal cases showed 172 mgm. per 100 cc. of plasma. The averages were 151 mgm. for men and 194 mgm. for women. 4.- The readings of the fractions were 2.01 for the ratio fatty acids divided by lecithins 0.90 for lecithin divided by cholesterol and 1.93 for fatty acids divided by cholesterol. 5.- On comparing the results obtained by us with those reported in foreign literature an absolute conformity is noted chiefly with the values supplied by Bloor and Horiuchi for the ratios among the various lipoid fractions. The average for Cholesterol is comparable with that obtained by Myers but is slightly under that of Bloor's. The lecithin contents found by us did not reach such high values as those supplied by foreign authors.